The Star Wars Humorous Versions

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8/14/2024 5:31 pm  #21


Bar on Naboo
(C3P0 and R2D2 walk/roll in)

Vader: C3P0 , how are you old chap?
C3P0 : Good Morning Master Anakin. It's so nice to see you again. I've been hoping to see you. Is it possible for me to drop this stiff-@ss british accent? I'm the only one this AU hasn't affected.
Vader: yeah, sure, whatever.
C3P0 : YES YES YES!!!!! (changes to an Australian accent - for no better reason than that there is an extreme overdose of Yanks in the SWU- and starts dancing around) Now that I'm free of this sh!t @ss servant droid cr@p - Han you over weight, egotistical @#%$ and your equally pathetic little brats (Jacen and Anakin Jr immediately try to stab him with their lightsabres but they only bounce off 3PO's metal covers). AND YOU - you snivelly, whiney, pathetic excuse of a jedi master. Now, I've seen REAL jedi masters, and they don't curl up all exhausted after a stroll out in the park......
Jacen: Errr, C3P0 , that's Onslaught. Haven't you heard, most of the original creators of this thread have deserted our AU, anti-NJO cause and returned us all to profic. Our rebellion is doomed to failure.
C3P0 : Stop snivelling!
Oh YES! Finally no more master this and mistress that. I AM NOW CAPTAIN PEE-C$#K!
R2D2 (mumbles): How fitting.
C3P0 : I am coral-skipping pilot extraordinaire. I shall leave you boozing, skirtchasing losers and return to the profic EU where I shall demonstrate my prowess by eliminating this vile, anti-Force disease from the galaxy. Now that the Jedi have formally been proscribed and are being hunted down.....
Han: THAT would NEVER happen in profic.
C3P0 : True, but this is another AU that closely resembles profic in all regards except for all the stupid things that KJA and the like added in.
Jacen: The reborn emperor
C3P0 : Yes
Anakin(the younger): All three of them?
C3P0 : You got it!
Chewbacca: Me dying?
C3P0 : Absolutely!
Luke: Me going to the dark side?
C3P0 : Of course. Everyone knows you're far too much a snotty little do-gooder to ever do that.
Mara: Me serving the Emperor?
C3P0 (makes a VERY rude sound): In your dreams b!^ch. No neutral Force using in this AU. Here you really do use the dark side. You're the dark whiner-b!^ch of the Sith who tags along behind her precious keepers because this AU is still highly patricharal so no mere female could ever be in a position of TRUE authority.
Luke: That's very smart. That means that you probably have a good chance of trying to convince the LMM to accept this new version. (Mara knocks him out)
C3P0 (smugly): I thought so. I am after all highly intelligent. My superior intellectual skills have been neglected for far too long......
Jacen: Hang on! What did you say about the Jedi being proscribed?
C3P0 : Oh yeah - that. You are now outlaws. The inhabitants of the SWU, the nameless, faceless people who get killed by Jedi when they blow up planets, and who never demand justice, and keep voting in those incompetent politicians have decided to get rid of you. They finally realised that their lives would be so much more pleasent without the constant danger of being wiped out by some wacked-out Force user.
Chewbacca: Makes sense to me.
Anakin (the younger): So THAT'S who those people are!

(Vader and Killer are looking at each other with a vaguely nervous look on their face)
Vader: Well I guess you were going to find out eventually.
Killer: When you went to get more alcohol. How many weeks have you been sitting in this bar for crying out loud?

(Meanwhile, still in the same bar......)
(C3P0 - aka Captain Pee-C@#k rips Vader's cloak off his back, wraps it around him, and starts modelling it for R2D2)
R2D2: If you leave what am I going to do? I left you first. You can't just come in here and claim to be the one to split us up. And after everything I went through for you!
Pee-C@#k: Life's tough tin man.
R2D2: You haven't heard the last of this. I'll take you for every cent you have. The number of times I saved your @ss.
Pee-C@#k (rolls eyes): That's what I get for not signing that pre-nup.
R2D2 (tearfully rolls away from Pee-C@#k)

Out on the ranch, in the headquarters of Spin Control, orange warning lights are flashing all over the publishing section of the building.

LMM: "Looks like we've got some more trouble brewing on the Net."
CDRO: "Guess it's Lit related too." (sighs) "Those warning lights flash too often for me."
LMM: "You haven't been to the prequels section of the building have you?"
CDRO: "Not yet."
LMM: "You should contact our forum operatives and find out what's going on."

(The CDRO disappears for several hours, then comes back with a full report.)

CDRO: "Some naysayers have been harping on Cilghal's absence from VP and have our allies cornered."
LMM: "Who's Cilghal?"
CDRO: "Apparently, a Jedi healer from one of the... (he slurs the word) Bantam... books."
LMM: "Oh. Those books. So?"
CDRO: "Well, they've proven that RAS didn't know about Cilghal by digging up quotes from his chats and interviews."
LMM: "If only he would have stuck to the script and not admitted his ignorance."
CDRO: (groans) "Tell me about it."
LMM: (almost gleefully) "And by association, he makes you look foolish."
CDRO: "You don't have to rub it in... You're in this mess now too."
LMM: "Why me?"
CDRO: "You are the spinmeister."
LMM: "It's your mess, you clean it up."
(The CDRO pauses to think -- make that a very long pause since original thinking is frowned upon and not nurtured.)
CDRO: "I know, let's throw out some misinformation."
LMM: "Like what?"
CDRO: "That we knew about her all along... That we have a story ready... That it will be covered in an upcoming book... Everyone chill out..."
LMM: "Sounds like reasonably good spin."
CDRO: "This kind of stuff has worked in the past."
LMM: "Can't argue with what's worked."

A couple of days later, the orange warning lights are blinking again. Apparently, the latest counter insurgency misinfomation plan has backfired."

CDRO: "We've run into a snag."
LMM: "What's wrong now?"
CDRO: "Look at this" (hands over a printout of the debate) "Our forum ally posted our cryptic explanation, but they don't believe him."
LMM: "Apparently, too much past information that didn't pan out has them skeptical."
CDRO: "Why did he have to say some was deliberate?"
LMM: "Isn't the fan implant supposed to suppress that kind of language?"
CDRO: "It would if he had one."
LMM: (slightly shocked) "What do you mean?"
CDRO: "We decided to run some control tests so we gave him a placebo."
LMM: (still shocked) "You're kidding, right?"
CDRO: "No, you know how expensive those implants are... and how cost conscious we are."
LMM: "Just assure me you were careful."
CDRO: "We were. We tested them after the procedure and everyone reacted as if they had an implant."
LMM: "Self-fulfilling prophecies, huh?"
CDRO: "You bet. So far, it's paid good dividends and cut costs tremendously."
LMM: "Look here" (point to a passage) "One of the free-thinkers practically begs to be contacted instead to shut them up."
CDRO: "What kind of free thinking, skeptical, naysayers are these people?"
LMM: "They are all probably liberal arts majors whose parents were 60's radicals and protesters."
CDRO: "Gawd, I hate free-thinkers... (pops a couple extra strength aspirin and chews some Maalox) "Haven't these people been brainwashed by the mass-media yet?"
LMM: "They are resistant."
CDRO: "I thought resistance was futile."
LMM: (sternly glares at the Overlord) "Never fear, they are becoming a very small minority in the world."
CDRO: "I dunno. Should we contact them to shut them up?"
LMM: "No, never. We never contact the opposition to shut them up. We spin them into submission."
CDRO: "But, what if it doesn't work?"
LMM: "Are you questioning my ablitity to run spin and damage control?"
CDRO: "Well, yeah. You okay'ed my idea and told me to deal with this myself."
LMM: "You obviously couldn't handle it. Now go get some more forum allies to buttress our spin."
CDRO: "As ordered sir."
LMM: "Welcome to spin city my green-horn friend."

Okay Cilghal, next patient? does not imply that Cilghal should be successful in treating this disease. Think about that. If all physicians were successful, we?d have less death, and that is a fact. The important thing is that they try.

---What really happened between Mara and the best doctor of the New Republic: (information received from a reliable source? )

[doctor]: well, Mara, you seem to be suffering from an unknown condition that has a killing efficacy of 100%. Know any Jedi Healers?

[Mara]: Yup. But my stoic personality in conjunction with a discrepancy in the relevance of her character will prevent me from seeking out such treatment on account of further dissention among fans, forum residents and DR lackeys.

[doctor]: Very well then, Mara, good luck combating this unknown disease that seems to have no cure and nobody even understands its method of attack. You seem to be handling it by yourself so far using the force. I might urge you to reconsider contacting another Jedi healer. Such experience may be helpful. I remember fondly how Mon Mothma was falling apart and I was literally useless in treating her. A jedi-healer spent a day with her and she was fine. Considering I?m one of the finest physicians the New Republic has to offer, you should take my advice and do what is most logical: contact another Jedi who has been very successful combating an unknown disease using the force.

[Mara]: [thinks about it for a second.] Well doc, I?m afraid that I?m contractually obligated to make irrational decisions. You know how it is, what with NewRepliAID, Blue cross, Blue saber and all, don?t you?

[doctor]: health maintenance organizations and Jedi-Killing-Molecular disorders have little in common. Besides, your insurance won?t cover your treatments, and any further treatments will be null because of your previous medical conditions. Now go see that Fish-chick-force-healer Cilghal.

[Mara]: Who?

[doctor]: Is your hearing being affected too? Cilghal. The jedi-force healer. The only one who has a snowball?s chance to help. She?s experienced in this, you know.

[Mara]: [thinks to herself] Force-healer? Hey, I?ve been able to keep myself alive by using the force. Another has been successful treating molecular wasting disorders using the force. I?ve consistently been resourceful since my introduction in HttE, and I?ve never been stupid. Maybe I should at least talk to Cilghal. Maybe just call her. Maybe just write her a letter.

Well, doc, maybe I?ll try to contact her.

[[ Two days later Mara calls up Cilghal ]]

[Cilghal]: Hello? Mara? Geez, I?ve heard about your incredible molecular degenerative disorder, and I?ve eagerly anticipated your call.

[Mara]: Really? Wow. So, any suggestions?

[Cilghal]: Nope. I can?t help you. You see, I?m only a marginally important character created by KJA and therefore considered to be a mistake, not a contribution. That and RAS doesn?t seem to be firmly knowledgeable as to whether or not I exist. So, unlike my prede-author, RAS has personified the term, ?ignorance is bliss?. I?m to be firmly entrenched in ?marginal-character-land? to forever rot because my contributions are considered non-contributory. But I?m not bitter Mara, because I know that a Jedi knows no anger, bitterness, fear, or all that crap spewed out by other characters who ARE considered to be prominent and important.

[Mara]: Well, thanks anyway. Don?t get eaten by one of those mean fishes that almost ate you and Leia when you went to convince Admiral Ackbar to rejoin the New Republic.

[Cilghal]: Remember Mara, it is mean to bring up topics deemed marginally important. I?m unimportant, remember.

[Mara]: I?m sorry, what was your name? Why did you call me?

[Cilghal]: Oh no! Tinkerbell syndrome! I?m fading awayyyyy???.

-----This event reportedly, according to a confirmed and reliable source, took place in the hallowed minds of the NJO creators? guild. It is considered to be canon, and any resistance will be met with disinformation campaigns to thwart the uncanny knack forum residents seem to have to bring up in the JCC.

More of the exclusive, behind-the-scenes background story---A conversation with Mon Mothma

[MM]: So, Mara, I hear you?ve come down with a nasty bit of a molecular degenerative disorder. I remember when I had a poorly contrived molecular degenerative disorder. Of course, KJA gave it to me, so it?s often overlooked as marginally important. But I assure you, when I was wasting away bit by bit, I thought I was a goner. Thank the force for Cilghal. She got rid of those little viruses using the force. She was the only one who helped. Even the finest Doctors of the New Republic were helpless.

[Mara]: Well, Mon Mothma, seeing as how you had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, I?m not surprised you felt that way. But really, you shouldn?t dwell on such marginal issues. It?s enough to drive some members of the forum nuts. Besides, I?m doing just fine staving off my almost certain-to-be-included-plot-thickening-pull-the-readers-in-and-slowly-suck-their-bank-accounts-dry disease. My contract doesn?t allow such conversations, so be a dear and run off and save your breath for someone who considers your miraculous recovery worth mentioning.

[MM]: My fragile life was ebbing away like a trickling stream and you think that my dwellings are marginal? What, do you belong to the Important Character League? The ICL has always shunned the characters "marginally portrayed" by authors. I led the New-Republic for years until that upstart Jedi-BrotherKisser took over when I nearly died and you people pretend like it didn?t happen. How do you suppose Leia became Cheif of State? Hmmmm? And what about the Jedi Academy? Why, if it weren?t for my actions during that whole marginal period of time your precious NJO would have little to go on. Now go talk to Cilghal you ninny.

[Mara]: I?m satified with the diagnosis of the finest Doctors of the New Republic.

[MM]: You mean the diagnosis stating that what you got kills everybody else and is slowly killing you by an unknown route of attack and has never, ever, ever, been seen before and you just happen to be able to hold it off using the force?

[Mara]: Well, yes actually.

[MM]: Mara, are you stupid?

[Mara]: {fire blazes in her green eyes} Are you calling me stupid?

[MM]: I?m going to call Cilghal for you. You really need to talk to Cilghal.

[Mara]: Who?

[MM]: Cilghal. The Jedi-Healer who cured me of my molecular degenerative disorder.

[Mara]: Since when do we have Jedi-Healers capable of curing molecular degenerative disorders?

[MM]: {fumes} Cilghal cured me of the molecular degenerative disorder back in KJA trilogy! YOU WERE THERE TOO!!!!! You ingrate! You wouldn?t even stay at the Academy you reject! Why is it when the Chief of State gets a molecular degenerative disorder it?s marginal but Skywalker?s wifey-poo demands the utmost attention---yet reality seems to be a fuzzy issue in curing the disorder??? If the force was with me, I?d be begging Cilghal to come and SAVE MY HINEY!

[Mara]: The thought of your molecular degenerative disorderly hiney fills me with the desire to vomit. However, this cure thing has a nice ring to it. I?ve been stoically fighting this disease all alone, illogically ignoring other proven methods of healing strange MDD?s. Contract be darned! I?ll not succumb to such pointless asinine behavior! I?m convinced that I should AT LEAST APPROACH CILGHAL...

{the logic Implant in Mara?s brain suddenly discharges and 70,000 Volts course through her body.}

[MM]: I knew it! I knew there was a reason!

[Mara]: Drat, the secret?s out. It?s all a ploy to confound that blasted Itrakh?s rumor mill. Our spin doctors have been working overtime to thwart that pestilent fool. Why on Earth couldn?t that miscreant leave well enough alone? She?s just a pointless and marginal character, by George, a FISH!!!

