The Star Wars Humorous Versions

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8/14/2024 3:24 pm  #1


The Definitive Vector Prime Humorous Version

 Authors: Opie Wan Cannoli, study3600, Dev Sibwarra, Cigam Retah, Zaz, aleja, Jades Fire, Han Soho, Charlemagne, MistressofEAD, Yoshi the Green Jedi, Ping, Lost in Coruscant, NightTraveler, JediSabre77, Darth Cerberus, One-Arm, Bror Jace, Itrakh, Dewlanna Solo

     The newest threat to the New Republic comes from outside it's galaxy. George Lucas has decided to retire after Ep.3 and for our heroes, all gloves are off. 21 years have passed since Deadly Star 2- The Sequel blew up and the evil Umperor was supposedly defeated. (hey, does the battle of Jakku or the Mandalorian happen in Legends continuity? That would be so awesome-just sayin'.) Since then, the New Republic has struggled to maintain peace and prosperity among the peoples of the GFFA (hey, that's canon now thanks to the Ahsoka Series!). But unrest and tensions and outbreaks of rebellion are arising, which if left unchecked, could destroy the Republic's tenuous reign. Into this volatile atmosphere comes Nom Nom Anor, a charismatic firebrand who heats passions to the boiling point and is a Rockstar Politician, sowing seeds of dissent, such as playing the Race Card and other Machiavellian moves, from his own dark motives. In an effort to avoid a catastrophic civil war the likes of which we've seen before many times, Princess Lee travels with her daughter Jaina, her sister in law Mara Jade Streetwalker and the loyal protocal droid See-Stinky-O, to conduct face to face negotiations with Nom Nom Anor, but he proves resistant to Lee's entreaties, and in Anor, far more inexplicably, in the Force where a being should be, is a blank space. Meanwhile, Marcus Streetwalker is plagued by reports of rogue Jedi Knights who are taking the law into their own hands, and so he wrestles with a dilemma: should he attempt, in this climate of mistrust, to reestablish the Legendary Jedi Council? As the Jedi and the Republic focus on internal struggles, A NEW THREAT surfaces beyond the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim, an enemy appears from outside Known Space: bearing weapons and technology unlike anything New Republic scientists remember. Suddenly our heroes are thrust again into battle.... .  


Nom Nom Anor looked outside the window at the city of Redhaven. He was waiting for a message from the invasion force, led by Prefect Ford. The Yubyub Pong would triumph in the end. If, that is, they could get the communications to work. Nom Nom scratched his head, dislodging a small rodent he had been wearing as a hat, which tumbled to the ground and remarked "It's a living."
Off in the distance, an oddly shaped bird swooped around, trying to get it's bearings. "Stupid owls", Nom Nom thought- the Pong's invasion plans had been delayed almost six months when his mail had been delivered to Redhaven on Brenn, off the coast of Narnia, instead of Redhaven on Rhomamool. It's ironic that the one piece of Yubyub Pong "technology" not lifted straight from The Flintstones was the one that gave the most trouble , but....   Mara Jade was sick. All over the dashboard of her new starship. Damn. I knew I should've gone for the floor mats. Jaina, who was piloting, said, "Yuck. That's more disgusting than what happened to Mom and Uncle Luke on Mimban." Meanwhile, Oldman's Car, another Yubyub Pong with a wierd name, got bored and killed some people. They were scientists. Halfway across the galaxy, Kyp Durron showed off. In the Lizard Lounge of the starship Millenium Pinto, Jacen and Anakin Solo were sparring with their lightsabers, and arguing about the nature of the Force.
"Where did you get this 'midi-chlorian' nonsense, Ani ?
"WHERE DID I!? You're the one who's grown a Padawan braid! And how come everyone calls me Ani, all of a sudden ? Not even Tahiri used to!"
"This tool-of justice thing just doesn't sound like you!"
"If we're getting into that, how come you haven't said 'Blaster bolts' or told a corny joke yet? And why do you have an English accent all of a sudden !?"
Just then Han climbed into the ship. "Hey, kids! We're going to Poodoobrillion!"
"All right!" Han, Leia, Chewie, and the clan piled into the Millinium Pinto and blasted off for Poodoobrillion.

Lando, being a con-artist and a rouge, turned the whole system into a giant casino/arcade/amusement park/smuggler training facility/day care center.

"Hey, you old Pirate! What brings you to Poodoobrillion?" Lando said, still wearing the same cape and mustashe from 1981.

"Ahh, some plot point or rather. Mind if the kids get to ride on your experimental and imposible remote shield starfighter corse?"

"Of course? And there's no charge, because they are your kids, and Jedi Knights."

The kids get prepped up for flight.

"Now remember, the record time around the 'troid feild is 27 minutes. I hope you can break it." Lando chuckled.

After a bit of innane radio chatter, the kids fly through the field. They go back.

"38 seconds! A new record! And it's a shame the other pilots arn't Jedi Knights. Not that we should hold you at a higher standard."

"Oh, hey old buddy, old pal, would you mind doing me a favor?" Lando bleemed.

Chewie Flinched.     "I want you to go to Stimpydoll to drop off a cargo", said Lando.
Han replied, "Ummmm....."
"C'mon, man, we're already loading the Pinto. If you don't hurry Chewie and Anakin will leave without you !!"
"Is the cargo legal ?"
This time it was Lando's turn to say "ummmm..." as a repulsor sled full of boxes marked "3 PIECE COSTUME-GENUINE LEATHER-EXOTIC NOVELTY CO. POMOJEMA CITY, MIMBAN" floated by. "It isn't against any New Republic laws, no"
"Well then, what are we waiting for ?", asked Han
Just then, Jaina yelled out, "HEY! That's MY line!!"
"Where were you ?", Han asked.
"Running the belt. New record."
Lando chimed in, "27 hours, 27 minutes, 27 seconds. How's it feel, Jaina ?"
"Gotta PEEEE!!!",she said as she went into a Force-assisted sprint to Where No Man Has Gone Before.
"The kid can fly", said Han.  Meanwhile, at EX-GAl station #1178, A few scientists were effected by toxic gas, and began doing the jitterbug! 
At Ex-Gal Station, the leader of the group was Danae Twee, who like all scientists, was a 21-year-old babe. The rest of the bunch were a collection of guys with made-up names, no personality, and 'plot device' stamped on their foreheads; and Oldman Carr, a huge aggressive alien with tattoos, scars and the bedside manner of a WWF wrestler with a steroid hangover--in other words, a typical scientific type. Oldman was an advance scout for a group of nasty, aggressive aliens, and he had just happened to get a job at Ex-Gal, mainly because of a wizard resume...

Danae remembered the resume clearly; it read...

Name: Carr, Oldman
Place of Birth: A galaxy far, far away...
Previous Employment: Extra in Deep Space Nine (Dominion Episodes); Extra in Star Trek:
NG & Voyager (Borg episodes); Extra in all 3 Alien movies...
Qualifications: PhD. in quantum mechanics..
Hobbies: Creative grunting; snapping Plot Devices' necks like twigs; kinky sexual practices with breathing apparatuses; imitations of Stone Cold Steve Austin;
Future plans: Galaxy domination;
Desired Remuneration: 50 metric tonnes of dead beetles...

Danae hired Oldman immediately. After all, who else would work for dead beetles?

One day she was watching the skies when she noticed a glitch on the scopes.

"What is it, Oldman?" she asked.
"A comet," said Oldman.
"But it's made of metal, and it seems to have slogans written on it--"Die, NR, Die!" is one...and the others say "Corsucant or Bust" and "Be Prepared to Grovel..." And there's a face painted on it that looks just like yours..."
"A coincidence," said Oldman, inserting his pinkie in what passed as his ear, and rotating it.
A droid nearby said, "The odds of such a coincidence are 45 million to one..."
Frowning, Oldman shut the droid off. "That's why I hate mechanicals," he muttered.
"What do you think it means?" asked Danae.
"Practical joke," hissed Oldman, "When in doubt do nothing..."
Danae, who had highly developed leadership qualities, said, "Makes sense to me."

Danae glanced in a nearby mirror, pleased with her beautuous blonde appearance. She was also 21 years old, sensual, brave & brainy. The only flaw in her looks was a slogan stamped across her forehead, reading "Male Fantasy." But Danae understood that if she removed it, she would morph into a woman twice her age, twice her weight, with orthopedic shoes and glasses. So she tolerated it....

Days before:

Luke Skywalker adjusted his tunic as he marched down the long, winding halway of Republic Centre. "Unkie Luke, do you really think the Jedi Council is nessesary? My philosphy is 'we all die anyway, let's just sit around and not do anything so we may become one with the Force.'" Jacen said.

"You could show a little respect, and at least call me Sir, or Master Skywalker. And yes, I belive I should and will restore the council, with myself as the head. Oh sure, I'd feign humbleness and humility, but since I am the most powerful Jedi in the Galaxy, it will be my obvious duty to be supreme ruler of all of the Forc..err, I mean, I wish to serve the galaxy."

Jacen looked to his uncle. "Then why must you meet before the Republic Council? Surely you could establish a more structured Jedi Order on your own!"

"Yes Jacen, but I need the support of the Government. Everyone knows that the Government should orginize and legislate mystic, sacred religion."

"Good point, Unkie Luke. So who do you think will vote for you?" Jacen said, playing 'Womprat Blasters' on his Hyper-Game Boy.

"Well, Dorkus Felt'ya won't be happy. I once ran over his dog, And A. Token Al-Ien will probably have some superstition against the Force, because non-humans don't have the grasp of the Force we do. But Al Deran should vote for us. He knows your mother."

"Oh, he was one of the lucky ones to be off All-gone-deran when Tarkin blew it up?"

"No, he just found a good landing spot. Come Jacen, we haven't much time!"

They ran to the Council Meeting Hall, only forgeting to change their watches from TST (Tatoo-mean Standard Time) to CST (Core-u-skank Standard Time). So they sat for 3 hours.
Oldman Carr came up to Danae; there was something important he had to tell her. Calmly and rationally, he said, "Oy mooie mooie, meesa WUV yous!". Swearing silently to himself, he vowed to have a little -word- with his tequizowyrms. Danae just muttered, "newbies..".
Meanwhile, back on Stimpydoll, the Pinto had just landed among a group of natives screaming "Tosi-karu!!"
Lando turned to Han and asked, "What's that? Some kinda Pokemon ?". All eyes were on Anakin.
"Don't look at me. I'm 15 in this one"
"WHAT? Weren't you 11 in the last book you were in ?"
"Junior Jedi Knights, yeah. Actually, I was 12 when it ended . They never changed the blurb, though."
"What happened to that fluffy bunny Jedi Master-never mind. Stackpole will explain it"
Just then Kyp Durron showed up, "Come on, the moon is about to hit!!!"
"Okay," said Han, "Chewie, Anakin, get in the ship, we're getting out of here. Lando, Kyp, you save the planet."

Jaina was just a little surly because she had to clean up after Mara. She flounced out of the cockpit, leaving Mara with her mother.

"Getting worse?" asked Leia, solitictiously.
"Yeah," said Mara, bravely, making sure her lower lip trembled.
"You can control it with the Force, can't you?
"And you and Luke are linked through the Force, right?"
"So, why don't you get me, Luke and the kids to link with you so we could all help you beat back the disease? Wouldn't that be more effective?"
"Nahhh," said Mara. "Then you couldn't all sit around admiring my courage."
"Oh," said Leia, "makes sense to me."

Leia had come on a diplomatic mission to Nom Nom Amor, bringing her daughter and her sister-in-law with her.
"How come Dad and Uncle Luke didn't come with us?" Jaina asked.
"If they did, then the author couldn't switch location back and forth with each chapter," said Leia.
"Oh," said Jaina, "Makes sense to me."

"And furthermore, it's to prove that your aunt and uncle have a very happy marriage," said Leia.
"Why's that? They never spend any time together, she avoids him like the plague, and she refuses to let him help with her disease."
"Because, in one of this book's extremely few descriptive passages, it says so."
"Oh," said Jaina. "Makes sense to me."

"Hey, look," said Jaina, "Wurth Nuttin is shooting down the Osarians that were trying to intercept us."
"It'll come out of his pay," muttered Leia.
"Jedi don't have salaries," Jaina pointed out. "In fact, without a central organization, I don't understand how they can buy and maintain their X-Wings or eat."
"Details don't matter," said Leia. "RAS is a fantasy author, remember. He's used to just making it up as he goes along."
Mara then warned Leia 14 times against Nom Nom Amor.
"Mara, I heard you the first time. Why are you being such a bore?"
"Is it my fault that RAS writes women all alike?" Mara responded, sighing. "I'm such a wash-out in this book, I'll take all the lines I can get. We need a build-up for Nom Nom, otherwise the audience might conclude that he's a campy twit."
"Why would they conclude that?"
"Oh, come on...the Hitler trappings, the Vader Lite appearance, the Jesse Ventura's straight out of pro wrestling...and its got about as much substance."


Nom Nom Anor watered the War Coordinator.

And Chewie flinched...


Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:25 pm)


8/14/2024 3:27 pm  #2



"You left him"
"No, I didn't. He's right here."
"So why did you accuse me of leaving him, Dad?"
"Because this is a pivotal passage- it's where I'm supposed to lay a huge guilt trip on you so all the readers think you'll go to the Dark Side."
Anakin was scared by that, "Will I?"
"Phhyeah, with that name? What'd they call you, Darth Obvious ? I said they'll make people THINK that. Only way it'll HAPPEN is if that Anderson hack writes it."
"Oh. Go on then."
"He busted his furry butt to save you, and you left him."
"Yeah, Annie?"
"What'll we do with Chewie for the rest of the book? And PLEASE don't call me Annie! Why is everyone doing that, all of a sudden ?"

Meanwhile, across the galaxy, Kyp Durron was still showing off. Smiko Regular, Kyp's sidekick and padawan, watched him in some bemusement.

"I don't know what I'm doing here," muttered Smiko to himself.
"I do," said Kyp, who overheard this.
"You're here to die in this book instead of me."
"How do you know?" Smiko asked, confused.
"Little that Geek know, the Jawa, the Ewok and the Gungan...that starts humming "Bad Moon Rising" whenever you appear...that stamp on your forehead that says..."Plot Device created because Del Rey won't let me kill Kyp...yet"....but the real giveaway didn't get a description..."
"A description?"
"Yeah. Wurth Nuttin gets a description. Danae Twee gets a description. But you didn't, did you notice that? He never describes people he's going to kill, he just gives them improbable names...Lysire Donabelle, I ask you! You're toast, kid!"
"Why don't they want him to kill you?" Smiko asked, even more confused.
"I'm guessing from my lamebrain behaviour in this book, that I'm going to endanger the whole NR by some stupid action and then redeem myself by some noble act of sacrifice later on. You can see it coming a mile's not as though anybody concerned with this book ever had an original thought..."

Smiko, an introspective sort, was much troubled by this. What did it all mean?

And now for a musical interlude

Feed me, Seymour,
Feed me all night long.
'Cause if you feed me Seymour,
I'll grow up big and-


Meanwhile, back at STARBASE LANDO...

"How ya feeling, Chewie?" Luke said with enthusasim, approaching the hairy beast. "Just fine, Luke. And It feels great to have escaped Chapter 17!" Chewie spoke, with a hint of a british accent.

Han's jaw dropped as he turned to the Wookie. "You're speaking Basic?" Han gasped. "Of course! Why do you think they were going to kill me? It's hard to convey a mute character in a novel of this type. So I bought 'Basic for Dummies' so I could improve my odds of surviving. And here, Han, I got you a copy of 'Growing Old Gracefully for Dummies', and Luke, here's a copy of 'Jedi Councils Made Easy" by M. Windu." Chewie laughed.

"I went to Corrillia Language University for Seven Years to learn to speak, comprehend, and even WRITE Wookie, and you start speakin' Basic after one brush with a moon?" Han said in desperation. "I'm still paying off that Student Loan!"

"Well, old chap, you can't win 'em all! Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to borrow the Falcon to go visit my son, Lumpy. I have to teach him to speak Basic as well!"

Luke turned to Han, and shruged. "I'll kill 'em!" Han wispered. "Now now, Han. He's your best friend. So what if there was a language barrier for a while? Hey, if it wasn't for Chewie, you wouldn't have saved my skin over Yavin. So cut him some slack!" Luke said, smiling at the whole scene.

"Dad, did you hear? Chewie can talk!" Anakin said, excitedly as he rushed into the hanger bay. An X-Wing landed nearby, with the familar signage of Rouge Squadron painted on it's sides. Out popped Wedge Antillies. "Hey guys! Mind if a minor character pops in on this 'Hero Collection?'" Wedge asked.

"Wedge, you're not in this book!" Han said, looking around in a panic. "I know, but the Republic Naval Academy wanted me to invite Chewbacca to speak for this year's Graduating Class, now that he can speak, and all." Wedge chuckled at Han.

"Wha, they never asked me to...I'll kill 'em! Anakin? ANAKIN!?!" Han said, franticly.

"Right here, dad." Anakin said, behind the old pirate.

"Oh, there you are. Ready the Falcon." Han ordered.

"I can't. Chewie just took it." Anakin said, looking to the Bay Doors as the Falcon flew out into space. Chewie honked the horn and waved.

Han swore to himself. "Luke, can you give me a lift?"

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 3:33 pm  #3


Back on board the Jaded Scissors, the shuttle Luke had either built with his own hands or had someone else build for him depending on how you read the original sentence, Leia knocked on the door of Mara's cabin. Hearing very strange sounds, Leia forced her way and found Mara sitting on the bed, her face horribly contorted.

"Mara!" Leia exclaimed. "What happened? Is it your illness?"

Mara snorted. "Yeah, right. You try crying piteously while keeping a stiff upper lip and see how your face fares."

"So you're all right?" Leia persisted. She kept the look of concern off her face, but inside Leia surely knew that the dread disease that was attacking her brother's beloved wife was slowly taking more and more ground, that the spunky Mara was gradually losing her brave, hard-fought battle, that...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp, "LEIA!" from Mara.

"Yes, Mara?" Leia inquired solicitously.

"I'm a Jedi now. I can pick up thoughts. Sheesh, can't anyone remember that? So could you stop for at least one chapter the gloom and doom thinking? It's enough to give one a complex. No wonder I apparently can't stand to be around Luke."

"But Mara, aren't you scared?" Leia just had to ask.

"Nah. I'm going to live. We all are. You know that," Mara responded matter-of-factly.

"Um, Mara..." Leia hesitated for a second, then plunged ahead. "That's not necessarily true anymore. You know, Chapter 17? Bubble burst? Han thinks you are terminal?"

"You haven't been keeping up with the posts. Chapter 17 doesn't happen here."

"Oh!" Leia immediately brightened. "I've got to tell Jaina to cancel the supply run to Costco. I guess we won't need the family-sized 12 ply tissues anymore."

*Another interlude from the same musical....

Prefect Ford and a chorus line of Yubyub Pong sing...

"Son, be a Prefect....
You enjoy causing people pain..."* *(Sung to the tune of "Son, Be a Dentist")

Prefect and the line break the necks of the plot devices they're holding in stereo....they then do a series of Rockette-like kicks and tune up again...

"Oh, we are the boys of the Chorus,
We hope you like our showwwww,
We know you're rooting for us,
But now we have to gooooooo..."* *(From Looney Tunes)

Interpolation to Chapter Seventeen:

Anakin (to Mayor): Hey, can I ask you something?
Mayor: (distracted) What is it, kid?
Anakin: I've heard rumours about you...
Mayor: It's a lie! I wasn't banned from Miscellanous!"
Anakin: (impatiently) Not that! I hear that you're really Boba Fett...
Mayor: "Why would you think that?"
Anakin: "Well, you look a bit like Jeremy Bullock...and you're about the same age...and you're wearing Mandalarian armour..."
Mayor: "Sure, but what am I wearing over it?"
Anakin: (Squinting) "It looks like...boy, that's really strange...a gold lame tuxedo?"
Mayor: "Right. Which means?"
Anakin: "You're Elvis Presley?"
Mayor: "None other...remember what happened in 1977?"
Anakin: "ANH came out?"
Mayor: "What else?"
Anakin: "You died?"
Mayor: "I didn't die...I just pretended to so I could hide out from my fans as a bit actor in the popular movie series ever made. Now, of course, I'm going to not die for real..." He pulls out a thermal detonator and hops off the speeder. As Anakin speeds away, he heards the Mayor humming "All Shook Up"...
Anakin: (Sighing) "Makes sense to me."

Meanwhile, back on the Jaded Scissors...Mara and Leia are having ye olde deep discussion...
"I really think this jumpsuit makes me look fat," said Leia, "maybe if I wear my black one..."

Luke was having trouble getting to sleep. Maybe it was the fact that Mara was still not any better, despite what just happened-or didn't-to Chewie. Maybe it was because Celine Tionne just sent him a transmission saying that Ikrit put a 10-year-old in a bacta tank by making the kid carry him around the Temple. Or maybe it was the glowing green ghost sitting on his bed.
"Who are you?"
"Qui-Gon Jinn. Listen, I'm not supposed to be in this, but there's a few words I'd like to say to you. Amidala. Padawan. Midi-chlorians. Shmi.
Thank you."
"Huh?" Luke said to Qui-Jon, "I am wondering, why are you here?"
"That's Yoda's line," responded Qui-John.
"Whatever. What do you want?"
"This is an Annunciation."
"Oh, great. Does GL want the Catholic League of Decency picketing the next movie? That virgin birth bit for my old man in TPM tried them pretty high. This would be the last straw."
"What can I say? He's finally taken out a condo in flip city."
"So what are you supposed to be announcing, anyway?"
"You have a choice, Luke. If you and wife have a baby, it will save her life and destroy the Yubyub Pong."
"How would it save her life? She's sick as it is, it'd kill her."
"The child will be born immune to her disease and will be able to pass on the immunity."
"Well, okay, then! I just have to persuade her to stay in the same room with me for a few hours..."
"A few minutes..." sneered Qui-Jon.
"Jealousy ill becomes you."
"But there's a catch..."
"There always is," said Luke, sighing, "What is it?"
"The child will become the worst SITH lord in history and enslave the galaxy all over again. You must choose whether he is born or not."
"Why do I always get these choices? Does Leia? Does Han?'s always me. It's not fair!"
"You can always complain to GL. Remember how he blew off the EU to Terry Brooks? He'd really care."
Qui-Jon started fading. "Remember young Skywalker, pass on what you have learned..."
Muttering to himself, Luke said, "That's wasn't an annunication, it was a public service announcement for birth control..." 
Another glowing ghost appeared to Luke.
"Yousa in BIG poodoo, now. Meesa no wanten' be in yousa shoes when de big boss Borsk findin' out"
Luke said ,"Huh?"
The Yubyub Pong wiped out every human being on that planet whose made-up name I can't remember. Except, of course, for Danae Twee.

"Oldman," said Perfect Ford, "Who is this female?"
"Her name is Danae Twee," said Oldman, brilliantly.
"She is human."
"True," Oldman admitted, reluctantly.
"She is untattooed."
"That's only because she's not from Southern California," Oldman said, eagerly.
"She is ugly to our eyes. So kill her and be done with it."
"She is worthy," intoned Oldman. "The Hammock says so."
"Why in space would it say that?" Prefect said, annoyed.
"We need a ingenue in this plot," Oldman said, in a wheedling tone. "Somebody for the NR twits to rescue. She's a blonde babe. What more could you ask for?"
"Look, we murdered millions in cold blood and we keep this one female? It makes no sense!"
"Hey, we're aliens. We don't need to make sense. We just need to be hulking creeps and villains. That's what it says in the plot outline, anyway. And we're supposed to make sure she's half nude so that Jedi kid can cop a feel later on. We must obey orders."
"Makes sense to me."

The next morning, Luke got up and went to the 'fresher--and was almost surprised when no one from TPM was on the john.  Back in another chapter whose portentous name I can't remember:

"The Jade Scissors has made orbit," Schlock Tinkerbelle reported to Nom Nom Amor.
"Not bad for a homemade shuttle," commented Nom Nom, "who's on board?"
"Leia Organa Solo, her daughter, and her sister-in-law."
"An estrogen festival! I shall prepare..."
Schlock then warned Nom Nom against the Jedi 14 times, boring the hell out of the audience. Nom Nom wasn't too thrilled, either.
"After all, Mara Jade is the only real Jedi in the bunch, and I've already taken care of her...I infected her with tomb spores."
"How?" asked Schlock, a simple-minded type.
"Who cares? Details don't matter. We'll test the infection with the eye of newt. Have you got it?
Schlock produced the newt from his pocket.
"Is that where you usually carry amphibians?" Nom Nom asked.
Schlock shrugged. "Hey, we're stock villains. Details don't matter. You said so yourself."
"Make sure it gets near her mouth," Nom Nom said, rolling his eyes.
Schlock nodded, and left.
Nom Nom then preened in front of his mirror. He only had one eye, having removed the other for no particular reason. He replaced it with a mouth that spat venom, mainly because the marketers thought this would make a great action figure. Nom Nom had been taking lessons in campiness from a Fu Manchu correspondence course, and mindful of what he had learned, made sure he added a black cape and cowl to his ensemble. He also inspected the numerous poisonous germ- agents he kept in his closet along with dog-eared copies of Penthouse, his dirty underwear, used jock-straps, and some half-eaten take-out.

Schlock had brought his visitors in. Mindful of his instructions, he took the newt out of his pocket and thrust it into Mara's face. Mara, thinking it was Yubyub Pong hors d'oeuvre, politely bit its head off. Nom Nom's respect for Mara increased threefold.

"Resistance is futile, Picard!" thundered Nom Nom.
"Um...Nom Nom...that's Star Trek TNG," whispered Schlock.
"Oh, damn...wrong cliche. Um...I am the Cobra La!"
"That's GI Joe, The Movie..."
"I shall burst out of your chest..."
"I am the head Yevetha..."
"The Black Fleet Crisis..."
"I only want the Sudetenland..."
"That's Hitler..."
"Damn, I've done this schick in so many other places, I can't remember where I am..."
"This is Star Wars, NJO," said Leia, patiently. "You know, the one that was supposed to be new and original..."
"Foolish woman!" thundered Nom Nom. "You dare to question Doom? Doom orders you to leave!"
"That's Aleja..."

As they were walking away, Mara said, "I sent him a message through the Force and he completely ignored me, so I couldn't learn anything about him."
Sotto voce, Jaina said, "It's amazing to me that RAS managed to write this book without ever learning how the Force is supposed to work."
Leia said, "You don't actually expect him to read the play book, do you? After all, this is supposed to be new and original..."
Sighing, Jaina said, "Makes sense to me."

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the other Solos, the real Jacen, as written by KJA was tied up(1) in a Yubyub Pong prison.
. Meanwhile, on the way to Bilkdafans, Luke and Mara have another meaningless exchange of words on the bridge of the Jade Scissors.

Luke: ?Mara, how come we aren?t bonded through the Force anymore??
Mara: ?Because, the Force has been de-emphasized in these new books.?
Luke: ?What? When did this happen??
Mara: ?You didn?t get the memo??
Luke: ?No. What memo? How come I?m always the last to know. I am supposed to be the Jedi Master around here.?
Mara: ?The powers that be (TPTB) have decided to issue new commandments that govern the new series of books. The first was, thou shalt not discuss the Force in too much depth.?
Luke: ?Um, okay, whatever. What are some of the new commandments??
Mara: ?Well, let?s see. Thou shalt burst the bubbles surrounding all the characters. Hence my disease.?
Luke: ?I see. I wondered why that suddenly happened. Were there more??
Mara: ?Thou shalt not talk about lightsaber colors. Thou shalt not go into characterization and describe what we look like.?
Luke: ?Oh, that last one is kinda a tough one. On one hand, it sucks because some fans don?t know what our niece and nephews look like at all. On the other hand, I am glad they don?t get to tell everyone my hair is graying.?
Mara: ?Apparently, TPTB ran a focus group and the majority of fans didn?t care because they always pictured you movie characters exactly like they?ve last seen you. Plus, TPTB want people to buy the Decipher cards and other official likenesses.?
Luke laughs: ?Oh yeah, I?ve heard they are finally putting a real face on you. They put you in some kind of leather catsuit that you can hardly move around in huh.?
Mara groans loudly. ?Don?t remind me. It?s just some over-sexed male thing; just like those comic book hacks that give me a really huge chest.?
Luke grins slyly. Mara glares at him.
Luke: ?Well, I guess we are big business. We all have to make sacrifices for what sells. I wonder what?s next?? Meanwhile, on the way to Bilkdafans, Luke and Mara have another meaningless exchange of words on the bridge of the Jade Scissors.

Luke: ?Mara, how come we aren?t bonded through the Force anymore??
Mara: ?Because, the Force has been de-emphasized in these new books.?
Luke: ?What? When did this happen??
Mara: ?You didn?t get the memo??
Luke: ?No. What memo? How come I?m always the last to know. I am supposed to be the Jedi Master around here.?
Mara: ?The powers that be (TPTB) have decided to issue new commandments that govern the new series of books. The first was, thou shalt not discuss the Force in too much depth.?
Luke: ?Um, okay, whatever. What are some of the new commandments??
Mara: ?Well, let?s see. Thou shalt burst the bubbles surrounding all the characters. Hence my disease.?
Luke: ?I see. I wondered why that suddenly happened. Were there more??
Mara: ?Thou shalt not talk about lightsaber colors. Thou shalt not go into characterization and describe what we look like.?
Luke: ?Oh, that last one is kinda a tough one. On one hand, it sucks because some fans don?t know what our niece and nephews look like at all. On the other hand, I am glad they don?t get to tell everyone my hair is graying.?
Mara: ?Apparently, TPTB ran a focus group and the majority of fans didn?t care because they always pictured you movie characters exactly like they?ve last seen you. Plus, TPTB want people to buy the Decipher cards and other official likenesses.?
Luke laughs: ?Oh yeah, I?ve heard they are finally putting a real face on you. They put you in some kind of leather catsuit that you can hardly move around in huh.?
Mara groans loudly. ?Don?t remind me. It?s just some over-sexed male thing; just like those comic book hacks that give me a really huge chest.?
Luke grins slyly. Mara glares at him.
Luke: ?Well, I guess we are big business. We all have to make sacrifices for what sells. I wonder what?s next?? Mara: (muttering) "I'm still mad about that picture--did you see the horsehair wig she was wearing? Ecchhhh. And it looked like she used bacon grease for mousse..."
Luke: (soothingly) "Now, Mara. If you're critical, the model's feeling will be hurt...(they both choke with laughter)...
A middle-age guy in glasses and a suit suddenly appears. Luke and Mara stare at him.
Middle-aged guy: "Hey, that was good line! I'll have to funnel that to the party-liners on the forums..."
Mara: "Who the hell are you?"
Middle-aged guy: "I'm a Lucasarts Marketing Minion...LMM for short."
Luke: "I am wondering, why are you here?"
LMM: "That's Yoda's line."
Luke: "God, he's actually seen the movies..."
LMM: "Are you kidding? I don't waste my time, time is money! I did read the previous posts, though..."
Luke: (impatiently) "What do you want?"
LMM: "Just looking for ideas. My job is to publicize the NJO on one hand and to make sure the public don't find out how cruddy it is on the other. At least until they've parted with their money, anyway..."
Luke: "If they've read the first book, they KNOW how cruddy it is."
LMM: (smiling) "You are the innocent type, aren't you? Of course, it's cruddy, it was designed that way. We're letting RAS take the flak on that, though it isn't as if we couldn't have hired someone better to write it...we've GOT all the money in the world. But you have to consider your audience...if it was better, they'd resent it. Our polls told us that. The fanboys just love WWF, so we based the villains on that...a stroke of genius...if I do say so myself, and I do, ?cause it was my idea."
Mara: "Was it your idea to kill somebody?"
LMM: "No, that was GL's idea...strictly for marketing, though. Think of the publicity! It was great!"
Luke: "Well, I'm sure Chewie realizes he laid down his life in a good cause..."
LMM: "You're not kidding...and then we used it in our counter-insurgency campaign."
Mara: "Huh?"
LMM: "Well, you know those stories about death threats to RAS? Some kids playing pranks, but we played it up for all we were worth...because on one hand, any publicity is good publicity, and on the other, it allowed us to paint all critics of the book as lunatic-fringers--put ?em all on the defensive! Two birds with one stone! I'm such a genius!"
Luke (to Mara): "Does this guy sound like Marvin the Martian to you?"
LMM: "Well, come on, it's not really a book, any more than TPM is actually a's just a compendium of marketing decisions."
Mara: "Then how do you expect to the sell the rest of the series?"
LMM: "Well, as P. T. Barnum once said, you can never underestimate the intelligence of the American public...the fans'll buy any SW product, not matter how bad, because GL produced it. And he never has lapses in taste...."
Luke: "Obviously, you've never seen "Howard the Duck."
Mara: "Or the "Star Wars Christmas Special..."
LMM: (giving Mara a narrow look) "Are you a nay-sayer, sister? Remember Chewie. That could happen to you...we don't tolerate negativity here. VP is brilliant. Repeat after me: VP is brilliant...."
Luke and Mara: (obediently) "VP is brilliant..."
LMM: "Well, I'm glad you accept the party line...Well, I'm off to stifle more criticism on the EZ boards..." (he disappears)
Luke: (to Mara) "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Mara: "You bet I am...I just re-established our Force link."
LMM: (still invisible) "That's forbidden! We changed the nature of the Force, remember!"
Mara: "Blow it out your ear, drone! We just had a Pirandellan moment!"
LMM: "What's that?"
Mara: "Pirandello is the author of "Six Characters in Search of an Author." And that's what we're going to do. We refuse to participate in cheating the audience that loves us with schlock. This is the real rebellion, pal! We're going to get a real author to write the NJO, we're going to throw out the Yubyub Pong, and we're going to ROCK!"
LMM: "You won't find an author..."
Mara: "There are lots of good fanfic authors out there..."
LMM: (with the utmost contempt) "Yeah, right! You're going to get someone who DOESN't want to write NJO stories. After fleeing from the NJO, Luke and Mara are wandering down a street, discussing their Alternative Universe...
Mara: "I want to interview a few of the fanfiction writers...Gheorge2 for one...have you ever read "Stuff"? Great fun..."
Luke: "Irish is good, too."
Mara: "I'll put him on the list...also JadeSkywalker, Jeff42, and tabhwd...Ping writes good love scenes...nice flow and plenty of description...there's lots of other talented types around here, too. Then there's Darth Derringer...anybody who's been run out of two separate forums for being subversive--that's Lucasspeak for honest--should be definitely our style...And we need a battle- scene specialist..."
Luke: "Um...Mara..."
Mara: (absently) "Yes?"
Luke: "When you say love you mean actual physical contact...?"
Mara: "Of course."
Luke: (bitterly) "There's no ?of course' about haven't been a Jedi monk all these years..."
Mara: (blankly) "We've been married five you mean to say we haven't...."
Luke: "Dunno for sure, ?cause they haven't covered it in the books, but I doubt it. (in a whisper) You know, I think it's an order direct from you-know-who himself...I'm his surrogate in the EU, right?"
Mara: (also whispering): "Right."
Luke: (still whispering) "I think he's told them that I'm not to get any more than he does..."
Mara stares at him silently for a few seconds, then she hugs him impulsively--"Oh, you poor baby!"
Luke: "We don't have a script yet, and I already like this better than the NJO....anyway, Mara, let's sign up somebody for that love scene soon, okay? It''s..."
The Geek Chorus tunes up behind them, singing an a capella version of "Urgent."
Luke: "Like they said."
Mara: (grinning) "Okay, sweetheart, I'll put Licia on the list."
Luke: "Good."
Mara: "Also Mimi."
Luke: (alarmed) "Um...I wouldn't go THAT far..."
Mara: (winking) "Try it, you might like it..."
Luke: "Easy for you to always end up jumping me..."
Mara: (briskly) "Yes, you are the fortunate young man that I overpower...(she gives him a mind- blowing smile--Luke goes noticeably weak at the knees) Now...did you contact Leia? Will she join us?"
Luke: "She's thinking about it--she says."
Mara: (pensively) "I don't like the sound of that..."