{The anti-legal-disclosure implant in Mara?s brain suddenly discharges and a silent call goes out to all the DR lackeys.}

[MM]: Now you?ve really done it. So much for the freedom of force-use.
LMM and CDRO are trying to reprogram their usually faithful lackey, Darkly Preposterous...
CDRO: "Um...Darkly...we wanna talk to you about the official adjective of the NJO..."
DP: "Yeah? What about it...?
LMM: "It's ?AWESOME!!!'"
DP: "If you say so..."
CDRO: "Then why are you wearing that T-Shirt?"
DP is wearing a tie-dye job with the logo "I'M ENRAPTURED."
LMM points to it and grimaces: "We don't much like this...a little too purple Teletubbie, if you get my drift..."
DP: (offended) "Hey, I gotta a girlfriend! I mention her at every opportunity, just to prove I'm not a male virgin like the rest of the geeks..."
Anathema Skypolo: (aside) "Hey, DP, I don't think inflatables count..."
DP: (fiercely to ASP) "Shut up! Who asked you?"
CDRO: "Now, Darkly, pay attention! What's this about admitting that you deliberately post erroneous information supposedly obtained from insiders?"
DP: (whining) "Well, it was either that or admit that the insider information I pretend to know is always wrong!"
LMM: "Is it?"
DP: "Yeah. Don't wanna admit I'm ever wrong--'cause I'm always write!"
LMM: "Um, Darkly, that's spelt ?right'."
DP: (elbowing him in the ribs) "It's a pun, get it?"
LMM: (muttering to CDRO) "Will you strangle the little jerk, or can I have the honor?"
CDRO: "No, he's still marginally useful to us...(to DP) "We're not too pleased at the way the forum is going..."
DP: "Why? I start lots of lame threads, don't I?"
CDRO: "True..."
DP: "I lead my faithful acolytes in furious charges against the free-thinkers, don't I?"
CDRO: "Yes..."
DP: "I'm the biggest corporate suck-up in the western, right?"
CDRO: "Definitely..."
DP: "Then what's your problem?"
CDRO: "Your credibility is getting a little tattered.."
DP: (giving him a look) "That's from all the hits I'm taking on your behalf...which brings me to the next order of business...there's something I wanna discuss with you..."
CDRO: "What?"
DP: (insinuatingly) "The new book I'm writing...I want you to publish it..."
CDRO: "You're joking, right...?"
DP: "Look, I've been loyal, haven't I? I promoted VP relentlessly....I've tried to blunt the criticism of it on the forums...I've participated in every spin, no matter how stupid or obvious, and I never displayed the faintest intelligence throughout....right?"
CDRO: (making a moue) "Well, yeah..."
DP: (his eyes narrowing) "Well, folks, it's payback time..."
CDRO: (avuncularly) "Darkly, I've read your fan-fic, remember? Sorry to be blunt, but it was amateur night, and not a talented amateur night, either..."
DP: "Look, if you can publish VP with a straight face and pretend it's good, then you can publish me.. and you will...believe me, you will..."
LMM: "Is that a threat?"
DP: (glaring) "No, it's a want me to support you, you gotta support me, or else!"
CDRO: (to LMM) "Great. Even the form weenies are turning rebellious...!"
LMM: (noticing a weedy-looking specimen standing to the side) "Son, do I know you?"
CDRO: "That's DP's official forum acolyte, better known as Anathema SkyPolo..."
LMM: "Come forward, son..."
ASP comes forward shyly....
LMM: (to ASP) "Son, how'd you like to be a forum administrator? Job doesn't require talent, other than smarming up to the powers that be...if you can master that, and don't get delusions of grandeur..." (he gives DP a pointed look) "... you may have a future with us..."
DP: "You're gonna replace me with that idiot?"
CDRO: (coolly) "If necessary..."
DP: "There's no way I'll stand for that...!"
He goes over to ASP, pushes him, and says, "You've been planning this all along, haven't you? All those posts in defense of were merely sucking up, weren't you? Looking to replace me at the first opportunity? Well, listen, and listen good! You'll have to fight me for it...!"
Next thing we know, Darkly Preposterous and Anathema SkyPolo are squaring off in a wrestling ring, with LMM and CDRO looking on, and an Announcer and a referee on either side...and a large and hostile audience looking on...
Announcer: "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the current edition of WWF Ultimate Edition, now called WWE because the World Wildlife Foundation wanted the Acronymn WWF all to theirselves. In one corner is the Million Dollar Ewok, in the other corner is Wampa-Man. Who will win? Keep watching to find out......
(The Ranch: LMM, LMMM1, & LMMM2 cower into DB?s presence)

DB: Has the plan been set in motion?

(LMM, LMMM1, and LMMM2 look at each other nervously)
LMM: Yes my Master. The fan fiction board at TFN has been fatally corrupted.
DB: Exxxcelllent. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
LMMM1: But they?ve gone and started another one. AND they?re transferring the old threads across.
(LMM thumps LMMM1 across the back of the head)
LMM: Well they haven?t transferred the Vector Prime Humorous Version thread over. So hopefully it will disappear without a trace.
DB: HOPE??? What?s that? There is no hope, only prearranged business contracts.
LMMM1 (pipes in helpfully): They HAVE rescued VP part 2!
(DB fires him with Force lightning and LMMM1 is fried to a crisp)
LMM (murmurs to LMMM2): Why didn?t that happen to Luke?
LMMM2: Profic.

(CDRO wanders in unsuspectingly, but VERY excited)
CDRO: Great news. Our spies in the place that must not be named have reported that Solo has secretly reentered the EU to try and find out who the mystery girl is on the cover of AoC1.
DB: So the AU writers? attempts to distract him with Bria didn?t work?
CDRO: I?m afraid not. Because she didn?t age during her time in the dead zone Solo is now 30+ years older than she is.
DB (nervously rubbing his frown lines on his forehead): Your point being?
CDRO: Well she spouted some nonsense about human males reaching their sexual peak in their mid-teens. So she blew off Solo but offered to give his boys a test run.
LMM: OH MY GOD..... (Looks like he is about to have a heart attack)
DB (moaning in anguish): My surrogates!!!
LMM (wincing): So what happened?
CDRO: Well, after an intense but brief affair with the younger Solo boy she ran off with some Twilek from a strip joint. Apparently they do not have such aging problems. The Solo kid is so heart broken he is considering an alternative life style.
(DB passes out in shock)
CDRO (peers at DB curiously): I don?t see what HE is so concerned about. He?s the one who made his surrogate kiss his sister.
LMM: Shhh. He has spies everywhere to hear any criticism of him. Do you want to end up like THAT! (Points to charred remains of LMMM1)
CDRO: What?s that?
CDRO: Wow! I?ve never seen a dead body before! I forgot that it's only in Profic that people come back to life.
(DB regains consciousness)
LMM: er, non-humans
DB: do not have sex. They do not have relationships. They spend the entire course of their miserable, meaningless lives serving their human (male) betters. IF we deem them fit to be privileged with a human female, she will (a) be ?damaged goods? ? both emotionally and physically; (b) she will be irredeemably heart broken from a prior relationship with A HUMAN. (c) If and when this happens, one or both individuals involved will never be mentioned in the EU EVER AGAIN.... WHAT HAPPENED?
LMM: That's Profic. They're in an AU now. ANYTHING can - and has happened.
(DB is about to fry them with Force lightening when LMMM2, who has been strangely quiet through this conversation interrupts)
LMMM2 (whose hair is thinning on top): What did you mean by human males reaching their peak in their mid-teens?
(CDRO & LMM look at each other rather embarrassed)
LMMM2: mean bald heads AREN'T solar panels for sex machines?
(DB casually primps his suspiciously abundant head of hair)
LMM (kindly pats LMMM2 on the shoulder): Of course they are son.

(Profic EU: Jaina and the rest Rouge squadron, most of which are currently faceless and nameless, are sitting around doing nothing)

Jaina: How much longer do we have to sit round like this? I?m a Jedi - soon. I need to be outside showing off my inherent superiority to the rest of the galaxy.

Rouge Squadron member #2: This is the gap in the MAS story where Seige was supposed to be. Now its been cancelled we?re supposed to sit around and do nothing until DR has finished editing Ruin.

RS 3: How long did DR have to plan this @#$% series? Why did it take them THIS long to figure out that they shouldn?t have any story resolutions so soon?

RS 4: Better late than never, look at VP. Maybe this way we have a chance to survive an ENTIRE book ? except for Rouge leader and Mamma?s little girl of course. Everyone knows THEY are doomed to see out this miserable series.

Jaina (stamps her foot and storms over to RS4): HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?

RS 4: Like we could forget. The sign on your back ? ?Jedi and all-round superior being? is a little hard to miss.

Gavin (Rouge 1): Don?t worry. Fel junior is the lucky bast@rd who gets to clip the little princess? wings.

RS3: Oh goodie! Yet ANOTHER upstart brat who is going to think birth defects automatically make you a good pilot.

RS2: I?ve got a great idea! How about we introduce a minimum age for joining the military , AND demand a minimum number of years service before you can become a fighter pilot.

RS3: Great, but we would also have to make it compulsory to join the military before joining a military organisation.

RS5: Hey Rouge Leader...
RS6: Isn?t it Rouge One?
RS 7: Gavin?
RS 8: Huh ?????
RS 9: What???
Gavin (aka RS Leader, aka RS1 stands up): Gentlemen, chick, and token alien! Let us now prepare for tonight?s excursion. RS2 ? you never returned my purple mascara from the other night.
RS2: You gave it to me.
Gavin; No I didn?t. That purple really highlights my features!

Jaina: PAYATTENTION TO ME YOU INSIGNIFICANT FOOLS. You?re supposed to be tough a$$ fighter jocks. Why the hell are you fighting over make up? I don?t need any.

RS3 (sarcastically): That?s profic honey. Without it you would be infested with acne, suffering from cramps, and have a very severe case of PMT. Hmmm, actually, maybe profic doesn?t cover that last one. It is written by men afterall.

(RS2 and Gavin start having a cat fight. Jaina?s eyes start bulging out of her sockets as she watches RS2 rip Gavin?s toupe off his head)
RS4 (grinning maliciously): What?s the matter? Did you think ?Rouge? Squadron was a spelling error?
RS5: MAS is the only one who pays any attention to us so except when we called in for the obligatory space battles....
RS6: star wars!
RS7: that has a certain ring to it!
RS5: ....we can pretty much do as we please.

(Gavin has soundly beaten RS2 who has subsequently stalked off to a corner to sulk)
Gavin: Now, lets resume the betting. The latest bet is that Corran the Moran is going to cark it in Ruin. Odds are 2-1. Are there any takers?
RS4: Are you mad? Who wants him to stay?
RS6: True, but look at the bigger picture. Her highness over there is replacing Corran as the obligatory Jedi of Rouge squadron (leers at Jaina who shudders). If he dies she will also replace him as the arrogant, perfect superior warrior/jedi/pilot/and everything else of the galaxy. At least Corran isn?t in RS any more. If he dies we?re stuck with his replacement!
RS 7: What about Mara?
Gavin: Not a chance. DR ?accidently? released the blurb for Agents of Chaos 1 which isn?t due for release for, what, 6 months? And it clears implies that the Jaded one is still alive and kicking.
RS 3 (whispers conspiratorially): I heard that ?Mara? is actually a cloned replica and the real one escaped.
Gavin (pulls out his blaster and shoots RS 3 through the chest): If I hear any more talk like that you?ll go the same way. Without Wedge and the ?great eight?, and more importantly with the arrogant Jedi kid in tow, for the final work of Vector Prime Humorous Version, how will we reach any kind of conclusion? We seem to have just branched into all kinds of silliness.   The Falcon, newly recristened, has landed back on Naboo after going on a supply/smuggling run. Jacen is the first to exit, running down the lift. Luke and Mara are waiting nearby.

Luke: "What's the hurry Jacen?"
Jacen: "I couldn't stand another minute on the ship."
Mara: "Why."
Jacen; "Bria is in there with dad."
Mara: (agast) "Your mother is here?"
Jacen: "Not Leia." (he enunciates) "Bria, with a B."
Mara: "Oh. Sorry I misunderstood you. Don't slur your words."
Luke: "Who's this Bria?"
Jacen: "Apparently she's an old flame of Dad's. They go way back. Firstlove's I think they said."
Luke: "So why the hurry to get off?"
Jacen: "They just couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was... sickening."
Luke: "It has been a while for your father you know."
Mara: "And you haven't exactly been a paragon of propriety either."
Jacen: "But... Dad's supposed to be so far over the hill he can't get back up again."
Luke: (shoots a smile towards Mara) "You'd be amazed at what years of repression can do for a guy."

Han and Bria are just about to leave Han's cabin and disembark from the ship when Han stops Bria for a brief conversation.

Han: "You know honey, I had a strange dream last night."
Bria: (irritated) "When did you fall asleep last night?"
Han: (defensively) "There was about a 30 minute lull when I nodded off..."
Bria: (placated) "I suppose... What about the dream?"
Han: "Well... you spouted some nonsense about me being past my peak..."
Bria: (smiling pleasingly) "Nonsense is right..."
Han: "You ditched me for Jacen..."
Bria: (kiddingly) "He is kinda cute."
Han: (rolls his eyes) "Ditched him... which actually devastated him... then ran off with a Twilek... and I ran back to Profic."
Bria: "A Twilek? You must be jealous of those lekku."
Han: "Don't look at me... It was just a dream... I am just telling you what I remember."
Bria: "Han, I think you're one of the Sexiest Men Alive!"
Han: "Hey, you read that issue too?"
Bria: (dryly) "Yeah, I saw it lying about some office."
Han: "Even if I am 30+ years older than you now?"
Bria: "You're more distinguished now... And you have always been the one."
Han: "That's what I thought. Let's go meet Luke and Mara."

Han and Bria leave the ship. Luke and Mara are waiting nearby, supervising the unloading of the supplies.

Han: (waves to Mara and Luke) "Hey guys!"
Mara: (mutters to Luke) "Hey, look, another rip off of me!"
Luke: "Now Mara. Don't be so catty. We can't help it if profic copies you all the time."
Mara: "Just once I'd like to meet an original."
Luke: "Guri was kinda original."
Mara: (looks warningly at him) "Yeah, right... Originally a protocol droid... turned into an assassin droid and fanboy fantasy sex object..."
(Han and Bria finally make their way over.)
Han: "I'd like you to meet Bria."
Luke: (extends his hand to Bria) "Nice to meet you."
Mara: (also extends her hand to Bria) "Nice to meet another red head."
Bria: "Yeah, there do seem to be a lot of us around."
Han: "Bria and I go way back."
Bria: "He rescued me, and we fell in love."
Luke: (elbows Han) "Sounds familiar doesn't it."
Han: "Don't remind me."
Bria: "But, I left him, then joined the Rebellion... and later was killed retrieving top secret plans for a spacestation."
Luke: "Geez, small galaxy isn't it?"
Mara: "You're telling me... Coincidence City..."
Luke: (kiddingly to Han and Bria) "Jacen gave us the rundown on the trip back."
Han: "Oh, Puleeze. Mr. I-wanna-go-to-Madame-Lola's..."
Luke: "Still, good to see you back in action..."
Han: (looks at Bria) "It's good to be back."
Mara: (rolls her eyes) "Come on flyboys, we've got a Rebellion to run."

Mara hooks her arm through Bria's elbow and leads her away from the guys.
(Sounds of anguished screams are echoing down the hall from DB's audience chambers. CDRO and LMM hesitantly creep up the hall past the LM Minion Guards (LMMG) ).

CDRO: What's THAT all about? (pointing in the direction of the door)
LMM: Apparently LMMM2 was actually a deep cover spy for the AU rebellion and fed DB misinformation about Han's impending re-defection back to profic.
CDRO: Hmm, that would be why he had actually read the EU literature?
DB: Yeah. Its always the last one you suspect.  (Vader and Killer enter the EU)

Killer: Wow! What a mess. The Pulpy one would have loved this.
Vader: Too bad you killed him, hey?
Killer: How many times do I have to tell you it was profic?
Vader: Ok, ok. Don?t have a cow. ????????? Oops. I think the natural tendancy of profic to ?borrow? from other works is contagious.
Killer: Well when we start yelling ?Hi Ho Silver? we?ll know its time to leave. So what?s first? Can we kill Xixor first. PLEEEEAAASSSSSEEEE.
Vader: No. We have to go and see Leia, or Amidala is going to have our guts for garters ? again!
Killer: Ouch! OK. No arguments there. But how do you think she?ll react? She likes being here.
Vader: Killer me lad, she?s a politician, and that?s even worse than being a Sith Lord. We?ll just appeal to her natural instincts.
Killer: I?ve got a bad feeling about this. <shudders> We need to get out of here really soon.