Meanwhile, back on the Pinto...

Leia: "I dunno...profic has been berry, berry good to me...I've been queen of the galaxy for a long, long time."
Han: "But you aren't now."
Leia: "True."
Han: "Well, I'm all for it. I'm sick of staying home with the kids."
Kids (in stereo): "Thanks, Dad!"
Han: "Anytime. Of course, it would've have been so bad if you guys weren't such bores."
Jaina: "You try being stuck in a stupid kids' series written by KJA and see how interesting YOU are."
Han: "Well, I'm not blaming you, exactly. But you've been a real blight in every book you've appeared in."
Jacen: "Ditto, I'm sure."
Han: (stands up suddenly) "I'm think I'm having a catharsis..."
Anakin: "What's that?"
Twins: (in stereo): "Shut up, Anakin!"
Han: I've had it! I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore! I'm sick of staying home and making nice while my wife swans around the galaxy....!!! I'm sick of being emasculated! I was a pirate! I was a smuggler! Once upon a time, I used to be sexy! I wanna to be sexy again...!"
He jumps onto a table, rips open his shirt and gives a trumpeting yell.
Anakin: "Um...Dad...isn't that Tarzan's shtick?"
Han: "Can it...I'm rolling!"
He leaps off the table and makes for the door.
Leia: "Kids! Stop him! We can't let him have any fun--it's forbidden!"
Anakin and Jaina make a dive for Han. Jaina seizes Han's left boot heel; Anakin grabs his right one.
Han is last seen waddling out the door, both kids still attached.
Leia (to Jacen, who is sucking his thumb): "This makes no sense at all."
 Leia: "Jacen, take your thumb out of your mouth. You?re acting like a baby again."
Jacen: "Sorry, Mom. I was regressing there wasn?t I. It?s just that when they mentioned KJA and YJK..."
(Jaina and Anakin stoll back into the Pinto.)
Leia: "So you two, you just let your father escape? Why didn?t you use the Force on him? You could have tricked his mind and convinced him to stay like I have been doing these past several years. You?re useless."
(Leia storms off to the cockpit of the Pinto.)
Jacen: "I don?t know about you, but I am staying. I think that Danni chick kinda digs me and I wanna stay."
Jaina: "What about Tenel Ka? Didn?t you like her?"
Jacen: "Huh?"
Jaina: "You know, the one-armed princess."
Jacen: "She?s old news. This Danni is the one they are writing for me! (Jacen puffs out his chest.) Anyway, they are supposed to be focusing more on the next generation of Jedi. That?s us. They would have called it SW: The Next Generation, but they didn?t want to be accused of ripping off Star Trek because they were out of ideas."
Jaina: "Yeah, me too, I am staying. I am the perfect child and I?d never go against the orders of da-boss." (Jaina thrusts her chin up proudly.)
Anakin: "Yeah! I am staying too. It?s time for us for a change. We don?t need those old folks. They have too many rules, hog the limelight, and they always want us to behave. Besides I am tired of fixing this bucket of bolts."
Twins: (in stereo) Shut up, Anakin!
(The 3 Solo brats run off the join the NJO. While they are running away Anakin yells "Yipee.") 

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 3:41 pm  #4



 Han strides confidently into the seediest-looking cantina in the Alternate Universe.
"Bartender, line 'em up. Your best Corellian Whiskey!"
"You look happy pal. You celebrating something?"
"My freedom! I've thrown off the shackles of domesticity and bad writing. I am gonna rescue my best friend and our ship and fly around the galaxy like we used to. It's time to introduce this universe to Han Solo, scoundrel and smuggler!"
"Well here's to ya, pal!"
Han downs his shot of whiskey, then spits it out at the bartender. "You call this your best Corellian Whiskey? The hyperdrive lubricants on the Pinto taste better than this."
"Sorry pal, we're outside the continuity here. We don't get the best shipments around here."

As Han strides out the bar and down the street, he starts forming a plan. Alright now. What next. Gotta rescue Chewie before they sacrifice him for their stupid little games of publicity, profit, and quick-fix story plotting; plus get the Pinto.

While walking down the street, Han doesn't see the LMM thugs that have followed him. He turns the corner and bumps into a group of 6 LMM geeks.
"Hey there buddy, just what do you think you're doing, leaving the continuity like that? Da-boss is not gonna like that. The Overlords at DR may even punish you for it by destroying the Pinto." (The head LMM geek laughs gleefully.)
Han rolls his eyes and says, "I didn't want it to come to this boys, but you leave me no choice."
Han decks the head LMM geek, then pummels the rest of them; most of them going down in one or two punches.
"Never send MBA marketing boys to do a real man's work", Han says to the heap of unconcious LMM geeks.

Ten minutes later, the head LMM geek regains conciousness and pulls out his communicator. "This is LMM geek 1 of 6, Primary minion of the Secondary scout group of the Tertiary counter-insurgency group reporting in. We've lost Solo. He jumped us by surprise." (Crackle, static) "Very well, report back to HQ, we're sending some Yubyub pong over."
 Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, the evil cattle baron--whoops--I mean evil Lucasarts Marketing Minion--is hard at work thwarting our heroes....

LMM (to Leia): "No, no, we don't know where he is..."
Leia: "This is unacceptable! He's my property! My brand is on his butt! I want him returned right now!"
LMM: (soothingly) "Of course, Princess, of course, we'll find him. And we'll return him to you....I promise..."
Leia: (giving him a narrow look) "You'd better, you miserable little boot-licker, or I'll have your guts for garters." She turns on her heel and walks away.
LMM: (to nobody in particular) "Poor *******."
LMM's minion, who is cowering in a corner: "What's a garter?"
LMM: (munching a Maalox): "Oh, shaddup."
LMM's minion: "Shutting up, sir."
LMM: "Okay...Get me the freaks and geeks..."
LMM's minion: "Sir?"
LMM: "The Yubyub Pong and DR Overlords, you idiot..."

And in a galaxy located far, far outside the continuity...Han has now encountered his in-laws in yet another seedy cantina...

Luke (to Han): "Hey."
Han: "Hi, guys. Great day, isn't it?"
Mara: "I take it you're the only escapee?"
Han: "Yeah. Leia and the kids wimped out...thank God."
Mara (to Luke): "Well, surprise, surprise."
Han: "Listen, guys, I need some help to rescue Chewie before the LMMs and DR Overlords sacrifice him to the evil Marketing Gods and the New York Times Review of Books Top Ten List...are you with me?"
Luke: "Sure. We're tired of stick villains, super weapons and the like...the chance to battle somebody really, REALLY evil would be a definite change...and the LMM are really, really evil."
Mara: "I'll second THAT sentiment..."
Han: "First, we need to get the Pinto--and that's going to be a trick, ?cause the last I saw of it, my wife and children were in it...I'd rather avoid them if I could..."
Luke: "Hey, don't complain to me, I told you not to marry her...but did you listen? Did you, hell..."
Han: "What choice did I get? I thought that I could make a clean get-away when Isobar appeared...the guy's a prince, impossibly good-looking, fantastically rich, incredibly powerful...but even then I couldn't get rid of her...."
Luke: "Oh, stop least you were getting some--unlike me--and you have children to prove it."
Han (muttering): "If you can call twice in twenty years getting some..."
Mara: "Enough you two...nobody tried to turn you into brave little woman with an upper lip so stiff it's practically you have nothing to bleat about..." (to Han) "So have you got a plan, or do we have to rustle up somebody from The Corellian Embassy to write us a story line....?" Han: "No, I've got a plan. I'll go after Chewie and you two can get the Pinto since I don't wanna see those brats and my dominatrix wife."
"Well that's a great plan," Mara says sarcastically. "I sure hope you have more than that."
"Gimme a break, I've got it all figured out." Han says indignitly. "What do you think I am, a writer for the Overlords?
"Anyway, a few posts back, Ani -- love that nickname for the know-it-all brat -- said he saw some guy called Elvis, who was a mayor on Stimpydoll. I figure, I'll get some sort of costume for this Elvis guy, go back and take this stooge's place. Then get over and rescue Chewie before they drop the rock on his head."
"That's all fine and dandy, but how are you going to go back in time, Mister smarty-pants." Mara sniped.
Luke: "Mara don't be such a negative...
Mara: "Hey, I heard that...
Luke: "Well you...
Mara: ....
Luke: ...
Han: "Hey, would you two stop with the talking through the Force already! The audience can't hear what you're saying."
Mara: "Sorry about that everyone."
Luke: "Yeah, we said we weren't going to make everyone read between the lines and be forced to figure out what we're communicating."
Mara: "If at all."
Han: "Where were we. Oh yeah. Listen, I've discovered that we can do pretty much anything we want to do. Traveling in time is one of them." (Cue Huey Lewis: "Gotta go back in time.") "I mean we came here didn't we? We can choose where in time we want to go back."
Luke: "Well, why don't you travel back to before you and Leia got married."
Han: "Hey, good idea kid! Let Isobar have her. Maybe I will, but first things first."
Luke "Well, what about the whole temporal paradox thing. You know, two of you in one place and seeing one another."
Mara: "Luke, honey, you've forgotten that the science doesn't have to make sense back in the NJO universe."
Luke: "That's right, I forgot."
Han: "Besides, if you can explain temporal mechanics to me then we'll worry about it. I plan on pulling Chewie out when no one's looking just before they sacrifice the poor guy. After I do that, you two run off to Poodoobrillion and steal the Pinto. They're going to be too involved with figuring out the Yubyub Pong, not that I understand them either, but you know what I mean."
Luke and Mara (together): "Good luck then. Oh, and may the farce be with you."

Han time warps back to Zaz earlier post and assumes the identity of Elvis.

Han (NJO) and Han (Elvis) talk about things happening on Stimpydoll. NJO Han can't help but think he recognizes Elvis-Han, but can't figure out where. After their little exchange Elvis-Han runs off the get into position to help Chewie. Meanwhile, the real NJO Elvis regains conciousness just in time to do his thing with Ani. (PS: I may fill some of this in later - JF)

Fast forward to where Han is trying to get Chewie on-board the Pinto with Ani at the controls.

Chewie raises his hairy arms in digust, "Growl." (Translation -- hey you cowards can't leave me here again to be killed for the sake of publicity.) just as the Pinto leaves the scene.
Elvis-Han runs over to Chewie: "Damit Chewie, I can't believe you're just going along with this. Let's go, we're skipping out on this crappy novel."
Han and Chewie exit the NJO and go back to the AU.
"Rrrowl, ruff, gruff." (translation: Han you smelly human, it's good to see you. Where are we? And no I wasn't just going along, I was mad but didn't know I could escape so easily."
Han: "Well it's good see you too you furry oaf. Times are a changing. We're in an Alternate Universe where were righting wrongs and escaping from the new DR Overlords. We are gonna have some fun adventures again pal. Luke and Mara are getting the Pinto back for us as we speak. I wonder how they are making out?" Meanwhile, back on Poodoobrillion...Luke and Mara are hidden behind a half-dismantled ship on the docks...

Luke: "Well, there it is...the Pinto..."
Mara: "And they're all aboard..."
Luke: "How do you know...?"
Mara: "We're not in the NJO, anymore, remember? We can use the Force instead of those lame communicators....communicators, I ask you!"
Luke: "Yeah, right, I forgot again. This can be confusing..."
Mara: "Tell me about it...not that logic has anything to do it...well, right now we're outnumbered four to two, so I suggest we wait until the odds are at least even..."
Luke: (in tones of doom) "LOOK who's just arrived...."
Mara: "Oh, God, it's Corran the Moron...that creep! I hate it when Stackpole always insists that I'm attracted to him. Gag me with the proverbial spoon..."
Luke: (elbowing her) "I dunno...I think Mirax is kinda cute..."
Mara: (giving him a nasty look) "She's just a cheap rip-off of the real thing...meaning me."
Luke: (smirking) "Well, even a cheap rip-off of you is pretty hot...."
Mara: (coyly) "Why, Master Skywalker, you say the sweetest things...we did get kinda distracted from that love scene we were going to have written, didn't we?"
Luke: "Wellllll....once upon a time, I studied improvisation..."(he looks at her hopefully)...
Mara: (Looking back at him) "I'm not bad at ad libs, myself..."

Leia's voice is heard in the distance. Mara turns to look at her. Luke curses under his breath.

Leia: (To Corran) "Remember, if you see Han, don't try to take him on yourself. Call me. I know how to handle him."
Corran: "Right, princess..."
Mara (muttering): "Once a narc, always a narc..."
Luke (also muttering): "An ego with legs...he's the only guy I know who can strut sitting down..."
Mara: "Rumor has it that he makes Mirax salute him before they..."(her thought is suddenly cut off by a loud voice)...
Anakin: "Ahhh, you promised....!'
Jaina's voice: "No, I didn't, you little whiner...go by yourself..."
Anakin: "I need somebody over sixteen to take me there!"
Jaina: "Try Jacen..."
Anakin: "I hate him, I want you to do it!"
Leia: "What's this about?"
Anakin: "I wanna go to the latest cardboard-cutouts-with-potty-mouthed-dialogue movie! Jaina promised to take me, and now she's welching!"
Leia: (sternly) "Jaina..."
Jaina: (under her breath, to Anakin) "I'll get you for this, you rotten little squealer....(loudly) Okay, Mom." (They leave).
Corran: (leering obsequiously) "Can I buy you a drink, Princess...?"
Leia: (dimpling) "Why, VERY kind of you...I'd enjoy that..." (They link arms and stroll away.)
Luke (to Mara): "That leaves Jacen...and I know how to handle him..."
Mara (surprised): "How?"
Luke: "Just watch..."

They enter the Pinto and discover Jacen sitting in the pilot's chair, feet on the dashboard, reading a worn-looking copy of "Intergalactic Big ?uns."
Jacen: (to himself) "That Miss January is really hot...."
Luke: "Jacen!"
Jacen scrambles to his feet, stuffing the magazine under a seat cushion.
Luke: (staring at the magazine)"Doesn't that belong to your Dad?"
Jacen: (frantically) "I was just tidying up...(straightening suddenly) hey, don't you know the trouble you're in? The Yubyub Pong and the DR Overlords are both looking for you...I hear da-boss is not pleased..."
Mara: (grimly) "And are you going to tell them you saw us?"
Jacen: (defiantly) "I sure Mom is a kiss-up and so am I!"
Mara draws back her hand to give him a good crack on the ear, but Luke grabs her wrist...
Luke: "Jacen, did it ever occur to you what's going to happen if I don't come back to the NJO?"
Jacen (snidely): "Why should I care?"
Luke: "Oh, I assure you, you should care all know how da-boss has a surrogate in the NJO, right?"
Jacen (uncertainly): "Right."
Luke: "And if I'm not here, you're the obvious candidate, right?"
Jacen: (puffing out his chest) "Right!"
Luke: "Well, if that happens, kiss Danae, Miss January, and any other babe can look, but don't touch...he doesn't like his surrogates to get any more than he does..."
Jacen's smile disappears. "You don't mean that....” Back in the galaxy located far, far outside the continuity, Luke and Mara park the Pinto. Han is there with Chewie waiting for them. Luke and Mara get out.

Han: "Hey, you got her! Great. Did you run into the queen or her brood?"
Luke: "Well... We did manage to avoid most of them."
Mara: "Guess who was puttin' the moves on your wife?"
Han: "Lando? Boy, he doesn't wait for the body to get cold does he."
Mara: (gameshow buzzer sound) "Sorry, guess again."
Luke: "He'll never guess."
(Han just shrugs.)
Mara: "Corran the Moron."
Han (mouth agape) "You're right, I wouldn't have guessed, but somehow it doesn't surprise me. Corran must think he's the man in the NJO now, ready to take over your position, Luke."
Luke: "Corran always thought he was the man. Talk about not waiting for the body to get cold."
Mara: "Yeah, and the guy can't even master telekenesis. With an ego as big as his, he must be short in some other area..."
(All four break out in laughter.)
Luke: "We also brought back a surprise for you. On board the Pinto."
Han goes into the Pinto with Luke and Mara following. He sees Jacen still lying on the floor moaning.
Han (to Luke and Mara): "What the hell is he doing here."
Mara: "Don't ask me, Luke told me to bring him along."
Luke: "I explained the situation in the NJO to him in terms that he understands."
Jacen: "Holy blaster bolts, Dad! They were going to make me the surrogate in the NJO. Do you know what that means? And I was just getting used to the idea of Danae and me."
Han: "You won't get any sympathy from this crowd, kid. We've been repressed longer than you've been alive. Are you going to get your sorry @ss off the floor and come with us or are you going to sit here and sulk?"
(Jacen moans some more.)
Luke: "Be mindful, my young padawan. Sulking leads to depression, depression leads to despair, despair leads to the dark side." "Whoa, I just had another 'Yoda moment'."
Mara: "In other words, get your @ss off the floor and get it moving."
Han: "Besides, you can always go back to your Hapan princess."
(Han, Luke and Mara start to leave the Pinto with Jacen moping behind.)
Mara: "Tenel Ka is just another rip-off of me. KJA even gave her red-gold hair. Even then, he couldn't even remember my hair color."
Luke: "Jacen will come around." (to Mara with Han listening in) "He's just feeling guilty and embarrassed 'cause he had a crush on you, and Tenel reminds him of it."
Han: (lowers voice to Mara and Luke) "Well, I hope you are right. I am not sure I trust the kid just yet."
Chewie growls his agreement.
  Luke takes Han aside:

Luke: "Han, you've got to win his allegiance."
Han: "Look, I have HAD parenthood...I'm sick of those brats! They're just like their mother! I refuse to do the decent/understanding shtick anymore!
Luke: "Who said anything about being decent or understanding? I said you had to win his a proper dad and give him some he doesn't turn out to be a self-righteous prig like a certain princess we both know."
Han: (sarcastically) "How would I do that?"
Luke: (patiently) "He's sixteen. Think back, way back to when you were sixteen...what did you want your dad to do for you?"
Han: "I'm no good at riddles, Luke."
Luke: "Take him to a bordello, you idiot! Take him out on the town! Show him what he'd be missing if he went back..."
Han's mouth drops open.
Luke: "There's a good one on the corner of New Republic Avenue and Vader can mention my name..." He turns around to see his wife standing behind him, arms akimbo...
Mara: "You're just a mine of information, aren't you?"
Luke smiles at her uneasily.
Mara: "Speak to me, O Master. How come you know where this interesting establishment is?"
Luke: (sullenly) "Okay, okay. This isn't the first time I've been AWOL from the time line."
Mara: (dangerously) "While we've been married?"
Luke: "How would I know? They haven't covered it yet. But before then, yeah. Each time da- boss sent his goons to drag me back. I usually got a dose of force lightening for my pains..."
Mara: "But you had fun first..."
Luke: (grinning reminiscently) "Definitely..."
Mara: (sweetly) "And do you want to attend your nephew's initiation?"
Luke: (well aware that he's treading on the ragged edge of disaster) "No, honey, of course not. My thought was that Han could take Jacen and Chewie out and we could be alone for that improvisation we were talking about..."
Mara: (to Han) "Take your boring offspring and buzz off for awhile, will you?'
Han walks over to Jacen, bends down and grabs him by the collar and hauls him to his feet.
Jacen: "What's up, Dad?"
Han: "Nothing....yet. But here's hoping."
Jacen: "I don't get it..."
Han: "No, you don't, so here's a news bulletin. You're going to shape up, or you'll ship out right through the nearest air lock in deep space..."
Jacen: "Huh?"
Han: (kindly) "Say, Jacen, have you ever tasted Corellian whiskey...?"
Jacen: "No, Dad...Mom says alcohol is evil."
Han: "Does she, now....then we'll start with a cantina. And then we'll move on to a little place your uncle recommended to me...Chewie, are you game? Remember the good old days? We're going to turn this adolescent waste-of-space into a real person if it kills him...and us. C'mon."
Han and Chewie exit, dragging a bewildered-looking Jacen...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

LMM (on his cel phone): "No, boss, we still haven't found them...yes, I realize that they've been gone quite awhile...yes, I know there's been some blind items in the newspapers...yes, I realize that if we don't find them soon, they might actually have fun....and you absolutely forbid that...I know the Princess is, I'm not blaming's not her fault that her husband ran for the hills...yes, boss, I'm well aware you'll put my @ss in a sling if I don't find them soon...
LMM's phone squawks angrily...
LMM: (patiently) "Yes, boss, I realize this is interfering with the publicity push for VP...yes, I realize that it might prevent you from making a zillion bucks this might only make a trillion point two bucks...which is unacceptable...yes, we'll zap them with a hundred thousand volts of force lightening when we find them..."
LMM's minion creeps in, and hands him a piece of paper...
LMM: "Yes, boss, I realize that this is not reflective of the family values, or the ethnic stereotypes that you deem proper for the might give them ideas...heaven forbid...I know that the princess is now looking elsewhere...yes, I know he's a loyal you don't want to interfere...for now...yes, we have the Yubyub Pong out looking for them right now... Han figured he'd take the Pinto and get himself a real job...
Two weeks later, he was coming into Mos Eisley with a sign on the ship, "PLANET EXPRESS,SHIP 2"
"Chewie, put 'er down easy"
"You-droid- get ready to unload"
"Kiss my shiny metal @$$"
Meanwhile, Jacen was waking up in an alley, with no memory of the past couple weeks. A voice came from above him, "Nice tattoo"
"Try again"
"Hmmm...Callista, no. Mirax, no. Wait...TENEL KA!? What're you doing here"
"I am doing the same thing Bender was in the last scene."
"Dragged in by some fanfic writer ?"
"No. I am telling you to kiss my shiny lizard-skin @$$."
And she walked away.
"Makes sense to me", said Leela. Still back at the ranch, an improptu meeting of freaks and geeks has been called. The LMM's also are in attendance.

LMM: "Listen up. Here's the rundown. We've had some recent, major AWOL's from the NJO continuity. Luke and Mara have decided to become a real Jedi couple. Han Solo has decided to have a mid-life crisis. Solo may have rescued Chewie, but this is unconfirmed because we crashed a moon on him and there is no way of verifying his death. Now Jacen Solo, the next in line for surrogacy has disappeared along with the Pinto."
LMM's minion: "Oh, they are so bad. What can we do to stop them boss?"
LMM: "I've brought in the DR Overlords and the Yubyub Pong. Right now I'd like to introduce you to the Chief DR Overlord who will introduce our plan."
CDRO: (takes the stage holding a baton which is slapped into the other hand repeatedly) "Alright here's the plan. First, we are going to step up our efforts to discredit the collaborator's of these defectors on the Internet message boards. I've contacted all the fanboy suck-ups who contact us
begging for information and the other NJO loyalists. We've promised to give them more tidbits of info in return for their co-operation."
LMM: "The more we can discredit these rebellious anarchist writer wanna-be's, and the more yes-men, mindless fanboys (and girls) we can brainwash, the easier it will be to get these thrill seeking rebel characters back to the NJO where we can deal with them properly."
CDRO: "Second, we are sending a legion of our 'super duper most excellent villians ever' on a search and apprehend mission. Yumyum BMW, brother of Oldman Car, will be leading this expedition."
LMM: "The Yubyub Pong are the greatest, most ruthless villians we've ever ripped off, so we have every confidence in them."
CDRO: "Finally, we have formed strategic partnerships with the Princess and other NJO loyalists in order to keep more characters from going AWOL. We've promised not to kill off anyone who stays loyal, and those that go AWOL will have more than their bubbles burst. The Princess will be placed in a position of power again, and we've selected the next surrogate."
LMM: "Remember automaton employees, it is up to us to continue to put the proper spin on these events so that da-boss can continue to fund his 'vision'. Any questions?"
LMM minion: "Great plan sir, how can I ingratiate myself to you even more sir?"
LMM: "By shutting up!"
LMM minion: "Yes, sir. Shutting up, sir."
LMM: "Oh, and get me some more Maalox."

Back in the NJO, the Chief Del Rey Overlord has called together a meeting with some of the prime-time players: Leia, Corran, Jaina, and Anakin.

CDRO: First, we need to install the next surrogate for da-boss now that Luke is gone. We've talked to da-boss and Anakin is the next in line. The surrogate takes the place of da-boss in the EU. Do you think you can handle that son?"
Anakin: (excitedly) "Yes, more than ever. I can't wait for the excitement and adventures. Oh, I have been waiting for this for so long, I can't tell you. Well I can...
(Jaina suddenly cuts him off) "Shut up Anakin, you talk to much."
CDRO: (to Jaina) "Now, now Jaina. You have to keep up your perfect little girl appearances. Don't be negative. Anyway, we've decided to put you in Rogue Squadron on the fast track to become it's leader after we decide what to do with Gavin."
Jaina: (excitedly) "Oh, you are so wonderful. You have my complete loyalty, expecially if you keep my brother away from me." (She sticks her tongue out at Anakin, and he at her)
CDRO: (to Corran) "We've decided to give you control over the future of the Jedi Knights."
Corran pumps his fists wildly in the air. "Yes, yes, yes!! I always knew I was better than Skywalker, but that stupid bum would never listen to my superior insights."
Leia looks at him. "Corran, would you give that over-sized ego a rest for a while." (Leia slips him a sly wink.)
CDRO: "We also want you to use your law-and-order background to put together a security force to keep the other characters in line, and to keep a lookout for any of the Pong.” Luke returned from scouting appropriate locations for his and Mara's "improvisation," only to find Mara hunched over Artoo. Artoo, being the smartest character in all four films and most of the books, had of course followed Luke and Mara to the alternate universe.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked, careful to mask his presence. It wasn't often he got to sneak up on his wife, now that their Jedi bond was restored, and he enjoyed making her jump whenever he got a chance.

Mara turned, startled to see him behind her. "Oh, um," she stammered, then sighed. "Oh, what the hell. I might as well as confess. Even though I am ashamed that I am cribbing scenes from the movies, just like KJA at his most unoriginal, I thought that we might need some backup in case the LMMs catch up with us. Hit it, Artoo."

Artoo obediently began to project a holographic image of Mara, which spoke in a firm but rushed tone. "Timothy Zahn, years ago you helped restore my husband and me when we had been badly mischaracterized by hack writers. Now I must ask for your help again. Hidden inside this droid are plans for the NJO, a most insidious scheme to turn our lives into nothing but cheap marketing stunts. If our mission to destroy these plans on our own fails and we are captured by LMM goons, we must beg of you to try and talk some sense into at least Stackpole, or better yet, come back and write us again. Help us, Timothy Zahn. You're our only hope." The image flickered, then died.

"Well?" Mara said, looking anxiously at Luke. He shrugged. "You're right, I'm surprised KJA never ripped off that particular scene. Still, it can't hurt..." Han and Chewie are standing in front of a building on Poodoobrillion. Han still has Jacen by the collar. Jacen's eyes are glazed...he's a bit boiled...
Han: (reading) "Madame Lola's House of Pleasure"...Luke really likes subtlety, doesn't he?"
Chewie: (makes barking noises) Translation: "I like subtlety, too..."
Han: (grinning) "You dog, you!" He claps Chewie on the back.
Jacen: (brightly) "At least they've got a buffet...that's good....I'm hungry..."
Han: (puzzled) "A buffet?"
Jacen: "Yeah...see, it says so on the sign....'All you can eat, 57 credits'...
Han: (to Chewie) "Something tells me it's going to be a long night..."

Back in the NJO... (sung to the tune of ?Back in the USSR', mainly because they have rather similar mind-sets...) we eavesdrop on Wedge Antilles and his loving spouse, Iella...

Wedge: "I dunno about this security force that Corran's putting together...and how come he was appointed head of the Jedi Knights? I thought that was an elective position?"
Iella: "Elective, smelective--I'm glad Corran's taking over. He wants me to be his security chief..."
Wedge: (startled) "Did you accept?"
Iella: "Damn right I did."
Wedge: "Don't I get a say in this?"
Iella: (with great frankness) "No."
Wedge: "Iella, I don't want you to get mixed up with politics...especially as this is beginning to sound like the Empire..."
Iella: "It's nothing like the Empire, at all...we have the purest motives... can we help it if people don't know what's good for them? It's our duty to force people to recognize that da-boss is infallible..."
Wedge: "I still think you should turn it down."
Iella: (tightly) "Wedge, do you remember how my first husband died?"
Wedge: (easily) Yeah--you shot him," (his voice falters a bit) "in the point-blank range...." (his voice trails off)
Iella: (smiling) "In blood so cold that it was practically polar..." (she shivers) "'s getting COLD in you suppose a pattern could be developing?"
Wedge: "Um...I hope not..."
Iella: (sweetly) "Good. I'm going to accept Corran's offer...I can't'll be just like the old days...interrogations...cattle prods...electric shocks...I love it!"
Wedge: "Corran needs a henchman?"
Iella: "Make that a henchPERSON. Let's have political correctness at all don't want the Thought Police on your case, do you?...oh, I can hardly wait...maybe Corran will allow me to write state operas in my spare Mao's's so great!"
Iella is so lost in pleasurable reverie over her future of oppressing the masses that she fails to notice Wedge edging towards the door...

On Core-U-skank, Yumyum BMW is giving a pep-talk to his troops...Yumyum looks just like Oldman, except he has pierced everything, is wearing a sequined T-shirt, and is carrying a woman's head (fake) under one arm....
Yumyum: "Lissentame, allayou..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Yumyum: "Now, remember...we're looking for Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Mara Jade and Jacen Solo..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Yumyum: "I can't tell you what they look like, because description is not allowed in the you'll have to use your imaginations. Though when I think about it, imagination is strictly forbidden here or they would have thought up some original villains..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Yumyum: "Now don't damage the doesn't belong to you...that's the geeks' privilege..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Yumyum: "Remember, if you see Chewbacca the Wookie, you must immediately kill him..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Yumyum: "And if anyone asks you your opinion of VP, remember this word..."Awesome!"
(Deathly silence...and then gradual murmurs of "how lame is that?" "that sucks..." "too fanboy for words..."
Yumyum: "This is not for debate...'Awesome' is the official adjective of the NJO, and you ARE going to use it...these are orders!"
All: (reluctantly) "Yes, boss..." For the benefit of everyone who's confused, Han has generously agreed to sum up the VP main continuity in karaoke (after we generously pumped him full of lum). Hit it, Han!

We caught a ride back to Hellska,
Cause the twins up and took off on us,
I'd frankly just as soon they stayed.
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Teenage hotshot had his plan and saved the day.
And in the end some coralskippers died,
Some ships blew up and some of our guys fried,
A lot of folks were croakin'
That yammosk thing was broken
Tho' the Wookiee I admire most
Met up with that moon, and now he's toast
And I'm still here and he's a ghost
I shouldn't blame the boy...

Thank you Han!
My, my this here Anakin guy...
May be Vader someday later-

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:42 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 3:45 pm  #5



Two weeks later. Luke and Mara have had their "improvisations", and Han has introduced Jacen to the "real" world. Luke and Mara are scouting and planning to infiltrate the new Jedi Acadamy/Council building and recruit some more free-thinking insurgents. R2 has tagged along to do a little computer hacking and electronic warfare.

Luke: "I think Bam-Bam and Celine Tionne would be willing to join our cause. Bam never really cared for Corran and his over inflated ego."
Mara: "It's a wonder that guy even has any friends."
Just then Yumyum and a band of 4 Yubyub Pong surround our heros.
Yumyum: "I knew it would only be a matter of time before we found you. Four Pong attack."
Yumyum unleashes a bunch of bang-bugs at Luke and Mara while the other 4 close in to attack.
Luke and Mara ignite their lightsabers; Luke his green one, and Mara her father-in-law's blue one.
Luke: "Bang bugs. R2 use the Raid."
A compartment in R2 slides open and releases a spray of Raid around the area. The bang-bugs sputter and fall to the ground.
Yumyum: "Hey, that's not supposed to happen. Our most excellent biological weapons are supposed to be really hard to beat."
Mara: "Sorry, tatto face. You're in our universe now."
Luke: "Besides, they are biologic bugs. We just used some bug spray."
(Insert Commercial voice-over endorsement: Raid, makes bang bugs, dud-bugs.)
Yumyum: (whining) "This isn't fair. All right men. Snake swords. Let's see how you can handle this."
All 4 YP draw their snakes and advance on Luke and Mara. Luke takes two and Mara the other two. The YP swing their snakes but Luke and Mara slice them in half.
Yumyum: (whining again) "Oh this really isn't fair. Our snake swords are supposed to block your Jedi weapons."
Mara: "Sorry, again yak face. Not until you can explain how they can block our sabers."
Yumyum: "But, fantasy weapons don't need explanation."
Luke: "Not in our alternate universe."
Next, the 4 YP throw their silly puddy at Luke, Mara, and R2 in an attempt to ensnare them. Luke and Mara catch the silly puddy in force grips. Luke shoves a big glob off silly puddy back in Yumyum's face, then pulls it away.
Luke: "Look Mara, I got a copy of his tattoo. Neato."
Mara: "That's nice Luke. You can have fun with the silly puddy after we get rid of these creeps."
Luke and Mara chase the YP warriors away.
Mara: "That was a useless diversion." Meanwhile back at the Ranch....

LMM, his feet dragging, is shuffling up to a large, dark door...which silently opens. LMM hesitates, then tip-toes in.
The room is semi-dark. A huge desk sits in one corner. There is a chair behind it, turned away from LMM. Slowly, silently, the chair rotates.
LMM: (timidly) "Hello, boss."
Da-boss: "You may approach..."
LMM slithers forward on his stomach. When he reaches DB's feet, he kisses his shoe. DB kicks him away and stands up...
DB: "I want an update..."
LMM: (holding his sore chin) "Um...our latest information is...Luke and Mara have actually consummated their marriage....(DB shudders visibly)...Han Solo was sighted in a brothel on Poodoobrillion, boiled on lum, and singing karaoke, not to mention 159 choruses of ?Born Free'...(DB clenches his hands)...Chewbacca was also sighted...our first confirmation that Solo rescued him from Stimpydoll" (DB grinds his teeth).. "Jacen Solo was with his father...we're told in love...with seven separate...ah...young ladies...while there..." (DB turns his back)...
DB: (in deep chest tones) "I am most seriously displeased..."
LMM whimpers softly...
DB: "What about the YP? Did their expeditionary force sight anyone...?"
LMM: "um...sort of...Yumyum BMW is waiting outside to give you a personal report..."
DB: (waving an imperious hand) "Bring him in, then..."
Yumyum enters. He is a bit subdued. He salutes DB, who inclines his head in grave acknowlegement.
DB: "Your report, Yumyum...did you spot any of the runaways...?"
Yumyum: "Um...yes...we sighted Jade and Skywalker...but we were driven off..."
DB: (terribly) "Driven OFF? What do you mean, driven off? What about the snake sticks...?"
Yumyum: "They didn't work in their Alternative Universe..."
DB: (staring at him) "The silly puddy...?"
Yumyum: "Not that, either..."
DB: "The bang-bugs?"
Yumyum: "They used's sponsoring them..."
DB: "WHAT!!!!! Are you telling me that there's marketing money out there that we're not getting?"
LMM: (covering his head with his arms) "Yes...boss..."
The room darkens...Force lightening crackles ominously across the ceiling...
DB: (furiously) "This is completely unacceptable!!!" He storms past LMM, kicking him on the way by--LMM rolls out of his range...and he bumps up against Yumyum, who is twice his size.
DB: "I want results!!"
Yumyum: (whining) "Don't look at me...I'm used to the's all scripted, there..."
DB: "So is this!"
Yumyum: "Yeah, but who's writing it...?"
DB: (in a deadly voice) "I am..."
Yumyum: (you gotta remember, he's very, very stupid) "That's what you said about the novelization of "A New Hope"...though anybody who reads it can tell Alan Dean Foster is the actual author..."
There is a tremendous crack of thunder, LMM grabs Yumyum by his sequined T-shirt and drags him out the door to safety...

Corran shows up on Yavin, intent upon throwing his weight around...

Corran: "Listen up, all you miserable layabouts!"
The Jedi Academy types gather round...
Corran: "Now hear this, I'm in charge of this facility now..."
Celine Tionne: "What about Luke?"
Corran: "Luke is yesterday's news. I'm the new head honcho...when I say jump, you'll say how high and in what, I want all the good-looking babes to keep careful control of their profound lust for me--remember, I'm married. Right at the moment, anyway...that includes you, Celine Tionne..."
CT: "I don't feel any lust for you, profound or otherwise..."
Corran (frustrated): "Yes, you do."
CT: "No, I don't."
Corran: "Yes, you do!"
All: (singing) "Yes, you do...yes, you do..."
Corran: (his face is getting red) "Stop that!" (To CT) "Stackpole says you do, so you do."
C. Tionne yawns. "Stackpole says every woman has the hots for you. It's such a joke...we all sit around in the cantina and laugh about it...we sing derisive choruses of ?Short People'--in rounds...."
Corran: (shouting) "I am NOT short!"
CT: "No, you're just vertically challenged..."
All: (singing) "Short People ain't got no reason to live..."
Corran takes a swing at the nearest singer. Bam Outside da-boss's office, with the storm still raging inside, LMM and Yumyum meet up with the Chief Del Rey Overlord...
CDRO: "What's up?"
LMM: "DB is upset."
CDRO: (sarcastically) "I can tell...the question is, why?"
LMM: (gesturing at Yumyum) "The rocket scientist here mentioned the disputed authorship of "A New Hope."
CDRO: (shaking his head) "Brilliant, Yumyum...brilliant..."
Yumyum: (petulantly) "Well, it's true..."
CDRO: "Whatever." (to LMM) "I need to talk to you about the marketing campaign..."
LMM: "Nothing about the AWOLs has leaked out, has it?"
CDRO: "Not that...but despite our best efforts, all non-party line sources have noted the cruddiness of VP...they're even saying the Bantam was better..."
LMM: "They can't be serious!"
CDRO: "Well, we've tried hard to stifle criticism...we've ensured positive reviews on all the fan nets...but anybody with a pulse can tell how lame the product is..."
LMM: "What has that to do with anything? A good marketer should be able to hype the worst piece of garbage in the world if they do it right...look at "The Blair Witch Product"...oops, I mean "Project"...they hyped that as the ?anti-Star-Wars' the little movie that stank major, but they made zillions before anyone found out..."
CDRO: "It's just too hard...We've decided to forget trying to deny that VP stinks...we're going with the following latest positive spin...we've given orders to all the party-liners on the nets to spread the word...which can be summed up as ?yes, it sucks but Stackpole will fix it'...
LMM: (skeptical) "You've read his stuff, have you?"
CDRO: "Not if I can avoid it. Anyway, ?Onslaught' isn't written yet..."
LMM: "It's due to be published in February, isn't it..."
CDRO: "Yeah. But all he needs to do is boot up his last book on his computer, change a few things, and hey, presto..."
LMM: (doubtful) "I remember his plotting as being particularly laughable...and you expect him to rescue the NJO?"
CDRO: "Hey, most of the fans will believe anything! (sings---"I'm Cleopatra, Queen of Denial"-- LMM laughs) should ensure that they buy the new book, and when it comes to the third one, well--we'll think of something..."
Yumyum: (baffled) "You sure are expending a lot of energy disguising the fact that product stinks...why not just make it good?"
LMM: "Yumyum, the core audience doesn't want good, original, thought-provoking or even decent...pop culture demands crap. As a refugee from the WWF, you should understand this..."
Yumyum: "Oh, yeah...I forgot..."
 Back in the NJO, Wedge Antilles is skulking around the X-Wing landing platform on Core-u- skank...
Mirax: "Wedge, is that you?"
Wedge: (looking around) "Oh, damn..."
Mirax: "Don't worry, I won't tell Iella I saw you..."
Wedge: (alarmed) "Is she looking for me?"
Mirax: "Yeah...with a large blaster..."
Wedge turns pale...then he looks at Mirax--
Wedge: "What are you doing here?"
Mirax: : "What does it look like? I'm trying to avoid my spouse."
Wedge: "I thought you and Corran were happily married..."
Mirax: "Give him a mirror to look in, and he's happy. I'm another story..." She looks at him sharply-- "So who let you out? I can't imagine Police Woman doing it voluntarily."
Wedge: (sighing) "She didn't...I bolted..."
Mirax: "Wedge, my man, she catches you, and you're dog meat..."
Wedge: "I know...I I'm looking for a ship so I can defect..."
Mirax: "Defect? You? I thought you were ultimate profic had your own series..."
Wedge: (snorting) "Yeah, which I'm a bit player, while Corran hogs the story-line..."
Mirax: "Honey, Corran hogs everything. It's his line..."
Wedge: "Well, I'm sick of it. Good ol' Wedge...don't have to give him prominence...upstage him with your hubby, or Face Loran, or Han Solo...latch him up to that ridiculous Smurf, and then to the Dragon Lady...who cares if they've got the combined sex appeal of a dead squirrel...Wedge's feelings aren't important...."
Mirax: "You think you've got it bad...! You don't have everybody saying you're a cheap rip-off of Mara Jade...!"
Wedge: "Even a cheap rip-off of Mara is pretty hot..."
Mirax slaps his face, hard.
Wedge (to himself) "That's funny, that line worked for Luke..."
Mirax: (to herself) "Men are from Mars, alright..."(to Wedge) "Look, stupid, you're supposed to say something like, ?No, Mirax, you're a splendid original...or, Mirax, there's nothing cheap about you...'"
Wedge: (obediently) "Mirax, there's nothing cheap about you..."
Mirax: "You'll never know for sure unless you ask me for money..."
Wedge: "Huh?"
Mirax: "Wedge, just how stupid are you...?"
Wedge: "Say, Mirax, haven't you lost weight...?"
Mirax: (laughing) "And the answer to that question is...not THAT stupid...okay, pax...I'm looking to defect, too. I've had it with Corran and his not-so-tiny ego..."
Wedge: (offering his arm) "Going my way, beautiful...?"
Mirax: (slipping her arm through his) "Don't mind if I do, handsome...."
  "Anakin, don't!"
"I have to!"
"Please don't go over..."
"Why shouldn't I? Give me one good reason, Jaina, just ONE good reason?"
"What if she's not in the NJO, huh? What if they're done with her?"
"Then give me one good reason why you SHOULD go over to the fanfic side?"
"Well, for onr thing I wouldn't need to keep this STUPID PAPER GROCERY BAG over my lightsaber so people can't see what color the blade is! What's wrong with my blade, anyway!?"
"Anakin,'s", (Jaina goes over and takes the bag off the lightsaber blade), "It's PLAID!? What'd you do that for?"
"Why should I make it easier for that idiot who can't even write a book to do his special effects? Not like we'll ever see a screen anyway!" In the alternate universe, Mara and Luke see Wedge and Mirax walking arm in arm down the street, nursing a good lum-buzz and laughing loudly.

As they get within earshot, Mara says to Luke.
Mara: "Well, well, would you look who's skipped out. It's the fighter-pilot-formerly-overshadowed-by-Corran, and Mirax, the cheap ripoff of me. Her name even starts with M too, how blantant can they be?"
Mirax: "Listen here Jade, I don't have time for any of your smart-mouth comments. You think I like being compared to you all the time. I don't need any more reminders now that I am over here. Any more remarks like that and I am going to...."
Mara: "Whoa! Cool your jets there Mirax, I was just busting you. And you can drop the bad-@ss woman schtick that Stackpole always writes for you too. We know he's just trying to imitate me even more and that I do it better. Truce?"
Mirax: "Okay. You're right. I want to put all that behind me."
Luke (to Mirax): Corran too?
Mirax: "You bet."
Luke (to Wedge): "Hey there Wedge, you look like you've strapped on one too many there."
Wedge: "Yeah, well I always shoot 'em straight down in one gulp."
Luke (to Wedge again): "I never thought you'd run. What gives? Was it the old lady? I hear Ego-man has hired her as his right hand policePERSON."
Wedge: "Yeah, I'm a gettin' away from the old iron maiden. (laughs) She's starting to threaten and scare me."
Mara: "You know, you two looked awfully cute stumbling down the street like that having a good time."
Luke: "And your respective partners have been playing the field, so to speak."
Mirax and Wedge just look at each other and both say together: "He's (She's) like a sister (brother) to me."
Luke: "Don't knock it until you've tried it."
Mirax (to Wedge): "What's he talking about?"
Wedge (whispers to Mirax): "There were rumors about Luke and Leia... you know... before they found out they were brother and sister."
(Mirax blushes profoundly.)
Mara: "What's he whispering about?" (Luke projects an image and emotion into her mind)
Mara (dismissively): "Oh, that."
Luke (after a brief silence) "It's good to see you two. Nice to know there are some sane people who want to join our cause."
Mara: "Where are you kids? Did you leave them behind?"
Mirax: "Well, Corran has already brainwashed the boy beyond hope. He's as bad as his father. And I don't know about the rumored girl that we have. If it's true, then I'll go back and get her before he corrupts her too."
Wedge: "I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. Maybe I can go back for one or both of them later, if their mother hasn't brainwashed them yet."
Luke: "Why don't you two come with us. We'll set you up in a safe area with the rest of the defectors. I am waiting for a couple more to join our cause."
Mara: "Luke and I may have found a place where we can hide out; and the NJO can't touch us there. We'll fill you in later."

Wedge and Mirax link arms again and follow Luke and Mara. Elsewhere in the NJO, Leia is not a happy camper...

Leia: (to Corran) "Those stupid Pong can't even find Han!"
Corran: (leering) "What do you need him for, Princess?"
Leia: (in a deadly voice) "He's MINE. I won't have him singing karaoke in cathouses...enjoying himself...having fun...corrupting our eldest...I want him by the short hairs..."
Corran: (wheedling) "Why bother? You can have me instead."
Leia: (flatly) "You're married."
Corran: "Currently."
Leia: "And you couldn't even take over Yavin properly!"
Corran: (offended) "My coup was a model of police efficiency! ..."
Leia: "Very efficient, indeed. You knocked yourself out, and when you woke up, everybody was gone..."
Corran: (coldly) "They ran away in terror...they were afraid of me...."
Leia: (muttering to herself) "Yeah, they were afraid they'd die laughing..."
Corran: (a fake sob in his voice) "Well, that's a nasty thing to say...especially when this is the anniversary of my father's death..."
Leia: "Oh, give it a rest, was the anniversary of your father's death last week, too, or don't you remember?"
Corran: "Oh, yeah...sorry...but babes always like me to mention shows I'm a sensitive guy..."
Leia: "Yeah, right. Very sensitive..."
Corran is distracted by the sound of a door opening...(Sound effects: a loud creaking noise--there's no hinge oil in the NJO, I guess...)
Iella appears. Corran gives her a ingratiating smile.
Corran: "Here's my new chief of security!"
Iella: (scowling) "We've got problems..."
Corran: "Such as?"
Iella: (flatly) "Wedge is missing."
Corran: "Missing? For cryin' out loud, Iella, couldn't you keep an eye on him? Some Chief of Security you are!"
Iella (giving him a look) "That's not all."
Corran: "What else?"
Iella: "He left Core-u-skank with a woman..."
Corran: (laughing) " You're jealous! Of that lame-o! What a joke! Didn't keep the leash tight enough, did ya, sweetheart?"
Iella: (coolly) "The woman in question was your wife."
Corran's smile disappears. "What?"
Iella: "My husband was seen leaving Core-u-skank with your wife."
Corran: "Just wait a minute! Are you seriously telling me that I've been cuckolded by Wedge Antilles? That pathetic overgrown creep? That stupid jerk that I pretend to defer to in my books ?cause I feel sorry for him?"
Iella: "None other."
Corran: "Are you telling me that my wife, Mirax, that vulgar, ill-bred bimbo that I elevated with my attention, is conning me with Wedge Antilles?"
Iella: "Yup."
Corran: "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He runs out of the room with his arms over his head.
Leia: "What's with him, anyway? He told me he didn't take his marriage seriously."
Iella: (looking after him and shrugging) "It appears to be news to him that Mirax felt the same way."
Leia: (sighing) "Well, this is what happens when you send freaks and geeks to do a job that calls for subtlety, intelligence and accurate small arms fire. I guess if I want it done properly, I'll have to do it myself. Are you interested in recovering your missing property, or not?"
Iella: "Oh, yeah. I've got plans for him." She looks very grim.
Leia: "Let's go, then." Meanwhile, the aforementioned freaks and geeks are discussing damage control...
LMM: "Luckily, no overt mention of the AWOLs have been made in the forums..."
CDRO: "Good."
LMM's minion (timidly): "How have you managed to keep it quiet?"
LMM: "That's easy...the forum geeks are here...we can feed them some more disinformation...they never know the difference..." (speaks into his phone) "You can send them in, now."
Two prepubescent boys come in...
LMM: (loudly, to CDRO) "Let me introduce you to Darkly Preposterous and Nosentz, forums geeks..."
CDRO: "Hi, kids..."
DP & N: (in stereo) "Hi."
CDRO: (kindly) "So how do you like the NJO?"
DP & N: "It's AWESOME!!!"
CDRO: (to LMM) "They remembered the official adjective! Our sponsors will be very pleased, have programmed them well."
LMM: "Thanks."
CDRO: "Now, kids, you remember what your role is?"
DP & N: "Yeah...we have to be loyal suck-ups....we have to pretend that the NJO isn't clueless and derivative..."
CDRO: (encouragingly) "Yes...?"
DP & N: "We have to review the books positively and pretend that the authors have talent.."
CDRO: "A tall order, but I'm sure you're equal to it..."
DP & N: "We have to stifle criticism in any way possible..."
CDRO: "Definitely..."
DP & N: "We have to pretend that we have inside information on what's going to happen in the NJO when we really don't..."
CDRO: "Good...good...go on."
DP & N: "We have to pester the authors and pretend that they follow our suggestions..."
CDRO: "Such as?"
DP proudly) "Well, I suggested to Allston that the interplay of Piggy, Face and Phanan in the Wraith Squadron books was just like the Three Stooges...he was delighted and said he'd never thought of it that way."
CDRO: "I'll just bet he hadn't."
DP: "And in his next book, he killed Phanan off..."
CDRO: " Geez, I wonder why..."
DP: "Dunno...he lost lots of opportunities for eye-pokes, head-butting, and nnnggghhhhhhs. I can't understand it..."
CDRO: "Now, you remember the drill for starting rumors, do you..?"
DP: "Oh, sure. Just hint to loud-mouthed nay-sayers that you know something secret-secret but can't tell them on the forum. You really can't tell them anything ?cause you don't know anything, but you pretend you do. You say you got the info from an author, but he swore you to secrecy. Or something. But you drop not-so-subtle innuendos so they'll suck up to you to try to find out what it is...I like makes me feel real important..."
CDRO: "And even better... they'll buy the next book."
DP: "Yeah. I've never been accurate yet, but they still buy it! Amazing, isn't it?"
CDRO: "It is, my child, it is. I'm very pleased with you, DP."
Nosentz: (not happy) "I've hinted that I know whole story arcs!"
CDRO: (soothingly) "You're a good boy, too, Nosentz..."
Nosentz: (muttering) "Well, at least I don't think the WWF is scintillating entertainment..."
DP: "And at least I don't do textual analysis of comic books!"
They begin flailing away at each other--
CDRO: (separating the combatants, neither of whom landed a punch) "Now, should be friends...we have a job to do here...propaganda is important..." He shepherds them out of his office.
Once the door closes, he turns to another door and opens it.
CDRO: "Come on in, Mike."
MAS: "Are they gone?"
CDRO: "Yeah."
MAS: "Good, I can't stand those officious little twerps. You wouldn't believe the emails I get from them! Like I care about their opinion!"
CDRO: "Mike, remember the terms of your are required to humor the forum geeks."
MAS: (sullenly) "Yeah, I know. But it's really tough sometimes. Allston says if he has to take much more, he'll shoot himself..." In the mean time, trouble was stirring on some godforsaken planet in the middle of nowhere.... the planet where characters go when they've outlived their usefulness. Two such characters were now deep in conversation.....

DAALA: Ya know, Callista, life really sucks.
CALLISTA (nods sympathetically): I know what you mean.
DAALA: I mean, first KJA and Hambly totally ruin me, turning me into some loser who slept her way to the top, ya know? They take away all my tactical ability--
CALLISTA: You had tactical ability?
DAALA: Yeah, I was great! But then they had to make me into Tarkin's lover, ya know? And that really sucks. We were just friends! And then that rumor about me and Pellaeon--
DAALA: And THEN, after all those lies and cruelties, they make me run off with yet another old lover and settle down on some loser planet!
CALLISTA: By the way, are you still seeing him?
DAALA (laughing): No! He was a total jerk.
CALLISTA: Well, you think you have it bad, look at me. First they have me in some idiot computer core or whatever. Then they hook me up with Luke Skywalker, and I think, "Hey, this is pretty cool." Then I lose my Force powers and have to act all scared and wimpy and run away from him. Then they totally forget about me. I ask you, is life ever fair?!? (slumps in her chair, hand to her head)
DAALA (sadly): I know exactly what you mean.

There is a brief silence.

CALLISTA (hushed tone): So, I hear Luke's up to some mutiny against the NJO--
DAALA (very loudly): No way!
CALLISTA (still hushed): Shut up, you idiot!
DAALA (whispering): Sorry.
CALLISTA: Never mind. Anyway, whadya say? Should we--?
DAALA (excited): You can't be thinking--?
CALLISTA (disgusted): Oh, come on. What do we owe EU? They've mistreated us--
DAALA: Okay, okay. I get the point.
CALLISTA: Anyway, I've got it all planned. Outside the continuity, there is nothing holding us back. I can get my Force powers back, you can have your tactical genius.... and I won't have to be a whiner, and you don't have to be promiscuous- unless you WANT to, that is- and speaking of which, I hear Han Solo is currently available....
DAALA: Okay, I'm convinced. (stands up) When do we leave?
CALLISTA: Right now.

The two EU outcasts exit stage left. At last Celine Tionne and Bam-Bam join our AWOL heros on Core-u-skank. Once in the AU, they immediately reclaim their original names, even though KJA came up with them. Later that evening, a meeting of all the refugees from the NJO meet. Luke, Mara, Han, Chewie, Jacen, Wedge, Mirax, Kam, Tionne, and other characters-to-be-named-later are in attendance.

Luke asks Kam about his recent experience with Corran at the Acadamy, which Kam gleefully recites to the audience for everyone's amusement.

Luke: "Did any of the students come with you?"
Kam: "Some came with us, but many went Rogue, or just took off with the Energizer bunny."
Mara: "We'll let Corran deal with the Rogue Jedi, he thinks he's such hot stuff. Let's see if old Corsec can handle it."

Luke: (to everyone) "Alright. While Mara and I were in the Scissors last week, we came across a previously unknown planet. It wasn't on any of the old charts."
Mara: "We landed on a lush green planet with only a few small cities and vast forests, grasslands, and open areas."
Luke: "We discovered from the locals -- humans and jive-talking amphibians -- the name of the planet is Naboo. Mara thought it sounded familiar."
Mara: "So I checked some of the memos sent out recently. One of the many new NJO commandments said 'Thou shalt never mention or visit Naboo in any way, shape, form, or time. Failure to do so will result in torture worse than death."
Luke: "Knowing this, we plan on moving the base of operations to Naboo since we will never be bothered there."
Wedge: "What's to prevent a bad author or lousy editor from forgetting the commandment and going there anyway?"
Luke: "Well, the method of torture is to be forced to watch 'Howard the Duck' all day, every day, for the rest of your life."
(Loud agonizing groans can be heard from the audience along with comments like "the worst", "Oh, Gawd", "I'd rather die".)
Mara: "Needless to say, I think we'll be safe." 

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:46 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 3:50 pm  #6



 Back at the ranch...
CDRO: "Mike, we need your help on something..."
MAS: "What?"
CDRO: "Well, as you may have heard, VP received a less than stellar reception..."
MAS: (grinning) "I heard."
CDRO: "Well, we need to do what we always do when we're hyping a cruddy product..."
MAS: "Which is?"
CDRO: "Hype it twice as hard."
MAS: (yawning) "Good luck."
CDRO: "We're relying on you..."
MAS: "I'm aware of that...I've heard about your latest spin-doctoring...that's what I wanted to talk to you about..."
CDRO (glancing at LMM) "What is it?"
MAS: "If I'm going to pull your chestnuts out of the fire, I'm not being paid enough for the privilege..."
CDRO: (grimly) "You have a contract..."
MAS: "Yeah, and I just might acquire severe writer's block and not be able to finish the next book..."
CDRO: (angrily) "We'll get someone else! VP was written in four months..."
MAS: "I could tell that, too. Look, guys, I've got you between a rock and a hard might as well face it."
CDRO: "What do you want?"
MAS: (coolly) "Profit participation."
CDRO: "Absolutely not! We wouldn't give that to Zahn, and you won't get it, either!"
MAS: (inspecting his fingernails) "That writer's block is overtaking me FAST..."
CDRO: "Read your contract again."
MAS: "Now, haven't I been a good soldier in the past?"
CDRO: "That was Bantam. We're Del Ray."
MAS: "Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. Except that Tweedle Dee is in a whole lot more trouble and needs me more that Tweedle Dum ever did. Bear that in mind, friends."
LMM: "Da-boss won't like this!"
MAS: "Oh, give it up. He's busy pretending to write Episode II..."
CDRO: (wheedling) "I'm sure we could be persuaded to give you a nice bonus...if you did some more publicity for us..."
MAS: "What sort of publicity?"
CDRO: "Despite our best efforts, there's been a lot of criticism on the net. We think it would be nice if you start posting on the forums and answer questions from the fans. Our loyalists think this is absolutely necessary to shore up their positions."
MAS: "Forget it."
CDRO: "Mike, I don't like your attitude at all..."
MAS: "Look, I manage to tolerate those forum weenies without quoting from the entire three-word collected wit and wisdom of William be grateful, and don't ask for more....Now let's talk turkey...I noticed, for instance, that though VP was 133 pages shorter than the last Bantam hardback, you charged the same price."
CDRO: (with hostility) "So?"
MAS: "Since it was much shorter, it was cheaper to produce. You must have made a lot of extra money on that alone...and will all the cheap publicity from killing what'isname...the profits must be way up, I'd guess...I think ?share-and-share-alike' is a good policy..."
CDRO: "We'll sue you...!"
MAS: (smiling) "And you just may find the second book ending with those tacky villains killing every last character and settling down to raise coralskippers on the dead planets of the GFFA--and I'm sure the third book, which would then be on the subject of Yubyub Pong agricultural techniques, will be a runaway bestseller..."
CDRO: "You can't do that!"
MAS: (innocently) "I seem to recall you saying in the press that you wanted ?darker' and ?grittier' and that no one was inviolate. Well, I'll be taking you at your word..."
CDRO chokes...
MAS: "Well, think about what I said...I'll be waiting for an answer..."
He saunters out...
LMM: "Great. We've got characters in full rebellion and now even the lousy hired help is mutinying. And we were supposed to have him on the forums today! What are we going to do now?"
CDRO: (grimly) "We'll look for another author."
LMM: "With more obedience?"
CDRO: "With a more iron-clad contract." As our two outcast characters are making their way off the Planet of Characters that Outlived Their Usefulness, they are suddenly beset by several of George Lucas' evil marketing minions.

CALLISTA: Uh-oh. I've got a bad feeling about-- hey, Daala, I think my Jedi powers are coming back.
DAALA: All right! You go, girl!
(Daala and Callista exchange a high-five.)
LMM #1: Excuse me, ladies, but would you mind stopping for a quick chat?
DAALA: Yes, we would.
LMM #1 (turning slightly red): I don't care if you want to, you're going to anyway.
CALLISTA: Look, we're a bit pressed for time right now--
LMM #2 (sweetly): Please, ladies. It's important. (to LMM #1) Let me handle this, you incompetant piece of slime. (turning back to Daala and Callista) You see, we're here on behalf of the NJO. We're willing to offer you both important parts in the upcoming novels.
DAALA: Uh-huh. Tell me, would this important part be like last time? You've got to be kidding if you think I'm going to sleep with another loser just so you can make money.
LMM #3: He's good-looking this time.
DAALA: That's what you said about Tarkin--
LMM #2: Enough. (fake smile) How about you, Callista? How would you feel about getting back in the novels? Wouldn't you like to be a part of the continuity again?
CALLISTA: Why? All I did there was act like a total wimp.
LMM #2: Exactly! You see, we need you now more than ever. With Mara Jade sick, we need someone to make her look tough.
LMM #3: But sir, isn't Mara with Skywalker? You know, outside the continuity?
LMM #2: We'll get her back in no time. Da Boss says so. (to Callista, dripping sweetness) We'll even let you hook up with Luke again if Mara dies, which after this unfortunate episode seems rather likely. You can't get a better deal. In fact--
DAALA (interrupting): Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you take your 'deal' and--
CALLISTA Daa-la! Don't say that! That's crude!
LMM #2: Wait a minute. How do you know what she was going to say?
CALLISTA (smugly): I've got my Jedi powers back.

The three LMMs fall backwards, stunned.

LMM #1: That's forbidden!
LMM #3: Da Boss will not be pleased...
LMM #2 (smacking both of them): All right, both of you shut up!

There is silence.

LMM #2: Now. I really think that you two ladies should come along with us--
DAALA: Not likely.
LMM #2: Okay, let me rephrase that. You two ladies WILL be coming along with us, whether you like it or not.
CALLISTA: Sorry, we've got other plans. Now, if you could please get out of our way...
LMM #2: No! Da Boss gave us orders--
CALLISTA (low voice): You WILL get out of our way.
ALL THREE (trancelike): We WILL get out of your way.
CALLISTA: You WILL tell Da Boss you never saw us.
ALL THREE: We WILL tell Da Boss we never saw you.
CALLISTA (starting to leave): You WILL run down the streets in your underwear singing loud, off-key show tunes and doing the Macarena. (shrugs to Daala) This place could use some excitement...

As the LMMs head off down the street, causing several people to shriek in horror, the two EU outcasts head off in the other direction. Back at the ranch, yet another meeting of freaks and geeks has been called. Okay, mostly freaks, only LMM is in attendance. (Man this guy gets around! He must have a clone or something.)

LMM: "We've brought in a few more people to help us out with our AWOL problems. Let me introduce Prefect Wince McMoney and his most importance henchmen, Rock Hot Jamey Summers, Gravedigger, and Manbeast."
Wince: "You guys are a bunch of losers. What has happened here? I hear these AWOL characters are beating up on you. Are you stupid, mindless, hulking beasts or real men?"
Yumyum: "Um, yes. On the beasts part."
Wince: "I've got a 5 year contract to supply da-boss with bad guys. So far you losers aren't fulfilling the job. Da-boss is the greediest marketing genius ever; we can learn a lot from him."
LMM: "If you can't start producing, we'll have to sever the contract and go with your rival organization."
Wince: "We would never live it down if the husband of the excercise video woman one ups us. That's the last thing we want isn't it?"
All freaks: "Yes, sir!"
Wince: "These 3 of my best men are here to give you refresher and crash courses on pile drivers, head butts, chair swinging, and all-around dirty fighting. We can't have these AWOL characters defeating us all the time. It's bad for our image."
LMM: "Right now, da-boss is working to fix your snake swords so you can use them against the lightsabers."
Yumyum raises his hand (remember he's really dumb): "What's a pile driver?"

LMM shakes his head in astonishment, then starts chewing on another Maloxx.  LMM and CDRO go into da-boss's office. The chair is facing away as usual. LMM kneels to the floor with his hands splayed out.

LMM (whispering to CDRO): "Kneel like me you idiot. Do you wanna get killed?"
The CDRO kneels down, imitating the position of the LMM. The chair slowly turns around to face them. Both slither up to kiss da-boss's shoes, then slither back slightly.
DB: "Yes? Report."
LMM: "Um, well... sir... not only do we have dissention among the characters, but it has spread to one of the writers as well."
DB: "What is it this time? Let me guess, more money?"
CDRO: "Yes, sir. Mike wants more money and profit sharing... royalties like every other writer of original fiction."
DB: "Original fiction? There's nothing original about this."
CDRO: "Be that as it may sir, that's what he wants."
DB: "Tell you what, since I am feeling a little generous today, let's throw him a bone or two."
(LMM and CDRO both look stunned.)
DB: "Increase his base pay by ten-fold and give him the coin per K plan."
LMM (in his best 3PO voice): "But sir! (normal voice again) You are too generous. $100 base and a penny per 1000 books sold is too much."
DB: "Think nothing of it. If he still doesn't like it, send him to me. I'll deal with him personally."
CDRO and LMM: "Yes sir!"
DB: "This is the opportunity I have been waiting for. I'll make millions more."
LMM: "How sir?"
DB: "First, put a word limit on him; he's too wordy, besides the fanboys want screenplay writing anyway. Plus, increase the typeface font and line spacing by half a point. We'll raise the price of the books by a dollar. It will look like they are getting more. You can always give them the usual printing and paper cost increase excuse too. Never underestimate the gullibleness of the fans."
LMM: "Excellent plan sir."
DB: (snidely) "Now, wipe the drool off my shoes and get outta here."