(Killer and Vader find Leia in the Senate chambers with Dorkus Felt'ya over her knee beating the **** out of him with her lightsabre.)

Leia: Take that you slimy, flea-infested, little fur ball (shoving her lightsabre up a most undignified place.)
Vader (wincing): I told you she was a politician. Not even a Sith Lord would do that.
Killer: Shouldn?t we stop her?
(Immediately a enormous hand reaches down through the ceiling and knocks Killer unconscious.)
Vader: I guess even in profic EU fans have some pull. I guess that means we have to wait until she?s done.

(several hours later ......)

(Dorkus? half-dead carcass is dragged off to the Bacta tank so he?ll be ready for another ?session? with Leia.
Vader and Killer hesitantly enter the room)

Leia (looking up in surprise): What are you doing here?
Killer (grins in relief): Wow, I thought you would at least run your lightsabre through us! (Vader elbows him discreetly).
Leia: Don?t worry, I?ll get to that part. Now I suppose you two clowns are here to try and convert me to the dark side?
Killer: Us? Never! You?re a politician. We?re here to learn from YOU .
(Leia looks puzzled)
Vader: Allow me to explain. There are Light-siders, Dark-siders, and then there?s politicians. They?re not usually Force users but we?re still scared sh^tless of them. Jedi and Sith can jump back and forth between the two, but only a special type of particularly sadistic and masochistic individual can become politicians.
Leia (sarcastically): I?m touched by your concern, but where the hell have you been for the last 40 years?
Killer: Its not OUR fault. Your mother was a politician. We were trying to save you from a fate worse than death but she ran off and had you raised by yet another politician. You were on a planet full of peace loving hippy-politicians. Not even a Sith Lord is brave enough to venture THERE.
Vader: We were doing you a favour when we blew the place up.
Leia (glaring at them): Well there must be something wrong with your logic. Until Vector Prime I was a Jedi. I still haven?t quite managed to work out why I was suddenly demoted.
Vader: Del Ray. They want to ignore or contradict the Bantam series as much as possible. If they had a choice they would invent a whole new cast.
Leia: Wouldn?t that kind of contradict the STAR WARS label on the cover?
Vader (shugs): It didn?t bother them in Vector Prime .
Leia: OK, makes sense to me. So if you?re not here to convert me what precisely are you up to?
Killer: You may have noticed there?s been quite a lot of hostility to the Jedi lately.
Leia: Well its been kind of hard to miss Einstein.
Killer: Yes, well, we?ve been pointing out to people that it wasn?t actually a Jedi that killed the Pulpy one, and how much better off they were without any Jedi running around destroying entire solar systems, pursuing private vendettas....
Leia: .... Blowing up planets, and committing genocide? If that?s the best argument you can make I suggest you get the hell out of here before the LMMs hear that you?ve escaped from the dead zone.
Vader: Now, now. Be nice. You are a politician after all. Itrakh reports on lit forum proceedings.

[Darkly Preposterous]: Mara will be pregnant and then die.

[Feebleminded lit forum residents]: REally, <swoon>. Darkly, you are our salvation! Our line to diety! Without you, our lives are meaningless!

[Darkly]: Well, when you are this good, it shows. Now run along, I've got to delude myself into greater grandeur. I'm not quite as condescending as I'd like to be. Shoo.

---The minions depart, unwillingly. Except a certain Ganodghri.

[Ganodghri]: Well, Darkly, this one was quite obviously foreshadowed.

[Darkly]: Ahh, Itrakh, the thorn in our side. Since you obviously aren't a weak-minded-Zit-faced-eaisly-impressed-teeney-bopper, I'm going to have try to discredit you on an intellectual basis by deeming you...fanatical.

---Itrakh's fanatical eyes gleam with fanaticism.

[Darkly]: Egads! The rumors ARE true! You are a fanatic! But unfortunately for us, not an incredibly stupid or gullible one, like so many others.

---Itrakh nods slowly and fanatically, eyes gleaming with the fire of inner fanaticism--and intelligence.

[Itrakh]: Fanatically opposed to your tyranny, Darkly. <gags on such trite lines-- thinks to himself..."Man, WHO is writing this stuff?">

[Darkly]: The lunacy is strong with this one...

[Itrakh]: Attacking grammar will be of little use either, considering your constant detractive comments on this Ganodghri's grammar are often laden with grammatical errors as well.

[Darkly-eyes narrowing to slits]: You dare insult my insults on your grammar? That was all I could think of. You obviously aren't lacking intelligence, or I would have imposed my will upon you like the rest of the forumites. Now you attack my grammar? <fumes>

[Itrakh]: The ultimate insult to a self-important-deluded author.

[Darkly]: I still have my ego. <aims ego at Itrakh, menacingly>

---Itrakh shudders and flees.

[Itrakh--whilst running away]: There is no weapon to combat such ruthlessnes!  Later in the afternoon, Jacen is lounging in the yard looking through some things that were brought back from the supply run. Luke approaches him.

Luke: "Hey, Jacen, you're drooling. Whatcha lookin at?"
Jacen: "We brought back some research to see what is going on in the EU."
(Jacen has a copy of The Last Command comic and SW Tales 1 in his lap.)
Luke: "That's your aunt, Jacen! You are such a perv sometimes!"
Jacen: "I can't help it. I am at that age."
Luke: "That's still no excuse."
(Meanwhile Mara comes up behind them and takes a look.)
Mara: (looking at the TLC comic) "Ugh! What are you doing with that comic? I thought I burned all the copies."
(Mara snatches it from Jacen.)
Luke: (pointing to SWT1) "This one seems new. Another starring role for you, plus as a supporting character."
(Mara flips through it and stops on 'Extinction'.)
Mara: "Arrgh! Would you look at this. Why do these oversexed hacks keep drawing me with a huge chest?"
Luke: (kiddingly) "I don't know... but you look... hubba hubba..."
(Mara slaps him hard across the face before storming off. Luke looks very pained. Han arrives just in time to witness the slap and sees Luke's discomfort.)
Han: (jokingly) "Hey there Luke, I thought Jedi did not know pain."
Luke: "We don't... normally... it's just... she also force-choked me where it really hurts."
(Both Han and Jacen grimace.)
Han: "You had better go make up to her."
Luke: "I know, I know. I was just kidding with her."
Han: "I'd say you struck a raw nerve though."
(Luke slowly limps to the house.)

Luke enters the bedroom and sees Mara sitting on the bed. Her face is flush and her eyes are red.

Mara: (angrily) "If you value your ability to procreate you had better leave."
Luke: (soothingly) "Please Mara. I am so sorry. I was only kidding. I didn't know you would take it so personally."
Mara: "Well, you thought wrong. Or didn't think at all."
Luke: "I am truly sorry. How many times do you want me to say it?"
Mara: "Keep it coming."
Luke: "Search my feelings, you know them to be true."
Mara: (growls) "I know that."
Luke: "What can I say? I am just a stupid, insensitive man."
(This elicits a slight smile from Mara. Luke knows he is safe.)
Luke: "Listen Mara, I wouldn't have said anything if I knew it was such a sore topic for you."
Mara: "You don't understand Luke 'cause your not a woman and are a movie character."
Luke: "Care to enlighten me?"
Mara: "First of all, you movie characters get more respect. Even though we've had more character development than you."
Luke: "You don't have to remind me. I spent too many years as a depressed monk."
Mara: "They think we are expendable because we aren't movie canon."
Luke: "Don't forget about Chewie; they decided to bump him off."
Mara: "That's because no one bothered to write him."
Luke: "Some people did a good job."
Mara: "Second, it's these depictions." (she waves the TLC comic in her hand)
Mara: "These comic book hacks just love drawing women with huge chests, skinny waists, long legs, and skimpy clothes."
Luke: "Those types never outgrew their oversexed, teenage years."
Mara: "They think all women are sex objects to oogle."
Luke: "You know they are just drawing down to their audience... Dumbing it down."
Mara: "They even did it to your sister... Put her in a crop top and bikini undies... and she was pregnant at the time."
Luke: "I know, I know. They ignore things in favor of their own fantasies."
Mara: "Not only that, they can't even draw me consistently." (She shows him Union.)
Luke: "Even I don't look very good in some of this."
Mara: "But at least you weren't 10 different people."
(There is a pause, as Luke doesn't know what to say.)
Mara: "And that's not the half of it. Look at this."
(Mara shows look some thread intel from the ECA spies.)
Mara: "The prepubescent droolers are knocking themselves out salivating over me."
Luke: "I know. It's disgusting."
Mara: "Plus, they hate me now. They want to kill me off in the most horrendous ways."
Luke: "I wouldn't worry about the spiteful musings of death obsessed, gothic freaks."
Mara: "But..."
Luke: “Don't worry, Mara.” SUNDAY 26 MARCH 2000
(The Ranch)

(Lightning and thunder erupt from DB's inner sanctum as a howl of indescribable anguish ensures from the previously sound proof room. Suddenly a LMM Guard appears in the room where the CDRO and LMM are watching the Oscars. LMMG is dressed in Imperial Storm trooper armour. He does not speak. The CDRO and LMM stare at him for a long moment then get up and follow the LMMG, nervously awaiting their fate)


(The Grand Audience Chamber)
(CDRO and LMM cower on the ground as DB storms in)
DB: WHY? Not even for SFX. Don't those fools realise that the entire film was computer generated - even the script! The Matrix just pretended to be set in a computer generated world, ours actually was! (starts sobbing uncontrollably) We were beaten by AUSTRALIANS.... AUSTRALIANS!!! Do you have any idea how degrading that is?
CDRO: Maybe we could film the next film there so we can make use of their talent?
LMM (jumps in helpfully): Then we could use actual actors this time! Not just have people put voices to images.
(DB fixes him with a deadly scare and LMM cowers down ever further)
LMM: (defensive): Well what has HE (pointing to CDRO) got to do with the films?
(With that rejoinder he promptly runs out of the room before he goes the same way as LMMM1 and LMMM2)

(CDRO is left looking rather sheepish before he prudently decides to flee as well)

(DB, rather amused by this display picks up the newspaper to seek solace in the news of some other film's failure. Suddenly he freezes up. The headline on the front page reads " The Sixth Sense overtakes The Empire Strikes Back on the All Time List.")


(Somewhere far, far away Darkly Preposterous starts cackling evilly.)

DP: Soon.... soon they will have no other choice than to publish me! (Bursts out into maniacal laughter)
Announcer: "Well, folks, on to round two of the Flunky Feud!!! In the first round, we had a lot of cross-and-jostle work, but no falls....DP bruised his ego on ASP's smugness, but no permanent damage was done to either...."
LMM: (to CDRO) "Unfortunately..."
Announcer: "So here we are--in this corner, the champion forum geek and suck-up, the Master of Monotony, the Sultan of Shallow, the Smarm-Meister himself, it's Darkly Preposterous!!!"
Darkly takes a bow. The audience, still mostly composed of the Extremist Cranks' Association, responds in stereo with loud raspberries...
Announcer: (reprovingly) "Now, folks. Kind hearts are more than coronets...And in this corner, the challenger, Darkly's former acolyte and minion, the Titan of Tautology, the Oligarch of the Obvious, the Domineering Dullard himself, it's Anathema Skypolo!!!"
Anathema does a pirouette in the center of the ring...
The crowd hoots derisively...
Announcer: "And tonight we're all appearing before our beloved audience, those Nattering Nabobs of Negativism* themselves, the Extremist Cranks' Association!!!"
The audience cheers itself, which is kinda odd if you think about it...
Announcer: "I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce some tonight are the ultimate Clone Wars veteran himself, the LucasArts Marketing Minion...the original!!"
The crowd boos lustily...
Announcer: "...and tonight playing Tweedle-Dum to LMM's Tweedle-Dee, the Matchless Merchant of Mendacity himself, the Chief Del Rey Overlord...!!!"
CDRO places his hand on his chest and bows in a stately manner. The crowd makes some distinctly unpleasant considerable length...
Announcer: "And for our very, very, very special guest tonight, the Lara Croft of the NJO herself, gorgeous, brainy, sexy, and completely vapid, the fan-boy fave, it's the mighty Danae Twee..."
Danae does a simper and a semi-curtsey. The stamp on her forehead--it says (you guessed it) ?Male Fantasy'--stands out in sharp relief against her skin. The crowd's hormones overcome its taste--in a walk--and there are more whistles than boos...
Announcer: "Before we begin the second round, Darkly has an announcement..."
Darkly skips forward and speaks into the Announcer's microphone...
Darkly: "Friends, I just wanted to let you know....once I win tonight, my masters, as a reward, have agreed to publish my next opus--we English majors use words like that--in which I will kill off Mara Jade, after I get her pregnant, of course, and replace her with that famous waste-of-space herself, my fantasy and yours, Danae Twee..."
The crowd boos VERY loudly...Danae hops up and down and claps her tiny hands with glee...
LMM (to CDRO): "WHAT?"
CDRO: (through clenched teeth) "Damn! I knew removing his implants was a mistake..."
There is a sudden disturbance in the crowd...
Announcer: "Well, whaddyeknow!!! We have another surprise for you, folks, a favorite of yours is in the audience and wants to participate..."
Mara Jade comes forward and starts climbing over the ropes...
Announcer: "It's the former Emperor's Hand, former smuggler chief, and current Jedi Master--MARA JADE!!!"
The crowd cheers wildly. Mara grins as she balances on the ropes, and blows kisses to the crowd. She then turns to focus her attention on the Enraptured One...*
Mara: (to Darkly) "So you're gonna get ME pregnant, you pathetic little your DREAMS!!!"
Luke: (he is standing behind her) "Mara...!!!"
Mara: (fiercely to Luke while standing on the ropes) "And don't think you can stop me, either!!!"
Luke: (to Mara) "Why should I stop you? Just wanted to make sure you beat him up thoroughly."
Mara: (continuing her climb) "Will do, husband mine..."
Luke: (making gagging noises) "This is the AU, remember? You don't HAVE say Stackpole's lame dialogue here, so spare me, for godsakes!!!"
Mara: "Oh yeah, I forgot--Will do, snookums."
Luke: "That's better."
Announcer: "Well, folks, here's a treat for you!!! It's Mara Jade versus the Forums Geeks!!!"
The crowd cheers wildly once again...
Mara: "Well, here's the first order of business..."

[Lit Forum]: All right you two, what is the meaning of this?
[Itrakh]: <points to Darth Tuna> Don't look at me, He started it!
[Lit Forum]: Ahh, yes, it seems that he did. But You, Itrakh, are the fanatic behind this!

[Itrakh]: Stang! All Itrakh did was click on the next oldest topic link!

[Lit Forum]: Nevermind! Silence! Your fanatical ways are polluting this forum! Nobody is free to express their opinions with nuts like you lurking! Your uncanny knack to disuade fantasy and imbue logic mixed with irreverently and often perilously-close-to-lunacy humor will be the undoing of all of us tightwads with absolutely no sense of humor and will-imposing-on-the-weak-minded tendencies. You are therefore considered a lunatic to ensure that you do more damage.

[Itrakh]: Gadzooks! That's about the kajillionth time someone has tried to discredit Itrakh on grounds of lunacy!

... What about Itrakh's opinion? Isn't this a discussion forum, to share opinions?

[Lit Forum]:...