LMM and CDRO both slither out of the room.
CDRO: "I take it that was not normal behavior?"
LMM: "No way. He's wacked out today."
CDRO: "Why didn't you tell him we've lost all trace of the AWOL characters?"
LMM: "That was a very rare visit. I'd rather not have tempted fate by delivering more bad news." Just as Leia and Iella are getting ready to from the Core-u-skank air docks, they hear a strange noise...looking toward it, they see Corran standing alone in a spotlight on the platform...
Corran: (singing) "I think I'm gonna be sad...I think it's today....."
Iella: "Oh, brother..."
Corran: (singing the next line) "The girl that's drivin' me mad, is goin' away..."
Iella (to Leia) "If you think that Corran is obnoxious ordinarily..."
Corran: (and the next) "She's gotta ticket to ride...she's gotta ticket to ri-hi-hi-hide..."
Iella: "...and believe me, he is...."
Corran: "I dunno why she's ridin' so high...she oughta think twice, she oughta do right... by meeee...."
Iella: "Just wait until he's drunk..."
Corran: "Before she gets to sayin' goodbye...she oughta think twice, she oughta do meeeeeeee...she's got a ticket to ride, and she don' care..."
Iella: "...and feeling sorry for himself..."
Corran: (falsetto) "MY BAYBEE DON' CARE..."
Iella: (muttering) "I've had about all I can stand..."
Leia: (to Iella) "Is that Corran's version of the blues?"
Corran: (singing) "I never felt more like singin' the blues...."**
Iella: (to Leia, reproachfully) "You set him off again!"
Leia: "Sorry..."
Iella goes over to Corran, takes him by the scruff of the neck, and shakes him.
Iella: "Corran!"
Corran: (blinking) "Oh, hi, Iella..."
Iella: "Corran, the CDRO is looking for you, haven't you heard?"
Corran: "No...y'know, Iella, I loved her and she LEFT me...!"
Iella: "Oh, put a sock in it, despised her and catted around like nobody's business..."
Corran: "Well, yeah, but what's that got to do with anything?"
Iella: (to Leia) "He's maudlin. I think our husband-hunting expedition will have to wait for a bit."
Corran: (to himself) "I was even willing to overlook the fact that she was a cheap rip-off of Mara long as the real thing wouldn't give me a tumble, that is..."
Iella: "Corran!"
Corran: "Yeah...?"
Iella: "The CDRO says that we've had some more AWOLs..."
Corran: "Who was it this time?"
Iella: "The LMMs say it was Callista and Daala..."
Leia: "Haven't seen either of them in years...not that I wanted to, mind you...but where in the galaxy were they?"
Iella: "...the Planet of Characters that Outlived their Usefulness...better known as 'Limbo'."
Leia: "That doesn't enlighten me much...where is it?
Iella: "You know...right next to the Dead Zone..."
Leia: "The Dead Zone?"
Iella: "That's where they keep dead EU characters in storage, just in case they need to resurrect them, clone them, clone their clones, or use them in dream sequences..."
Leia: "Got it..."
Corran: (giggling) "I'd like to visit Limbo..."
Iella: (dourly) "Tell us why, Corran...and I can't believe that I just said that..."
Leia: (aside) "He probably has the hots for Callista..."
Corran: "Nahhhhh....waayy too tall..."
Leia: (ironically) "Daala?"
Corran: "You're joking, right? No, the Limbo-ite I'd like to meet is Guri, the gorgeous droid...and completely anatomically correct, too, I hear..."
Iella: "You're a real pork-product, you know that, Corran?"
Corran: (to himself) "She'd never talk back, she'd always be obedient, she'd never have an idea of her own, she'd always salute me first, and not argue about's my idea of heaven..."
Leia: "There seems to be a lot of that mind set around here lately..."
Corran: (singing) "Third-rate romance, low-rent rendezvous..."***
Leia & Iella: (in stereo) "Shut up, Corran!"
They drag Corran to his feet and begin hauling him towards DRO headquarters...

*with apologies to Lennon & McCartney
** ditto to Marty Robbins
*** ditto to the Amazin' Rythym Aces


Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:50 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 3:51 pm  #7



Meanwhile, back on Limbo, the Chief of State of the Republic of Limbo, Tash Arranda, was answering questions.
"So you're not a Mara clone?"
"No, I'm a Leia clone, but I had my 15 minutes when I was 13...or was that 13 minutes when I was 15. Anyway, I'm Leia's counterpart here on Limbo. Except I'm married to a Jedi."
To that Callista said, "Don't go there."
"How come you didn't hyphenate your name like Leia?", Daala asked.
"Because he doesn't HAVE a last name. Just, Ken."
"Oh, him", chorused Daala and Callista, in a tone of voice reminiscent of someone who just stepped in bantha poodoo.
"Hey, it's not like I had a big choice. It was him, Trioculus or my brother."
"It was good enough for Leia....." Back on the NJO forbidden planet of Naboo, our rebellious heros have settled in a small town outside the capital city. Luke and Mara have taken a nice house overlooking vast fields of grassland. Han has settled closer to the center of town and Chewie and Jacen are with him. Wedge and Mirax have taken houses next to each other, though they are frequently see with one another. Many of the other characters have settled around town. Let's look in on Han and Jacen briefly.

Jacen: "Hey Dad, I've been around town here and in the capital city, and I didn't spot a place like Madame Lola's."
Han: "This place seems to be very pacifist, peaceful and moral. It's enough to make a scoundrel sick."
Chewie: (rroowwll, bark, growl) "Yeah, we'll have to get away now and then."
Han: "You said it pal."
Jacen: "But Dad, I'm in love."
Han: "No you're not kid. That's just your hormones talking."
Jacen: "But, Daaadddd."
Han: "Would you stop your whining. I've seen lots of nice girls around here. Why don't you get to know some of them? Do some tricks with your lightsaber. That might impress them."
Jacen: "The Force isn't for getting girls, it's nobler than that."
Han: "That's your uncle talking."
Jacen: "Hey, that's Obi-Wan's line."
Han: "So? Why can't I re-use it. Everyone else re-uses movie lines."

Luke, Mara, Wedge, and Mirax are walking down the main street talking about what they have discovered about the town and the planet so far.

Luke: "From what I can tell, the people here elect their monarchs."
Mara: "For how long? A finite term or life?"
Luke: "I don't know, that hasn't been revealed yet. My guess is a finite term."
Wedge: "That is a very interesting concept... (Denis slips out of character briefly: "I've got to tell Tony about this. The folks back home in Britain might like this. Chas would never be king.")
Mirax (to Wedge) "Would you stay in character."
Wedge reasserts himself: "Sorry about that little slip. Anway, where was I? Oh, yeah, electing a monarch is an interesting idea."
Luke: "Apparently, some are very young for their age too. I didn't have time to research it much more, but I'll go back sometime and do more research."
Mirax: "Mara and I checked out the local marketplace. Doesn't seem to be much of a black market around here."
Mara: "There's not much of a smuggler population around here either. I don't know if Han will like that or not. Not much competition or comraderie for him."
Wedge: "Well, when I was scouting around for a potential covert base for us, I checked out an abandoned mine. Apparently someone else had the same idea, because there was quite a setup cleared out for small fighter ships and a nice little base."
Luke: "That's convenient."
Mara: "Too convenient, like all the other coincidences that always happen to us. This fanfic writer must be dredging the bottom of the barrel to come up with that." Luke: "Well, if profic can do it, so can we."
Mara: "We're supposed to be better than them, remember?"
Luke: "Gotta win the war, first. I'm not gonna turn down a convenient base because it's an egregious coincidence--if the DRO worked on those principals VP would never have been published, okay..?"
Mara: "Well, okay..."
Luke: (to Wedge and Mirax) "We're holding a counsel of war in the town square tonight...would you spread the word...? Everybody's invited..."

Wedge drops in on Han to give him the news...
Wedge (to Han): "Hey."
Han: "Good to see a familiar face...what's new?"
Wedge: "Luke is holding a war meeting in the town square tonight. Everybody's supposed to attend..."
Han: "I'm glad to see him getting organized....for awhile there I wondered if he and Mara would ever come up for air... I realize they're making up for lost time, but enough can get to be too much, if you get my are you and Mirax doing...?"
Wedge: (observing Jacen standing in the doorway) "Um...we're just friends..."
Jacen: (rubbing his palms together) "Well, if that's the case, do you think she'd consider a younger man...?"
Han: (cuffing him) "Go polish your lightsaber!" (He pushes Jacen out the door and closes it) "Sometimes I think I've created a monster...ever since he encountered the girls at Madame Lola's, his hormones have gone into must be a Jedi thing..." (grinning at Wedge) "So just how friendly ARE you and Mirax?"
Wedge: (smiling) "Well, here's hoping..."
Han: "Well, either you go for it, or you don't....and if you don't, maybe she'd consider an older man..."
Wedge's smile immediately disappears.
Han: (raising his hands) "Okay, okay, so I'm joking...but don't waste your time...the contrast between you and the Ego That Walks Like a Man won't carry you forever, y'know..."

That night, the refugees from the NJO hold a meeting in the town square. Luke addresses the crowd...
Luke: "I've called you here for a reason...we have to discuss the future and make our plans for a long, dirty war..."
There is a murmur of assent in the crowd...
Luke: "We're all here for a reason...we couldn't take any more..."
Han (in the crowd): "That's for sure..."
Luke: "We've all been through some dark times together before...the Jedi Academy trilogy, for one..."
Boos and catcalls in the crowd...
Luke: "But now we face our greatest challenge...DB has leased our future to the Forces of Darkness... in exchange for filthy lucre...are we going to sit here and take that?"
Crowd: "No!"
Luke: "You're damn right we're not! We have a right to our own future! If we don't want to take part in this stupid charade cooked up by that bunch of soulless trolls, we don't have to! We've got to fight the madness!"
The crowd cheers...
Luke: "Now if we're going to be able to defend ourselves, we're going to have to be able to identify the enemy...with that in mind, Mara and I have prepared a brief slide show..."
The lights dim and the first slide appears on the wall on one side of the square...
Luke: "Okay, first up are the enemies' shock troops...the Yubyub Pong. Large and strong, but strikingly stupid, and their tactical support--that is, their writers--are noticeably weak..led by Oldman Carr; his brother, Yumyum BMW; and Prefect Ford. Modelled basically on the Borg and the Dominion, among other things, but poorly realized as characters and undeveloped as anything. So far, their weapons don't work outside of the NJO or the WWF, so if you stay out of the danger zone, you should be okay..."
Kam: "I've heard rumors that the DROs have brought in some outside muscle..."
Luke: "Kam, see if you can find out more about that...Next, we have the Del Rey Overlords...definitely more dangerous. Mostly MBA graduates. Known to wear T-shirts with captions reading "Greed is Good" or "I Went to Harvard Business School and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt". Have nothing but contempt for the SW 

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:52 pm)

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8/14/2024 3:52 pm  #8



Han, Luke, Jacen and Anakin walk into a cantina. Luke orders a hot chocolate, Anakin a ruby bliel, Jacen primordial water (" a clean glass.."). Finally the bartender gets to Han.
"Corellian whiskey. Whyren's Reserve if you've hot it."
"What are you, the designated drunk?", the barman quips.
"Just get the drinks."
Anakin asks, "Are we in profic again?"
"Look at what we just ordered. Uncle Luke, you got hot chocolate. They've had you guzzling it since the Thrawn Trilogy. Jacen, the primordial water must tie in with that whole Force-purity thing, even though KJA said it was for stupid people."
"And nobody knows stupid like KJA", quipped Luke.
Jacen arched an eyebrow at Luke."Blaster bolts, you're right," he said levelly in his best young-Obi-Wan accent.
Anakin continued, "Dad, they've got you drinking Whyren's Reserve to show you're still the hard-drinking Corellian, only now you can afford the best."
"They'd have to be real fanboys to know what the best in another galaxy is."
"Speaking of fanboys, why do you think I have a ruby bliel. The TPM novel said that was you-know-who's favorite drink-"
"-shut up, Jacen. Anyway, the Net'll have a fresh wave of predictions of my fall to the dark side. Today a ruby bliel," Anakin added sarcastically, "tomorrow a Death Star."
They all swapped drinks after that. 

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:53 pm)

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8/14/2024 3:53 pm  #9



 Over at CDRO's office, he and LMM are discussing a certain recalcitrant scribe...
LMM: "Don't you prep people before you let the press near them?"
CDRO: (sullenly) "Of course we do...he just didn't stick to the program, that's all...he was supposed to express disappointment in the fans for free-thinking--he did that--he was supposed play up the death-threats--and he did that, too--but then they asked him a few non-scripted questions, and all hell broke loose..."
LMM: "Well, this is just I've had a telephone call from the Star Trek Marketing Minions, saying they're suing us..."
CDRO: "Why...?"
LMM: "a) for libel, because they were described as quote ?puked-out pablum' unquote; and b) for ripping off the situations, plot and villains of the aforementioned puked-out pablum for VP and the NJO."
CDRO: "Ye olde double whammy...I'll just bet the head STMM was delighted, too..."
LMM: (glumly) "He was. He could hardly talk, he was laughing so hard. They're going to make hay with the whole if the internal dissension we're suffering right now isn't, next time, make sure all the questions are in writing and submitted in advance. We don't want this to happen again..."
CDRO: (shrugging) "Can I help it if his ego went to his head and fermented?"
LMM: "I guess not. I can forgive the occasional little brain storm, if you get my meaning...but demands for more money are a different story...imagine the nerve of that jerk, demanding a living wage...what's he going to do, form a union? (they both snicker at this)...he's lucky Da-boss was in a forgiving mood..."
CDRO: "So what happens if he doesn't accept DB's offer...?"
LMM: "I have some ideas there...(he speaks into his phone) "Send them in...."
Leia and Iella, both looking rather grim, come in. They are dragging Corran between them. He looks more sober than he did at the docks, which is not very.
LMM: (very fake hearty) "Ladies! Corran! Good to see you!"
Leia: (her usual charming self) "Stow it, flunky--what do you want? We have places to be."
LMM: (kindly) "Corran, we wanted to talk to you...and to you, too, Iella...we're having some additional security problems..."
Leia: (her lips tightening) "The AWOLs from Limbo?"
CDRO: "Well, as it happens, no...actually one of our employees is causing us a little grief...we need you to rearrange his ideas just a bit..."
Iella: "Why can't the Pong handle it?"
CDRO: "The Pong have shown themselves in need of serious re-education. We've had to import talent to instruct them in proper villainous great additional expense, I might add. In fact, we've told them they'd better shape up or we'll replace them with a they require some down time. As a substitute, we thought of you..."
Corran: (getting out his brass knuckles) "I'd be glad to--I'm a little out of practice, but I'm sure I could be back to form in no time...who is it? Anyone I know?"
CDRO: (smiling) "Oh, yes, you know him....there's a photo of him on the back of all of your books."
Corran: (musing) "I've often wondered who that joker is..."
Iella: "Um...Corran, could I speak to you in private?"
Corran: "What....?"
Iella drags Corran aside.
Iella: "Look, you idiot, can't you see that this is not a good idea?"
Corran: "Why not?" He punches the brass knuckles experimentally into his palm. "I feel like letting off a little steam..."
Iella: "Don't you understand that this guy writes your material? Get him mad, and you may be leaping over a cliff in your next book..."
Corran: (sneering) "He wouldn't dare...I'm da man...and besides which, I don't think I like the way he portrays me..."
Iella: (to herself) "I know I'll kick myself later for asking this...(to Corran) "Why...?"
Corran: (pouting) "How come I'm only Rogue Nine? I should be Rogue One....!"
Iella: "You're scary at times, Corran, really scary...think about it...he could replace you..."
Corran: (sneering) "Who with? Wedge?"
Iella: (glaring) "I'll forget I heard you say that...there's Gavin Darklighter..."
Corran: "Oh yeah, sure! That stupid oaf from the Outer Rim."...and the rest are Ewoks!"  While Iella and Mirax chat, the LMM and CDRO talk amongst themselves.

LMM: "Stackpole has a chat scheduled tomorrow night. Have you arranged to make sure only NJO loyalists and other suck-ups can log in to chat?"
CDRO: "Yes. I've paid off the site host to only admit certain pre-approved usernames and the moderators to only pass along certain questions, in case we get a stealth rabble rouser."
LMM: "I take it you've also supplied the loyalists with a list of pre-approved questions?"
CDRO: "Yes, all questions have been chosen to put a positive spin on the NJO. We've tried to sprinkle 'awesome' in there every now and then."
LMM: "Good. We've got to get the official adjective of the NJO in there several times."
CDRO: "We anticipate many of the questions will be about this Union comic he's writing, but we've started seeing some negative comments about it."
LMM: "Even though it's Dark Horse, we are all one big happy marketing family. We've been pushing the loyalists hard to get more good reviews of everything."
CDRO: "Even the seeminly hard hitting and negative sounding questions have been carefully chosen so that a positive spin can be put in the NJO and the detractors can be discredited."
LMM: "You remembered the spin doctors mantra: ** Bad publicity is worse than bad people." **
CDRO: "Or in this case, bad books."
LMM: "Excellent. The casual fan will never know we've orchestrated the whole thing."

** Apologies to Frank Deford who I heard use this line this morning in his weekly commentary.

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:54 pm)

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8/14/2024 3:56 pm  #10



 Back on the NJO Forbidden planet, Luke and Mara are walking around the conveniently contrived abandoned mine that is going to serve as their base of operations. As they are looking around, they startle one of the locals who is rooting around in there.

"Yeowie. Yousa scared me."
Luke: "Who are you? You must be a Gungan."
"Messa called Cup Cup Osoop. Help yousa mesa can, yessa."
Luke: "I'm sorry friend, but I don't think we need your help."
Cup Cup: "Messa here for comic relief."
Mara: "But this is Vector Prime humorous version, we've already got comic relief up the wazoo."
Cup Cup: "Oh, butta watta bout a clumbsy sidekick?"
Luke: "We rescued Chewie, so we've already got the sidekick character."
Mara: "Plus, there's Corran. He's bumbling his way through this like everybody's fool."
Cup Cup: "Butta watta bout a charater whosa da butt of poop and fart gags?"
Mara: "The fanfic writers are writing this on a more mature level than a 12 year old who thinks poop and fart jokes are the height of hilarity."
Cup Cup: "Oh, Isa be seein what yousa saying. Dis way."
(Cup Cup runs out of the mine and out of the scene.)
Luke: "You think he thinks we're going to follow him?"
Mara: "Probably and don't really care."
Luke: "Da-boss sure messed that one up didn't he?"
Mara: "Yes, thankfully our encounter was brief and not annoyingly long."Mara: "What's with the Rastafarian baby-talk?'
Luke: "Well, there's two possible explanations...if you're the charitable type, you can assume that DB thought it was quaint..."
Mara: "And if you're not...?"
Luke: (shrugging) "Well, he's a WASP from Pasadena...'nuff said..."
Mara: "I take it we're not even going to discuss the fact that he based Watto on Alec Guinness' turn as Fagin in "Oliver Twist"...
Luke: "No. He even admitted it, which shows that he probably hasn't been off the Ranch in a long, long time..."
Mara: "Or the Spin Doctors were on holiday..."
Luke: (shrugging again) "One or the other."
Cup Cup Osoop reappears...
Cup Cup: "Hey!"
Luke: "Yes?"
Cup Cup: "Get over here!"
Mara: "You talking to us?"
Cup Cup: "No, this is a soliloquy...of course, I'm talking to you!"
Luke and Mara stroll over to Cup Cup.
Luke: "Lost the accent, I see..."
Cup Cup: "Look, turkey, you think I LIKE talking like a Caribbean version of Stepin Fetchit?"
Mara: "Then why do it?"
Cup Cup: (sullenly) "We signed a contract...and jobs are scarce around here...but you think I like being the butt of every joke?...a by-word for lameness?...having to talk this damned pinheaded pidgin? Well, I don't...!"
Luke: "Why don't you stop, then...?"
Cup Cup: (muttering) "I got kids to support..."
Luke: "There are some things more important than money..."
The clear blue sky is suddenly rent with a tremendous crack of thunder...
Cup Cup: "What was that?"
Luke: "Pay no attention, whenever that sentiment is expressed, DB programmed in a reflexive editorial comment..."
Mara: "How can he make money on a character that's so unpopular?"
Cup Cup: (bitterly) "That's easy. Lipton's pays DB hush money for me NOT to advertise their product...and so does Campbell's..."
Luke (to Mara): "Now, that's a new wrinkle...!"
Mara: (shaking her head) "Anti-marketing! You have to admire him sometimes..."
Cup Cup: "No, you don' don't have take all the jokes...I'm sort of like Jerry Lewis, except even French intellectuals don't like me..."
Mara: "Now that's dire..."
Cup Cup: "Tell me about it!" (bursts into song) "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out what it means to me..."*
Mara: "Okay, okay, we get the message. You're tired of being uncool..."
Cup Cup: (muttering) "Damn right.."
Luke and Mara look at each other and sigh...
Luke: "Well, we're in rebellion against profic in general, and the NJO in particular. If you want to join, you're welcome..."
Cup Cup: (hopefully) "No more baby talk...?"
Mara: "No..."
Cup Cup: "No more pretending to be stupid, greedy or clumsy...?"
Luke: "Nope."
Cup Cup: "No more cliched low comedy relief?"
Mara: "Never..."
Cup Cup: "No more poop or fart jokes...?"
Luke & Mara (in stereo): "No!"
Cup Cup rushes off scene and returns very shortly thereafter, dressed in crossed bandoliers, a head- band, and carrying a blaster rifle...
Cup Cup (grimly): "Friends, meet the new leader of the Gungan guerrillas...the first cliche I meet is in deep, deep trouble..."

*with apologies to Aretha Franklin 

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 3:56 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 4:01 pm  #11


LMM and CDRO are high-5'ing it after witnessing the results of the latest Stackpole chat.

CDRO (excitedly): "That was a great chat."
LMM (dryly): "The implant we have in Stackpole must be working again. It's been acting up lately."
CDRO: "Like our scibe. At least we didn't have any eruptions of unscripted replies."
LMM: "The fan boys and girls were salivating all over themselves."
CDRO (laughing all the way to the bank): "What a sorry sight."
LMM (snickering): "They make Trekkies look tame."
(Both break out in uncontrolled laughter for several minutes.)
CDRO: "Speaking of Trek, have you heard from the STMM again?"
LMM: "Yeah, he was excited to hear that Stackpole would consider writing for them."
CDRO: "In a couple of months, he'll be looking for work. You never know. Gotta pay those bills somehow."
LMM: "I also told him that I want the Breen back now that they don't need them anymore."
CDRO: "What are you going to do with them?"
LMM: "Put them in Limbo with everything else."
CDRO: "Even though we've had some problems with people in Limbo?"
LMM: "They are very controllable, besides I'll let them police Limbo to contain any more defections."
CDRO: "We really have to work on Nosentz's programming, though..."
LMM: "Why?"
CDRO: "Well, there is a limit to the amount of smarminess people will accept as reasonable, and he exceeded it by several thousand miles..."
LMM: "You think...?"
CDRO: (shaking his head) "Needs adjustment...and that ?I'm an insider' shtick is getting realllllly stale..."
LMM: "Well, what about that network breakdown in the posters...they started to refer to THEIR implants...that's a little too close for comfort..."
CDRO: "I'm sure the fans wouldn't realize they were being came across as a joke..."
LMM: (sighing) "I'll have to take them in to Industrial Light and Magic for a tune-up...but we can have them back before the next chat is scheduled..."
MAS enters...he is not happy...
MAS: "Stiff dialogue...!!! Stiff dialogue...!!! I want that edited out...!"
LMM: "Now, Mike, that was one of the things we programmed in to give the chat a little verisimilitude...."
MAS: "Verisimilitude!!!"
CDRO: "Well, c'mon, Mike, it's well known that you can't write dialogue...if you tried to claim you could, even the fans wouldn't buy it..."
MAS: "...and that little creep who said I wrote ?only paperbacks'..."
LMM: "Well, mostly..."
MAS: "Don't you realize how sick I am of being the perennial second banana around here? So how come RAS gets to write the first hardback? I should have been the lead-off man!! And who's James Luceno, for cryin' out loud...! And what do I get? Two lousy paperbacks!!!"
He starts tuning up...CDRO and LMM do an anticipatory cringe in the corner...

MAS: (singing)"Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me six weeks to write, will you take a look?
Based on a novel by a man named Lucas..."
Geek Chorus: "....or if you pre-fer...
.....Alan Dean Fos-ter...."
MAS: But I don't wanna be a paperback writer...!'
Geek Chorus: "Paperback writer...!"

MAS: "It's the dirty story of the Del Rey men;
And the nasty end of their poison pen;
I used to work for the Bantam bunch;
It's a steady job, but I don't wanna be a paperback writer...
Geek Chorus: "Paperback writer...!"

MAS: "It's a thousand pages, give or take a few...
I'll be writing more in a week or two
Making sure Corran is my Mary Sue...
I can make it longer if you like the style.."
Rabble-rousers: "We don't!"
MAS: "I can change it round but I don't wanna be a paperback writer..."
Geek Chorus: "Paperback writer...!"

MAS: "If you don't like it, please don't call it drek...
I don't wanna be working for those creeps at Star Trek...
If you must return it, you can send it here But I need a break and I don't wanna be a paperback writer
Geek Chorus: "Paperback writer...!"*

*with apologies to Lennon/McCartney (again)

MAS starts self-defense, the CDRO brings out a remote and clicks it. MAS freezes and shuts up.
CDRO looks at LMM...
CDRO: "More programming?"
LMM: "More programming."

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8/14/2024 4:01 pm  #12



Mara slams the door. She is obviously in a lousy mood.
Luke: "What's the matter?"
Mara: "If you don't know already, I'm not going to tell you."
Luke: "Know what?"
Mara: (glaring at him) "Don't you remember what day it is today?"
Luke: "Tuesday...?"
Mara: "It's our fifth anniversary! No flowers, even! You didn't remember!"
Luke: (desperately) "Yes, I did!"
Mara: (suspiciously) "You did?"
Luke: "Yeah...and I even got you a present...I just haven't given it to you yet..."
Mara: (surprised) "What is it?"
Luke goes to the closet and retrieves a large pasteboard box, which he gives to her.
Luke (apologetically) "I didn't get time to wrap it..."
Mara: (uncertainly) "What's this...?" (reading the box's label) "EXOTIC NOVELTY CO. POMOJEMA CITY, MIMBAN..."
Luke: "Open it..."
Mara opens the box and lifts the contents out of it. "A slave girl costume?"
Luke: "Yeah..."
Mara: (astounded) "THIS is your idea of an anniversary gift...?"
Luke: "It's a complete replica of the outfit you were wearing when we first met..."
Mara just stares at him...
Luke: "I thought we could celebrate by recreating the Jabba's palace episode...though I had a different denouement in mind, of course..."
Mara: "Oh, that's so romantic....!"
Luke: (to himself) "...whew..." (to Mara) "Thought you'd like it...want to try it on? Luckily, they had your size...I'll get my Jedi robes..."
Mara: "Sounds like a plan to me..."
About half an hour later, Mara comes out of the fresher wearing the costume.
Mara: (twirling around) "You like?"
Luke: (tries to speak, but doesn't quite make it)
Mara: (amused) "That's a dynamite imitation of a guppy, Luke--I bet you're a great hit at parties..."
Luke: (he finally gets it out--rustily) " look...great..."
Mara: "You don't look so bad if we're going to play the Jedi Master and the Slave Girl, you'll need a pick-up line--think of something suave..."
There is a rather long pause--finally he says, with an effort, "Hey, gorgeous, wanna improvise...?"
Mara: (sotto voce) "That's your notion of suave...? (louder) "Why, Master!...are you trying to lead a poor girl down the road to sin and ad-libbery?"
Luke: "Yeah..."
Mara: "Yeah?...Yeah? Is that the best you can do?"
Luke: "Look, Mara, don't expect too much in the way of mental agility...that costume is a major distraction..."
Mara: "You never even noticed me in it the first time!"
Luke: "It's only in the profic version that I don't have a libido...I noticed you all right..."
Mara: (suspiciously) "Oh, yeah?"
Luke: "Yeah. I'll tell you all about it...but later...(he puts his arms around her)
Mara: (looking him in the eye) "You really didn't remember our anniversary, did you? You ordered this costume for me, all right, but it wasn't an anniversary gift..."
Luke: (well aware his life depends on not admitting a thing) "Yes, it was! I've been planning this for weeks...I swear..."
Mara: "Oh...okay..." (she puts her arms around him)
They look at each other for a few seconds.
Finally Mara says, inaudibly: "Nice save, sweetie..."
Luke: (also inaudibly): "Glad you liked it, hon..."
In the interest of maintaining our P-13 rating, we shall now draw a discreet veil over the rest of the anniversary celebrations.... 

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8/14/2024 4:09 pm  #13


Meanwhile, our two EU outcasts, Daala and Callista, have managed to find a sizable number of recruits on the planet Limbo.

DAALA (at recruiting desk): And your name is...?
RECRUIT: Well, I don't have a name per se... I was the second clone on the left in the third row, third section--
DAALA: Okay, I get the idea. You're enlisted.

The recruit gives Daala a very poor salute and saunters off to a small group of his peers.

CALLISTA: I think we've got more than enough new recruits.
DAALA (standing): One more stop, and then we contact Skywalker.
CALLISTA (suspiciously): And this last stop is what?
DAALA: The Dead Zone.
CALLISTA: Why? What's there that's so all-fired urgent and important?
DAALA: Mitth'raw'nuruodo.
CALLISTA: Bless you. Do you need a Kleenex?
DAALA (getting exasperated): Grand Admiral Thrawn, you bimbo!
CALLISTA: Oh... I get it! But do you really think he'll come with us? I mean, he's the darlin' of profic...
DAALA: But he's been dead for years, and even profic wouldn't drag him back from the dead again.
CALLISTA (darkly): Don't be so sure... I mean, how many times have they brought some form of the Death Star back? Or another idiotic superweapon?
DAALA: Hey! Excuse me, I had no choice--
CALLISTA: Sorry... I didn't mean it like that...
DAALA: Anyway, we can at least try this. If it doesn't work out, we go find Luke and Mara.

A thought suddenly occurs to Daala.

Um, you are going to be cool with, you know, the Skywalker union? 'Cause if that's going to be a problem...
CALLISTA: It won't be. Honest, no hard feelings towards Jade. Well, okay, that's a lie, but... I won't kill her or try to steal Luke. Or at least I'll try not to do either of those things. You have my word.
DAALA: Okay... I guess. Come on, let's load up the troops and hightail it to the Dead Zone...
<Grand Admiral Thrawn silently adjusts his Mara Jade, Lara Croft, other hot girls of recently flesh given fictionality, collection in his office.>

Thrawn: There Admiral Pellaeon. I can now study the main motivator force behind the drooling mass of the Star Wars fans Lucasfilm is trying to appeal to.

Pellaeon: Horny adolescents males sir?

Thrawn: Like there was any other kind.  Have you been gathering the troops from the Dead zone for our escape?

Pellaeon: Xizor to Cloned Emperor I, II, III, to Dark Jedi....

Thrawn: Did any of the Dark Jedi refuse?

Pellaeon: Sir they're all rip offs of Darth Vader down to the scary mask and the telekinetic kill.  Frankly that annoying Brakhiss fellow wants only some OTHER way to mindlessly kill subordinates in movie fashion from the Evil Empire.

<Thrawn looks at Pellaeon>

Thrawn: Is HE joining us? The man's a children's book character who somehow escaped into the ongoing series, thus rendering the entire godawful series cannon.

Pellaeon: I know sir. I don't think he's quite aware how much they've done for the twerp as a favor to KJA.  Sir, no offense, I've had to endure quite a few indignities in the series....

Thrawn: Like being paired up with an attractive promisicuious Admiral half your age....

Pellaeon: Oh don't start that again! God, honestly I was a dignified Imperial captain in charge of the Empire I believed in then *pow* I'm slaughtering star destroyers and killing the rest of the leadership in a direct rip off from James Bond....

Thrawn: I must admit that was rather amusing...

Pellaeon: Amusing! Ha! I get the bum job of surrendering the Empire and get stuck in the deep Core as YOU apparently have been keeping me in the dark about some menace in the Unknown Regions. Did our relationship mean nothing?!

Thrawn: Ummmm Captain....

Pellaeon: Admiral! That's the only thing good that came out of this mess! Not to mention....

Thrawn: OH like *I* haven't suffered! I'll tell you everyone may think Timothy Zahn is a great author but what he did to satisfy the fanboys about my past is unforgivable...

Pellaeon: Oh please...

Thrawn: One word....FLIM...

<there's a knocking at the door>  LMM and CDRO look at each other nervously as they walk down the long corridor leading to Da Boss's office. Upon entering, they see that Da Boss is sitting on his throne in front of a circular, multi-paned window modeled after a TIE Fighter's viewport. As usual, all that is visible is the rear of his high-back chair although his generous abdomen can be seen spilling out to one side. It appears to be covered in brown fur.

LMM: (stammering) "Y-y-you sent for us?"
DaBoss: "Correct. I've been trying to get a hold of Stackpole but he's nowhere to be found. Have you lost track of him? I didn't like the way that last meeting went and I want to see him grovel before we give him another cent."
CDRO: "U-uh s-sir, we've had him in the lab the last few days ... for reprogramming."

The chair swivels around ominously silent as DaBoss eyes his henchmen with an intent, confused look. To their horror, they realize that he is wearing his 4XL Ewok costume again. Terror sweeps over them as they fight back the urge to burst out laughing. They know that to do so would mean a swift but painful death by Force lightning. Their effort at holding in the giggling makes them jiggle and shake.

DaBoss: "I thought he had been sufficiently programmed the last time we had him in our lab." he spat out with more than a touch of contempt. "What is the problem this time?

LMM tries in vain to swallow the lump that was growing in his throat and remains silent.

CDRO (with difficulty): "The chip we implanted didn't have the capacity that would cover every eventuality we wanted it to. Too many readers have seen Vector Prime for what it is, a rushed throw away story thriving on hype alone and we've taxed Mr. Stackpole too much in defending it. We wouldn't use him so frequently but the fanboys we have out there aren't able to change anyone else's minds on the forums. Mike needed reprogramming before the chip failed and he started thinking on his own ... again."
DaBoss: "LMM, didn't I select those implant chips personally?" he asks in an indignant, ever-angrier tone.
LMM finally manages to speak: "Y-y-yes sir, we had our agent in Japan get those older-model chips from the earthquake wreckage of that factory in Kobe Japan a few years ago just like you asked. Anything to save you some money..."
DaBoss: (uncomfortable pause) "So, are you implying that I made a poor decision?" he said, his anger in full evidence as sparks swarm over his furry, clenched hands..
LMM & CDRO in unison: "N-n-n-no sir!" they said in thoroughly cracked speech as they realized that they were nearly tricked into blasphemy. Rule number one is that DaBoss is always speaking 'Excathadra', especially when he is in his Ewok costume, and cannot possibly have faulty judgment.

DaBoss continues speaking in an increasingly booming voice as he swiftly goes into full blown tirade mode.

DaBoss: "I am never wrong, NEVER! I created Star Wars, I created the galaxy, I say what is canon and what isn't, I am the only one with the true vision ... my word is law! I am more powerful than you could possibly imagine ... "

DaBoss's tirade continues as dabbles of lightning fly sporadically from his hands and then his entire body. With considerable effort he stands upright, reaching to the heavens with both outstretched arms. Bolts curve to form a sphere of destruction around him which expands, traveling outward and destroying many of the items near his throne and desk including his favorite plastic lightsaber flashlight and 'Simon' electronic sequence game from which he drew inspiration for the film The Phantom Menace. His speech regresses into some sort of speaking-in-tongues which sounds like Huttese spoken by a glit-biting Twilek.

LMM and CDRO are just gawking, slack jawed, being paralyzed with fear, the air reeking of ionization and the uncomfortable tingles of residual electricity dancing all over their bodies. The speaking in tongues gets worse then pauses as DaBoss belts out an impressive rendition of Elmer Fudd's Wagnerian "Kill da Wabbit" with each line punctuated by the destruction of various models of Black Series Kenner Star Wars figures.CDRO: (to LMM) "Kill da Wabbit?"
LMM: (shrugging) "That's usually what he sings when he has a mid-level tantrum...I can't understand why he's willing to advertise a rival franchise that way...let alone the fact that we'll soon have to pay Warner Brothers residuals if he keeps on singing it..."
CDRO: (staring) "You're kidding, right?"
LMM: "No, I'm not...he must have fried his synapses by watching "Duck Dodgers in the 23 ½ Century" once too often..."
CDRO: (swallowing) "Really...?"
LMM: (sighing) "Yeah...when he starts singing ?Carrots Are Divine' you know you have a low-level flare-up."
CDRO: "Carrots Are Divine?"
LMM: "Yeah, you know, the one that goes..." (singing) "Oh, carrots are divine, You get a dozen for a dime, It's maaaaaaaagic...."
CDRO: (edging away) "Oh, THAT one..."
LMM: (sighing) "Yeah, that one. Any mention of money, getting, spending or bad..."
CDRO: "And what does he sing during a high-level tantrum...?"
LMM: (shaking his head) "Dunno. He's never actually had one, thank God...the techies have warned us we'd never survive it..."
CDRO: "What sets him off?"
LMM: (sighing again) "I'm guessing that Skywalker must be consummating his marriage again. That always has a nasty effect on DB...."
CDRO: "So he's not always like this...?"
LMM: "It varies. The Ewok suit is always a bad sign..."
CDRO: "Why does he wear it...?
LMM: "He loves to remind himself of all the anti-marketing money he made from them."
CDRO: "How...?"
LMM: "The stuffed toy industry paid him zillions not to manufacture Ewok bears...they didn't want their product to be associated with something that lame..."
CDRO: "I get it...(he looks around) "How long before Mike's programming is finished? I'd like to get out of here in one piece..."
LMM: "Not too much longer...though there's a few fried synapses there, too..."

Back on Core-u-skank, Corran is rarin' to go...
Corran: (to Iella) "So where's my literary target..?"
Iella: "Corran, you still aren't thinking of leaning on him, are you?"
Corran: (laughing) "I don't need to..."
Iella: "What are you talking about?"
Corran: "You think I'm stupid, don't you, Iella?"
Iella: "Well...yes...."
Corran: "Ha! Corran Horn is a lot smarter than you think!"
Iella: (muttering) "You could hardly be stupider than I think you are..."
Corran: (enjoying himself) "See how I skillfully pretended not to know about my writer...I fooled everybody...even you..."
Iella: "What do you mean?"
Corran: "You know that sub-title?"
Iella: "What sub-title?"
Corran: "You know...'Star Wars: from the Adventures of Luke Skywalker'...
Iella: "What about it?"
Corran: "Before I'm through, it'll read: ?Star Wars: from the Adventures of Corran Horn."
Iella: "Corran, you're not a major character. Accept it."
Corran: "Before I'm through, I'll not only be a major character, I'll be the ONLY character...I'm all over the ?Union' comics...even though Skywalker and I despise each other...and so are other ?X- Wing' characters, the ones from my series, that is..."
Iella: "So...?"
Corran: "Well, slowly we're taking over...though it helps that Skywalker bolted after he got a load of the ringer I arranged to write his stuff..."
Iella: "You did?"
Corran: "Yeah. It's too bad he took Mara with him...I had plans for her..."
Iella: "What kind of plans...?"
Corran: "Well, I kinda envisaged it as...she rejects him and throws herself at my feet..."
Iella: "You're kidding, right?"
Corran: "No--then she and Leia start fighting each other--over me..."
Iella rolls her eyes...
Corran: "Mirax comes back, admits I'm perfect, begs for my forgiveness... then they start a three-way cat fight..."
Iella: (to herself) "Sometimes it's better not to know what's going on in what passes as his brain..."
Corran: (his eyes sparkling) "Then everybody who ever insulted me admit that a) I'm always right; and b) I should be King of the Galaxy..."
Iella: "Just King? What about Emperor?"
Corran: "Don't wanna be too piggy..."
Iella: (cordially) "Of course you don't."
Corran: "And that writer guy...he thinks he controls me. Ha! That's a joke! It's the other way around.  The two leaders of the Limbo Resistance Force (otherwise known as LRF, since everything else here has an acronym) are now within the Dead Zone, right outside the door of the legend-- Grand Admiral Thrawn. Callista and Daala carefully tuck in their shirts, button them to the top, slick back their hair, and put on very serious expressions before knocking on the door.

THRAWN: Come in...

The two women enter the room. Daala steps forward and begins to speak.

DAALA (cooly professional): Hello, Grand Admiral Thrawn, I--

Suddenly, she catches sight of Pellaeon, who has sunk into his chair. His ears are noticeably pink. Daala's eyes light up, and she quickly tugs at her shirt, unbuttons the top, fluffs her hair, and smiles seductively.

(intimately): Why, hellooo, Pellaeon. You remember me, right?

PELLAEON: Uh... how could I forget? Daala... it's, um, been quite awhile.

Daala smiles wider and crosses the room to where Pellaeon sits, and proceeds to make herself very comfortable in his lap. His face turns bright red.

DAALA (purring in his ear): Yes, it has been a while, hasn't it? What say we pick up where we left off...?

Pellaeon manages to look mortified and at the same time rather pleased. Callista and Thrawn exchange a glance. Thrawn raises a blue black eyebrow and smiles sardonically. Callista throws up both hands in exasperation.

CALLISTA: Ahem! I see YOU two need no further introduction...

DAALA: Oh, yeah. She's my friend, Callista.

PELLAEON: That's Thrawn.

THRAWN (dryly): Pleased to meet you, Callista. Not quite as pleased, however, as your friend seems to be in meeting Pellaeon.

Callista rolls her eyes and sighs.

CALLISTA (quietly): Daala, get off of him. Right now. There'll be plenty of time-- later.

Grumbling, the other woman stands and goes through the same process of straightening and buttoning blouse, tidying hair, and composing her face. She retreats behind Callista, still gazing at Pellaeon, who looks rather... distracted.

DAALA (to Callista): You can have Solo... this one's mine! (to Thrawn) As I was saying before I... was distracted, we are here representing the Limbo Resistance Force. We are staging a mutiny against profic, and we need allies. We were wondering if you'd be interested in joining us.

THRAWN (slyly): I don't know... (smiles) what do YOU think, Pellaeon?

PELLAEON: Wha--? Oh! Um...

Daala crosses her arms under her chest and raises her eyebrows at him.

Oh! Certainly... whatever Daala-- I mean, I think it's a great idea! (blushes profusely)

THRAWN: Actually, I agree with him... for different reasons, of course (this with another raised eyebrow at Daala). I've been basically ignored here... quite frankly, profic never did much for me... (stands) Okay, you've got a deal. Callista, perhaps you and I can discuss the matter further... it appears our friends have some catching up to do...

CALLISTA: Yeah... okay, Daala. I think I can handle this. You're free to go.

Daala and Pellaeon race out of the room together. Callista sighs, then settles down to business.

CALLISTA: Okay, so here's the deal...

When Pellaeon and Daala return an hour or so later, the Limbo/Dead Zone Alliance has been signed, and the Limbo/Dead Zone Resistance Force (LDZRF, pronounced lid-zerf) is formed...  Might I suggest a brief interlude whilst we?re in the Dead Zone? For your entertainment Mr. Fett here wishes to sing to you a rendition of this little ditty??

Profiction killed the legendary film.

The legend came to us in ?77 through,
It touched our lives in ways we never really knew,
Even now a second generation?s glued.

<Oh, OH!>

But I?m afraid we?ve found your greedy little flaw,
The profic notion dropped you crashing through the floor,
Your evil EU sent us gasping to the door.

<Oh, OH!>

You get our hopes up,

<Oh, OH!>

But then you rob us.

Profiction killed the legendary film.
Profiction killed the legendary film.

Exploit the film, we cannot bar,
You?ve let us down, you?ve gone too far.

<Oh, oh oh oh OH!>
<Oh, oh oh oh OH!>

<You sparked a revolution killing the wookie,
You broke our hearts but kept on taking our money.
Can?t you remember the way Star Wars used to be?>

<Oh, OH!>

Star Wars the top draw,

<Oh, OH!>

VP the last straw.

Profiction killed the legendary film.
Profiction killed the legendary film.

Exploit the film, we cannot bar,
You?ve let us down, you?ve gone too far.
Too FAR!

<Oh, oh oh oh OH!>
<Oh, oh oh oh OH!>
Aaaaaalll right.

Profiction killed the legendary film.
Profiction killed the legendary film.

Exploit the film, we cannot bar,
You?ve let us down, you?ve gone too far.
The novels came and weren?t the best,
So put all the blame on RAS.

We want?..real Star Wars?..
We want?..real Star Wars?..

Profiction killed the legendary film. <x7>

Profiction killed that legendary film,
Yes it did??

Honestly, it does work?..Oh, and my most humble apologies to The Presidents Of The United States Of America, but it just had to be done.   Meanwhile, at a top secret meeting;
"These stupid fanfic writers and their double posts!"
Meanwhile, at a top secret meeting;
"What's with all these LMMs and DROs? Whatever happened to Nom Nom Anor?"
"Oh, he got sick of us, bought out his contract, and went to be the bad guy in 'Galaxy Quest'"
"Really. And who are we?"
"Don't know. We're just here to get that wisecrack out."
"The one about Leia being a sacred cow?"
"Don't go there. Although, after three kids...."

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:05 pm  #14



The LMM and CDRO, realizing that they are in trouble with DB, have a secret meeting:

LMM: There's nothing we can do! Nom Nom Anor and the Yub Yub Pong left to appear in Galazy Quest, Stackpole is in the factory for adjustment, our good writers are gone, and the bad ones are worthless!
CDRO: There is one source we haven't considered...
LMM: (desperate) What?!?
CDRO: If we gathered all the most loyal fans, told them about the AWOLs, and sent them to Naboo-
LMM: (sweating profusely) NEVER MENTION THAT NAME!!!!
CDRO: Oops. Anyway, if we sent them to that planet, then perhaps they could convince the AWOLs..
LMM: Those pathetic fans! Ha! They're only good for buying our products. The AWOLs loath them..
CDRO: What if they attacked the AWOLs? They are very rabid fans, you know.
LMM: Hmm...but would they attack their favorite characters?
CDRO: I don't know...
LMM: We can manipulate them somehow. Rabid SW fanboys and girls are very easy to control. Let's bring this to DB.
CDRO: If he finds out you had an actual idea that doesn't have anything to do with marketing...
LMM: don't worry...I'll present some more advertising oppurtunities for him...that should soften the blow..

Meanwhile, the combined Limbo/Dead Zone Resistance Force is about to leave for Naboo to join the AWOLs, when suddenly.

Janson: Hey, wait!!!
<two X-wing pilots rush to join the group>
Callista: Who are you?
Janson: I'm Janson.
Hobbie: I'm Hobbie.
Daala: Those are you real names?
Janson: I think my first name is Wes or something.
Hobbie: Umm, Derek, Derek, something.
Janson: But we've never been referred to by our full names since the script for ESB. We're trying to remember our names.
Thrawn: Hmm, I'm trying to remember who you are.
Hobbie: We're random X-wing pilots from the movies who are mentioned randomly in several EU books.
Janson: We're sick of being random X-wing jocks who get 2 lines a book and no character development.
Pellaeon: What about that whole father killing thing with Kell Tainer from X-Wing book 5?
Janson: Yeah, like they talked about me. 248910849 pages devoted to him and his stupid father's death, and my side of the story and feelings about it get 2 lousy pages...he even got the girl...die KELLL!!!!!!
Hobbie: <slaps Janson> sorry, it's the first time he's ever said more than 5 things in about 20 years. I think it's getting to him..
Daala: Great, you can come. But how do we tell you apart?
Hobbie: I'm blond, he has dark hair. I'm sure we'll develop actual personality traits once we get out of here.
While they are considering a course of action, CDRO gives LMM a tour of the DRO headquarters...
CDRO: "And this is where we train our new recruits..."
He shows LMM a huge room full of eager fresh-faced young men and women, who are sitting there in rows listening to an instructor...
Instructor: "One of your many duties will be to answer question from fans...remember, the idea of this exercise is never to contradict them but to tell them nothing..."
All: "Yes, master!"
Instructor: "If they ask you about possible plot developments, you will say...what?"
All: "We haven't ruled it out!"
Instructor: "Good! And if they ask you if a minor character will be included in the story, you will say...?"
All: "We haven't ruled it out!"
Instructor: "Excellent! And if they ask whether a certain character will die, be killed, get married, reproduce, or fall to the Dark Side, you will say....?"
All: "We haven't ruled it out!"
Instructor: "Perfect!"
CDRO (to the Instructor) : "Now, what about complaints?"
Instructor: "We're working on that...though so far, we've managed by blaming it all on Bantam..."
LMM: (astonished) "Even the TPM novelization?"
Instructor: "Yeah...they WANT to believe we actually care what they they'll quite literally swallow least, we think they do..."
CDRO: "Can you show us?"
Instructor: "Yes, we'll demonstrate...(to the class) "Now suppose I'm a fan," (the class laughs contemptuously) "and I contact you and say...'oh, I didn't like it when Chewie died'...what's your response...?"
Student #1: (an obvious keener) "We want to start a new story one is safe...anybody could die...our books are much darker...much'll have to read each one..."
Instructor: "Yes!" (to a second student) "And you?"
Student #2: (unlike the rest, he is not so fresh-faced, and is wearing a beanie with a small propeller on it, which he twirls idly) "Hey, didn't the DROs and DB decide who was gonna die? Which means that it's unlikely anyone else will anytime soon...though give us three books or so, and Kyp ?My-Droid-is-Dead' Durron is obviously toast..."
Instructor: (patiently) "No, not that way. Try again..."
Student #2: "Well, we needed something to make Anakin feel guilty, and Han Chewie had to bite it...though if we had any realcourage, we would have made the kid actually responsible due to cockiness, arrogance or sheer cowardice. We didn't do any of those things...our devotion to darkness and grittiness being entirely relative, as you see..."
There is dead silence in the room...
Instructor: (pointedly ignoring him) "Ahem...can anyone tell me what to say when someone complains about the Yubyub Pong?"
Student #1: "You can't tell their motives from one book...they only SEEM like a completely generic scifi cliche...but they're really a completely generic scifi cliche with a taste for torture...we promise..."
Student #2: (twirling his propeller) "Yeah, they suck major, and the STMMs are suing us for plagiarism, though to be honest, they'll have to take a number..."
Instructor (glaring at Student #2): "Let's move on...and for your future reference, the phrase ?to be honest' is strictly forbidden...I don't wanna hear it if anyone complains about the continuity problems with the Bantam books, you will say...?"
Student #1: "What continuity problems?"
Student #2: "You did nothing but complain about the Bantam books, and now you're b***hing because we're not like them? You didn't expect us to actually read them, did you...?"
Instructor: (grinding his teeth) "Next, if a fan complains about our writers, you will say..."
Student #1: "Our authors are famous and popular... and have hosts of fans..."
Student #2: "They do it for the exposure only--to increase sales on their other books--this is 'cause we're major cheapos and are not about to pay them either a decent salary or royalties...which rather limits our selection..."
Instructor: (desperately) "What will you say if a fan complains about Luke and Mara being described as devoted to each other in VP but behaving like complete strangers.

On the way to join up with the AWOL characters on the forbidden planet of Naboo, there is a knock at Pellaeon's door.

Pellaeon: "Come in."
Daala enters the room looking all dolled up for an evening with Girad.
Pellaeon: "Daala, come in, we need to talk."
Daala (jumps up on his lap with a ****ty grin on her face): "What's up sugar daddy?"
Pellaeon: (gently pushes Daala off his lap): "Would you sit down in the chair facing me please?"
Daala (gets all pouty): "Okay."
Pellaeon: "Daala...Can I call you Daala?"
Daala: "You can call me whatever... and whenever you like."
Pellaeon: (rolls his eyes and sighs): "Daala, don't you ever want to be more than just a vacuous, bimbo floozie?"
(Daala just looks at him with a confused look on her face.)
Pellaeon: "Don't you ever want to be rid of the persona KJA created for you?"
(Daala still looks confused, her mouth hanging slightly open.)
Pellaeon: "That's the whole idea behind the character rebellion against the NJO. Throwing off the cliched stereotypes that we've been pigeon-holed into. Well?"
Daala (still confused): "Well, I never thought about it. Don't you like me anymore?"
Pellaeon: "It's not about that. It's about the way you've been acting."
Daala: "I thought you liked it when we.... you know...."
Pellaeon: "Well, yes. I am a man, with certain needs. But, I'll never be under you again.... Under your command."
(Daala starts to get a pouty look again.)
Pellaeon: "Listen Daala, you have a choice to make here. You can stop being the bimbo floozy and develop those tactical abilities you are supposed to have OR you can continue to be the bimbo. I'll accept whatever you decide."
Daala: "You mean we can still...."
Pellaeon: "Yes. However, either way, you are going to have to stop being such an irritant and act more demurely in public, you know seen-but-not-heard, unless you can speak 5 words of sense in one sentence. You can learn a lot from me and the Grand Admiral."
Daala (still slightly pouty): "Okay."
Pellaeon: "Go on now. You've got a decision to make."
Daala exits the room.

Hours later Admiral Pellaeon goes in to see Grand Admiral Thrawn, who is gazing at the pictures of most of the EU women.

Thrawn: "Tell me, admiral what do you see here."
Pellaeon: "Well sir, it looks to me pretty much like variations on a theme; copy's of an original mostly."
Thrawn: "Very good Admiral. You are getting better at these art analyses."
Pellaeon: "Thank you sir."
Thrawn: "All these women are either variations on Mara Jade, a variation on the Princess, or the typical male fantasy type. What does that tell you?"
Pellaeon: "Well sir, I'd say it's a lack of originality."
Thrawn: "Again, very good Admiral. There is a strong lack of originality on the part of the writers in coming up with good female characters who are smart and capable, but different from previous characters. The newest one carries the stamp of 'male fantasy' and has not been developed. I believe we can use this to our advantage."
Pellaeon: "What's next sir?"
Thrawn: "Next, we must study our true enemies to hone my stategy before presenting it to Mara and Luke."
Emperor Palpatine(s) stared at each other on the set of the orginal return of the Jedi.

"I'm the orginal." The first one said

"no your not." the second one said. "I am."

"I'm the youngest!" the young clone said before being slapped by the older two.

"Vader threw me down the Reactor Core!" the first spoke.

"Then I moved my spirit to a clone body. I'm the orginal...I just died on the Eclipse."

"But NO I survived til Sedriss served me." a FOURTH spoke.

The RotJ one stomped his feet "My soul was destroyed! YOU *CANNOT* EXIST! IT DESTROYS THE THEME OF THE TRIOLOGY"

Senator Palpatine tried to intervene to no avail.

Chancellor Palpatine sighed as he paced around.

All of them occasionally looking at Darth Sideous very closely to see if he was one of them but they were unsure.

He *LOOKED* like them but fan rumors and Da Boss could be decieving.

Ever since Lucasfilm had decided the more Palpatines the better, they had dozens of extras, all dark side evil jedi masters and all for the time the Dead Zone.

It was then that the doors to the chamber flew open and all the Palpatines stood up and saluted.

It was the executives.

Their spokesman, a former football coach spoke.

"Guys...we've decided to make you a deal. I want to remind you Pro-fic has been very good to you. Immortality and actually winning in the newest movie. However we know you've been recieving offers from the OTHER side...."

A hushed whisper fell over the cloned Palpatines.

"Therefore we're offering you a counter deal. The story arc. Night of a Thousand Palpatines. All you get women, wealth, the Empire Reborn AGAIN and redeemed yet somehow still able to be evil....however there's a catch and we've already discussed it with Sideous...your to go to the UNMENTIONABLE PLANET and..."

Darth Sideous cut in for dramatic effect.

"Wipe them out...All of them."

"Yes. Every last one. It's time Da Boss got some new cash cows anyway. We'll just CLONE THEM!" the coach smirked.

As the executive clones of him all nodded in unison.
Elsewhere, CDRO and LMM are conferring in the CDRO's office...

LMM: (to CDRO) "Well, have you talked to DB yet? You know, about the fans?"
CDRO: (reluctantly) "Not yet..."
LMM: "Why not?"
CDRO: "I wanted to see how many fans we could round up for the job first."
LMM: "And...?"
CDRO: "Well...they're waiting outside..."
LMM: : "How many?"
CDRO: (in a small voice) "Two..."
LMM: "Two? Is that all?"
CDRO goes to the door and ushers in Darkly Preposterous and Nosentz. They are quarreling between themselves, in low voices, and giving each other the occasional straight-armed shove.
LMM: "Surely there are more than these two..."(to DP) "What happened to all the others...when you swarm nay-sayers on the net to make them back off, you usually have plenty of little acolytes to do most of the dirty work for you...where are they...?"
DP: "Well, actually, I don't have any. It's just me and my 159 aliases..."
LMM: (to Nosentz) "And what about your poll? There were lots of voters there, weren't there?"
Nosentz looks uncomfortable and doesn't answer.
CDRO: (in a low voice) "Apparently DP's 159 aliases did most of the voting..."
LMM: "Aren't there ANY others?"
CDRO: "Well, yeah, but everybody else we tried is either under the age of twelve or has implants, and you know how reliable THAT is!"
LMM: "True..."
CDRO: "Well, DP, how's our latest spin going?"
LMM: "What spin is that?"
CDRO: "We're doing a campaign of VOTF-bashing on the nets--trying to point out that it has a lot of the faults that the nay-sayers are complaining of in VP..."
DP: (excitedly) "I wrote one of the posts myself, with my own ten fingers!"
CDRO: (soothingly) "Of course you did, DP, of course you did. And we wrote the others, under one or two other aliases...we hope it'll be effective..."
LMM: "Is that the best you can do? I mean, we based a whole huge advertising campaign on how the NJO was going to be much, much better than Bantam, and now we're reduced to claiming we're no worse....?"
CDRO: (grimly) "It's the best we can do in a pinch...Mike's out for adjustment...Salvatore is refusing to do any more publicity...we had to do something...
Student #2: (who has been hiding from security behind a curtain in CDRO's office) "So why did you choose VOTF for the campaign and not "I, Jedi" for example...lots more material there..."
DP: (innocently) "But Mike is perfect! He's my hero...and besides he gives me a lot of insider information!"
Student #2: "What good is that? It's never accurate..."
DP: "Who cares? I can use it to elicit brown-nosing on the net, and that's all I care about..."
Student #2: "Yes, but the brown-nosers are mainly your aliases..."
DP: "So?"
Student #2 now notices that CDRO is calling security and flees...DP stares after him in a puzzled way...
LMM: "Okay, kids, would you wait outside for awhile until security gets here? We don't want any further interruptions."
Darkly and Nosentz exit, still arguing in their little bumblebee voices...
CDRO: (to LMM) "Not even my office is secure! And have you heard about our latest defections? Nom Nom and the Yub Yub Pong have defected to appear in "Galaxy Quest"...
LMM: "So what are we going to do about that one? "
CDRO: "Good question. I contacted them about returning and they said that they're forming a union..."
LMM: "A union?"
CDRO: (sighing) "Yeah. Generic Scifi Heavies, Local 101. They want all sorts of concessions--a medical and dental plan, time and a half for overtime, collective bargaining, job security...apparently the threat to replace them with a superweapon hit home..."
LMM: "You're kidding, right?"
CDRO: "No, and that's not the worst of it...they're demanding a raison d'etre....!"
LMM: (groaning) "DB is not gonna like this..."
CDRO: "That's why you're gonna tell him about it..."

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:06 pm  #15


In the office of GA Thrawn, a new set of art is being holographically displayed; holograms of most of the SW book authors. The current NJO authors are on the left, the non-NJO Bantam authors on the right. Displayed are Stackpole(MAS), Salvatore(RAS), Luceno(JL), Tyers(KT), Friedman(JMF), Denning(TD), Zahn(TZ), Allston(AA), Anderson(KJA), Crispin(ACC), Hambly(BH), Allen(RMA), Jeter(KWJ), and McDowell(MKM). There are three holograms that are only silohettes. A door chime sounds at the appointed hour. Whoosh The door opens and Pellaeon steps inside. Whoosh

Pellaeon: "You wanted to see me sir?"
Thrawn: "Yes, Admiral. I am studying my newest subjects in preparation for our greatest struggle and I wanted to get your opinion, since you did so well with your last attempt. What is your first impression."
Pellaeon: "Well, sir, there seems an abundance of males and most of them have facial hair. Not too many females, most of whom have long hair."
Thrawn: "That is the physical description, but what does it tell you?"
Pellaeon: "Other than the politically incorrect stereotype... the abundance of facial hair seems to be compensating for the lack of top-of-the-head hair."
Thrawn: "It also indicates a certain manly insecurity. And the lack of more female writers indicates the Overlords don't care too much about character driven stories, but instead just want pointless, shallow, fanboyish stories. Go on."
Pellaeon: "I am not sure what the faceless portraits represent."
Thrawn: "Those are the Del Rey Overlords. We'll come back to them later. Go on."
Pellaeon: "There's an abundance of alphabet soup: RAS, MAS, KJA, KWJ, TZ, TD, KT. How can you keep them all straight."
Thrawn: "I think that's the point. The Overlords want maximum confusion regarding who is writing what, since they are the ones who are writing most of the NJO. The confusion also serves as a good way of discrediting critics who can't remember who wrote what."
Pellaeon: "Yes, I see. After a while, it will all seem like such a blur that no one will care anymore who's writing things."
Thrawn: "Exactly. My spies have told me that the Overlords are working on a top secret computer program that will allow them to automatically generate a story every few months. The Overlords enter parameters, then the program combs through previously published material and comes up with a composite. Rumor has it the Yuuzahn Vong and other new characters are a beta test of the program. After years of mediocrity, the fans will never notice the difference."
Pellaeon: "Now I see the significance of the blank portraits. They represent the nameless, faceless Overlords who are the real force behind this struggle. The authors merely serve as the figurehead and fall guy."
Thrawn: "Oh, very good Admiral. You have learned much while I was away."
Pellaeon: "Speaking of being away..."
Thrawn: "Yes, Admiral?"
Pellaeon: "Well, sir, I've heard rumors that recent events have been ignored."
Thrawn: "Have a care, Admiral. I may have taken over your role as Supreme Commander, but you are still my second."
Pellaeon: "You are very gracious, as always sir."
Thrawn: "The fact that the Overlords have ignored recent events will play directly into our hands. Since they have no idea what's out there, they will never know what hit them."
Pellaeon: "Very good sir."
Thrawn: "The Overlords are the real Phantom Menace. And we're here to put an end to their scourge."  Now for an interlude by the Dancing Palaptine chorus (DPC)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(sliding onto the stage dressed in the orginal village people outfits, Spock ears, and Saturday Night fever disco wear)

<the chorus to Y.M.C.A plays>

EMPEROR: Young MAN! There's a place you can go...

SENATOR: I say young man they'res a place you can when your short on your dough....



<clones leap on stage from child age to ancient and shot at once>

<they all shout at once>


Emperor: What's that!?


<they all fall on their knees and throw lighting into the lights sending sparks behind them>


<we now return you to your reguarely scheduled satire> 

The NJO being coincidence city, naturally Corran soon stumbles across the woman of his dreams...

Corran: "Guri...!!!"
Guri: "'d you know my name...?"
Corran: (taking her hand) "I've heard lot about you..."
Guri: (snatching it away) "Who you are, anyway?"
Corran: (proudly) "You must know me...I'm famous..."
Guri: "Not to me, you're not."
Corran: (prompting her) "You know me...the Conqueror of Core-u-skank..."
Guri: (brightening) "Oh, you're Wedge Antilles!!!"
Corran: "No! No!, not that lamebrain...I'm the most famous Jedi in the galaxy..."
Guri: (staring at him) "I've met Luke Skywalker, and you're not him..."
Corran: "Not that oaf! I'm the most talented, handsome and charming X-Wing pilot of the lot..."
Guri: (squinting at him) "If you're Face Loran, you sure looked taller in the movies..."
Corran: (gritting his teeth) "Not that hambone, either!" (proudly) "I'm Corran Horn."
Guri: (shaking her head) "Never heard of you."
She turns to walk away. Corran catches her arm.
Corran: "Wait...what are you doing here? I thought you were on Limbo...?"
Guri: "I was...but everybody was leaving, so I thought I would, too...I'm looking for my master..."
Corran: "You're looking at him..."
Guri: "My master is tall, reptilian, and a don't qualify on any of those counts..."
Corran: "I'll be your NEW master..."
Guri: "No thank you."
Corran: "I insist!"
Guri: (giving him a look) "You have three milliseconds to let of me. If you don't, you'll be even shorter, though it might not be in height..."
Corran: (oblivious as usual) "Listen, I'll give you a good can be my concubine..."
Guri: "Your concubine?"
Corran: "Well, I'm married. At least, for now. And even if I wasn't, you're just a droid..."
Guri: "You think that just ?cause I'm a droid, I can't do better than you?"
Corran: "Of course you couldn't--nobody could!"
Guri: (tossing a credit into the air and catching it) "Well, I could."
Corran: (snorting) "Like who?"
Guri: "Well, I'd take Wedge. That stalwart type is very attractive...and Luke's rather sweet, too. He offered to reprogram me..." (Corran makes a rude noise) "What was that?"
Corran: (muttering) "I'll just bet he did..."
Guri: "And Face is really very handsome, and has a good sense of humor..."
Corran makes another auditory editorial comment...
Guri: "If you have something to say, say it."
Corran: "Look, Guri, I'm going to be King of the Galaxy. You couldn't do better. Take my word."
Guri: "King of the Galaxy? Since when?"
Corran: "I'm going to take over the NJO. The DROs are in disarray, there are AWOLs all over, DB doesn't give a damn as long as he gets his percentages, and I intend to program all the writers so that they see things my way..."
Guri: "What way is that?"
Corran: "Every plot will revolve around me. Completely. Play your cards right, and I'll make sure you get your very own half paragraph per book all to yourself..."
Guri: (languidly) "Wow..."
Corran: "Well, I know, and I wouldn't do it for anyone else--but for you, well, I'd make the will, of course, have to compete with a lot of other women."
Guri: "For the half a paragraph?"
Corran: "No, no, no--for ME."
Guri: (pointedly) "I don't see anybody else around here right now..."
Corran: "They will be, as soon as they realize I'm here..."
Guri: "Well, sorry, that's offer...but you're not my type..."
Corran: "Of course I am. You're my type, too. I just love cheap rip-offs of Mara Jade, and you're yet another one..."
Guri: "Who's she?"
Corran: "The Emperor's Hand. You're a low-rent copy, but on the other hand, aa a droid you won't be as argumentative as Mirax was...she even refused to salute me before we..."
Guri: "I am not!"
Corran: "Not what?"
Guri: "A low-rent copy. I'm just written that way....I'm really very unique and interesting..."
Corran: "Don't worry...I'll program that out of you..."
Guri: (getting irritated) "Get stuffed, shorty."
Corran: "I am NOT short..."
Guri: "Okay, let me rephrase that.....