[Itrakh]: <patriotic music blares in the background> Didn't our forefathers establish a Constitution granting the freedom of speech and the curtailment of those opposed-free-thinking?

[Lit Forum]: You realize, that by invoking emotional and patriotic responses that you are undermining our authority, and that makes it even harder to discredit you and label you a fanatic so that others will not hear your voice. Don't you?

[Itrakh]: Hmmmm.. hadn't thought of that. Just wanted to say Gadzooks and kajillion a lot of times. But, since you mention it, yeah, that sounds okay.

[Lit Forum]: ...

[Itrakh]: Oh, that and adding Buck Rodgers was kinda fun.

[Lit Forum]: <fuming>

[Itrakh]: Say, do you guys know...


[Itrakh]: Hmmmm... Itrakh's getting some force-vibes indicating that there are a number of unkind feelings eminating from the lit forum towards a particular Ganodghri...

GADZOOKS!!!! Could it be that Itraaakhh, the evil clone of Itrakh was recently sighted here? Naah. That'd be lunacy.

[Lit Forum--amongst themselves]: Now what do we do? He's thinking about cloning himself? Then there'd be two of those annoying maggots.

---Itrakh, delves into his biochemical and genetic apparatus, fanatically applied to the unknown task at hand....
The audience is eagerly awaiting the final showdown between Mara and Darkly Preposterous. Suddenly a member of the audience (Rabble Rouser 1) has a thought. Since this doesn't happen too often he pauses to commemorate this unusual occasion.

RR1 (asks RR2): Isn't Mara a fantasy projection of a middle-aged male author as well? She's in her 40s for crying out loud. She should have stretch marks, be on the verge of menopause and have a whole plethora of injuries from her decades of service as an assassin and Jedi.

RR2 (drooling as he watches Mara): SHHH! Don't ruin it. Look at what she did to Danni.
(Deep in the bowls of the Ranch, Vader, Killer and Leia pour over a manuscript Darkly Preposterous has sent to the CDRO with orders to publish)

Vader: What is this sh^%?
Leia: Have Mara die in child birth? What does he think this is? The Middle ages? A Jane Austen novel?
Killer: Worse! At least Jane Austen doesn't have any immaculate conceptions.
Leia: Next thing you'll know DP will be talking about 'confinement'. Across town from the ranch in an old VFW hall in the run-down section of town, a meeting is taking place.

Speaker 1: (taps the lecturn several times) "Quiet everyone... Thank you. Welcome to the 20th quarterly Star Wars meeting of AWFUL (Authors Writing Fiction Usually Loathed).

Speaker 1: (to the audience) "My name is Jay, I am the founder of AWFUL, and I am an AWFUL."
Crowd: "Hello Jay."
Jay: "We have a new member joining us tonight, but before the introductions, let's go around the room and introduce ourselves."
Speaker 2: "My name is Barbie, and I am an AWFUL."
Speaker 3: "Hello, my name is Al, and I have been a member of AWFUL for 4 years."
Speaker 4: "Hi, my name is Rhonda, and I have been a member for 3 years."
Speaker 5: "My name is Mac, and I've been a member for 2 years."
Speaker 6: "My name is Dubya and I joined last year."
Jay: "As I mentioned, we have a new member. Stand up and introduce yourself."
New Member: "Um... Hi... My name is Ray, and I guess I am an AWFUL."
Crowd: "Wecome Ray."
Jay: "Ray, why don't you tell us a little about yourself."
Ray: "Well... umm... I am one of the 'Biggest Writers at Del Rey.'"
Jay: "No bragging here Ray."
Ray: (defensively) "But it's true. I am being honest here."
Jay: "Tell us about your recent experience then."
Ray: "Well, I just recently wrote a book I thought was a slam dunk."
Jay: "I think we all thought that about our books Ray."
(Murmurs of agreement in the group.)
Ray: "This really was supposed to be a guarenteed sure thing."
Dubya: "I know the feeling. I was told the same thing."
Ray: "But not everyone loved it and some people hated it. I can't understand why."


8/14/2024 5:32 pm  #22


Jay: "Did you find out why they didn't like it."
Ray: "Yeah, I read their manifestos and received feedback."
Jay: "And..."
Ray: "They are just a bunch of bitter people who think SW is their property."
Barbie: "That's just an excuse Ray. It's serial fiction, you know better. What did they say?"
Ray: "Crappy science. Contrived coincidences. Mishandled characters."
Mac: "Any merit to those complaints."
Ray: (adamant) "No! Screaming TIE's, hyperspace, etc. If they believe that they should believe anything."
Mac: "That's a fallacy. Hyperspace is an accepted part of almost all outer space adventures. Comparing movies and books is like comparing apples and oranges."
Jay: "Unless you are writing a movie novelization."
Rhonda: "Star Wars readers are a very diverse audience, we have to remember that."
Ray: "But, it said Star Wars on the cover. The readers should love it just for that."
Rhonda: (dryly) "That's what I thought too."
Jay: "Did you make sure the book borrowed heavily from the movies."
Ray: (proudly) "Absolutely! I borrowed scenes and themes. I even had a Death Star type ending."
Jay: "Did you have any superweapons?"
Ray: "No! I wouldn't be so stupid... I had biologic weapons of mass destruction."
Mac: "Sounds superweapon-ish to me."
Barbie: "Me too."
Rhonda: "Did you do anything controversial?"
Ray: "Well, I killed a main."
Jay: "Killed, as in dead forever? Wow, you're braver than I thought."
Barbie: "Not just wounded?"
Dubya: "Or burped up by a sarlacc?"
Jay: "Or left at death's door in the middle of a trilogy.. opps sorry man, forgot
you're a one shot wonder like...
(Rhonda shoots him a look)
Al: "How did you handle it? Heroically?"
Ray: (again proudly) "You better believe it. Killed him by crashing a moon into him."
(Both Rhonda and Barbie cringe.)
Jay: (dejectedly) "I killed a very minor character and was villified for it."
Al: "That's because you did it in such a lame way."
Jay: (indignantly) "Hey, not everyone dies a hero."
Al: "But in this genre everyone expects it."
Mac: (redirecting the conversation back to Ray) "What was the reaction?"
Ray: "I got lots of angry emails... and a death threat."
Rhonda: "Really?"
Ray: "No, not really. It was a plant. But they publicized the heck out of it to boost awareness."

Barbie: "So who'd you off anyway? That simpering princess?"
Rhonda: "The husband?"
Jay: "The obnoxious red head?"
Mac: "Lando? Tell me they let you kill Lando. Sith I hate that guy."
Ray: Nope. Still around. Mac: (to Ray) "So, what did YOU do with the red head?"
Ray: "Well... I didn't want to get Mara Jade wrong so I gave her a disease to take her in a new direction."
Jay: "Ooo. Bad idea. I took her in a new direction too."
Barbie: "And I continued that direction then marginalized her."
Jay: "At least I tried to repent somewhat."
Mac: "And I ignored her."
Al: "Messing with Mara is not a good idea. Are you sure you did a good job?"
Ray: "Sure, I wrote what I knew. I made her independent and aloof again."
Al: "Again? Was she ever written any differently?"
Ray: "Well, I wasn't sure at the time."
Al: "That could explain some things."
Mac: "It's always best to know the characters before you start writing."
Jay: (angrily) "Yeah! You ruined my best character! My legacy!"
Ray: (defensively) "But the editors said they'd fix any problems."
Mac: "Come on now Ray! You don't believe that do you?"
Ray: (sullenly) "Not really. But I couldn't publically say that if I want to continue to work as a writer."
Jay: "You got that right. He's no Stephen King who can publish directly on the Web."

Ray: "It's... It's not my fault. I'm innocent, I tell you. Innocent! It was......
(The buzzing in Ray's head is so loud that all can hear.)
Dubya: "Implant alert! Quick the neutralizer!"
(Barbie quickly grabs the neuralizer, it is looks like a bourbon bottle.)
Ray: (grabs it, takes a gulp) "Beam me up Scotty!"
Rhonda: (pouting) "Hey! That's my line!"
Al: (with a look of concern) "Is it working?"
Barbie: "Stang! He has the deluxe implant."
Dubya: "Those fiends! Not even ba...ban...bant....oh, BARVE! I can't say the name.
Ray's implant is blocking us, too!"
Jay: "Bring out the superweapon...I mean, super antidote."
(Barbie and Rhonda open a cabinet behind the bar and bring out a video cassette.)
Al: (cringing) "Do we have to watch it?"
Jay: "No, I think just touching it and knowing it exists will work."
Ray: (fearfully) "What is it?"
Mac: "Proof that you can live after your implant is removed."
Al: "It's Alec Guinness's latest interview."
Dubya: "Da-boss had his implant removed, figured the guy was too old to do much damage."
Mac: "They reconditioned the implant and recycled it like a worn out plot line."
Al: "Gave it to some NJO author, I heard."
(Ray touches the tape. The buzzing increases, then suddenly goes silent. Ray smiles.)
Barbie: (gently) "You are among friends here Ray. We know exactly what it feels like."
Ray: (with a newfound enthusiasm) "The Overlords screwed me royally! Plugged characters in where they shouldn't have... Messed up with basic stuff like comlinks... Didn't tie it in with the past like they said they would."
Mac: "Feel better?"
Ray: "Yeah, it feels good to vent free of influence."
Ray: "Why do I have to take all the heat for their mistakes?"
Mac: "That's the way it works. They get all the credit, and you get all the grief."

Barbie: "What was the fan reaction to Mara?"
Ray: "Not many people liked it at all, even those who loved the book. Plus, I got more angry emails."
Barbie: "So did I. Tons."
Rhonda: "Tons?"
Barbie: "Yes dear. Tons! Didn't you?"
Al: (quietly to Barbie) "Lay off the kid. You know her book was so bad that no one bothered to write hate mail."
Barbie: (quietly to Al) "Sorry, I forgot." (Brightly to Ray) "So what did you do, Ray?"
Ray: "I answered some of them tit for tat to explain things."
Jay: "Big mistake."
Ray: "Yeah, it just angered them and egged them on more."
Mac: "You should have sent the standard, 'Gee I am sorry you didn't like it.' in response."
Ray: "It's... I am used to sychophant suck-ups who revere me as a god among gods."
(Everyone rolls their eyes.)
Barbie: "Did you get any help from the suck-ups and suits?"
Ray: "I did an interview where the sympathetic interviewer lobbed me some softball questions and asked me leading questions."
Dubya: "How did it turn out?"
Ray: "I tried to justify all perceived mistakes as being part of the bigger picture. And that answers would come later."
Dubya: "Did it work?"
Ray: "No, it just made things worse."
Barbie: "Did you come off as defensive or angry in the interim?Ray: Nope. Wilton Smythers hated his job and on days like this it is more clear than usual. As if the vicious dogs and homicidal maniacs posing as fellow motorists weren't bad enough, he had a delivery for them. They didn't even have parking for visitors and local messengers wondered if they even drove at all themselves. Luckily, Wilt had another delivery in a nearby corporate plaza and their building was less than a quarter of a mile away. Just the right distance for a brisk walk. Besides, better to not let them get a look at his license plate. Who knows what might happen if he were to displease them.

Lurking amongst the glass and shiny marble towers in the outskirts of Washington, DC was a particularly disturbing structure. While most of the buildings here were bright, airy and meant to be show pieces for the special interests that owned them, one building seemed determined to scare away all but the most determined souls. Looking more like a mausoleum or one of Saddam Hussein's bunkers, this building was made mostly of obsidian and a dark grey granite found only a mile below the Earth's surface. Spaced intermittently amongst the stonework outcroppings were tall but narrow windows made of a dead black glass. Even after nightfall, they emitted no light. The lines and angles of this ominous structure were set at harsh, unpleasant angles which were uncomfortable even to look at. One would be hard pressed to find a less friendly building anywhere on the planet. Few ever saw it, however, as it was set a hundred yards from any thoroughfare and the grounds were surrounded by thick evergreens, impenetrable by the average passer by.

Wilt turned a corner and the place he dreaded even more than the dentist loomed into view. He fumbled with the small, identical packages noting their size and weight. He believed it them to be books, probably hard covers which made sense given their destination. The concrete sidewalk from the adjacent complex came to an end and he stepped onto the cobblestone paths that led to the main entrance. While the cobblestones looked as though they were laid uniformly, they provided surprisingly treacherous footing. This forced people walking up to the doors to slow down and use a greater degree of caution on approach. It also allowed the dual cameras perched high atop the gruesome looking gargoyles on either side of the main doors to get a good, long look at visitors. Wilt saw the cameras pivot and follow him as he walked closer not unlike a machine gun turret on a World War II bomber tracking an incoming fighter. Despite the fact that most security cameras move silently, these seemed to have an enhanced mechanical sound built into them, adding to their depersonalizing effect.

The complex had no signs or markings which were visible from a distance but once one got close enough, three words in block letters appeared carved in stone above the entrance: EXTREMIST CRANK ASSOCIATION. Beneath this, in smaller letters was the saying: "Abandon all hype ye who enter here." Wilt felt a trickle of sweat bead up and make it's way down his forehead. Almost there, no turning back now...

The reluctant delivery boy Wilt finally made it to the massive double doors. They were half again wider and taller than they should have been and made of the black glass found in the building?s window slits. Blacker than coal tar, they seemed to absorb light from its very surroundings. Peering into them was like peering into the abyss itself ... only worse. The reflection looking back at Wilt was something vaguely familiar but that only made it more disturbing. The glass had a bizarre effect on his reflection to make the image appear much older and horridly gaunt. Closing his eyes to rid himself of the visage he composed his thoughts carefully and spoke into the intercom system on the right side door.

"Um, I have a delivery for ..." Wilt spoke into the intercom: ?I have deliveries for some of your senior members.? There was an uncomfortable pause for a few seconds which seemed like hours before the intercom answered back in a low, synthetic voice. ?You may enter.?

After another painful delay Wilt could hear heavy mechanical sounds as the quadruply redundant locks disengaged themselves from the door which opened slowly and just wide enough to allow a slim man slip through. Wilt swallowed his adam?s apple a few times and stepped into the darkness that lay beyond. The first thing he felt was the chill in the air that he suspected was created on purpose to take away some confidence any outsiders may have upon entering the building. Despite the fact that he was prepared for it, the artificial draft chilled him to the bone and caused his mouth to run dry. Fear made him pause after those first couple of steps but he rationalized it by figuring he needed to let his eyes adjust to the perpetual dearth of light the Cranks seem to prefer.

Just as his eyes had grown accustom to the place and he recognized the small room he was in to be the security vestibule, two large guards walked up to him and demanded to know the details of his delivery, specifically who the packages were for. Wilt showed him the list and they motioned for him to follow through a heavily reinforced door which opened when one of the guards signaled a sizeable mirror on the wall to the right of the door.

Their short walk out of the secure area led them directly into a temple of some sort. At one end, where the altar would be was a larger than life statue of a woman with red gold hair and emerald eyes. The woman had attractive, striking features and a serious kick-your-butt expression on her face. A number of lesser cranks, dressed in dark grey robes were on their knees praying to the statue. Since this was not Wilt?s first visit to the ECA?s headquarters, he knew the drill. Wilt, followed by the guards, walked up to the reflecting pool surrounding the statue knelt and paused for a moment of silence. On his first visit however, some judicious application of the guards? batons was necessary for proper compliance. Having finished the prerequisite genuflecting at the temple of this unnamed female goddess Wilt and his escort exited the temple but not before bowing briefly before statues of two ordinary looking men in a large alcove on the way out. These statues had name placards which spelled out ?Timothy Zahn? and ?Michael A. Stackpole? with a third, uncompleted statue thus far not labeled.