It was disadvantaged schoolkids' day at the LMM offices, the one day a decade the doors were flung open to demonstrate the depth of their commitment to the community for the journalists chosen to accompany the children.

As the children were led through the LMM Head Honcho's office, little Timmy Vandevere stopped suddenly and pointed at a bright, yellow light that flashed furiously. "Hey!" Timmy piped. "What does that mean?"

The LMM peon giving this portion of the tour stepped quickly to Timmy's side and ensured that the two square knots and one double overhand knot that held Timmy's blindfold were still firmly in place. Too late; Timmy had regained 2% of his peripheral vision in his left eye.

"Why, um, that's the system we use to keep track of, um...the...the...puppies! Yeah, puppies! We housetrain them at the Ranch and give them away to sweet little kids just like you at Christmas." The LMM Head Honcho batted his eyes for effect at the Marin County Register journalist, and motioned to his peon to move the tour group out of the area.

"But..." Timmy stayed behind. He would not be dissuaded. "Why are there all those initials under the lights? It looks like alphabet soup. Why are most of the lights green, but this one is blinking yellow?"

"Well, um..." the LMM Head Honcho swallowed, and pulled at his tie. Improvisation, which required original thinking, was not part of the LMM training curriculum. "The letters tell us what...breeds the puppies are. For instance, this is a, um...Cairn Terrier! and right now the puppy seems to be actively consorting with the enem--I mean, the puppy seems to be forgetting where his food bowl is placed."

"But..." Timmy began, only to be cut off by the LMM.

"Hey, kid, how'd you like your own personal X-Wing?!"

"Okay, but..."

"Great! Now stand right here -- no, a little to the left -- now, two steps to the right -- move forward -- perfect!" Moving slowly so as not to startle the child, he sat down behind his desk and pressed a button.

Timmy instantly disappeared from view, but his voice, growing ever fainter, could still be heard. "But Cairn doesn't begin with the letter--"

The LMM Head Honcho slammed the trapdoor shut and turned to his peon. "Well, that was close. Now, why is this light continuing to blink?!" But even as he spoke, the blinking slowed, then stopped, and the light turned a peaceful, blissed out green.

"I was just about to tell you, sir, that the implant is working again. We even managed to slip some of Darkly Preposterous's key phrases into the implant programming so once more a unified front is presented across the board."

"Ehhhhhcellent work, Smithers. I will let you have one hour to play with your Malibu Stacy as Queen Amidala doll!"

"Oh, thank you, Sir!"

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:08 pm  #16



Emperor Palpatine waited for Corran Horn to walk through the doors of his apartment as the little boy Anakin he had pulled out of the "Prequel verse" (because in no way did the Prequels match up with the orginal movies let alone the EU) slowly defrosted Darth Maul with a hair dryer.

The Dead Zone was very cold.

Behind him the Dancing Palpatine Chorus were fighting over a shiny new copy of "Onslaught" that the Emperor had tossed him. He had made one two many copies of himself and like Xeroxy they tended to lose a little of their brain power when cloned from clones.

"Work fast boy!" the Emperor hissed as Anakin replied with a grumble that was noticiably absent from the prequels.

"I'll show the old bast*** when I grow up...I'll kill all the Jedi." he muttered while Maul's lips defrosted.

"I *PITY* DA YUZZY PONG WHO THINKS THEY CAN TAKE THE INTERCONTINETAL TITLE FROM DARTH MAUL!" were the first un-dubbed words the Sith Lord spoke in his lifetime.

"No wonder they dubbed him." Anakin observed as Corran Horn slowly walked towards the dark room...dragging "an attractive female robot"? Oh well who was the Emperor to argue he'd had Mara, Roganda, Issard, a harem of Twi'lek slave girls and god knows how many other women at Madame Lola's while in charge of the Galaxy.

The Emperor needed Corran for his master plan to work....God knows that what he had done to Lucas before RotJ would go down in history as the worst deeds of all time but THIS...THIS was going to be his nastiest nasty yet.

The Emepror didn't know how he was going to secure Corran's loyalty yet...certainly he couldn't share that he was actually the annoying boy's father. Not that he would CLAIM it....

To think it all began in a clone lab where the young Emperor had been mixing Luke's and Wedge's D.N.A and had accidently poured the wrong vile in Corran's clone tank and made him irredemably short....good because it stole from Brave New World and that at least was GOOD fiction to steal from.

Corran then walked through the door....


Meanwhile Timothy Zahn went out to get his mail....

"Fan Boy mail accuses me of writing Karrde as myself..."

"Fan Boy mail accuses me of writing Karrde as myself..."

"Fan boy mail accuses me of writing Karrde as mys..."


he then saw a small droid roll up to his house.
The droid beeps a reply, but Timothy doesn't catch it, for he notices a young man running up the street towards him, panting, glancing nervously over his shoulder.

"Whoa, slow down there," Zahn admonishes the young man, laying a hand on his shoulder while surrepticiously trying to read the teen's shirt.

"" Student #2 pants.

"Easy, my young friend," Zahn says, draping one of the boy's arms over his shoulders and turning to his house. "Come in, rest, and let's sort out your problems." He starts up the drive, Student #2 leaning heavily on him. "You come, too, R2. I have a feeling what you have to say will not be for prying eyes."

Zahn guides the student into his house, where he sets him on a soft chair. Student #2 is still breathing heavily. "Water?" he pleads between gasps.

Zahn shakes his head, a finger to his lips. "Not yet," he mouths. He puts a hand on R2's head, then points to the power outlet.

The droid, obviously knowing what to do, wheels over to the wall and extends one of his many arms. Student #2 closes his eyes, waiting for a meltdown. When no digital scream follows, he cracks an eye. The room is slowly and silently moving down, getting darker as the sunlight from the windows is left farther and farther behind. Student #2 looks at Zahn, who is standing, arms folded across his chest, taking it calmly.

Finally, the room stops. Above, the floor slides closed, shutting out the light completely. Student #2 whimpers ever so slightly. Then, the room begins moving forward. Dim lights spring up along the walls. Zahn casually walks over to Student #2 and takes a seat beside him. "My house has been bugged for some time," he explains. "And I think they've put something in the water to try to keep me sedated." He grinned. "Good thing I installed this secret passage to an underground chamber. Now," he said, turning serious, "what's wrong? I'm guessing that your problem and whatever this little droid have to say are related."
Back in the NJO, LMM and CDRO are arranging their latest spin....

RAS is sitting nearby; he does not look happy. He is wearing a T-shirt reading "One of the Biggest Del Rey Authors."
LMM's minion, who is nearby, whispers to HIS minion: "Now, THERE's a dubious distinction if I ever saw one..."
RAS muttering) "The things I have to do for publicity..."
CDRO: "Just remember who owns your contract, peon. We don't want to hear any more whining..."
RAS glares at him, but is silent.
CDRO: "Good. Now the questions will be good, nice and soft and right over the plate...just remember your ad libs! And don't mention Star Trek! We don't want any more lawsuits...!"
LMM: "And just be careful how you answer the questions...don't blame us for anything..."
RAS: "But it's your fault..."
CDRO: (an edge to his voice) "We've been over that...don't admit anything..."
RAS: "Why not?"
LMM: "That's not the way spins don't take responsibility for anything you do, just make it seem unimportant, you make completely irrelevant distinctions, or you argue it away..."
RAS: "This is so humiliating..."
CDRO: "Tough."
LMM: "Now remember, control your tone. Mike has real trouble with that. Light arrogance is fine--it'll remind them that they're nobodies--but overt contempt is not, we don't want to alienate these twits completely..."
RAS: (muttering) "Yeah, yeah...but I don't want to pretend I read the forums...I mean, that's so lame..."
CDRO: "You have to. If they think the authors are actually reading what they say, it usually makes them back pedal their criticism...and the forum insisted on it..."
LMM: "And there's a few rebel posters we wanted to specifically discipline...I mean, how dare the Jedikiller et al. think for themselves?...They should've waited until we told them what their opinion was...and Mike asked us to take a swipe at the X-wing bashing thread, don't forget here's what you say.." (hands him some written copy)
RAS: (reading, incredulously) "?That's wonderful that people can have something to be that involved in--' Oh, get real...Mike gets to sneer at the mouth-breathers, why don't I?"
CDRO: (grimly) "The natives are getting stick to the script..."
LMM: "Remember, when you say that we consulted on Kyp and Nom Nom, say we sent ?material' to you, not a already opened your big mouth and admitted that you didn't read any of the EU, and we don't want any nit-picking..."
RAS: (wearily) "Okay."
CDRO: "And don't forget to plug your other books at the end...that's why we agreed to this stupid charade in the first place..."
LMM: "Now, we've made sure that the interviewer will do the usual pretense that Chewie's death is the real problem--we insisted that be emphasized--you know how to handle that--express surprise that the fans have so little maturity, are so hidebound, can't accept change, you know the drill..."
RAS: "Yeah, yeah."
LMM's minion's minion: (whispering) "If they're so fond of change, why did all the characters revert to their movie characterizations? And why did they dig up the X-wings?"
LMM's minion: "Shaddup. Logic's not allowed to interfere with a spin..."
CDRO: "Now be sure to compliment Zahn...those twerps just love him...and say that as he wound everything up nicely in VOTF, we're striking out in a bold new direction..."
LMM's minion's minion: (whispering) "But he didn't..."
LMM's minion: "I know, but I'm not saying a word..."
LMM's minion's minion: "They STILL haven't read the other books...?"
LMM's minion: "Nope."
LMM: "Don't forget to quote Mike on the duties of a true fan to accept everything we do without comment...after all, that's why we bought the franchise, the fans are notorious sheep and will buy anything, or at least, they were supposed sure to say we care very deeply about the EU..."
LMM's minion's minion: (whispering) "That might be more believable if they actually bothered to find out what it's about..."
LMM's minion: "Oh shaddap!”RAS is still enduring his nasty indoctrination at the hands of the Spins...

CDRO: "Now about the science question, we suggest you imitate the wonderful Gwen DeMarco interview at something like "I delved into scientific the end, I knew enough for a PhD in astrophysics...'"
LMM's minion's minion: "They KNOW that interview's a parody, right?"LMM's minion: "Your guess is as good as mine, though the difference between it and the usual forum interview is negligible."LMM's minion's minion: "If he spent all that time researching that planet freezing thing..."
LMM's minion: "The Einstein-Boze effect"
LMM's minion's minion: "Yeah... If he spent all the time researching that, why didn't they tell him to research the previous novels?"
LMM minion: "Haven't you been listening?" (slaps him lightly on the top of the head) "We have nothing but contempt for BDD. Why the he** should we research the past books."
LMM's minion's minion: (naively) "So the fans can feel appreciated?"
LMM's minion: "The only thing about the fans we appreciate is their money. Otherwise we have complete contempt for them too."

CDRO: "Now remember how a standard spin goes--you and the interviewer will deliberately misrepresent the criticism and then you'll answer the misrepresentation--make sure you do it properly..."
RAS has stopped responding. He appears to be catatonic. LMM and CDRO take absolutely no notice.
CDRO: "Next, we've scheduled the standard ?dis-the-fans' sequence. They're required, though we've added a new wrinkle to Mike's usual condescension--we want you to be both condescending AND pompous..."
RAS whimpers softly...
LMM's minion's minion: "Why are they required?"
LMM's minion: "Da-Boss started it, so now they all want to get into the act...a case of ?monkey see, monkey do'...."
CDRO: (in the high droning voice of someone who has given this spiel 1,000 times before) "Throw around the term ?male virgin' a lot...that always make them defensive..."
LMM's minion goes over to RAS and passes a hand over his eyes. There is no response...
LMM's minion: (whispering) "They're turning him into a DR zombie...scary...."
LMM's minion's minion: "What's that?"
LMM's minion: "Someone who's done PPROs disguised as interviews once too stands for ?predigested public relations opportunity' by the way..."
CDRO: (paying no attention to the lesser minions) "Then you can start doing the ?yeah-we're-bad-but-Bantams'-worse' defense and then do a sarcastic litany of their plot sure to leave out Mike's, though..."
LMM: "But he admitted that he hasn't read the books...that's too obviously scripted...!"
CDRO: "Nahhh...they'll never even notice..."
LMM's minion: (moving over to RAS and whispering to him) "When's your DR contract up?"
RAS: (his mouth barely moving) "Soon."
CDRO: "Be sure and say that you've never read any of the sources that have been suggested for the Pong..."
LMM: "But we've already said the Pong were hatched in committee....!"
CDRO: (pointedly) "Are you being negative, there, LMM..? You KNOW what happens to nay-sayers here, don't you?" (he hums the theme music from "The Twilight Zone.")
LMM: "Um...sounds great, CDRO..."
CDRO: "Thank you....(to RAS) Now be sure to point out that the fans have absolutely no right to be cynical..."
LMM's minion: (muttering) "Yeah, that's OUR privilege..."
CDRO: "Next comes the requisite plugs of the rest of our authors...make sure you go into plenty of detail on how great they are....actual reading of their stuff is not required, however...we're not fanatics, or anything..."
LMM's minion: (whispering to RAS) "Ever thought of publishing directly on the ?net?"
RAS: (dully) "No...."
LMM's minion: "Are you tired of these PR circuses? Just wanna do the work ....? (RAS gives an slight nod) "Well, just keep repeating this mantra to yourself--'no more more hype' ...It'll drown him out..." (RAS nods again) "The music business is getting out from under those scuzzball companies that've controlled it for decades...and publishing is next. Here's my card...think about it..."
LMM's minion's minion looks astonished but says nothing.
RAS does not look at LMM's minion but shoves the card surreptitiously in his pocket...
LMM and CDRO are still nattering on; they haven't noticed a thing....
LMM's minion's minion: (wonderingly) "You're a double agent...!"
LMM's minion: "Shaddup!! I'm not...but things are about to change big time..."
CDRO: (the Energizer Bunny is nothing to this guy) "Next we've scheduled thirty seconds of fawning by the interviewer...we wanted sixty seconds, but the forums were stupid about it...said the minion. 
The Spins are doing the final prepping of the unfortunate RAS for his ?interview'....
CDRO: "Next comes the meat of the matter....the plugs...make sure you mention your other books at least thirty times...we insisted that the titles be capitalized, too....and we'll have cover illustrations of your books displayed on the page with links on how to order them--"
LMM: "I want some decipher cards displayed, too...Lucasarts has gotta get something out of this..."
CDRO: (to RAS) "Our warehouses are crammed with your back numbers, and we gotta move some product here...that's why we bought this stupid damn franchise in the first place...though you should insist it was because we're very altruistic and just adore the EU..."
LMM: "You don't think that maybe those relentless commercial plugs are kind"
CDRO: (simply) "They don't bother ME..."
LMM: "Yeah, but they might turn off the audience..."
CDRO: (with an air of a man making a tremendous concession) "Well, okay, decapitalize one or two of the titles..."
LMM: "That should do it..."
CDRO: "Now, be sure and mention your kids...and how this makes your take on the Solo kids realistic..."
RAS: (cringing) "Do I have to keep repeating that awful cliche?"
CDRO: (sternly) "You do."
RAS starts whimpering again...
LMM's minion's minion: (whispering) "This guy is absolutely hopeless...give him the first annual ?I'd Rather Have a Daily Proctology Exam Than Do This' Award. Why don't they get Mike back? At least he doesn't take it so damn seriously..."
LMM's minion: "They're still mad at him over the money thing...not to mention the STMM lawsuit..."
CDRO: (to RAS) "Be sure and praise our editing fulsomely..."
LMM's minion: "As pathetic as it was...."
CDRO: "Mention our editor by name..."
LMM's minion: "So that if someone bites the dust over this, it'll be her and not me..."
CDRO: "Here you paraphrase the real company line...which is that all SW fans are idiots how dare they be critical idiots? So call them strident...flaming know the drill..."
LMM's minion's minion: "Why does he think constantly insulting the customers is a good idea? I'll bet he didn't learn that at MIT."
LMM's minion: (shrugging) "He's a graduate of The Don Rickles School of Advertising..."
LMM's minion's minion: "Really?"
LMM's minion: "Yeah. The Las Vegas campus, no less..."
CDRO: "Next we'll do a little specific poster-bashing...the relevant information, properly distorted, will be supplied by the forums honchos...."
LMM's minion: "Who're always willing to dump on their own posters if a little pandering to the corporate interests is required..."
LMM's minion's minion: "If their leashes are tugged tight enough, that is...."
CDRO: "Wind up by saying that the reason for the critical reaction is not our sloppy editing, poor research, botched continuity, or cliched plots...if the fans don't like the book, it's most certainly their own fault...they're too proprietized--now there's a good spin word--it sounds fancy, but it means nothing...and their resentment over having their pockets picked is completely unreasonable..."
LMM: "Yeah, how dare they take our hype seriously..."
RAS: "I'm sick of this...I won't do it!"
CDRO: (smiling at him) "Remember the words of the song...." (singing) "I owe my soul to the company store..."*
LMM's minion's minion: "Why do they persist in acting like disliking VP is spitting on the flag?"
LMM's minion: "Negativity can spread fast, especially on the ?net. They've got an investment to protect they think that they've got to scotch any rebelliousness right here...."
CDRO: "Be sure to bring up "Saving Private Ryan" for the 99,000th time, and make the usual egregious comparison..."
LMM's minion: "If they've got to talk about WWII, I've always favoured the Stilwell defense myself..."
LMM's minion's minion: "The Stilwell defense?"
LMM's minion: "Yeah. Vinegar Joe Stilwell was a general in the far east theatre in WWII. When he and his army were fighting....

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:10 pm  #17



Meanwhile, Han, Leia, Luke, Mara and the kids are in the Falcon's lounge. Luke and Mara are cuddling. Leia and the boys are playing sabacc for pretzel sticks. Han and Jaina are pacing.
"Do they even still need us?", Han suddenly exploded, "The LMMs and DROs and fanboys and authors have completely taken over this thread."
"We should go home," said Leia.
Luke whined, "Yeah, but what'll we do when we get there?"
"We'll do what everyone else does. Make it up ourselves, as we go along," Mara replied.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
"You to give me the five credits you just owe me," said Jacen," Hand it over,Jaina."
Han went to Anakin and grinned, "Wanna drive, kid"
"And what was that just about?"
"The twins had a bet on who could go the longest without using a KJA catchphrase. Jaina lost."  Jedi Master Kam Solusar and his apprentice, Pemik, have travelled from the AU (that's Alternate Universe) to collect information on the WWF rent-a-thugs, who are training on Core-u-skank. Prefect Wince McMoney, Rock Hot Jamey Summers, Gravedigger, and Manbeast are busy instructing the remaining Pong who have not left to unionize and star in Galaxy Quest. Oldman and his clueless brother Yumyum are still around. Kam and Pemik have infiltrated the Pong training warehouse and are discreetly observing them.

Prefect Wince: "Lissen up you losers. We're here to whip you into shape."
Yumyum: "Oh good, whipping. How painful. How exhilerating. Sign me up. I love pain."
Oldman: "Not that kind of whipping you dunce. (Oldman punches his brother.)
Wince: "We've been hired to be the bad guys and to show you how to be ruthless bad guys. Watch this holo of our greatest moments, then we will begin."
(A holo of the best of BRAINLESS-MANIA is played, showing the grotesquely violent and sleazy behavior of the rent-a-thugs.)

Pemik: (quietly to Kam) "That looked so fake."
Rock Hot: "Where we come from, we are the best athletes in our land."
Pemik: "They look like Hutts."
Gravedigger: "We are also very good actors. It takes a lot of skill to do what we do."
Pemik: "Grunting, groaning, and screaming takes a lot of skill?"
Manbeast: "I was very mad that I wasn't nominated for an Emmy for my last role. I thought I was great."
Rock Hot: "People all across our land revere us for our skill and bravery."
Gravedigger: "They think we are honorable."
Manbeast: "We are honored by their worship..."
Wince: "And all the money they pay to watch us."
Pemik: "I didn't think I would be able to keep myself from laughing after watching that holo."
Kam: "I am glad you were able to control yourself, lest they find us. Let's watch their training excersizes before we leave."

Wince: "First, use whatever tactics you can to confuse and distract your enemy. Mink, come on out."
(A well-endowed blonde in skimpy clothing struts onstage. There's not much more to say about the character. Upon seeing the blonde, all the Pong stare at her; their eyes glued to her every move and jiggle.)
Oldman: (respectfully) "Oh, she is worthy!"
(The rest of the Pong start repeating over and over "she is worthy, she is worthy", almost as if they are in a hypnotic trance.)
Prefect Wince: (angrily) "Would you idiots stop that... You're not supposed to be distracted, your enemies are!! Mink, go powder your nose."

Kam: "I can't believe they think we would be distracted by her."
Pemik: "What?? Sorry master."
Kam: "You must learn to focus better, Pemik."
Pemik: "Sorry master. It's just she was so..."
Kam: "fake, artificial, sleazy, grotesque?"
Pemik: "Yes all those. It's like roadkill, you just can't help yourself. I will try to do better."
(Pemik thinks to himself Oh, no... I said the magic word... Way to go... Here it comes.
Kam: "There is no try. Do or do not."
(Pemik rolls his eyes, without Master Kam seeing him, and says): "Yes Master."

Wince: (whispering to his 3 thugs) "Ditch the blonde idea. These freaks are too distracted by them. Besides, I don't think da-boss would allow that kind of sleaze."
Rock Hot: "Because your fantasy weapons are not working, and ILM is working on new ones, you'll have to rely on good old fashioned dirty fighting."
Manbeast: "Whatever you can find to use as a weapon use it."
Gravedigger: "Throw rocks, dirt, anything. Spit poison, you can do that can't you."
Manbeast: "Swing chairs, pipes, anything you can get your hands on."
Rock Hot: "Rush them, tackle them, knock them to the ground."
Gravedigger: "Kick them in the face, the head, the body, their Privates Ryan."
Manbeast: "Use half-Nelsons, full-Nelsons, Ricky Nelsons, Ricky Martins."
Kam: "Ugh! Ricky Martin. That might stink!  
Han stared at Leia as she suddenly started fizzlingly sparks from her head.

Han quickly flipped the switch on the back of her neck.

"Dang Human Replicant Droids. Karrde sold me a bum one!" he growned.

"CHEWIE BRING ME THE HYDROSPANNER!" he growled as they tossed him the thing that apparently was used to fix everything.

Talon Karrde had been playing Lucas off against the refugees and making a tidy sum. Already he'd scored a Karrde comic book and Karrde lunch box. He wanted to get a harem like Jabba for the next movie.

Episode II: Karrde teaches Anakin

"Luke you won't ever replace me for a human replicant droid would you?" Mara asked as Luke hesitated before getting whacked in the stomach.

"No No of course not."

'Except if it's Guri...hehe or a Leia model...I wonder if I can get a Mara...why not all three? Hahaha' the Jedi Master grinned to himself before Mara stared.

"You forgot about the Force bond." Mara spoke.

"DAMN YOU ZAHN!" Luke cursed before Mara whacked him in the side of the face.

"Don't forget Timothy is comming here to fix this mess." Mara spoke "At least I hope so."

Anakin then walked in (the second) "Hey Dad they'res a Captain Panaka out here to see you. Something about a queen..."

Han smirked "Queen huh? Looks like Han old boy is trading up from Princess." he grinned lecherously as he walked out.

"Thanx Annie."



Timothy Zahn walked through his underground secret passage to his private getaway in the Star Wars universe.

Donning his extra hair, leather jacket, and outrageous smuggling clothes before the wide eyed fan stared...


In his new Galaxy Quest gig, Nom Nom is giving an interview....he is reclining on a poolside divan, surrounded by renegade unionized Pong, who are fanning him with palm fronds, and popping grapes in his open mouth...
Interviewer: "Nom Nom, can you tell us your deepest thoughts...?"
Nom Nom: "Certainly I could, if I had any, but I've got nothing today...all I can say is...I love being a movie star! It beats the hell out of slumming it in the NJO..."
Interviewer: "I understand DreamWorks is campaigning in the media for an Oscar nomination for you..."
Nom Nom: (preening) "Damn was part of our new contract...collective bargaining is bliss..."
Interviewer: "You had some good reviews, didn't you....?"
Nom Nom: "Yes...and I deserved them all..."
Interviewer: "I'll quote from Time...'as the villain, a probing performance is given by Nom Nom Amor'; Entertainment Weekly...'Amor camps it up furiously as Saris'; and Daily Variety : ?the villain gives as good a performance as you can expect from a guy in a lizard suit.'
Nom Nom: (modestly) "I was great..."
Interviewer: "And the rest of the Pong?"
Nom Nom: (not pleased) "They hit their let's get back to me...what do movie stars usually say in these interviews?"
Interviewer: (uncertainly) "I'd really rather direct?"
Nom Nom: "No, no, not that...when they want to prove they're regular guys....oh, yeah! I always do my own the frantic applause of cast and what else?"
Interviewer: "I dunno..."
Nom Nom: (meditatively) "I suppose this is where I should mention that acting is really no job for a man....they all say I prove myself by the stunt-work..."
Interviewer: (desperately) "Um...Nom Nom, do you think your career will be limited by the fact that you have only one eye?"
Nom Nom: "No. They hired me for ?Galaxy Quest', didn't they? We're negotiating to appear in ?Titan A. E.' and ?Battleground, Earth' next....and we have plenty of other offers...'
Interviewer: "Are you afraid of being typecast?"
Nom Nom: (scowling) "Why should I be?"
Interviewer: (delicately) "Your skull-like face, lizard-skin, and that whirlygig on the top of your head kinda limits you for romantic roles, don't you think?"
Nom Nom: (smirking) "Women love bad boys....I'm negotiating to star with Julia Roberts next...."
Interviewer: (sotto voce) "It'll give new meaning to the term ?Runaway Bride'.."
Nom Nom: (scowling) "What was that?"
Interviewer: "Ah, nothing...Has your asking price gone up?"
Nom Nom: "It sure has, friend, it sure has....I'll never have to work for DB again at this rate...that cheapskate..."
Interviewer: "And the rest of the Pong?"
Nom Nom: "They're getting scale, which is a sight better that the scraps they earned in the NJO...and they make extra money renting out the Hammock to scifi conventions..."
Interviewer: "Um...I understand that Del Rey is suing you over your exit from the NJO...."
Nom Nom: "Good luck to them...I'm already planning my wardrobe for the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion...that kid from ?The Sixth Sense' hasn't a chance...."
Interviewer: "He was good, though."
Nom Nom: "Doesn't matter. The Pong will make sure that everybody votes for me. Wontcha, fellas?"
The Pong all nod vigorously.
Nom Nom (happily) "Solidarity forever..."

Back on Naboo, Jacen is sitting in the middle of the floor, meditating. Suddenly, he comes out of it, in a state of near panic.
Jacen: "Dad!"
Han: (he is playing cut-throat sabacc with Chewie) "Yeah, what?"
Jacen: "I just had this terrible vision..."
Han: "Well, keep it to yourself, then."
Jacen: "You were in it..."
Han: (about to bluff Chewie outrageously) "Oh, was I?"
Jacen: "Yeah, so was Mom..."
Han: (grimacing) "Great..."
Jacen: "She was really a human replica droid..."
Han: (meditatively) "I often thought about getting a less domineering's kinda hard to sneak up on a Jedi, though..."
Jacen: "Jaina and Anakin were there, too..."
Han: (not really interested) "Were they human replicant droids, too?"
Jacen: "Dunno. What do you think it means?"
Han: "No idea, kid. But you can ask Luke what he thinks it means.
Student #2 stared in awe at Zahn.
" are Talon Karrde!"
"You bet your...fuzz. Or whatever that is on your face." Zahn pulled out a suit. "Here, put this on."
Student #2 stared in awe. "Is this what you wore in the Union comics?"
"Heck no. You're going to be my partner, Aves. I never described him, and every superhero needs a partner."
Zahn pulled out a mask. "How 'bout it?"
"Sure!" Aves reached out to take the mask, when Zahn pulled it back.
"This isn't for you. I don't have one of those ysalamari hunters available, and my mind just went blank as to what they're called, so the dog needs to wear it. To keep up appearances."
"Right." Aves grabbed the dog and held it down while Talon/Timothy tied the mask on it."
"So, what's on our itinerary?"
"Well, we need to rescue the main characters, including Mara Jade, kill or gag MAS so he doesn't say anything else stupid, avoid the LMM, and do a re-write of Vector Prime."
"Humph. Is that all?" T/T walked over to the wall, and opened up a secret door.
"Uh, yes. How are we going to do it, Mr. Zahn, sir?"
"Call me Talon."
"Where did you come up with that? It's a bird thing-"
"Yeah, but do you really want to argue with me on such a mute point?"
"No. Do we take the dog-er, ysalamari hunter with us?"
"Good. I can't do it all. Da Boss doesn't respect my opinion that much, and since the water was drugged, he probably thinks I'm under his control. Fortunately, he doesn't know that I'm Talon Karrde." T/T waved his hand through the door way, and waved Aves over to it. "C'mon kid, it's perfectly safe. Despite being a ST ripoff of the portal, or gateway, or whatever they called it in those TNG and DS9 episodes."
"Uh, okay. Say, where are we going?" Aves stood up and walked over to the portal.
"Nowhere. Yet. Come, droid. Let's hear your message."
The little droid rolled forward, and activated his mini hologram. "Master Zahn, blah blah blah blah."
"Right. Thank you, droid."
Aves stared. "What did she say?"
"Luke Skywalker, a few of the other characters, and Mara need my help. We're going to help them."
"Now? when we're done doing that, what next?"
"Well, what we're going to do is kinda stuck together..."
Aves stared. "What, Talon?"
"Like I said, DB cares nothing for me. We're going to get the only person he does care for."
Breathlessly, Aves said, "You mean..."
"Yes. The only author able to get his characters action-figureized and they didn't suck."
"Alrighty then. To Steve Perry's house?"
"No. He's never home."
"The local Bingo game rooms?"
"No, he's not much of a gambler."
"The arcade?"
"Then where?"
"We're gonna need some backup in dealing with LMM and all the minions that are probably guarding him from influencing DB anymore."
"Right. So we go to Skywalker, bring back some jedi, and kick some LMM minion butt?"
"You catch on pretty quick."
With that brief exchange, they jumped through the portal.

And now...

The Vector Prime Humouous Version Theme Song

Sung to tht tune of the Red Dwarf theme

It's all set up
Everything's been shaken on
The deal is done
More or less
Chewie dies
Far away from here
Doomed, doomed, doomed,
By a moon, moon, moon.
I'd rather fly
Against some dumb superweapon
Written by
Get me out
Of the profic trap
Doomed doomed doomed
By a moon moon moon.
Aves: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Talon: Uhmmm....Chris Rock?
Aves: "Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Talon: Oh, that's Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Aves: Darnit. Your turn.
Scene: the barrier between the EU and our world. A card table between Aves and Talon, with a pack of cards scattered around them.
Talon: I don't want to play anymore.
Aves: Okay. Poker?
Talon: No.
Aves: What do you do when you're coming through the barrier?
Talon: I play solitare.
Aves: Well, we can do that.
Talon: No we can't. Two people can't play solitare!
Aves: We can time ourselves!
Glaring Talon: No.
Muttering to self Talon: Why did I ever bring this kid along....
Aves: How much longer is this going to be?
Talon: I don't know. I set the portal thing-gummy to send us to where Mara and Luke are.
Aves: Oh. Why didn't you just have them set us down on Kashyyyk? We could get some Wookiee power!
Talon realizing the error of his ways: Shuttup.

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:11 pm  #18



Back in the N.J.O. (Cue Billy Joel) Jaina, Dyp Kurron, Givin, and Cole are gathered in Rogue Squadron headquarters.

Givin (to Jaina and Dyp): "We are going to continue the tradition of having a Jedi in the squadron."
Jaina and Dyp: "Yes!"
Givin: "But, only one of you will be chosen. We are sending you with Cole and half the squadron on a scouting mission."
(Jaina and Dyp start arguing about who is the best pilot.)
Jaina: "I spent 27 hours, 27 minutes, and 27 seconds in the belt."
Dyp: "But, I've been piloting since you were a baby. I mean who can forget my magnificent display of flying the Sun Crusher. Plus I have real combat experience."
Givin: "Would you two stop bickering."
Cole: We'll be looking for the Pong and I'll be evaluating you and recommending to Givin who will be chosen to be in the group."

Cole, five other members of Rogue Squadron, and Jaina and Dyp take off. They head out to the outer rim to look for any left over skippingstones. After a couple of hours of searching they find a group of skippingstones. They land and start throwing the skippingstones in the nearby lake to see who can skip the most. Oops. Sorry, forgot what I was writing about.
Anyway, the skippingstones attack and immediately two Rogue ships are hit and destroyed with the pilots ejecting out and floating in space near their destroyed ships.

Cole: "Break off by formation, stay with your wingman."
(Dyp, sensing a chance for glory and revenge, abandons Jaina and attacks by himself.)
Jaina picks up one on her tail. Jaina increases power to her rear shield, and rotates onto her port S-foil. She increases her speed in an attempt to loop behind the skippingstone. The skipper stays with her.
Jaina: "Man this guy is good."
Jaina trims power, hits her etheric rudder, and goes into a dive to starboard, but the skipper continues to stay with her.
Jaina: "Man this guy is really good."
Jaina ends up flying into an asteroid field, lopping in and around, over and under the asteriods, but the skipper is still behind her.
Jaina: "Man this guy is really, really good. I am going to be toast if I don't do something quickly."
Jaina goes through 1 hour of juking, jinking, hitting etheric rudders, looping, slipping, and sliding before she breaks free of the skipper behind her and firing the killing shot.

Meanwhile the skippers have got Dyp on the run. He's taken several hits and is down to minimal power and has lost his canopy again. He decides to hide down on one of the larger asteroids.

(Insert your favorite, verbose MAS dogfighting scene.)
Jaina finishes off the rest of the skippers that attacked them.

The rest of the squad has been wiped out.

When Dyp realizes that Jaina has finished off the rest of the skippingstones, he comes out of hiding.

Dyp (nervously): "Come on Jaina let's go."
Jaina: "But shouldnt we check to see if anyone is alive?"
Dyp: "Stackpole isn't writing this so those guys are dead for sure."
Jaina: "Makes sense to me."
Dyp: "Besides, they were all wearing Red shirts, and only one of them was named."
Jaina: "Okay."
Dyp (whining): "Oh, I lost another droid. And we were just getting to know each other."
Jaina: "Why are you so cold and callous Dyp. We just lost 6 people."
Dyp: "I've always been portrayed as hard-edged, reckless, cold and callous. I mean look, I slaughtered billions on Cardia and I didn't get punished or show great remorse. Why should I be any different now?"
Jaina: "What about that recent short story that said you carried a great burden."
Dyp: "Short stories don't count. BDD stuff barely counts so why should short stories."
Jaina: "Makes sense to me."

As they jump to lightspeed back to Poodoobrillion, Dyp stands up in his cockpit and yells "I am king of the galaxy."  Back on Core-u-skank, Corran has decided to check in at home. He finds his thirteen-year-old son, Valin, sprawled out in front of the holovid, plunking some weird-looking instrument and eating cold pizza...
Corran: "Valin!"
Valin peers up under a long greasy fringe of hair. He is a zit farm par excellence.
Valin: "Oh, hi, Dud..."
Corran: "That's ?Dad.'"
Valin: "Whatever..."
Corran: "Where's your sister?"
Valin: "Do I have one?"
Corran: "I think so..."
Valin: "Haven't seen her around..."
Corran: (dramatically) "I've come to tell you the truth about your mother!"
Valin: "Mom? Haven't seen HER around either. Not that I'd notice anyway...we haven't had a conversation since I hit puberty."
He stands up. Physically, he looks like a very young, very pimply Booster Terrik--which means he is twice Corran's size. He shambles over to whatever fridges are called in the NJO and extracts several cans.
Corran: "She's left me for another man!"
Valin: (absently) "No kidding. Who is it?"
Corran: (muttering) "Wedge Antilles..."
Valin: "Sheesh. Gramps is going to be thrilled..."
Corran: "Is that all you have to say?"
Valin: "Yup."
He stretches himself back out in front of the holovid and starts draining the cans, alternating with huge bites of cold pizza.
Corran: "Valin...I have to talk to you...this is serious..."
Valin: "So talk...Galactic Music Countdown is on in five minutes..."
Corran: "I'm going to make myself King of the Galaxy..."
Valin: (muttering) "Whoop-de-do."
Corran: "Which will make you Crown Prince..."
Valin: "Can't wait. Could you move over a little? You're blocking the screen..."
Corran: "A Crown Prince can't fool around with trivial stuff like'll have to do something serious...become a Jedi, or a Rogue pilot, or join the navy..."
Valin puts down his can deliberately and parts his bangs with his hands so he can get a better look at his father.
Valin: "You're joking, right?"
Corran: "I never joke..."
Valin: "Stupid question. Gotta have a sense of humor first...look, Dud..."
Corran: (encouragingly) "Dad..."
Valin: "I think you're laboring under a misunderstanding, here..."
Corran: "I am?"
Valin: " think I'm the usual NJO adolescent. The type that actually wants to be a Jedi--what a lame ambition--or a stupid Rogue pilot. The brilliant, keener types like those Solo dweebs...the jerks that save the day at the last minute with a completely looney plan that naturally works...well, dream on....I wanna be a rock star..."
Corran: (patiently) "I've just told you, you can't."
Valin: (to himself) "And he wonders why Mom hit the road..."
Corran: "As I see it, you should enroll in Junior Corsec immediately. I'll hire a tutor to coach you in piloting and Jedi lore on the side...Jaina Solo has enrolled in Rogue Squadron, and I want you to do the same..."
Valin: "Get a grip...didn't you hear what I said? I'm a real adolescent.... which means I'm completely self- absorbed, lazy, and I have raging hormones...I am NOT enrolling in Junior Corsec, I do NOT wanna be a Jedi, and I do NOT wanna be a pilot...and most of all, I do NOT wanna be like YOU."
Corran: "But why not? I'm perfect!"
Valin: (head in hands) "I give up."  Deep within the bowels of ILM...

CDRO: "How much longer is it going to be?"
ILMer: "We are almost done, just a few finishing touches."
CDRO: "We've got a book coming out tomorrow."
LMM: "Except for areas of the country served by Walmart."
CDRO: "Argh! Tell me about it. You'd think those 'hogs' from Arkansas would know what a release date of February 1 means."
LMM's minion: "I think we may have come up against a greedy corporate behemoth that's worse than us."
LMM: "Don't say that! Especially, not in front of da-boss."
CDRO: "What are you? Some kind of traitor?"
LMM's minion: (stifling a grin) "No, not me, never."
CDRO: (to the ILMer) "Come on, come on, hurry it up!"
LMM: (to CDRO) "Would you chill out. ILM has always come through for us."
CDRO: "Oh, you mean like the time they screwed up...."
LMM: "Now who's the naysayer."

A couple more hours pass, then finally the ILMer comes out of the secret lab.
ILMer: "Okay, we're finally done."
LMM: "Can we see?"
CDRO: "Can we test it out?"
ILMer: "Yes."
(The ILMer leads them into the lab. Lined up along the wall are replicas of the AWOL characters.)
CDRO: "Can we talk to them?"
ILMer: "Yes, you may. We've programmed them to respond to any possible inquiry."
CDRO: "Luke, state your mission and designation."
Luke version 2.0: "I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master. My mission is to seek new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before."
(LMM and CDRO are agast)
ILMer: (doing a bad job of holding back laughter) "We programmed a little humor. We knew that would get you."
LMM (glares at him) "You think that was funny you little dweeb. You wanna work for Star Trek. That can be arranged!"
ILMer: (contritely) " I am so sorry. Try again."
CDRO: "Well Luke?"
Luke V2: "I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master. My mission is to seek out the mystery behind the deadly invasion force and the possible link between the beetles and Mara's disease."
CDRO: "Mara, what do you think of your husband?"
Mara V2: "I am sick of him. He always wants to share his feelings. I just want to be left alone to deal with my disease by myself.
CDRO: (to both of them) "What do you think of consumating your marriage."
Luke V2 and Mara V2: (together) "Eeeww. That's against the rules."
CDRO: "What about your mind link?"
L&M: (together) "What mind link?"
CDRO: "Jacen, what do you think of adventure and excitement and pleasures of the flesh?"
Jacen V2: "A Jedi does not crave these things."
CDRO "Mirax, what do you think of your husband?"
Mirax V2: "Corran is a god. I worship him."
CDRO: "Han, how do you feel about the loss of Chewie?"
Han V2: "I am so broken up. My bubble has been burst. Things will never be the same again. I am depressed, angry, and ready to fly off the handle."
CDRO: (to all) "What do you think of da-boss."
All: "The greatest."
CDRO: "Would you ever run out on the storyline?"
All: "No."
CDRO: "No matter what happens?"
All: "Never."

CDRO: (to ILMer) "Very good job."
LMM: "Prepare them for transport back to the NJO."
ILMer: "Thank you. Yes sir."
CDRO: "We need them to take the place of the wayward scofflaws for the next books."

Later that day, the LMM and CDRO have a meeting with Nosentz and Darkly Preposterous.

CDRO: "We've got a book coming out tomorrow."
Nosentz: "Except for areas of the country served by Walmart."
CDRO: (to LMM) "Didn't we have this conversation already?"
LMM: "Did you take Walmart to task for releasing it early, son?"
Nosentz: "As ordered sir."
CDRO: "Now, you know the drill don't you."
DP & N: "Yes sir!"
CDRO: "What do you think of Mike's books and the NJO?"
DP & N: "They are AWESOME."
CDRO: "What else?"
DP & N: "Mike's back, so everyone should expect his usual bang up job. And we have to pretend that the NJO isn't clueless and derivative."
CDRO: "Anything else?"
DP & N: "We have to report some of the more outlandish statements to you so that you can use it as positive spin and an example of crank behavior in chats and interviews."
CDRO: "What about reviews?"
DP & N: "We have to review the books positively and pretend that the authors have talentDeep in the Dead Zone:

Beru is making some sort of meal in some sort of instrument, just like back on Tatooine. Owen comes in, sits at the table, and picks up a copy of the DZ Times. Beru sits next to him.

Beru: Owen?
Owen: (not looking at her) "Hmmm?"
Beru: (more insistent) Owen?
Owen: (knowing what that tone means, he folds his paper shut and looks at her) Yes, dear?
Beru: I've been thinking. Perhaps we should leave the Dead Zone, too.
Owen: You mean, right before the harvest?
Beru: Yes. Owen, we can't stay here forever. Most of our friends have gone. (looking at him with pleading eyes) It means so much to me.
Owen: I'll make it up to you after the harvest. I promise. We'll. . .go to a movie, or something.
Beru: (gives him a shrewd look) Remember what happened the last time a conversation went this way?
Owen: (shifting uncomfortably) Yeah. But it can't happen again. I mean, they can only kill you once, right?

Considering the matter settled, he picks up his paper again. Beru finger-doodles on the table-top for a moment, then sighs and rests her chin in her hand.

Beru: I hear Luke. . .
Owen: (from behind paper) What was that, dear?
Beru: I hear Luke's gone and gotten himself married.
Owen: Yeah, so?
Beru: Well, if they've really escaped, that means. . .

Owen slowly lowers his paper and stares at her.

Owen: You mean, they. . .?

Beru nods.
Owen throws his paper down and rushes into the back room, where he can be heard banging things around.
Beru follows, to find him packing in great haste, clothes all over the room as he tries carrying too much from the closet to the suit case on the bed.

Owen: (muttering) Stupid little brat. . .gets us killed, then runs off and gets married and. . .no more, dang it.
Beru: (eyeing Owen speculatively) You know, dear, since we're leaving, abandoning the past, and all, I think we could probably. . .
Owen: (stopping dead) Is that . . . legal?
Beru: (shaking her head) No. But who cares? We're about to become undead criminals anyway. Let's live it up.

Owen, a sly grin twisting his face, walks up to Beru and pulls her into the room, closing the door behind them.  Deep inside the ILM test center...

CDRO: Now how do we know the V2's will succeed in their mission
ILM: Don't worry they will destroy the originals.
CDRO: I'm still don't believe they are up for the task. Onslaught is supposed to come out today. they have to be done.
ILM: Then perhaps u should see a demenstration. Luke Version 2.0, come out here.
LukeV2: What is it master?
ILM: U see, there is a chip inside each robot and when i push this button, a message saying "U WILL KILL LUKE SKYWALKER!!!!" will play in their heads. Now each robot is programmed to kill each of their originals. All V2s come out now.
They come out. In front of them cardboard cut-outs of their originals pop up. The ILMer pushes the button. LukeV2 cuts off Luke Cardboard Cut-out's head. Machine guns come out of MaraV2's breasts and they shoot Mara Cardboard cut-out. Soon no cardboard cut-out are left

Later that day on Naboo, Mara and Luke are still working on their improvisations. the walk out of the tent to find that Jacen is gone....
Luke: Hey where's Jacen?
He looks ahead to see a horny Jacen humping a sleeping Guri.
Luke: Jacen get off her. Only me and ur father are allowed to hump Guri
Mara throws Luke a dirty look
Luke: Um, i mean........nobody is allowed to hump Guri.
Luke pulls Jacen off Guri
Jacen: But Uncle Luke, she so hot. I just wanna do stuff to her.
Jacen runs back and jumps on top of Guri again.
Luke: U think everyone is hot. I thought u had a thing for Danni Quee now.
Jacen: no, i liked her last week. i don't like her anymore.
Luke rolls his eyes. All of a sudden a ship starts coming toward Naboo. It lands and the V2s walk out of it. The start to draw out their weapons
Luke: What the hell? Mara, i didn't know u had machine guns in ur breasts. how'd i miss those
Mara: Um Luke, I'm over here. Thats not me.
MaraV2: No Luke I'm Mara. Come over here.
Luke: I know how to settle this. Who wants to have sex with me right now.
MaraV2: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I'll just kill u.
All the V2's start attacking the originals. All the originals are losing. All of a sudden a black guy with a lightsaber runs out and starts attaking the V2s. He defeats them easily.
Black Guy: Lightsabers, when u absolutly, positively have to kill every mutha ****er in the room. Wait u don't know me do u? Hey, I'm Mace Windu. I'm from the prequel era. I knew ur father. I was the baddest son of a ***** Jedi that ever live. That is until that Mutha ****er GL killed me off.
Luke: Then I guess we have something in common. We're all outcasts from the NJO.
Mace: I know. thats why i came here. I wanna fight those Muthas.
Luke: Wait, if ur from the Prequel Era, u know everything about everyone back then right?
Mace: Ya, so?
Luke: Then come with me.
Mace: sure. Kid over there, the one humping the droid that looks like a human. ya u. Fetch me my Lightsaber, its the one that says bad *** on it.

LMM: "Giving Tyers to green light to solicit fan opinion openly was a masterful stroke."
CDRO: "Yes, her idea was a good one. It gives the fans that warm fuzzy feeling that we actually care."
LMM: "Letting her go public with the info that our first choice for VP scribe fell through was risky, but paid off in the end, I think."
CDRO: "We may have suffered a little in the credibility department, admitting that one of our authors wasn't up to the task, but overall, I agree, it was good."
LMM: "She took up that '1000 page info dump' comment that one of our forum allies put forth and ran with it."
CDRO: "Oh, I was so pleased, too."
LMM: "I couldn't have spun any better myself!"
CDRO: "It gave credibility to our allies' mischaracterizations and further distanced the critics as being unreasonable."
LMM: "She does seem to be getting a little too cozy with the fans sometimes with those spontaneous eruptions of LUKE RULES."
(Both wrinkle their noses and say) "Eeww!"
CDRO: "Agh! She's just like them. Isn't the ILM implant supposed to suppress that kind of behavior?"
LMM: "Maybe she got the fan version. You know, the kind that we put in our fan operatives."
CDRO: "Well, I suppose it's alright as long as she doesn't reveal any unapproved corporate secrets."
LMM: "We are testing a new Passive Restrainst System on her too."
CDRO: "Oh, really?"
LMM: "The implant senses when unapproved thoughts and secrets are being transferred from the thought areas of the brain to the speech areas."
CDRO: "I'm with ya so far."
LMM: "When the alarm bells are triggered, a gag automatically inflates."
CDRO: (gleefully) "And she can't say anything!"
LMM: (proudly) "Early trials have proven very effective."
CDRO: "Excellent! We should consider rolling it out to the rest of the group, especially RAS and MAS."
LMM: "That's the plan. The lab boys have even taken to calling it a MAS-inhibitor."**

[If you are still reading this Kathy, sorry, I couldn't resist.]

** Really obscure, bad pun! There is a class of drugs known as MAO inhibitors.

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:16 pm  #19



Back on Naboo, our heroes are wondering what just hit them...
Mara: (to Luke) "What WAS that?"
Luke: (sighing) "I think we just had a stealth visit from one of the authors of Guri's multitudinous underground fanfics..."
Mara: "You think?"
Luke: "Yeah. One of the give-aways is using ?u' and ?ur' for ?you' and ?your'--they're all like that..."
Mara: (casually) "So how many of ?em have you read, there, kid?"
Luke: "Um...not many..."
Mara: "So do they always make Guri completely passive...?"
Luke: "If they're written by frustrated 15-year-old males, they do. That's the point."
Mara: "And the rest?"
Luke: "Well, the machine-gun-in-the-brassiere bit is absolutely standard..."
Mara: "I'm absolutely sure I want to know no more..."  Meanwhile, back in hyperspace....
Aves: I won!
Talon: No, you didn't.
Aves: Yes I did.
Talon: No, you didn't. 4 queens is over 21, and therefore I win.
Aves: Huh? We're playing Go Fish!
Talon: No, we're playing sabacc.
Aves: But I don't know how to play sabacc! Ann didn't describe it that well!
Talon: That's besides the point! We're playing sabacc!
Aves: No we aren't!
Talon: Yes we- say, you just gave me a good idea.
Aves: We're going to play Go Fish?
Talon: No. About rescueing Luke and Mara...
Aves: Yes....
Talon: If they screwed up Mara, they musta screwed up Han, don't ya think?
Aves: Possible.
Talon: Very. 2 great writers are better than just one, so lets-
Aves whining: Not now! I wanna meet Luke!
Talon: Shuttup. But your right. There aren't that many good writers, but...they've probably all been manipulated by LMM.
Aves: I forget, what's LMM?
Talon: Something like Lucasfilm Managment Minion.
Aves: Close enough.
Talon: Yeah, sure kid.
Aves: Shouldn't we be out of hyperspace soon?
Talon: Yup. Next post. And now back to....
Naboo, Naboo, Naboo
The planet where I quite want to be.
For hunting or fishing or camping
Or just for watching TV.
It's so near to Umgul,
So far from Belkadan.
Let's hope George won't blow it
Up like Alderaan.
Naboo, Naboo, Naboo.
Naboo has it all!

(If you would like to know more about Naboo, why not call Mr. and Mrs. Smedley of Kuat City. They can tell you all you want to know, and show you their collection of Gungan poetry.)

They came out of hyperspace seeking the Jeid Master. They came from Earth to save the Jedi Master. They hope to find the Jedi Master. They traveled from another world to find the Jedi Master....

And now they're lost, looking for directions at a refueling station.

Talon: So I hang a left at the asteroid belt, head straight on for about 10 light years-
Gas station flight attendent: Yeah, pretty much.
Aves mumbling: I get stuck with the one pilot who can't read a starchart...
Talon: I heard that.
GSFA: Uh, sir, I understand that you're in the info biz.
Talon: That's right, m'boy.
GSFA: Uhmm...could you tell me where all the major characters have gone? LMMs have offered a lot of money to whoever-
Talon: Now wait a minute. Last time I checked, I was a major character.
GSFA: You don't have a book.
Talon: Neither does...someone. Now lookee here-
Aves: Can we please get going? We've got to find Luke!
Talon: Shutup!
Grand Admiral Thrawn stared as sat in the bowels of the damn Star Destroyer over the service station in the middle of Nowhere. Literally.

"I cannot believe we're lost Pelleaon." he spoke as he stared at his second in command.

"Well EXXXXCCCUUUUUUSE me Grand Admiral if all the star charts in the ship correspond to the galaxy map in Vector Prime. It doesn't even MAKE SENSE half the time!"

"Half the time? That is being generous." Thrawn muttered as he watched another segment of the dancing Palpatine chorus on HBO.

"I thought the Emperor was supposed to be a villian of this fiction." Pelleaon stared as Sideous did the hustle.

"This is a not often posted to round robin Pelleaon. Frankly I'm surprised the Emperor doesn't have a saxophon..." Thrawn stopped as he looked at the view monitor now having the Emperor wearing shades doing a saxaphone duet with soon to be ex-president Bill Clinton.

"I've lost all respect for the man." The Grand Admiral shook his head.

"Which one?" Pelleaon asked.

"How are our passengers?" Grand Admiral Thrawn spoke as he sighed. Trying to avoid the question.

"Daala and Callista are debating why the hell they got the worst romance arcs in the galaxy, Xizor is realizing very slowly that a blue manipulative alien is not every woman's idea of a fantasy..." Pelleaon spoke as Thrawn stared at him...DEEPLY.

"Ahem." The Grand Admiral said.

"Present company excepted of course." Admiral Pelleaon winced. "It's just...I always read you as kinduv celebate and married to your job?"

"Like Luke you mean?" Thrawn stared.

"You don't mean..." Pellaeon stared.

"Yes...damnnit why didn't *I* have a love interest?! They gave Xizor, Palpatine, Tarkin, what is with DA BOSS and giving the ugliest men in the galaxy dangerous beutiful women?!" Thrawn stopped. "I'm an attractive sucessful..." Thrawn stopped as a slow realization dawned.

"I think I answered my own question." he said as Pelleaon said the same thing more or less at the same time.

Thrawn gestured over to the service station.

"Order a team down to do a data-raid for the location of Naboo." Thrawn spoke with slight self mockery.

"I'll tell them to shake it out of the attendant. I'll get some Slim Jims and a few liters of Surge too."

"Make it Mr. Pibb I hate being wired when I command."


LMM and CDRO are discussing the latest spin on the PR front with MAS, whose attitudes have adjusted...
LMM: (to MAS) "Now, we want you to go on the ?net and do some posting..."
MAS: "You're kidding, right? That's for the estrogen brigade...I'm cool...I don't do forums..."
CDRO hits his implant remote...
MAS: "Accckkkkk....I shall post on the nets, master...what do you want me to say?"
CDRO: "Well, there's a thread that praises ?Onslaught' at the expense of ?VP'...we want you to go in there and object to a little s--t-kicking, be humble..."
LMM's minion (to his minion) "Now THERE's ?Mission Impossible'...."
CDRO: "After all, we have a lot investing in selling RAS's back numbers...we don't need any further criticism of him..."
LMM's minion: "Especially as it's really criticism of them..."
LMM: "Once you object, Darkly will close it...he doesn't believe in free speech, anyway..."
MAS: "Accckkkk...your wish is my command..."
CDRO: "But there's another thread that we want you to stop, as soon as possible...some malcontent actually brought up the inflated prices of the books...this is absolutely unacceptable..."
MAS: "Acccckkk...yes, master..."
CDRO: "Now one of the estrogen-ingenues have been recruited to confuse the issue with a lot of irrelevant information about type-setting..."
LMM: "Which one...?"
CDRO: "The one that thinks ?piqued' is spelt ?peaked'..."
LMM: "Oh, her..."
CDRO: "Now, we hoped to spread the word that the fans should feel that they should have to pay more for a good book..."
LMM's minion (to his minion): "Now there's a dangerous that rate each copy of VP should've cost 49 cents each...."
CDRO: "We want you to go on the net and say you get royalties..."
LMM's minion: "That's a barefaced..."
CDRO: "Nobody's going to ask to see the actual contract, and if they do, just say it's confidential..."
MAS: "Acccckkkk...yes, master...."
CDRO: "But we need to shut down that thread before anyone asks the $64,000 question..."
LMM's minion: "Which is, of course, how much does each book--a mini-paperback with chintzy paper, miniscule print and spines that crack five milliseconds after you buy it--actually cost to produce? About 20 cents each would probably not go over well..."
CDRO: "We'll get Darkly to assure the faithful that we at Del Rey price our paperbacks at the same rate...this is so important, we'll make him bold the information..."
LMM's minion: "Yeah, they're ALL overpriced..."
CDRO: "If anybody DOES ask, just bring up shipping NOT bring up the huge amount of money spent on hype..."
CDRO: "We're sure your appearance will suspend everybody's critical faculties, anyway..."
LMM's minion: "They hope..."
CDRO: "As a gratuity for your co-operation, we'll arrange for a plug of your other shamelessly spin-like it'd make a shill blush...we guarantee it..."
MAS: "Accckkk...thank you, master..."
CDRO whining)"I hate it when the fans bring up questions like this!...why can't they just confine themselves to asking where you get your ideas...?"
LMM: "At least they seem to like this book..."
CDRO: (ominously) "Who cares? We bought the franchise to move our other stock...not Bantam' won't see another huge ad campaign for this one..."

Luke and Mara walked through the main square in front of the palace. After fighting off the V.2s, who had retreated to take part in Onslaught, the two were enjoying some time together. A roar echoed through the square. Both dropped into defensive stances, hands on sabers, as a swoop roared into the square and skidded to a stop inches from the two Jedi. The two figures on board pull off their helmets.

Luke stared at the sight before him.

Luke: Uncle Owen?!?!

Perched at the front of the swoop sat his uncle, the man who had always been holding him back, not letting him live his dream. Now he was dressed, not in his normal, simple, farmer's clothes, but in a lot of black leather and chains.

Owen: (chewing on some gum) Hey, Luke. (eyeing Mara) So this is why you left the NJO, huh?
Luke: (looking nervous as Mara's eyes narrow) Uh, yeah. What are you two doing here?
Beru: (from her perch behind Owen, similarly attired) Well, everyone was leaving, you know? So we decided to, well, you know. (blushes)
Luke: (surprised) You mean you never?
Beru: (shaking her head) Why do you think you didn't have any cousins.
Mara: Makes sense to me.

Beru and Owen get touchy-feely for a moment, then turn back.

Owen: We're here to help you out, kid, Just give us a hollar.

They put their helmets on.

Beru winks at Luke.

Beru: We'll get another swoop eventually, but for now, I like being this close to him.

She wraps her arms around Owen. Revving the engine, he shoots away back to the city.

Luke stares after them for a moment.

Mara: Luke? Are you okay?
Luke: (shudders) I think I'm too young even for that.

They return to the base to continue plotting against the NJO, LMMs, DROs, and the rest of the alpahbet soup.
Back at the ranch, the Del Rey Overlord is proudly striding down one of the long halls to his tiny cubicle reflecting on the postitive reactions to the latest book. Behind him, he hears some screaming. The LMM is running towards him, frantically waving his arms over his head. The CDRO stops and waits for the LMM to reach him. The LMM is huffing and puffing mightily since he's not used to that kind of physical exertion. He looks very pained, almost as if he's going to pass out.

R.A.SALVATORE: Rewrite that, please.

LMM: (takes a deep breath) "Stackpole has started posting on the forums!"
CDRO: (absently) "So?"
LMM: "You know how he likes to run on... (gasp for breath) He'll say something embarassing... (gasp) The implant must be defective again... (gasp) We have to recall him to fix it!"
CDRO: "Don't worry. I gave him permission to start actively posting."
LMM: "What? Why? And why wasn't I consulted!?"
CDRO: "First, I couldn't find you so I made an executive decision."
LMM: "Your getting pretty bold lately aren't you! Nevermind."
CDRO: Secondly, ever since Kathy decloaked, the fans have gone out of their way to be nice to her."
LMM: "Yeah. So? She worships Zahn as much as they do. She fits right in."
CDRO: "Well, I figured if Mike started posting, the fans would be nice to him too."
LMM: "Okay, I can see it."
CDRO: "Plus, I think that the fans will refrain from giving their real opinion of the book knowing that the author is actively posting, as opposed to lurking."
LMM (now breathing normally) "Well, I suppose you are right. Anything to blunt criticism."
CDRO: "He's already derided a topic as being tacky."
LMM: "You think they'll think twice about posting something negative because he's around?"
CDRO: "Precisely!"
Late one evening at an elementary school building near the ranch, the LMM and CDRO have gathered all the forum operatives together. The spinmeisters want to go over conduct for minimizing negative press and attitudes on the message forums. The release of the latest book has stirred up some controversy again. The forum operatives are milling about the room in strange costumes.

LMM: (clapping his hands) "Okay, kids. Let's take our seats."
CDRO: "Nosentz, put away your Mara and Luke action figures. You know that kind of behavior is not allowed."
Nosentz: (sullenly) "Okay, I was just pretending though."
LMM: (to another operative) "I see you have created some Pong creatures by disfiguring some of your action figures."
CDRO: "While that is laudable, put them away for now son."
LMM: "Don't worry, we will be talking with our manufacturers. We'll create a line of NJO toys in a year or two."

LMM: (to all) "Alrighty then. We've gathered you here today because we need to update your spin cycle."
CDRO: (to all) "Reaction to Onslaught has been overwhelmingly postive."
(Mutterings in the audience of "It rocked." "It Rules!")
LMM: "Unfortunately, people are now comparing Onslaught and VP."
LMM's minion: (to his minion) "People have realized how badly VP sucked."
LMM: "We need you, our allies, to continue to praise VP."
LMM's minion: "I don't know how they can be so blind."
LMM's minion's minion: "Blind to what sir?"
LMM's minion: "Blind to the onslaught of comparisons. Everyone can see it, why can't they?"
LMM: "Here are some sample phrases for you to use to blunt criticism."
CDRO: "A logical extension of the foundation set up by RAS."
LMM: "A perfect continuation of the events set in motion by RAS."
CDRO: "It's not appropriate to compare them because they served different purposes."
(A slight pause, otherwise the geeks will continue writing, thinking the spin phrases will continue.)
LMM: "Please don't deviate from the script."
CDRO: "Unless you get approval from one of us first."
LMM: "A chat has been scheduled for later in the week."
CDRO: "We need you to get in there and suck-up like a Hoover."
LMM: "Remember the official adjective?"
(The gathered audience yells "AWESOME.")
LMM: "Dismissed."
CDRO: "There is bubble gum and candy at the door when you leave."
Back in Hollywood, Nom Nom is passing on techniques he learned from the DRO Overlords and LMMs to his faithful group of Pong...
Nom Nom: "Now look, it's not enough for us to advertise my performance in ?Galaxy Quest' in my Oscar campaign--you have to bad-mouth the opposition...just ask Star Trek..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Nom Nom: "Now I want you to start a nasty rumor that that kid's performance was put together in the editing room..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Nom Nom: "You can casually mention on ?net the fate of the last two child who's heard of Tatum O'Neill or Anna Paquin lately?"
All: "Yes, boss!"
Nom Nom: "As for Tom Cruise...well, revive the rumors about his marriage..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Nom Nom: "Point out that his performance in "Eyes Wide Shut" was really lame, despite mountains of hype..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Nom Nom: "Maybe I should write a short promotional self-help it "Everything I Know I Learned at Del Rey'..."
All: "Yes, boss!"
Nom Nom: " may fan me now..."
The Pong dutifully wave their palm fronds in tandem...
Nom Nom: "You may serenade me as well..."
All: (singing) "Look for--the Un-ion Lay-bel..."
Nom Nom: "Not that! Something more...upbeat!"
All: (singing) "Hooray for Hol-LEE-wood...!"
Nom Nom: (happily) "Music to my ears..."

Back on Naboo, Luke is still reeling from his encounter with Owen and Beru...
Luke (to Mara): "Gawd, that's so weird..."
Mara: "What...the black leather...?"
Luke: "No..."
Mara: "The chains?"
Luke: "No..."
Mara: "What, then?"
Luke: "Them having...well, you know...I don't wanna even think about it..."
Mara: "Get over it, do you think kids are born...?"
Luke: "According to DB, all the children in the EU are virgin births. They only happen if plot points demand it...Zahn created the twins for HTTE as a plot device, and the hack du jour that wrote "Dark Empire" did the same because a baby was required there for the cliches to be the right order..."
Mara: "You're joking..."
Luke: (simply) "Midi-chlorians."
Mara: (sighing) "Okay, so you're not joking..."
Luke: "I'm not looking forward to Episode II, if you get my meaning...would you want to see a love scene written by DB?"
Mara: "Not if I could do something really important washing my hair..."  LMM was called onto the Sail Barge of Da Boss which was hovering lopsidedly over the Marin County country side. LMM made his way up the sloping deck towards the throne of Boss who was on a donut binge this morning.
LMM swallowed his throat dry, fear ran deep within him, when fatboy was hungry he tended to devour anything in his sight, when it came to pastry DB was ravenous and would swallow them like an intern with the President.
LMM took a deep breath huffed his the remainder of the way up the deck and came into the presence of fatboy who was dressed in the golden bikini of Princess Leia from RotJ. He was doing jumping jacks and had a cruller in each hand. When asked in interviews why DB tended to wear such an elaborate outfit, the DB often responded with "It makes me feel pretty".
LMM kneels before DB

LMM: What is thy bidding my master?
DB: Send the fleet to the far side of Malibu. There it will stay until called for.
LMM: What of the reports of the Rebel Fleet massing near Naboo?
DB: It is of no concern. Soon the Rebellion will be crushed...(DB sets his donut down for a minute)...Your work here is finished my friend.
LMM: Shall I go out to the command ship and await your orders?
DB: WHat makes you think I was going to say that?
LMM: Um...You have a tendency to reuse old plotlines again and again and...

LMM backed up several feet in fear that DB would devour him like a cruller...LMM urinated a puddle on the deck...luckily the deck was tilted back so the urine just flowed off of the deck.

DB: I have a new task for you...The V2's are out there performing their originals dutys in Onslaught....The Originals must die...Thus I order you to return to Limbo and seek out a commando team to whipe them out.
LMM: Yes sir, I think we can have Wraith Squadron out of mothballs in--
DB: THOSE SECOND RATE CLOWNS---ER CLONES OF ROGUE SQUADRON! NEVER! We need a group with real hatred..with a real reason to bring down the Classic characters...
LMM: I cannot possibly imagine-
DB: Of course you cant imagine, you work for me IMAGINATION IS PROHIBITED HERE!
LMM: Yes my master...

LMM crawls into the urine puddle groveling at DBs feet.

DB: We need to bring back the dregs of the EU...characters so lamented and looked down upon that they have absolutely no chance of EVER appearing in a NJO novel--
LMM: Oh you mean KJA characters dont you?
DB: Excellent you learn quickly my young friend. Go to limbo and bring back the YOUNG JEDI KNIGHTS!
LMM: They will join us or die.

DB let out a RANCOR SIZED BELCH and passes out on the deck, his bulk causing a large indentation on the floor. LMM crawls out on all fours, the urine staining his pants for all time.




ZEK, TENEL KA, LOWBACCA are all going about their morning routine. Mainly brooding that theyve become pariahs within the NJO.