From here they stepped into an elevator where one of the guards keyed in a coded sequence, taking the elevator to an unknown higher floor. They stepped out onto a rich looking but dimly lit corridor and came to the first of the senior cranks? offices. The name on the door read ?Bjorn Borg.? Back to the outskirts of the 'Smackdown Palace' site...

Those two well-known heroes, LMM and CDRO, have naturally made themselves scarce when an enraged Mara appeared on the scene. To them, the family jewels were, well, sacred. Not to be sacrificed to a AU character on the rampage. However, they were not exactly lying doggo in the bushes, waiting for the storm to abate. Such apathy was against their creed...
LMM: "Well, that neutralizes our best agents...what now?"
CDRO: "Never fear."
CDRO shows LMM a large box.
LMM: "What's in that?"
CDRO: (smugly) "Our secret weapon..."
CDRO opens the box, and displays a female--who appears to be frozen...
LMM: "Who's that?"
CDRO: (breathlessly heaving her out) "Show you..."
He removes the female from the box. She shows no animation whatever. On her back is a large key...
LMM: "What's that...?"
CDRO: (muttering) "Those geeks at ILM have a weird sense of me, would you?"
He starts winding the key in her back. LMM just gapes...
CDRO: (sarcastically) "Thanks for your help..."
The female is beginning to revive...
LMM:"Who are you?"
Female With A Great Big Key In Her Back: (sweetly) "My name is Anal-Victorian..."
LMM: "So?"
A-V: (even sweeter) "I'm the good-cop shill and suck-up on the forums...I'm so nice, people hate to disagree with me..."
LMM (to CDRO): "You're kidding..."
CDRO: "Oh, no, I'm not..." He turns her key again.
A.-V.: (sweeter yet) "If the editors at Del Rey are satisfied with the product, obviously it must be ultra-good and absolutely unimprovable--after all, they're completely altruistic and just have the fans' best interests at heart..."
LMM (to CDRO): "They'll never buy this in a zillion...!!!"
A.-V.: (sweetissimo)--(singing) "Oh, yessss!!!! What's good for Del Rey is good for the USA!!!"
LMM: "Now look, she might be OK on the forums, stupid and sweet is a nice change from stupid and obnoxious, but you can't believe anybody would take her seriously...!"
CDRO: (simply) "I do."
LMM opens his mouth to reply and then stops, shaking his head...
CDRO: (intoning, with a-man-with-a-mission look in his eyes) "Come, disciple. Let us show the truth to the people."
LMM seriously considers cutting and running, but duty and as big a salary as Da-Boss is capable of paying always keeps him from doing the logical thing...  Wilt knew Bjorn Borg to be one of the senior Cranks. Their leadership was, for the most part, some sort of secret but Bjorn and a few others were definitely at or near the top. A wannabe pilot who was horribly disfigured in some sort of an accident years ago he needed a great deal of surgery and robotics just to allow him able to eat, breathe and live again. He was always a stern young man with a heart of ice who initially appeared to have no sense of humor until it manifested itself in a disturbing manner at the most inappropriate times. The few that knew him joked that replacing much of his original body with machinery made him warmer and more human though none dared say that to his face. He takes himself WAY too seriously and those who have transgressed his low insult threshold all paid a heavy price for doing so.

It was no accident that Wilt was the messenger on this delivery. ?Zippity Doo Dah Messenger Service? was tired of replacing messengers who never returned after a scheduled drop off at the Crank?s building. Wilt was extra careful in whatever job he held which is why he had lasted so long on this, Zippity?s toughest route. Management saw to it that he got a special bonus as an incentive to stay with the company. After all, it?s much cheaper than training a replacement courier every other month or so.

Bjorn?s irregularly shaped office looked like the bridge of a combat vessel with his desk and chair in the center mimicking the cockpit elements of an X-Wing fighter. Hard edges, no carpeting and miserly lighting only at the various workstations gave the place an extreme, utilitarian look. So much money must have been put into this office just to make it seem like the last place a person would choose to be. But then again, we?re talking about Bjorn Borg and not an ACTUAL human.

There he sat in his ?cockpit?, flying some sort of flight simulator. Eyes glued to the screen, tilting himself left and right in his chair while swearing under his breath. Obviously, whatever ?mission? he was flying wasn?t going well. Gosh, what a loon thought Wilt.

?You have a package for me?? asked Bjorn as he pushed back his chair in disgust, swivelled around and slowly stood up amidst a myriad of whirring and metallic clicking sounds. He wore something looking like a flight suit which made him look impossibly formal and not just a little silly. Perhaps Wilt could have found humor in this caricature of a man standing before him if it were not for the serious expression on his face and the amount of stainless steel where flesh should have been.

?Y-yes sir, from a publisher ... Del Rey.? Wilt stammered as he handed one of his packages over to the cyborg.

?Ah, our moles have come through for us again. We have the latest NJO novel two weeks before it?s due to hit the store shelves. Excellent.? Bjorn accepted the book with his natural hand then sliced the cardboard box open with a blade hidden in his steel one. He turned away from Wilt and made his way back to his chair.

Once seated he opened the volume and while looking intently into it, he said quietly ?That will be all.?

Wilt took his cue and beat a hasty but respectful exit. He let out a sigh of relief. One down, four to go. The quicker the better. He traveled only a few dozen feet further down the corridor trying to think which Crank?s office was next when it hit him ... literally. Without any warning, a wookie cub, running at a full steam charge, had turned a corner in the hallway and head down, struck him square in the groin. Corran comes back rubbing his fists as if he's just pounded on something. He walks into New Order Intelligence Director Iella's office.

Iella: "Have you been roughing up your author again?"
Corran: "Yeah, I made him publically deny that I am his Mary Sue..."
Iella: "Huh?"
Corran: "Look at me!"
Iella: "Do I have to?"
Corran: "Do I look like a woman to you?"
Iella: "Umm... Corran...
Corran: "I am his surrogate here..."
Iella: "I think Mary Sue stands for..."
Corran: "not some time travelling woman!"
Iella: "something else... Oh, nevermind."
Corran: "I am his favorite."
Iella: "Have you ever considered that he may get back at you?"
Corran: "How so?"
Iella: "By killing you off."
Corran: "No way! I am his legacy. He'd never do that."
Iella: "Are you so sure?"
Corran: "You're just jealous you've been left out of the NJO."
Iella: "Not if my patroness has anything to say about it."
Corran: "Whatever."
Iella: "What if he replaces you with this Ganner fellow?"
Corran: "Why would he do that?"
Iella: "Ganner could be his new surrogate: Opinionated, thinks he knows what's best for others, thinks he's God's gift..."
Corran: "And that doesn't describe me?"
Iella: "It does! But Ganner isn't beating on him; he's grateful..."
Corran: "Besides I've programmed him not to kill me."
Iella: "Like you programmed Guri?"
Corran: "Absolutely! She'll return with my cheating wife. Just like her, he's gotta have something to come back to when he returns. That's ME!"
Iella: "If he returns."

Just then Wedge and Mirax show up.

Wedge: "Speaking of returning..."
Iella: (starts to pull out a blaster) "Weggie my dear, you should not have come back."
Mirax: "Not so fast Black Widow!" (she points her blaster at Iella) "Ditch the blaster and get 'em up!"
Wedge: "Get rid of the holdouts in your ankle and sleeve holsters too." (Iella stares angrily at him)
(Corran tries to sneak away.)
Wedge: "Where to you think your going Corran? You chicken!" (points a blaster at Corran)
Corran: (indignant) "I am not chicken... I was just going for help."
Wedge: "All the help in the galaxy couldn't help you Corran."
Mirax: "We've come back for our children; and we'll be leaving with them."
Corran: "I thought you came back to your one and only love stud."
Mirax: "Please! Mister salute me...."
Wedge: "You couldn't even keep a droid loyal to you."
Corran: "What have you done with Guri?"
Wedge: "She's Jacen's new toy."
Corran: "Ugh!"
Mirax: (to Iella) "Where are the children Coldheart?"
Iella: "Well, all children have been sent to re-education classes."
Wedge: "How could you be so cruel?"
Iella: "I am not being cruel. I am protecting them from your free-thinking, seditionist ideas."
Mirax: (to Wedge) "She's totally lost it."
Iella: "I am one of the architects of this New Order we're building around here. I love the unbridaled power of my new position."
Wedge: (to Mirax) "She's on a power trip."
Iella: "I'll never tell you where MY children are."
Mirax: "Let's work over Corran, I know his weak spot." (she whispers in his ear)
(Wedge ties up Iella while she still babbles on about her glorious New Order.)
Wedge: (to Corran) "Alright Corran, sit down and take the shoes and socks off."
Corran: "What are you going to do. Don't hurt me."
Mirax: "Siddown and shaddup."
(Wedge ties up Corran.)
Mirax: "Alright Corran, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice."
Corran: (proudly) "I always choose the hard way."
Mirax: (rolls her eyes) "Where are our children?"
Corran: (after getting a warning glance from Iella) "I won't tell."
Mirax: "You leave me no choice. Go ahead Wedge."
Wedge: "Do I have to, he smells like a Bantha."
Mirax: "Oh, men! You always mewl and pewl when it comes to a hard job. Gimme."
(Wedge hands over the implements to Mirax who proceeds to tickle Corran's feet with a feather.)
Corran: (laughing uncontrollably and starting to cry) "No! Stop! You're torturing me. I'll never- owee-he-he, ta-he-heMirax: We have ways of making  Once they're outside, Wedge turns to Mirax...
Wedge: "What's the chance he was telling the truth?"
Mirax: "Next to none. He never has, never does, and never will. However, I have other sources, plus I know exactly the way he thinks..."
Wedge: "So where are the children?"
Mirax: "Come with me and see."
Mirax and Wedge arrive at the Horn apartment to find Valin sitting on a couch surrounded by empty pizza boxes, drink cans, and three rather grubby little girls. He is plunking on a weird-looking (musical) instrument and singing to himself in a low but not unmelodious voice...
Mirax: "Valin!"
Valin puts down his (musical) instrument, parts his bangs and peers at her...
Valin: "Hey, lady, do I know you?"
Mirax: (patiently) "I'm your mother..."
Valin: (squinting) "You sure?"
Mirax: (impatiently) "Yes. Valin, where's your sister?"
Valin: (gesturing vaguely) "I think one of these kids is her. At least that's what Dud said."
Mirax: "And the other two?"
Valin: (without interest) "They belong to what's-'er-name--you know who I mean, the dry-ice power groupie..."
Mirax: "Iella?"
Valin: "Yeah, her. Dud said that I could babysit them. Make myself useful. That's a joke, eh? But he's mad at me..."
Mirax: (sitting down and motioning Wedge to do the same) "What about?"
Valin: "He wants me to join Junior Corsec or Rogue Squadron. He says music is too trivial an occupation for a Crown Prince..."
Mirax: (startled) "Crown Prince!"
Valin: "Yeah, like really. I ask you, can you imagine me at Junior Corsec...? I haven't an earthly and I wouldn't go there if I did...Dud didn't take that too well. He says he's going to have me re-educated, whatever that means. Good luck, say I."
Mirax: "Let me get this your father planning to take over as Emperor?"
Valin: "King of the Galaxy. He says Emperor is too piggy..."
Wedge: (speaking for the first time) "That's never stopped him before..."
Valin (now peering at Wedge from under his hair) "Too true, strange person..."
Mirax: (rather embarrassed) "Valin, you remember, Wedge Antilles, don't you...?"
Valin: "Sure. Your new squeeze. You should hear Dud on the subject! Was he pi$$ed!"
Mirax: (brushing his hair out of his face, giving Wedge a front-seat view of a major skin problem) "You're not upset about it, are you, sweetie?"
Valin: (sidling away from her) "Hell, no. More power to you..."
 Meanwhile, back at the Smackdown Palace site, Mara is thoroughly enjoying herself, terrorizing that dubious duo, Darkly Preposterous and Anathema SkyPolo. Luke, being the more sensible one of the two of them, is letting her do all the work, while he lounges at the sidelines with the copy of "Intergalactic Big ?Uns" he liberated from the Pinto.
Meanwhile, though DP and ASP outnumber Mara, they are--as usual--too busy arguing between themselves to take advantage of it...
ASP: (sneering--to DP) "Suck-all.."
DP: (to ASP) "Sycophant..."
ASP: "Brown-noser..."
DP: "Boot-licker..."
ASP: "Flit..."
DP: "Wart..."
Mara: "Guys, guys, not that I disagree with this exchange of compliments, or anything, but what's this all about?"
DP: (giving ASP a straight-armed shove) "This unctuous little weasel wants to replace me as the chief Del Rey toady..."
ASP: (kicking DP in the shins) "Well, if you did your job instead of writing that lame fan fic crap..."
DP: (elbowing ASP in the kidneys) "And what do you think my job is, you sniveling little toad?"
ASP: (stomping on DP's foot) "Leading the charges against the Cranks on the forums, what else?"
Mara: "The Cranks? Who're they?"
ASP: "The Extremist Cranks Association. They don't seem to understand the true meaning of life..."
Mara: "Which is?"
Anal-Victorian: (singing) "OH, YESSSS! What's good for Del Rey is good for the USA!!!"
Mara: "Omigod, is that a giant key sticking out of her back?"
ASP: (without enthusiasm) "Yeah. It's Anal-Victorian."
Mara: "Who's she?"
ASP: "She's the Flunkeys' token female...we didn't want to include her, but the CDRO and LMM insisted. Political correctness, you know..." He looks offstage where LMM and CDRO stand, arms folded. They nod solemnly at him...
Mara: "What's with the giant key?"
ASP: "It's those geeks at ILM's idea of a joke...DP won't be pleased to see her, he doesn't relate at all to women, even when they're completely subservient..."
Mara: "Where'd he go, by the way? Not that I miss him, or anything..."
ASP points to DP tenderly re-applying the "Male Fantasy" stamp to Danae Twee's forehead...and hey, presto, soon she is as pneumatic and vapid as ever...
Mara: "I thought he didn't like women?"
ASP: "He doesn't...she's not a woman, she's just a fantasy..."
CDRO is seen whispering to the announcer, who then steps to the microphone and says--
Announcer: "Good evening, folks, on to Round Three of Smackdown Palace....!!! Tonight we have a new wrinkle on the Flunkey Feud! The Del Rey Flunkeys hereby issue a tag-team challenge to the Extremist Cranks Association!!!"
Pandemonium ensues....  On to Round Three at the Smackdown Palace site...
Announcer: "Folks, the challenge is accepted!!! Tonight's Tag Team event features the Del Rey Flunkeys vs. The Extremist Cranks' Association!!!"
Loud cheering is heard...
Announcer: "In the red corner, we have the Del Rey Flunkeys....led by the mighty Darkly Preposterous, the biggest and least imaginative nature's fascist to be found in several galaxies, including this one...!!!"
DP flourishes his cardboard lightsabre. He is wearing a robe and blue ?n black Maul face paint, which makes him look like a giant hypothermic ladybug...
CDRO and LMM try cheering, but mostly boos are heard from the audience...
Darkly leans over the ropes and glares at the crowd...
Crowd: (singing) "Dearest...Darling..."* [Sung to the tune of "24 Hours From Tulsa"]
Darkly (scowling) "Stop! Only my nearest and dearest call me that!
ASP (aside, to the Announcer): "And by that, he means his inflatable...!"
DP: (whipping around) "Shut up! Who asked you?"
ASP: "Ya wanna make something of it...?"
Announcer: (discreetly separating DP and ASP) "And in the secondary spot in the red corner, we have Mr. ?Ask-Me-The-Time-And-I'll-Tell-You-How-A-Watch-Is-Made', Mr. Pomposity Himself, the man born to be a second-rate science teacher in a third-rate high school, the Chief Acolyte in person--Anathema SkyPolo!!!"
ASP, none too pleased by his introduction (after all, who wants to be in second place, even as a Flunkey?) bows stiffly...