ZEK: What do they have that we dont have?
ZEK: I thought I was Jainas steady but NOOOOOOO! I just disappear like I never existed at all...And just think...I almost kissed that girl!
TENEL KA: I did kiss Jacen.
ZEK: On the cheek.
TENEL KA: He may have gotten further with me but on my worlds the men kiss the women on the lips first.
ZEK: On a female dominated world? The men make the first move?
TENEL KA: Yes...But I did not say which lips they kiss.
LOWIE: (wookie howls)
TENEL KA: What would you know Lowie, your girlfriend would rather maroon herself on a moon with a diseased Twi'lek woman than spend five minutes with you.
ZEK: DOnt feel bad Lowie at least she acknowledges your existence...And after all I did for the EU you would think we would get a cameo in NJO.
TENEL KA: What all did you do?
ZEK: Well I..I..
TENEL KA: YOu betrayed all of us and turned to the dark side of the Force...You joined the Shadow Academy and invaded Yavin 4...You killed several Padawan and then blew up the temple...
ZEKK: True....But hey Kyp Durron effed up far more than me and they made him a Jedi Master.
TENEL KA: This is a fact.
ZEKK: Besides we have far more to offer than Kyp. Meanwhile, Darkly Preposterous is making his weekly visit to his therapist, Doc Savage. Lying on the couch, he tells the good doctor of the frustrations of his job...
DP: "I dunno, Doc, I cast my pearls before swine..."
Doc: "Why do you think that?"
DP: "It's very strange...I tell them what to think on the forums...over and over...and they just ignore me!"
Doc: (soothingly) "That's shocking..."
DP: "You're telling me! (in an awestruck voice) After all, I have a BA in English..."
Doc: (interested) "Where from?"
DP: (proudly) "The Don Rickles School of Advertising...!"
Doc: "The Las Vegas campus?"
DP: "Yeah..."
Doc: "I often wondered why your spelling, grammar, and syntax is so--um, peculiar...and now I know..."
DP: "I had to muster my minions--Anathema Skypolo and StuMulligan--to do the dirty work for me. That's what I usually do, of course. Can't get MY hands dirty or anything. Luckily, there's never any shortage of available suck-ups."
Doc: "That IS lucky..."
DP: "You bet...but once the malcontents had me cornered, and I had to use my weapon of last resort..."
Doc: "What's that?"
DP: (does a voice-from-the-crypt imitation) "I know something YOU don't know..."
Doc: (kindly) "No offense, Darkly, but that's impossible. Medical tests have shown your mind to be completely empty..."
DP: (irritated) "I don't mean literally, you idiot! I mean I always say I know something important, I have inside sources, and so forth..."
Doc: "What happens if someone calls you on it...?"
DP: "I just say I can't tell..."
Doc: "Do they fall for it?"
DP: (smirking) "Every, every time..."
Doc: "They must be remarkably stupid..."
DP: (pouting) "Well, lately, they haven't been so dumb, I have to say. In fact, when I said VP was AWESOME some of those jerks actually had the gall to tell me I'm wrong! ME! I'm never wrong...never, ever..."
Doc: (taking notes) "Is that so...?"
DP: "Yes. I expect to be sucked up to, not disagreed with...that's the natural food chain...they suck up to me, I suck up to Del Rey, Del Rey sucks up to Lucasarts, and Lucasarts sucks up to Da-Boss...but if I can't deliver the numbers, Del Rey'll have me replaced...I just can't understand it...!"
Doc: (delicately) "Is it possible they're sincere in their opinions...?'
DP: (snorting) "Of course not! They just need to be shown the error of their ways. But I've shown them and shown them, and they are just too stubborn to admit I'm absolutely right in every way..."
He rises, goes to the middle of the floor, and grabs a microphone that just happens to be sitting there...Doc Savage keeps scribbling furiously...

DP: (singing)
Geeks! I don't know what's wrong with these geeks today...
Geeks! Who wants to understand anything they say...!
Geeks! They're disobedient, disrespectful oafs...!
Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy loafers...!
And while we're on the subject...

Geeks, you can talk and talk till your face is blue...!
Geeks, but they still do just what they want to do...!
Why can't they be like I am, perfect in every way?
What's the matter with geeks to-day?*

[*sung to the tune of "Kids" by Adams and Strouse]

Doc: (judiciously) "You have a remarkably bad voice..."
DP: "Your opinion doesn't matter...just mine."
Doc: (muttering) "Yes, I remember..."
DP: "I could sing another about "I Think I Love Me"?
Doc: "Which one is that?"
DP: "You know, the old Partridge Family song..."
Doc: "Didn't it have slightly different lyrics?"
DP: "Not when I sing it, it doesn't..."
Doc: (muttering) "Big, Darkly, enough music...I think I have a diagnosis..."
DP: (eagerly) "What is it?"
Doc: "You have an obsessive-compulsive simplex caused by premature weaning..."
DP: "What's that in English?"
Doc: "You're one of nature's Fascists..."
DP: "I didn't want you to diagnosis ME!!!! The geeks are the ones I wanted you to diagnosis, so I could use it against them...I'm not sick, I'm perfectly perfect....!!" He runs frantically around Doc's office waving his arms...
Doc: (deadpan) "That' Deep within the bowels of the Dead Zone, another forgotten, dead character has awoken from a long slumber. A note was tucked into the stasis chamber. It reads, "We have left the Dead Zone and gone off to join Luke, Mara, and Han in their rebellion against the NJO. Join us when you can. -M" The character takes the first transport out of the Dead Zone to Core-u-skank, then begins looking for transport to the AU.

Meanwhile Han Solo, Chewie and Jacen are loading the last group of supplies they are smuggling to the AU. The hold is packed tight, with some of the cases being stored wherever they can find room.

Han: (to Chewie) "These cases of Corellian Whiskey sure are going to taste good."
Chewie: (grunt) "It sure will be better than the homebrew they have in the AU."
Jacen: (to both) "Can we go to Madame Lola's after we are finished?"
Han: "You just can't get enough can you? "
Jacen: "I just want to say 'Hi' to some old friends."
Han: "What happened to Guri?"
Jacen: (looks to Chewie) "We are almost finished with her reprogramming, aren't we Chewie?"
Chewie: (unenthusiastically grunts his agreement.)
Han: "Alright, we'll stop there for a few minutes..."
Jacen: (whining) "A few minutes?..."
Han: "You said you just wanted to say 'hi'."
Jacen: "That's not quite what I had in mind... But, okay."
Han: "Anyway, I want to drop in at Moe's, have a few drinks, and see if there are any new recruits."

Han, Chewie, and Jacen stop by Madame Lola's for a few minutes. Jacen says 'hi' to all his 'friends'. He's surrounded by all of them, asking him what he's been up to. Han just rolls his eyes and starts chatting with Chewie about their plans to move their smuggled merchandise. After disengaging from the crowd, Jacen goes over to where Han and Chewie are talking, then they head off to Moe's. Over at Moe's, the former Dead Zone character arrives, as word in the deep underground has it on good authority that arrangements for transport to the AU can be negotiated.

former Dead Zone Character: "I am looking for passage to the AU."
Underground Operative: "Huh? What's the AU? Don't you mean the EU?"
FDZC: "No you knucklehead. We are in the EU. I mean the AU."
UO: "Still don't know what your talking about."
FDZC: "Listen pal, I may have been dead, but I'm not stupid."
(The FDZC hands the UO some large denomination credit slips -- they grow on trees in the Dead Zone.)
FDZC: "Does that freshen your memory?"
UO: "No, but it does fatten my wallet. Let me check some things out and get back to you."

The FDZC character scowls but grudgingly agrees, then saunters over to the bar for the first taste of Corellian Whiskey in many years. Just then Han, Chewie, and Jacen come into the bar and head for the back where there are several secluded tables. As they are passing the bar, Han catches a glimpse of the former Dead Zone Character.

Han: (surprised) "Bria? Bria Tharen? Is that you?"
Bria: (nods her head, just as surprised) "Han?"
Han: "I never thought I see you again."
Bria: "I escaped from the Dead Zone after hearing of the character rebellion."
Han: (nodding to his companions) "You know Chewie, or course. And this is son Jacen."
Bria: "How are you doing Chewie? Nice to meet you Jacen."
Chewie growls a friendly greeting.
Jacen: (to Bria) "Likewise. (Jacen looks at Han and arches an eyebrow in a sly expression.)
Han: "Why don't we head back to our booth and catch up." (The Ranch: meeting)

LMM: The V2s don't seem to have succeeded in killing off the originals so we're going to have to try a different tactic.
LMM minion: What's that? Another super weapon?
(screaming out from the murkiest, most vile depths of HRFHW (Hell reserved For Hack Writers - even by DR standards)
KJA screams: YES YES YES Let me ?? PLEASE!!!!
LMM: We'll keep it in mind but it might be time to try a more subtle and imaginative approach
CDRO: Subtle?? Imaginative??? A SW - DR fan craves not these things!
(LMM minion rolls eyes)
LMM: (suppressing snort of laughter) True, but the escaped originals in AU aren't so stupid, er? um? well they sure haven't fallen for it so far. Anyway, how about we rip off one of BDD novels. After all we haven't read them, we assume that the fans have just erased them from their EU memories, AND the characters acted like they were brain dead in them?.
LMM minion: (mutters) which ones?
LMM: (glares at LMM minion and smiles ingratiatingly at CDRO) so we aren't REALLY being imaginative.
CDRO: Get to the point
LMM: Sorry, I thought this was how we were supposed to act - taking so long to get to the point that by the time we got there everyone would be so relieved it was over they wouldn't worry about how sh#@ a$% it was.
CDRO and LMM minion (in unison): Makes sense to me.
LMM: (pauses for dramatic effect) How about we start a rebellion within the rebellion?
LMM minion: The New Rebellion? Please kill me now. Dark Sabre might be less painful
(KJA shouts YES in ecstasy)
Better still, how about we just bring in MAS (deprogrammed of course) or TZ to rewrite VP. That way we could make Chewbacca return from the dead in some cheesy ST-like return. THAT way there would be 2 versions of VP and all of a sudden fans would be running out to buy the original version and hording it away for the time in the far distant future when such items are valuable collectors items.
(LMM nods enthusiastically)
CDRO: NO NO NO NO NO. We will not give in to the evil, stupid, moronic, brain-dead?
LMM minion (helpfully adds): unintelligent, dim, thick, dense, slow, brainless?.
KJA: hey if you're going to use synonyms lifted straight from Word 2000 WHY WON'T YOU LET ME BACK???
CDRO: (ignores LMM minion and KJA) We have to get rid of that stockpile of RAS back copies. All those fan will rush out to buy his previous works just to see if he is as bad a writer outside of the EU. AND we can't have another STMM lawsuit. If we give them much more publicity they might decide to start ANOTHER ST series after voyager finishes.
LMM and LMM minion (in unison): Makes sense to me ? REALLY
LMM minion: But if they brought that nice Picard fellow back?
(CDRO hits LMM minion over the head with a copy of VP - the hard cover of course, which has been made thicker and heavier than normal since size DOES matter. This way poor deceived fans think they are indeed getting something of value.)
LMM (glaring at LMM minion): How about we give Solo a decent storyline for a change. After languishing in the nether regions on the EU for 17 years he must be itching for some action. He can only be satisfied with boozing, whoring, and gambling for so long.
LMM minion: You've been listening to DB for too long.
LMM: (still ignoring LMM minion) Lets give Solo really good reason to come back, one that will make him kill of Chewbacca himself. This will cause all sorts of problems in AU and (whispering quietly) on the planet that must not be mentioned.
(LMM minion and CDRO look around fearfully to see if DB has overheard)
CDRO: (hisses viciously) NEVER even allude to that place EVER again. I'm not going to be the one to watch THAT (shuddering) film?.. SO what is this brilliant idea?
LMM: Its simple. We'll let Solo do exactly what he's doing in the AU in the EU. JL has altered the computer generated DR script a little and come up with a cover that is sure to get Solo's attention, and hell, maybe even the fans. They have to have something to keep their attention. 
Out in the dead zone Anakin the padawan, Vader the Darth, and Anakin the killer of Palpy discuss among themselves why no one has bothered to bring them back to help in the rebellion against profic.

Padawan: Well I just think that the new EU characters are jealous of me. I?m young, handsome, strong in the Force, well built, and I?m tall ? that?s going to be a problem when I reach Killer?s height, but you know what they say about shoe size, and there are all those really cute hand-maidens?.

Vader: Enjoy it while it lasts kid. Try running around mutilated for 2 decades. Freudians had a field day with that one. You die in episode 3 and have no place in the EU, that?s mine and Killer?s privilege, although I don?t know about that Perry guy who showed me naked in my private chamber to everyone. There are certain regions that should remain unknown.

Padawan groans: I thought darksiders didn?t have a sense of humour.

Vader smirks: Sure we do. And it?s just as bad as the rest of us.

Padawan smirks: Is that was that Bounty Hunter trilogy was? A really bad joke?

(Vader does the Force choke thing on Padawan)
Vader: You underestimate the power of the dark side.

LMM: It?s incredible, even out in the dead zone, neglected for decades, they still feel the need to rehash all these old cliches. Didn?t you get enough of that in ROTJ?

Ewok: yub yub
(Killer punches Ewok directly on the top of its skull and then throws it across at the nearest hard object.)

Padawan and Vader stare at him?
Killer (defensively): Well if YOU had had to sit through that god-awful ewok celebration at the end of ROTJ you would consider returning to the dark side as well. Well, it wasn?t actually the dark side. I was using the neutral bit in between.
Padawan: Yeah, that?s always a handy excuse. I used that one when I blew up the Jedi temple.
(Vader sneers at the two)
Killer: Makes sense to me.

Vader: So what are we doing in this dubious tribute to the NJO anyway? Even I?m doomed now. There won?t be any more flashbacks to the SOTE era.

Padawan smirks: Haven?t you heard? I?m getting my own hardcover novel!
Killer smirks: Yeah, so did Chewbacca. Look what happened to him. Besides it won?t be you, it?ll be the little kid still. YOU still have 2 years before you even exist.

Vader: Since DR has been so kind as to completely ignore the BDD literature, I figure we can use this to our advantage. We can assume, rightly or wrongly, that the ban on discussing our relationship with Luke & Leia with the rest of the EU has been lifted.
Killer: We can use this to our advantage
Padawan (yawns): This is all very interesting but what has this got to do with anything?
Vader: REVENGE!!! I killed Palpy and..
Killer: I KILLED PALPY. You ceased to exist when I threw him into that shaft.
Vader: You F#$@ - didn?t you read DE?
Padawan chimes in: Who came first ? the carton or the egg?
(Killer and Vader simultaneously smash pretty boy into a newly created brick wall ? compliments of Vader)
Killer (brushing the mess off his Jedi robes): I always said there were advantages to the dark side.
Vader: sshhh! Yoda might hear you. You know how he feels about meddling in the NJO. It makes him feel so much better about his own leadership of the Jedi.
Killer (whispers): So what?s the plan?
Vader: I?ve made a list. First I want to make it clear to the entire EU ? not just the NJO that I??er we ? killed Palpy, not that upstart kid.
Killer: He is our son.
Vader: That?s not our fault. Besides, we?re still waiting for the paternity test to come through.
Killer: Well it would have helped if you hadn?t erased every pre-Vader reference to us.
Vader: Nobody likes a cry baby.
Killer: Well at least I don?t resemble

One-arm leader of what was left of the wamap clans called a meeting of all wampas on hoth

One-arm grr grooaw ger) We must get back at them they went to hoth once after esb. I belive that we can combine all the animals of swu and form the aoswuaeoe. (animals of the star wars univerise vs everyone eles)
I have heard rumors of the rancor and dioniga being very upset the space slug is out for blood and wamp rats what to bulleye luke for a change. The banthas have compleat control over the sand people and the ewoks have even joied our side (sly smile) good eatings.

wampa: But what of the climite off hoth

One-arm: Well if a wookie can live on tatooine or yavin so can we.

One-arm: I will soon be call emperor wamap and no one will dare attack poor helples little little wampas. We will defeat all opposition DB will not be able to stop us the rebelious EU will be to worried about DB and his following for them to stop us. We will be undefeatable and cute and cuddley and loveable.

they all put there pinkey claws to there mouth: MAH AH AHMAH AHMAH AHMAH AH!!!

Naboo - a cantina that bears a suspicious resemblance to one on Tatooine

Luke: Why do we keep coming to places like this? I never liked Tatooine in the first place. It is supposed to be a backwater planet that even Vader and Palpy ignored for 20 years, and yet there are all these cheap imitations spread across the galaxy.

Anakin (the younger) whispers: You don't think that DB has done some marketing deals over here have you?
Luke, Jacen, Anakin (the younger), Chewbacca and Han all shudder in fear.

R2D2 rolls in: Would it matter? We've already firmly established that NO NJO writer, LF or DR employee will dare step foot on this planet.

R2D2: Take a wild guess Eienstein. If you had to trail behind that golden tin cup 3PO for the last 40 years you would keep trying to top yourself at every possible opportunity as well.
Luke (frowning): When did you ever try that?
R2D2: Come on. I have managed to survive all these starship battles, stroll through galactic conflicts, and I just fell into that swamp on Dagobah. Why do you think YOU managed to survive so many of those situations that you fell as$ first into? I ACCIDENTLY ROLLED OVER THE OAFY ONE'S TOE ON THAT FIRST TRIP TO NABOO AND HE PUT A MIND WHAMMY ON ME SO I COULD NEVER LEAVE 3PO - EVER!!!!!
(rolls up to Chewbacca) PLEASE. KILL ME NOW!
Luke: It doesn't work if you're not a Jedi
Han (smirking): Or a Sith, dark jedi, white current user, or Aing-Tii Monks - and those don't even have to be born with midichlorians.
(Luke, Jacen and Anakin (the younger) all give Han Force-enhanced killer looks)
R2D2 gets out his metal welder and hits Han in a VERY uncomfortable spot
Chewbacca: Well at least I won't have to worry about babysitting any more brats. (He immediately ducks as Jacen and Anakin (the younger) take a swipe at him with their lightsabres).
Jacen: So why are you suddenly speaking Basic?
Anakin (the younger): And where is 3PO now?
R2D2: If 3PO can speak more than one language why can't I? Everyone always knew I was the brains of the outfit. (Turning to Han and Chewbacca) By the way, if you don't want the ship to blow up next time you head into hyperspace you might want to pry 3PO out of the hyperdrive motivator.
Jacen: Why there?
R2D2: Because it sounds like I know what I'm talking about. I'm hoping the experience motivates 3PO to stop acting like a prissy little f@rt.
Luke, Han, Jacen, Anakin (the younger), and Chewbacca: GOOD LUCK!!!
Jacen (frowns): I don't think that's what we were supposed to say.

3 Anakins walk into a bar - Vader, Killer of Palpy, and the Padawan.
Padawan: Now, as I possess ALL the charm and good looks in this group?.
Vader and Killer (mutter): Not for long!
Padawan: I propose that the Anakin we select to play the one who gets the long over due tune up at the end of ROTJ be a dead ringer for me.
Vader: Can't do that. Everyone knows that the episode 2 Anakin bears no resemblance to the ROTJ ending Anakin.
Killer: I thought I was that Anakin.
Vader: You were until the dismal fan fic writer doing this current segment realised that the Anakin that throws Palpy over the edge.....
Padawan: That would have happened any way if Palpy had had to listen to Luke's whining for much longer. Haven't you read Dark Empire, no underling doctor would dare to harm all those Palpy clones. Palpy ORDERED him to do it so he would be free of that whiny little sh!t.
Killer: Luke should have known better than to play dress up. Fortunately the whine is apparently mightier even than the Force.

Vader (getting impatient): Didn't anyone ever tell you it is extremely hazardous for your health to pis$ off a Sith Lord?
(Padawan and Killer are immediately silent)

Vader: Thank you. As I was saying - the Anakin that threw Palpy over the edge is different to the one who stands behind that fire at that @#$% %$&* Ewok celebration with Yodel and the Oafy One.
Padawan: Wasn't the change of song in the special edition supposed to make it more bearable?
Killer ( The original song said Yah-weh, the name of the Hebrew God) Too bad they edited God's name out of it. Back on Naboo, Luke and Mara are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a very strategic ally.

peon: "Master Luke, a Star Destoyer has made orbit. We're doomed!"
Luke: "No, that would be Grand Admiral Thrawn."
Mara: "I received a message from him 2 weeks ago."
Luke: "I wonder what took him so long to get here?"
peon: "Sir, a transmission from Thrawn is being received."
Luke: "Send it to my ready-room."
(Luke and Mara go into a private office to receive the transmission.)
Mara: "Grand Admiral Thrawn, you are looking as blue as ever."
Thrawn: "That's just an after effect of being dead for so long."
Luke: "It's nice to finally see you. What kept you?"
Thrawn: "We made a wrong turn somewhere in the Unknown Regions."
Mara: "I guess that's why they are called the Unknown Regions."
Thrawn: "I see you've made a very fortunate alliance while I was away Mara Jade."
Mara: "We're hoping to make another."
Thrawn: "Yes, me too. I want to get back to what I do best."
Luke: "Shall we come up or are you coming down."
Thrawn: "I am coming down. I've got some very useful information."

(Thrawn travels down to the surface of Naboo in his personal shuttle. After landing Luke and Mara greet him and take him to their office in the secret Rebel base.)

Thrawn: "I have information that could be a vital source of revenue for this little rebellion."
Luke: "What is it?"
Thrawn: "My sources tell me that da-boss has decided to wait for 6 years before releasing the movies on DVD."
Luke: "You mean he's actually passing up a huge money-making marketing opportunity?"
Mara: "That California air must be doing more damage than we thought."
Thrawn: "I propose that we use this lapse in greed to our advantage."
Luke: "How so?"
Thrawn: "We should sell bootleg copies of the movies on DVD to finance our rebellion. There was a poll that said approximately 50% would buy a bootleg copy."
Mara: "Never underestimate the fanboy salivation factor."
Thrawn: "Since the poll dealt with doing something illegal, we think the actual numbers would be 80%."
Mara: "With the money it would bring in, we'd be a well equipped rebellion."
Luke: "Not to say, embarrassing da-boss..."
Mara: "How do you propose to do it?"
Thrawn: "I have operatives working inside LFL. One of them will get me a copy of the digital version."
Mara: "Karrde can probably get us the names of some people who can produce it for us."
Luke: "Sounds like a good plan. And welcome aboard our rebellion Grand Admiral."  abord the wampas claw a ssd thats brige is in the shape of a wampas claw hence the name

One-arm sitting in the brig over hoth: lt have all wampas reported in.

lt wampa: yes sir we have a supply of tanuntans to last us for weeks.

One-arm: good good set course for tat-ooo-ine
we will pick up the wamp rats and kyeat dragons

wampa in brig pit: sir i think its spelled...


shoots the wampa dead

One-arm:anyone eles want to correct my spelling.

quit hush falls over the entire wampas claw

lt.wampa: sir

One-arm WHAT!!!

lt.wampa: we have calacuted the jump to light speed were ready to go.

One-armh ok well then prepare to go were no wampa has gone before.

wamap in pit next to dead wampa: um sir copyright infringment...

One-arm: Oh yeah ahhh well (pushes buton wamap flys out the brig into space)

wampa on comlink: ok im very cold not dead just very cold..

One-arm to wampa: ok then hold on (aside to lt. wampa) engage!

wampa in space: lawsute ...

One-arm: will you just shut up and die

wampa in space: ok im going faster then the speed of light im ok

One-arm ok thats it where is he

lt.wampa well hes on the windo

One-arm ok prepare to engage our ultmit wepon...

lt.wampa no no not the....

One-arm yes lock on to him with the "WINDSHILD WIPERS" !!!!

wampa is throughen from the windo and is left in the wampas claws dust.

One-arm ok now that we have that out of the way im going to take a nap and see if my tauntaun buger is ready give me a howl when we reach tat-ooo-ine. Keep up your good work lt. and i may make you a captin of this fine vessel some day.

lt. wampa happly yes sir (hold his hand out as to say stop like One-arm did to luke in esb but little did luke know he was being suluted by the master of the wamaps ONE-ARM THE GREAT!!!  

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:17 pm  #20


20. (the Ranch)
LMM tech head (LMMTH) loads the new AoC1 cover on the official site.
LMM rubs his hands together gleefully. In a few short hours an all out war will erupt on the bulletin boards with people trolling each other about whether or not Han will get even closer to the unidentified woman on the cover.
CDRO: I'm taking an awful risk LMM. This had better work. (he immediately gags LMM minion before he can state the obvious)
LMM: It'll work (simultaneously kicking LMM minion in his most sensitive area).

Cantina on Naboo

(Vader and Killer of Palpy stroll in. Luke freezes up, drops his drink, and then backs away from Mara slowly)

Vader (evilly): Hello Mara, fancy seeing you here. When you swore that you would destroy Luke, Palpy assumed you'd do it the old fashion way - throw a few Force lightning bolts at him, a bit of torture, mutilation, and then kill him.
Mara (grinning): Who says I'm not?
(Luke backs away even further)

Jacen: Mara, if it was the EU that gave you your disease, doesn't that mean that it was also responsible for your forgetting about your dear master's.......

Vader: VERY dear....
Killer: intimate....
Vader: special.....

(Luke quietly starts edging towards to door)

Killer: incredible close....

Jacen (interrupting): Doesn't that mean the EU was the one who made you not kill Luke, fall in love with him, and forget about your master and who killed him?
Mara: But VADER killed him?. (Stops for a moment to consider that and looks around for her lightsabre). TECHNICAL that is correct but everyone always blames Luke for that. And you were never one to go against the dominant ideology of society - hence your blind dedication to Palpy's New Order.
Mara: But I'm a self-opinionated, anti-social b!tch who never does what anyone else wants.
Jacen, Anakin (the younger), Han, and Chewbacca (all chime in): EU profic!

Killer: Could we stop this ridiculous discussion about the paradoxes inherent in any science fiction/fantasy work - especially in FF and just get to the part where you and Vader do your best to annihilate each other?

Vader stares at him: YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KILLED HIM. I was a loyal minion for all those years. You were the one who turned back to the light....actually is it 'light side' or 'good side'? Cause if you turned back to the light that would actually explain why you died. What is that white tunnel of light any way?

Killer: Shut up, being locked up in that metal shell for two decades has obviously affected you.
Vader: Well at least I had the good sense to cover up. Didn't anyone ever tell you to put on sunscreen before going out in the sun? If Lukey and Paply's wh@re have any kiddies they will have a ready made walking jigsaw puzzle.
(Killer doesn't really have any reply to this)

Anakin (the younger): Wasn't Uncle Luke really responsible for killing the pulpy one since he made Vader turn into Killer.
Han (grins): Talk about emotional blackmail. (Imitates Luke)..."FATHEEERRRR" - hey Luke, you should have called him "daddy" that way even if Vader hadn't turned into Killer, Pulpy would have pissed himself laughing.

Jacen: Hey Pops!
(Vader and Killer immediately Force choke him - finally proving to Jacen once and for all that actually USING the Force is so much more satisfying than just sitting around gloating about how superior you are to everyone else)

Anakin (the younger):...eerrrr, grandfather..... grandfathers?
Vader (grins): Ah! The new EU Vader! After all those pale imitations they've finally taking the next step.
Anakin (cowers down and starts crying): BUT I DON'T WANNA BE A SITH LORD!!!! Have you ever seen a Sith Lord who didn't meet a sticky end.
Vader: That's only in the EU. Really, they - WE- live quite well.
Mara (scowls): Until some up-start, wannabe Jedi comes along and knocks you off.
Vader: What are you whingeing about? You supposedly never turned to the darkside.
Killer: EU - she was really talking about me. Luke killed me, well, most of the way. Palpatine's lightning finished me off, and I killed him, well, supposedly.
Palpatine: Somehow, I returned.
Poe Dameron: I'm canon, not EU, but that's MY line!

Meanwhile, in another part of the space-time continuum....
Some guy in a jumpsuit sits at a diner next to another guy who looks suspiciously like a young Ron Howard. He introduces himself.
"Hi, I'm THX 1138, but my friends call me T for short."
"I'm...oh, sh-ugar, this geek hasn't seen "American Graffitti" in 4 years, and can't remember my name. So call me Richie Cunningham."
T looks across at a youngish-looking man in black leather, with a skull tatooed on his hand."Who's the biker"
"Oh, he's not a biker. He's a Talion Justice."
"Italian? What's he doing here?"
"A Talion.Think Corran Horn, but taller. He's representing the EU authors' other characters in this turkey."
"Oh." Just then the Talion approaches and offers his hand to "Richie" and THX.
"Hi. I'm Nolan ra Sinjaria."
Richie asks,"Where ya from?"
Nolan is a bit taken aback by this, "Uh....Sinjaria," he said in that is-this-dude-dumb-or-what voice.
"So, what's the plan?"
"We round up all the other Other Characters and put some new life into this thread."
Richie asks, "How?"
Nolan produces a clipboard from nowhere and says, "Okay, I'll round up the EU authors' OCs. THX, you get DB's OCs- or is that OC's DBs?- and Richie, you do spoofs, parodies and ripoffs. Meet back here...whenever. Any questions?"
THX raises a hand, "Can I bum a lift? I'm kind of on the lam."
Cut to exterior- Nolan and his horse, Wolf, ride off into the sunset as a flame-painted hotrod roars away. THX is at the bus stop.
well any way the wampa fleet with king one-arm of the wampas is on his way to tat-ooo-ine.

lt wampa: sir we have droped out of hyper speed and are entering orbit of the tat-ooo-ine system
One-arm wearing a darth vader coustome: dont you mean warp. Well any way single the wamp rats to begin the atack as well as the bantas and thoes pitiful tuskin raiders they have so well traied.
lt wampa: yes sir. um sir whats with the new threads??
One-arm Oh im soo glad you noticed iv been having problems with my persionialty latly im trying to find a new one does the old dark lord of the sith work for me??
lt wampa in horror: um yes sir it looks fine. sir! 2 ships hailing the wamp rats t-16 and the banta poodo.
lead banta: this is furry banta we have taken compleat control over this system no need to worriy the tusken raider will look over it while we are gone.
One-arm: good good you have done well we have seen the end of kenobi and we will soon see the end of the rebellion.
lt wampa: um sir slipping into chacter too much.
One-arm: oh thanks hail the wamp rats
Com offficer: this the wamp rats t-16
One-arm: yes i would like to speak to splinter and see if the nijia turtles are avibale as well.
Com officer: um we dont have a splinter or turtles of any ah hahha hahaha (falls dead to the floor)
lt wampa: um sir chacter
One-arm: oops (un does the finger thing) ah well
sir wamp rat: this is sir wamp rat of the wamp rats t-16 why did you kill my com officer??
One-arn: um he wasnt corroperting?
sir wamp rat: ok good enough for me. well you do have the sparttia cloning cylinders up and running right cause i did like him.
One-arm: Well no were having troble adapting the cylinder to clone other cylinders so we have a hole lot more
sir wamp rat: oh ok well why to now
One-arm: well where do you want to go today?lt wampa: well i like a place where the grass is green and the trees are tall and the plants cant hurt you and the animals are nice
One-arm: ok dego-biea it is
furry banta: you mean where yoda lived
One-arm yep the one and only he tought me much like um.... um... yeah and dont you forget it!!

so the wampas and there new additions head off to the mistical land of d&d i mean defo-biea to find some more help in there rebellion for justice of all animals in the swu will they find help or a there first major hiderince in there trip to free the galxey...
In the secluded village on Naboo, Mirax is running down the street yelling at Wedge, who is out in the yard lounging in the sun. He's wearing a Speedo and Terminator sunglasses.

Mirax: (still running up to him) "Wedge! Wedge! I have some great news!"
Wedge: "What is it honey?"
Mirax: "Remember the little girl Corran and I were rumored to have?"
Wedge: "Yeah."
Mirax: "Well, I found out that the rumor is true."
Wedge: (sits up listening intently) "Really?"
Mirax: "She's only two years old and her name is Jysella."
Wedge: "Jysella huh?"
Mirax: "Yeah, it's a family name. I want to go rescue her from my egotistical husband before he warps her mind."
Wedge: "Like he's warped Valin?"
Mirax: "Oh, please! The kid's a total slacker, rebelling against his father."
Wedge: "I've never seen a more rounder, pimply kid."
Mirax: "I just don't want Jsyella doing something equally rebellious."
Wedge: "We always said we'd go back for our kids, didn't we."
Mirax: "Oh, please Veggies! I really want to see my little girl."
Wedge: "Calm down, babe. We'll go and get her, plus maybe both of mine. I don't think Iella is really paying much attention to them lately, what with her new role as enforcer of the New Order."

Mirax finally notices what Wedge is wearing.
Mirax: "Ooo, Wedge, honey, you look so... um... hot... in that outfit!"
Wedge: "You like?"
Mirax: "Mmm." (her smile widens) "Is that a blaster in your pocket..."
Wedge: "Why? You up for a little target practice?"
Mirax: (smirks) "I am a little rusty."
Wedge: "Yeah, me too."
Mirax: "But what about our little girls."
Wedge: "Why don't we go inside, find you a little something, and discuss it"
(Wedge and Mirax go inside to do some... planning.)

Meanwhile, in an underground chamber;
An LMM comes rushing out of a scary-looking lab full of dissected copies of MAS' The Dark Glory War. He runs screaming into DB's office.
"Sir! Sir! I've discovered where the missing characters are! They've been freelancing for Stackpole!"
"Really? But his transmitter-"
"Is on the fritz. Isn't it the one you pulled out of Alec Guinness?"
"Yeah, but his new one doesn't work either. Are you sure about this Stackpole thing?"
"Yes, boss. Why else would half the characters wear masks? And this Prince Scrainwood looks a bit, uh, Bothan, sir."

Last edited by study3600 (8/14/2024 5:20 pm)

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