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:33 pm  #23


Loud boos from the people, and they are many and legion, that ol' ASP has condescended to in his time...
Announcer: "Last and definitely least, the token female...Anal-Victorian...!!!"
Anal curtsies as gracefully as can be expected when you've got a Great Big Key in your back...
The audience has mercy, and claps politely, led by CDRO and after some prompting, LMM...
Announcer: "And in the red corner, handling the training duties, we have the three little Flunkeys in embryo...take a bow, guys....first up is StuMulligan..."
A vertically-challenged sort who is either a short eleven-year-old or a large midget gets up and takes a bow...he has "First Stooge" emblazoned on his T-shirt...
Announcer: "...then we have Ravingwad...."
A neckless wonder in the throes of early adolescence is wearing a T-shirt with the caption--"Second Stooge"...
Announcer: "...and last but trying harder, we have HMS Gonorrhea..."
This tiny tot has embellished his T-shirt, which already reads "Third Stooge" with an extra hand-made caption, with says "HOUSEWIVES ARE SCUM."
Announcer: "And now before the main event, the Stooges will entertain us with a short musical interlude...

Stooges: (singing)
"Hey, hey, we're the Flunkies!
And people say we flunkey around...
We're too busy scheming...
To put ev'rybody down...
We're not tryin' to be friendly...
With us you must agree...
To hell with the Constitution...
Here speech isn't free...

*(Sung to the tune of, god help me, "Hey, Hey, We're the Monkees.")

Announcer: "Thank you, guys. Don't quit your day jobs or anything, though...And tonight our referee is that well-known admin, Dementia Praecox..!"
Wearing the zebra stripes is a guy who looks like he's just had a root canal and has another scheduled for on the morrow--that is, long-suffering...
Referee: (to Announcer) "How did I get myself into this?"
Announcer: (taking him literally) "Well, I heard you and the other admins drew straws...and you lost..."
Referee: (bitterly) "It was rigged..."
The Referee goes to the microphone and starts setting out the rules of the fight. The audience takes this as their cue to go and buy popcorn...
Just then the Referee observes DP practicing with his lightsabre, and notices that under the cardboard is a genuine flame-thrower...
Referee: "Hey! That's against the rules!"
DP: (coolly) "The rules don't apply to me, and I haven't the slightest intention of obeying them..."
Ref: (astonished) "You're going embarrass me this way in public? "
DP: "Sure..."
Ref: "What the hell's your problem? You're supposed to be an adult!"
ASP: "Haven't you heard? He's not an adult As an aside, a Dramatis Personae: Bjorn Borg - We?ve already met this stiff.

DewMomma - Overburdened wookie mother of (at least) a hundred rambunctious cubs.

Emerald Flame - Androgynous computer hacker and conspiracy buff.

Princess Aleve - Harmless appearing medieval damsel with an unhealthy affinity for edged weapons.

Professor Leatherneck - Librarian, historian and chief strategist.

The membership includes others, to be sure, but the above currently comprise The Cranks leadership. 
Back to story: Wilton Smythers must have lost consciousness for a moment or two and needed assistance getting up. His escorts had him by the arms and were helping him to his feet when he again felt the incredible ache in his nether regions. It would be with him for a while, he figured, as that furry missile that hit him was moving right along. Slowly, he began to take in his surroundings. It was still the same hallway, but now he and his escorts were surrounded by at least a dozen small, shaggy beasts. They were obviously wookie young. Nothing else could be so furry, curious and full of destructive energy. Some just looked at him while a few others passed around the remaining parcels not yet delivered in an impromptu game of keep away.

"Give me those!" Wilt shouted with impatience as he reached in vain for the rest of the books. The cubs played this game often and had become good at it making Wilt's efforts completely in vain. After a couple minutes, the escorts took control of the situation and helped retrieve the goods before they could become lost or damaged.

With some care and a great deal of pain, Wilt walked the rest of the way through the ever-thicker sea of fuzzy beasts towards the area set aside for DewMomma, the next Crank on the route. Being the mother of at least a hundred little beasts, she was allocated a great deal of room which served as a massive nursery complex. Wilt finally found her in the central community room. She stood a couple feet taller than the average cub but it was still hard to distinguish her from her surroundings. What Wilt saw was the embodiment of chaos. Cubs were everywhere and seemed to be doing everything all at once. There were a handful in one corner supposedly sorting laundry but they had found bath towels and took to snapping one another viciously. Others were drawing on the walls with crayons, sitting on the floor eating out of jars with their bare hands or making some sort of general mess. A dozen cubs had formed a living trampoline for one more who was determined to see how high his brothers and sisters could throw him ... or her. Wilt was never sure which was which. It didn't matter, he just wanted to drop off the package and get away from this pandemonium as soon as possible.

DewMomma stood by a large black iron oven stirring some sort of stew with one hand while nursing a newborn cub with the other when she called Wilt over and asked for the book. Obviously, she had been expecting it and was quite pleased at its arrival.

Wilt waded through the struggling bodies careful of where he stepped and handed the cardboard box over to DewMommabut a cub that had been hiding in the large ceiling fan and central light above dropped down and snatched it away. He hadn't even hit the floor before he was off, bursting through another group of cubs playing hopscotch with the telephone cord and disappearing into the maze of others.

DewMomma looked at the exasperated expression on Wilt's face and said "That's OK dear, I'll find him later when I have a moment to myself. Thanks so much for coming this far." She smiled and with that, Wilt and his escorts made their way back out the door and further into the bowels of the Cranks' domain.

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:34 pm  #24


22. CDRO gives the Referee an exasperated look, and moves forward towards the scuffling Flunkies...
CDRO: (to DP and ASP) "Stop that!!!"
DP gives ASP a last shove and steps back, looking sullen.
DP: "What?'
CDRO: "I've got a job for you..."
DP: (mutinously) "Now?"
CDRO: (giving him a look) "Yes, now. Just remember who has your [censored] in their pockets. Listen up. We've dragooned MAS into posting on the Lit threads...we need you to get in there and do your usual shtick..."
DP: (sullenly) "Whaddeya mean?"
ASP: (acidly) "He means your usual Uriah Heep routine...'thank you for visitin' our ?umble site, Mr. Published Writer...we ?umble geeks are so thrilled that you condescended to share your wonderfulness with us...'"
DP (to ASP) "Shut up!
CDRO: (ignoring ASP) "You know, your usual. Post immediately after MAS and grovel a lot. Set a good example for the rest of the geeks...make sure nobody too critical posts..."
DP: (without enthusiasm) "Okay."
CDRO: (magisterially patting him on the back) "Good boy."
LMM: "You can use my laptop..."
DP goes to the sidelines to do his duty. CDRO then turns his attention to Anal-Victorian, who has a dazed expression on her face...
CDRO: (gently) "Anal, I think you need winding..."
Anal: "Winding?"
CDRO: "Yes. Here, I'll help you..."
He begins winding the Great Big Key in A-V's back...
Meanwhile, Mara and Luke are in the front row, waiting for the match to begin...Mara is staring at A-V and CDRO; Luke is staring at something else...
Mara (to Luke): "Look at that damn key in her back!"
Luke: (to himself) " Well, Jacen and I finally agree on something...that Miss January is hot.
Mara: (ripping the magazine out of his hands) "Listen up, you...!"
Luke: (absently) "Yeah? Hey, Mara, that doesn't belong to me!"
Mara: (holding it out of his reach) "Too bad. That key bothers me..."
Luke: "Why?"
Mara: "I dunno; it just does. I've got an idea..."
Luke: "Mara, you know what usually happens when you follow your impulses..!!!"
Mara: "Yeah. Has that ever stopped me before?"
Luke: "Not that I can remember."
Mara: (grinning) "Good."

DP, after he does his obligatory grovel for the day, returns to the ring to find the Referee conferring with a stranger. This person is dressed in black pants, a red shirt (one arm shorter than the other), and a black golf cap. He's also wearing a Zorro mask, and has a five iron over one shoulder with which he takes a practice swing every so often...
DP: (to the Referee) "Who's this?"
Ref: (fake smarmy) "Nobody in particular, Darkly...I just called in some reinforcements--I mean, back up--to help me to referee this match..."
DP: (suspiciously) "There's usually only one Referee..."
Referee: "Well, ya know, Darkly, I hear Princess Aleve has more cutting tools on her person than a Crips gang member...I'm definitely going to need some help..."
DP: (still suspicious--to Zorro) "What's your name?"
Zorro: (swinging the five iron idly, missing Darkly's head by a half inch or so) "Umm....Peanut Butter..."
DP: "Peanut Butter? What kind of name is that?"
PB: (with a ****-eating grin) "Mine..."
DP: "Why are you masked? That's only for the performers, dammit! You're just a hired hand! You don't rate a mask!"
PB: "Really? Want to take it off me?"
DP: (haughtily) "No. Take it off yourself."
PB: (swinging the five iron in a wide arc) "Both my hands are full..."
Just then they are interrupted by a very important announcement...
Announcer: "If anyone wants to place a bet on the match, the bookies say that you have five minutes only..."
The betting line is immediately mowed down by a certain veteran in his eagerness to get to the window...
 Wilt was still recovering from his encounter at DewMomma?s daycare complex. His nerves were a bit frazzled from being beseiged by wookie cubs trying to grab his remaining packages, pick his pockets and pull his hair. No matter which way he turned, there were always a few cubs behind him where they couldn?t be seen and it was the ones that were out of view that were the ones to worry about. At least the pain in his pelvic region had subsided about as much as it would without a few days of rest, becoming somewhat bearable as he walked it off. Anyway, that fuzzy mess was behind him now, and he had a few more deliveries to make before he could get out of this maximum security mad house.

Wilt and his escorts were heading into the deepest recesses of the Crank?s complex now. On the way they passed a vacant office where someone new seemed to be moving in. Oh great, Wilt thought, as if there weren?t enough of these wackos, they are adding to their leadership roster! In addition to the usual desk, chair and file cabinets the newcomer seemed to have some odd items marking him as an eccentric ... even by Extremist Crank standards. The movers forced Wilt to halt for a few moments while a few of the large items were moved down the hall and guided carefully through the door.

Most of the junk was unidentifiable but Wilt figured a bunch of gear bristling with black flexible tubes and a bubble mask to be breathing apparatus of some sort. This gear was quickly forgotten as the next item was carried into view. It was an enormous stuffed creature that looked like a yeti on a bad hair day. The beast featured fangs and a coat of thick, white fur and was easily the most terrifying animal Wilt had ever seen. Unconciously, he held his breath and backed up a few steps while this thing was being brought in. Wilt liked animals and often watched the Discovery Channel but was awfully glad that this monster was dead and permanently mounted on a wooden platform.

They were only held up by the movers for a few minutes. After that it was just another few turns and down a small staircase and they were at the very center of the building. This was the library where one of the senior Cranks, Professor Leatherneck, kept his office...
 The Ranch: Vader, Killer and Leia are still roaming around in its vaults discovering all sorts of goodies.

They walk around a corner when something pounces on them. Vader lets out a high pitch scream as it attaches itself to his leg.

Vader: getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoff getitoooooffffff
Killer has frozen up with a petrified look on his face.

Leia just stares back and forth at each not understanding what is going on.

Leia (to Killer): Come on. You're the bad a$$ Sith Lord. You killed Pulpy for crying out loud.
Killer just shakes his head.
Leia: VADER!!!
Vader: getitoff getitoff getitoff pleeaaassssee getitoff!!!
Leia: What is it?

The 'thing' bounces over to her...... Hi! You look like an angel!
Leia is totally unresponsive to this, and Ani is confused. He turns to Vader.
Ani: It worked on the other one!

Vader runs over to Killer and they hold onto each other terrified.

Leia still can't work out what's going on.
Leia (disgusted at Vader and Killer): Its just a little kid...
Ani: My name's Ani...
Leia freezes. Beginning to suspect the truth o-oh
Ani: Who are you?
Leia: ummm, my name is Leia Orga....
Ani (screeches): WIZARD!!!!
Vader and Killer start crying
Ani: I've hear all about you
Leia shudders DAMN
Ani: That's why you look like the Queen. Where's your brother. Isn't it so cool that I have kids older than myself. Padme says its revenge. Cause you get to change your own parents' nappies! Hey! We haven't gone through puberty yet. YOU can tell us all about that stuff.

At this point Leia's courage completely fails and she runs over to Vader and Killer and holds onto them like her life depends on it.

Ani hasn't got the hint yet (but does that surprise anyone) . He runs over to the terrified trio, and points at Vader.
Ani: Hey mister! Do you want to borrow one of my nappies?
Despite the insult to his, er, honour? No one is brave enough to reply. Ani reaches out to shake Vader's shoulder. Vader flinches.
Ani: Neat armour! Can I get some!
Killer can't help himself: Give it another decade...
WARNING: Contains Ruin spoilers
The Ranch
CDRO unwinds an enormous scroll. Here's our secret formula for creating new characters. With this device we can quickly and easily whip out new characters without fans ever suspecting that it isn't the special baby of a particular author.

Hair colour
BLOND: Almost invariably dumb. If they're female, also a bimbo. If they're male it is possible that they used to be dumb but then suffered a tragic loss that has changed them.

CDRO: Notice how Luke's hair got darker over the course of the original trilogy? It was in direct proportion to his increasing intelligence level. In the NJO he is greying and balding. That means he has reached the extent of his intelligence. And since he is over 40, his life is over anyway. He's just marking time until the Jedi brats are old enough to take over the Galaxy.

BLACK: Tough, especially when combined with some other feature.

RED: Fiery tempers. For women, it immediately marks them out as a main character that will ultimately learn a lesson in inherent male superiority.

BROWN: Ordinary - unless they have something else to make them unique, for example green eyes, scars, or some other unique physical feature.

LMMM: But doesn't a person's personality make them special and unique?
CDRO: You've been watching too much TV. Appearance is everything.

Eye colour

GREEN: The colour of choice for certain writers. Makes them feel like they have a special place in the SWU It also gives the character a elfin-like complex

BLUE: 'Ice' blue means they are potentially dangerous. Other adjectives are frequently used to demonstrate their innocence and vulnerability.

BROWN: ordinary Who would want to have brown eyes? If stuck with them, eg an original character from the films, always describe them (if at all) using bizarre adjectives just as russet or auburn [i/] so as to hide the shameful truth.

(use Alec Guinness accent) EEEVVIIILLL

Combination: Just in case you've missed the fact a character is an absolute freak, well this is just a friendly reminder. Really good for comic characters since everyone knows the readers (or frequently the writers) aren't looking at the words but rather the semi-clad women.

Other Distinguishing Features - Used to emphasis what an unique individual they really are


Men - tough, frequently evil, although if they are also handsome - but not in a "cold" sort of way - it immediately means that some woman is going to break through the 'tough veneer' to expose what a truly tender soul he is underneath. But of course this must ALWAYS be offset by the previously mentioned woman learning her rightful place in relation to the man - i.e. underneath.

Women - no way in hell! Any imperfections must immediately be fixed via surgery or else the character must be killed off. Preferably as a sacrifice to whatever man they are currently attached to.

White Locks of Hair: If used on villains it means they're
really scary . If used on heroes, it means they have a dark side/past that they are struggling to overcome - frequently the mysterious disappearance of a relative.

WARNING This code can only be used on humans

LMMM: Isn't that last point a bit of a problem?
CDRO: Don't be ridiculous! Of course not. Name me one major non-human character in the NJO?
LMMM: Elegos
CDRO: dead
LMMM: Sheado Shai
CDRO: dead
LMMM: Dearsha'Cor
CDRO: Dead. And we had most her scenes in Ruin cut!
LMMM: Dorkus
CDRO: He's the resident bad guy - a real one. Not one of those cop-outs everyone really loves.

CDRO winds the scroll back up.
CDRO: So, what do you think?
LMM: Brilliant! Can we use it to create the new Jedi character?

Wilt walked through the double wide doors that marked the entrance to the hub of the complex, the Cranks? library. It looked conventional enough with plenty of books, periodicals and the ubiquitous computer terminals for Internet access. In one corner was an open door leading into large conference room which sat empty at the moment. A handful of the rank and file Cranks sat at central tables quietly reading with a few more surfing the ?net in computer equipped cubicles.

Once Wilt made his way past the first row of bookshelves and spotted the librarian?s desk it was apparent why this place was so serene. Professor Leatherneck, apparently still wishing to command soldiers, had two lower-rank Cranks guarding the main desk with a large, black assault rifles. Whatever they were, they looked much larger than the M-16s Wilt saw on the evening news and undoubtedly packed more of a punch. Wilt approached them carefully but between his delivery uniform and the label on the package, they waived him through without much of a delay.

The door to Professor Leatherneck?s office lay directly behind the desk. Upon entering the room, Wilt saw that the walls were covered with maps of all kinds. They included maps of Northern California, Manhattan, San Diego and a few other locations he could not quite place. Many of them had markings with certain areas shaded and labeled ?LZ?, whatever that meant. In addition to the maps were boards full of lists, all in code which meant nothing to the humble delivery man. They must have meant a great deal to the Professor as he was studying them, and a map of Montana which he held in his hand, with great interest.

The man himself wore his hair so short, it was difficult to figure out just how old he was. That style, he figured, was what the U.S. Marines called ?high ?n tight?. Even more noticeable was how he was dressed. Most of the Cranks wore dark grey robes with tasteful colored hems to show rank. Setting himself apart, the Professor?s personal robe was cut from traditional U.S. armed forces camouflage material. Wilt couldn?t figure out the reasoning as the pattern made him stand out plain as day in an office environment. Oh well, he sure LOOKED distinctive and that was probably the point.

Professor Leatherneck turned around and recognized the delivery man for who he was. ?Ah yes, I?ve been expecting that. Please leave it on the desk.? Wilt complied and was ready to leave when the professor asked him a improbable question: ?What method of troop delivery do you prefer for air assaults, the versatility of helicopters or the economy of parachutes??

Wilt stood there, slack jawed. ?Um ... Uh ...?

Professor Leatherneck just grinned at him. ?Yes, I?ve been having a hard time deciding myself except that *I* have an emergency report to prepare for the Emperor ... quite a demanding person.? The man sighed and spoke with reluctance, ?That will be all.?

Wilt bowed, although he wasn?t sure why, said ?Yes sir? just for good measure then made his way back into the library to meet up with his escorts and then they found another corridor on the opposing side of the library. Well, Wilt thought, that?s more than half of the Cranks accounted for and now every step brought him ever closer to the exit ...
Wait and See: by RunDelReyMC

Ben's voice:"Luke, you're going to find that many things we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view?

Verse 1:
POV, that's what it's all about

Wait and See how this story arc turns out.

You think that you're smart and you think that you're savvy.

But raggin on the VP ain't very classy.

Buy them books, buy ?em so you all can see.

That you are all like lab rats, tested by RunDelReyMC.

Just wait and see, how the story turns out.
You'll shell out the big bucks and all the while will pout.
Just don't expect to understand it as it comes,
cause the point of the NJO is unknown even to us.

Verse 2:

Moons they are a falling. Falling through the sky.

It?s looking like Chewbacca is likely gonna die.

The Yuzzies got an edge. An edge the Jedi cannot see.

But still they are a textbook cookie-cutter mystery.

Embracing pain, that?s what they?re all about,

AS will be reading NJO, as you all will find out.

Just wait and see, how the story turns out.
You'll shell out the big bucks and all the while will pout.
Just don't expect to understand it as it comes,
cause the point of the NJO is unknown even to us.

Verse 3:

Well....first we killed the Wookie <echoes>

Then we killed a Noghri <echoes>

Cilghal ain't around and the Lukester's wife looks poorly. <echoes>

Got a lot of Jedi. Half ain't got no names.

Ganner lost his face and Kyp's still playing games.

MAS snuck in his Twi?leks, and yet she still got numbed,

AT least we didn?t see another addition to the Super Weapon of the Month Club.

Just wait and see, how the story turns out.
You'll shell out the big bucks and all the while will pout.
Just don't expect to understand it as it comes,
cause the point of the NJO is unknown even to us.

Verse 4:

Plot holes are a plenty, but most can?t even see,

They?re blinded by the paychecks from RunDelReyMC!

Those that see the light, darkness upon them fall

Ignorance and zealousness should surely serve to stall.

You might think us arrogant, possibly correct

But it really don?t matter no more cause we be getting checks.

Han?s Voice: I?ve got a bad feeling about this?
Behind the Books:

Behind the Books brings you never seen before information concerning the latest Star Wars novels. One year ago, deep within the bowels of the publishing wing of the ranch, a meeting took place. In attendance were MAS, the Chief Del Rey Overlord, and his minion.

MAS: "Well, what did you think of my detailed outline for Dark Tide?"
CDRO: "Loved it, but we've got a few issues."
MAS: "Issues? What kind of issues?"
CDRO: "This whole Karrde/Shada sub-plot about gathering information on the Pong has got to go."
MAS: "You're kidding me?"
CDRO: "Karrde is just Zahn's alter ego. We don't need him in the NJO."
MAS: "Who, Karrde or Zahn?"
The CDRO squints angrily at MAS for that last remark.
MAS: "I think you are wrong."
CDRO: "Plus, this Antillies-Fel family reunion has got to go too."
MAS (agast): "What!?! Fans have been demanding this almost as long as a main death."
DRO#2: "We don't care what the fans demand."
CDRO: "We don't want too much linkage to the Bantam line either."
MAS: "You guys are all wet."
CDRO: "Same goes for Admiral Parck. Ditch him."
MAS: "You guys are killing me. What's wrong with Parck?"
CDRO: "Linkage. Too much of a nod to Zahn."
DRO#2: "You can keep Fel's son and his squadron though. He makes a good love interest."
CDRO: "You'll have to scale back Pellaeon's scenes too.
MAS: "Let me guess, too much Zahn."
DRO#2: "Hey, you catch on quickly."
MAS: (rolls his eyes) "Anything else."
CDRO (fips over the next page) "Yes, this second Eye thing. I don't know about that."
MAS: "What's wrong with it. I wasn't going to have them find it."
DRO#2: "Were not comfortable reminding people of what's-her-name's novels."
CDRO: "We've ruled her out of writing for the NJO because of fan reaction."
MAS: "I thought you didn't listen to what fans demand?"
CDRO: "Only in matters where profits will suffer do we listen."
MAS: "Oh, how noble of you."
DRO#2: "Just scale back this second Eye thing."
MAS: (annoyed) "Whatever."

After this short commercial break, Behind the Books continues with more about the Truth behind The Dark Tide. <insert commercial for a P&G laundry detergent> We now continue with our look behind the process behind the latest SW novels.

CDRO: "These Noghri names bother us too."
MAS: "What's wrong with them."
CDRO: "They all have the KH naming convention."
MAS: "As they should."
DRO#2: "We took a lot of heat for not knowing about it."
CDRO: "We need to embarass the fans who complained about it."
DRO#2: "We want you to switch the K and H in a couple of the names."
MAS: "You'll just be compounding the problem."
CDRO: "No, we'll be saving face."
MAS: "You guys are a petty bunch."
CDRO: "Finally, you spend too much time with Rogue Squadron. This isn't an X-Wing book."
MAS: "But, I've got to spend time developing some characters that die."
DRO#2: "Why? What's the point?"
MAS: ( ) "So the fans will care about them, and be devastated when they die."
DRO#2: "Jaina is devastated. That's good enough."
MAS: "But that is telling, not showing."
DRO#2: "Potato, poh-ta-toe."
MAS: "You guys have just cut out almost one book's worth of material."
CDRO: "Oh, well, it looks like you'll be writing a duology instead."
MAS: "The fans won't be happy to hear you cut one of my novels."
(The CDRO and his minion huddle together for a conference.)
CDRO: "We'll cut 1 paperback from each year."
DRO#2: "And call it plot restructuring."
CDRO: "The fans will never know the truth."
MAS: "You guys are idiots, do you know that?"
CDRO: "But we're the idiots in charge."
CRO#2 (chuckling slightly) "Let us know when you have a revised outline."

Next on Behind the Books ....
Bjorn Borg walks into Professor Leatherneck?s office near the library deep within E.C.A. HQ with Princess Aleve following right behind him.

[Professor Leatherneck]: (sarcastically) ?Ahh, you?ve finally made it!?

[Bjorn Borg]: ?Reporting as requested, Professor.?

[Princess Aleve]: ?Mine own self as well. Thou has something planned for his humble compatriots??

[Bjorn]: (looking at the Princess incredulously) "Humble? Speak for yourself, sister!"

[Professor]: (angrily) ?Bjorn, when are you going to get rid of those stupid aviator sunglasses? Nobody, but NOBODY wears aviators anymore!!?

[Bjorn]: (sincerely) ?But I look really COOL in them!?

[Professor]: (sighs angrily) ?I might have guessed you?d say that. And Princess, why don?t you trying speaking normal English like everyone else? Deciphering that obsolescent gibberish gives me a headache. ?

[Princess]: (genuinely astonished) ?Whatever art thou speaking of??

[Professor]: (pauses) ?Oh, ... I?m sorry. I shouldn?t have snapped at you two. I?m just under a lot of stress, that?s all. A tough, dangerous mission was just handed to me and you two are the only ones who I can turn to.?

[Bjorn]: ?You were ?handed? a mission? No one ?hands? us missions ... unless it came from ... HIM, the Emperor himself, the mysterious being that started the Extremist Crank?s Association!?

[Professor]: ?Yes, Emperor Palindrome was most insistent it be undertaken in two weeks and you two are the only ones who can pull it off on such short notice?

[Princess]: ?Hath thou considered the Lady DewMomma??

[Professor]: ?Briefly, but where am I going to find over 100 babysitters that will work with rambunctious wook cubs?

[Bjorn]: ?Surely, the Emerald Flame?s up for a challenge??

[Professor]: ?Well, Flame is in a bit of a mood lately. I guess he?s working on something he feels is ?top secret? and has issued a blanket threat to electrocute anyone who steps into his office for at least the next 48 hours. I?d talk to him on the phone, but of course I don?t call his office anymore since that last time ... when he got bent and made my Nokia burst into flame while I was still holding it.?

[Bjorn]: (shaking his head) ?And the new guy??

[Professor]: ?He?s not even completely moved in yet and I'd really prefer a couple veterans for this particular mission. It?s awfully sensitive.?

[Princess]: ?Is there some reason thou has not intended said mission for thyself??

[Professor]: (sheepishly) ?Well ... um* ... Mrs. Leatherneck said if I leave town on one more adventure this month, she?d kill me.?

The Princess grins knowingly while Bjorn fights back a chuckle.

[Bjorn]: ?Well, I guess that pretty much settles it. What can you tell us about this mission??

[Professor]: ?Not too much right now except that you will be meeting the enemy ... face-to-face!?

Silence consumes the room as the Princess and Bjorn just stare at the Professor in disbelief, their faces ghostly pale ...

* Itrakh, please add this to the list

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:36 pm  #25


Okay, back to business and the Smackdown Palace Tag-Team Challenge Match between the Del Rey Flunkies and the Extremist Crank's Association....
Announcer: "And now, ladies and gentlemen, I believe everybody's present and accounted for, so let's proceed. I'd like to introduce to you--representing the Extremist Cranks' Association..."
He is drowned out by raucous cheers from the audience...
Announcer: "First up, we have that well-known good bad guy (or is it bad good guy?), a frequent frequenter of hardware stores, and seven-time winner at Wimbledon, Bjorn Borg..."
Wild cheering...Bjorn Borg clanks out wearing tennis whites, aviator glasses, a head band and a long blonde wig. He holds a metal tennis racquet in his hand, which he swings in a vicious semi-circle semi-occasionally. He nods to the crowd, and adjusts his wig...they love this bit of noblisse oblige...
Announcer: "Next up, that doughty defender of the weak and innocent and mother of multitudes...I give you the mighty DewMomma!!! A giant female Wookiee shambles into the ring...she's wearing a tee-shirt with a caption reading "Don't Even THINK About It." Under this, embroidered by hand in unsteady letters, is the following: "HOUSEWIVES RULE!!!" She is also wearing several of her young, who are clinging to her fur and blinking curiously in the harsh lights...she lifts up one of her cubs and makes him wave to the crowd, which loves that, too...
Announcer: "Next up is the mysterious Emerald Flame!
At first, the crowd cheers, but when no one appears, there is a creepy, lengthy silence...
Announcer: (shouting) "I SAID, next up is Emerald Flame!!"
The sound of crickets is heard...
Bjorn Borg: "Em is checking out a conspiracy theory..."
CDRO: (sternly) "Are you short a man?"
BB: "Nah, Em'll be along least I think, he will...I've never actually met least I think I haven't..."
Announcer: (noticing that the crowd is getting restless and trying to recapture their attention) "Next, the glamorous and gorgeous one herself, the ultra-fantastic Princess Aleve!"
A tall long-haired woman dressed in a metal breastplate, harem pants, and a veil strides forward and bows to the audience. As she leans forward, 159 needle-sharp stilettos fall from her deep decollete and hit the ground with a mighty clatter...
Darkly Preposterous: "Hey! No weapons allowed!!"
Aleve: (pointing to his flame-thrower) "Prithee, varlet, what is THAT, then?"
DP: (condescendingly) "You're obviously a half-wit, Princess, so I'll speak veddy, veddy slowly so you can understand me..."
Aleve: (folding her arms) "Do not render me any favors, ye olde lamebrain. Expectorate thy musings..."
DP: "Say what?'
Aleve: "Spit it out, dunderhead..."
DP: (smugly) "I'm an administrator. The rules don't apply to me."
Aleve: (snorting) "Who saith?"
She looks pointedly at the referees. Dementia Praecox avoids her eyes; Peanut Butter merely grins and swings his five-iron, missing DP's head by a half an inch or so.
Aleve: (staring at them) "Wellth?"
PB: "If that's what he wants to think, then where's the harm?"
Aleve: (indignantly) "You will permit this varlet to demeanth thy authority?"
PB: (grinning at her) "Well, not JUST him..."
Aleve laughs, shaking her head. Immediately, 159 razor-sharp razor-blades fly out of her coiffure, narrowly missing DP...
DP: (angrily) "Look at that! She's cheating again!"
PB: (mildly) "I didn't see anything..."
BB: (to Aleve) "Hey, how come those things don't cut YOU?"
Aleve (to BB): "I hadth my skin simonized." (She notices that DP is surreptitiously listening and raises her voice) "And I suffered an asbestos treatment to protecteth my royal skin against FLAMES!!!"
DP turns white...
Announcer: "And now I want to introduce the brains of the outfit, ladies and gentlemen, Professor Leatherneck!"
The crowd goes wild as the Professor makes his way to the ring. He is wearing fatigues, a leather flying cap, combat boots, and a set of those reflector shades. A couple of enlisted men follow him, carrying his laptop, cellular phone and toy poodle.
This week on Behind the Books, we delve into the story behind the Episode 2 novelization, the players involved, the decisions behind the scenes, and who ultimately got this plumb project. Epsilon Source has provided us with a transcript of the meeting out at the ranch. In attendance is da Boss, the Lucasfilm Marketing Minion, and the Chief Del Rey Overlord.

The CDRO and LMM enter the throne room of da Boss. Both kneel.
da Boss: "Speak to me."
CDRO: Your eminence, here are some people we thought would have guaranteed sales appeal for the Episode 2 novelization."
(da Boss reads the list)
dB: "Tom Clancy? Nope... too wordy and costs too much, that would take 2 or 3 percent of the expected profits, can't have that."
dB: "JK Rowling? Who's he?"
CDRO: "She, sir."
LMM: The hottest, newest sensation."
CDRO: "She writes the Harry Potter books."
dB "She writes about the guy from M*A*S*H*?"
CDRO: "No, sir."
LMM: "Nevermind sir. Forget about her."
dB: "Timothy Zahn! (lighting bolts shoot randomly from his hands) Over my dead body! Who put this name on here?"
CDRO: "Not me sir."
LMM: "Me either."
CDRO: "Someone must be playing a practical joke."
LMM: "We'll find the scofflaw sir, and put him or her in the Embrace of Pain before termination."
dB: "See that you do."
(The LMM and CDRO both bow their head to the floor.)
dB: "Danniel Steel? Good name recognition, and I know I said that Episode 2 would be a romantic story, but wouldn't she write about <shudder> kissing? And sss, ssss,"
CDRO: "Sex, sir?"
dB: (more lightening bolts) "Dadgummit, you know we don't talk about that around here."
LMM: (shoves the CDRO) "Idiot."
dB: "Who's this next guy? Darkly Preposterous?"
CDRO: "One of the loyal forum suck-ups. A budding writer."
LMM: (whispers to himself) "Budding? How about a no-talent weed!"
dB: "Loyal, you say?"
LMM: "But, sir he has no guaranteed sales except to his fellow suck-ups, cronies, clones and girlfriend."
CDRO: "I think loyalty should be rewarded."
LMM: "And with your list of year 2 and 3 writers, no wonder people are grumbling."
CDRO: "Why you backstabbing little turd."
dB: "Boys, boys. Calm down. No history means no deal."
LMM: (smirking) "I agree, sir."
dB: "If he's been published by E3, and he's groveled at my shrine for a few more years, then maybe I'll consider rewarding his loyalty."
CDRO: "Yes sir."
dB: "Greg Bear? I thought we used him already. Isn't he the token SciFi writer we hired a while back to quiet those loud mouth people with a science education who don't know a fantasy when they see it?"
CDRO: "Yes, sir. He wrote a prequel sequel."

After this commercial, Behind the Books continues its look into the decision behind the assignment of the Episode 2 novelization. <insert commercial for Taco Bell> Welcome back, let's continue to observe the secret footage of the meeting.

dB: "What about that fellow who wrote The Phantom Menace novelization?"
LMM: "Terry Brooks"
dB: "Yeah, him, why not get him back?"
CDRO: "We want to spread things around to our other writers, give them more exposure, suck in fans to their other works. Plus, I don't like him too much."
dB: "Why is that?"
CDRO: "He trashed the EU last year."
dB: "According to my orders. I hate it when fans think the EU is better than MY movies, so I always do this every once in a while."
LMM: (to CDRO) "Besides, you don't take the EU seriously anyway, so what's the problem?"
CDRO: "We can't appear to sanction that kind of behavior. Image is everything."
LMM: "Can't argue with that."
CDRO: "We have someone else in mind."
dB: "R A Salvatore... who the heck is that. Never heard of him."
CDRO: "He's a well known fantasy writer who..."
dB: (interrupting) "That Brooks guy was a fantasy writer wasn't he? Did that draw in more fantasy fans?"
CDRO: "I don't know, sir."
dB: "You don't know? You are paid to know! (getting angry) Star Wars is a bloomin' fantasy!** with a SciFi feel. We need more fantasy fans."
CDRO: "Understood boss. This Salvatore guy is a fantasy writer, and the one we hired after we fired whats-his-face

Back at E.C.A. HQ ...

Wilt was actually feeling better. In the time that had passed since his high speed encounter with the waist high wook cub, he had been able to shake off all but a trace of his horrible ache. He also had most of his deliveries behind him and that was the best news of all. With only two more books to deliver, he'd soon be outside in the fresh air away from these kooks.

He and his burly Crank escorts arrived at the office of the one and only Princess Aleve. The security guards opened the door and led Wilt inside. The large 'office' was decorated like a room inside a medieval castle. There was the fireplace and oversized hearth, an ornate covered bed, bear skin rugs and all walls featured a rock face finish. Tapestries were hung as decoration and insulation on all the walls ... except for one. One wall was not graced with a tapestry but instead held every kind of edged weapon one could imagine. There were countless knives of all shapes and sizes, swords in over two dozen styles, a few cut-down spears and at least twenty exotic-looking pikes and polearms. Each looked very sharp was polished to a perfect sheen suggesting they were each taken down and oiled fairly frequently. This bit of fluff had a bite!

The Princess herself sat at a marble desk in front of a large mirror combing the long black hair that wound its way down to her waist. The young lady with alabaster skin was dressed in an elaborate, many layered pink gown of lace and a slightly sheer material that seemed to float and dance each time she moved. Although Wilt found her attractive, he dared not show it. A former deliver person, Sammy, had made that mistake once before and he served as an example to the rest of the delivery people at Zippity Doo Da. It seems Sammy got a little 'fresh' with the harmless appearing damsel and ended up spending several days in Arlington Hospital nursing an especially nasty slash wound. That was nearly a year ago but he still walked with a pronounced limp. And, from the scowl on his wife's face and her sour disposition at the last company picnic, many of the guys at the shop figured Sammy may be permanently impotent.

Aleve turned, and saw Wilt. "Dost thou have a parcel for me good man?" she inquired. As she shifted in her chair a picture on the desk behind her was revealed. It was that of a nerdy looking boy in his early twenties wearing a foolish grin. The name on it said "Darkly" something or other. Wilt couldn't quite make out the last name as the portrait had a dozen throwing knives sticking into it.

Wilt hated to talk to Princess Aleve so he spoke as little as possible as to lessen the chances he?d offend her in any way. He just couldn't make an honest attempt at old English so he finished every extra-polite sentence with "m'lady" which seemed to please her well enough.

"Yes, I have it right here, m'lady" Wilt said as he extended the hand gently holding the package containing the book while kneeling carefully before her. She rose from her desk, placed a silver tiara upon her head and strode regally to the delivery man and took the book from him.

"Thou shalt forever have my gratitude.? she said with a smile as she opened the package and began thumbing through the volume. Immediately, she began shaking her head. Something was wrong and the warm smile on Princess Aleve's face was rapidly being displaced by a disappointed frown. Sensing her mood was about to change for the worse Wilt began to back up quickly while still on his knees. This proved awkward and he nearly fell a number of times during the short trip to the door. His escorts helped him up once he made it outside the door and they quickly got under way. It was none too soon as thumping and crashing sounds punctuated with the occasionally angry shriek from the Princesses 'office' suggested she was having one of her legendary, and very un-lady-like, temper tantrums.

Only one more Crank to go ...

Meanwhile, in DewMomma's domain, amid the chaos of at least a hundred young sapients, a phone on a cluttered desk rang softly. 48 assorted cubs, kits and pups shouted "Phone's ringin' !" and 27 other little voices piped "I'll get it!" DewMomma swiftly snatched up the phone.

DM: DewMamma's Daycare, how may I help you?"
PL( in his best Drill Sergeant voice): This is Professor Leatherneck, Dew. Did you happen to see the latest addition of "Behind the Books" last night? About the novelization of Episode 2?
DMhedging a bit) Ummmm, last nite? Behind the Books you say? Ah gee, I.......
PL: Well DID you? The Emperor did...and as much as it pleased him, he's a bit worried about the effect the report will have in certain places. He'd like to know just how the information was leaked. And just how much proof the Emerald Flame has for those allegations.. It was Em wasn't it?
DM: Um... well Em wrote the final report, yes. But.....
PL: I thought I saw Wookiee paw prints all over the piece. Perhaps you and The Flame had better explains a few things.
DM: In Emperor Palindrome's office?
PL: Now, Dew, you know that no one but me has actually MET the Emperor, and at least for now, all messages to and from the Emperor go thru my office. So get over here on the double.
DM. The Flame's in the library, shall I transfer your call there?
PL (A bit of panic in his voice) What...Talk to EM on the PHONE???? You remember what happened last time don't you?
Look, Dew, ah... you call the one would DARE explode a Wookiee Mom's cell phone
DM: Oh you poor dear, are you still frightened of cell phones? Well now don't worry, dear, I'll bring Em to your office in 10 minutes.
(Hangs up phone and turns to cubs): Scruffy, Tandy, please go to the library and ask the Emerald Flame to come here.
Scruffy and Tandy: Grff, grau, rurofff
DM: Basic boys, please, how can you learn to be effective agents if you can't speak basic?
Tandy: <In barely understandable basic, like a normal human teen> Cripes Ma, howcome I gotta do allthe work ?round this place.
Scuffy <mimicking his older sibling, but in better basic> Yes, mother, why is it that we, mere cubs, are compelled to perform menial tasks.
DM: Go, now. Or no GameCub or holonet tonight.
Cubs: Yes mom.    The wookie cubs Tandy and Scruffy enter the library looking for Emerald Flame.

Tandy: "Where daya think Flamer is."
Scruffy: "Where else? Periodicals."
Tandy: "Huh?"
Scruffy: "Reading 'Conspiracy Monthly'"
(The two cubs go over to see Emerald reading the most current issue.)
EF: "What are you two up to?"
Tandy: "Mom pressed us into servitude again."
Scruffy: "Mother bade us to come and inquire if you would return with us."
EF: "What for?"
Tandy: "She never tells us."
Scruffy: "I think it has something to do with the Professor."
EF: "Oh. Umm. Okay. I guess he didn't like that I fried his Nokia."
Scruffy: "You blew up his cell phone?"
Tandy: (hopefully) "Cool, could you teach us how to do it?"
EF: "No. I don't share my tricks. Lead the way."
(Emerald and the two cubs go back to DewMomma's.)
EF: "What's up Dew?"
DM: "The Professor wants to talk to us."
EF: "Is he pissed I fried his Nokia?"
DM: "Yes, but that's not the issue."
EF: "What's up now?"
DM: "He's worried about your premature posting of the Episode 2 Behind the Books."
EF: "Oh, geez, he's such a tight***."
DM: "Language, Flame! This IS a Daycare Center, little humanoid ears, you know."
EF: "Sorry ma'm."
DM: "See that it doesn't happen again. The Professor's worried about proof and protecting our sources. You know how persistent the opposition is in getting out disinformation and attacking our positions."
EF: "I am careful."
DM: "Just humor him, dear."
EF: "Let's get this over with."
(They start to leave, when a half grown Noghri kit tugs on DewMomma's sleeve.)
DM: "Yes, Khuskhaskh?"
KH: "I decoded the message that Tandy got from the messenger he "ran" into. You were right, our source in DR's mailroom did plant something in the book that was just delivered to you, and several things on his person, but we didn't get everything when we frisked the guy when he got here. We need to search him again, there should still be a floppy disk and a matchbook with some micro film. What should we do?"
DM: Check with security and see where he is, then take a couple of cubs and waylay him. Take one of the young Gands with you, they're cute at that stage, he (or she, I never can tell) can crawl all over the guy while someone lifts the missing items."
KH: "Okay."
(They finally go down to Leatherneck's office.)
PL: "Flame, you owe me a phone."
EF: "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Same model as before?"
PL: "And don't hotwire it this time."
EF: "You're no fun!"
PL: "Now tell me about how you came to be in possession of the secret information you so boldly posted as your latest 'Behind the Books' feature."

DM: "Seems we have a "friend" at the Ranch, who somehow knew where to reach us. A CD-ROM was sent to The Flame disguised as an free Internet access offer."
EF: "When I tried the software and the kriffing thing didn't connect to the net, I thought it might be some intel."
DM: "The CD-ROM contained an audio file and video file on the Episode 2 meeting, and one text file."
PL: "Who is this "friend" at the ranch?"
DM: "We're not sure yet."
EF: "I put the CD through all my standard decrypts and forensic tests."
PL: "Did you find anything?"
EF: "The CD was cleaner than a hypochondriacs countertop. But the CD-ROM case turned up one, long, brunette hair."
PL: "Interesting."
DM: "We think so too." (to Flame) "Tell him about the text file."
EF: "The text file contained one sentence... "The New Order wanted you to have this.""
PL: "Very interesting indeed. How did this friend know how to contact you?"
EF: "As you know, I comb the web searching for conspiracy info under the name "The Flame"."
DM: "Our best guess right now is that this "friend" saw Flame out on the net, put Flame together with the ECA and took a chance."
EF: "At least one person at the Ranch can put 2 and 2 togther and come up with 4."
PL: "Excellent. We'll want to protect this source. (to Flame) Why did you post that this information came from a source called Epsilon?"
EF: "Don't worry. I was going to post the next bit of information was received from Delta Source. Then one from Lamppost Source.   Meanwhile.....

Wilt and his escorts quickly and with a sigh of relief left the corridor leading from the Princess's enclave. On to the Emerald Flame's lair. The door to the Flame's office was closed, as usual, and the guard could see at once that the Flaming one was not at home, for the door was bolted from the outside. Three sturdy padlocks secured the door. Wilt insisted on knocking anyway and was about to leave the package by the door and flee the building having satisfied his conscience that he'd TRIED to deliver all the packages, it wasn't his fault one of the recipients was unavailable. But one of the burly guards said simply "Library" and proceeded to hustle Wilt down a long hallway to the cavernous Extremist Cranks library.

"Emerald Flame here?" one of the guards asked the young human at the desk by the doorway.
"Nope, was here, some cubs came and dragged the Flame to the daycare center."
"NO!" Wilt fairly shouted, "I won't go there again!"
"No need," the young man said," One of the cubs said that the Flamster and the Wook were being summoned to Prof. Leatherneck's office. And I wouldn't bother them there, if I was you, fella"
He turned to the escorts, "Why don't ya take the poor guy to the cafeteria for a cuppa coffee or something"
As Wilt and the guards left, the library kid spoke a single word into the intercom, "Cafeteria."  PL: "Now, continue your explanation of how you came to post the Episode 2 novelization undercover story."

EF: "Well, a few weeks ago..." <fade to> inside the headquarters of the Extremist Cranks Association, sitting behind a bank of computers is the mysterious Crankster, Emerald Flame. Flame has long, filthy blonde hair in a ponytail, and no trace of facial hair. Flame is wearing wire rimmed eyeglasses, a small earring in each ear, faded and ripped blue jeans, beat-up sneakers, and a B&W T-shirt with a photo of a flying saucer on it with the words: "Sure I believe, I just don't care!" Right now, Em is baiting would-be hackers who are trying to get into the ECA network via its unpublished, shadow website.

EF: (to the computer) "Oh, you're pretty good, but still a lightweight. The best hackers in the world can't get through my firewall. (laughing deviously) Say bye-bye."
(Em presses a button and shorts out the computer on the other end. There is a knock at the door.)
EF: "Go away." (the knocking continues. Flame checks the videocamera and sees a Wookie cub waiting at the door. Two minutes after all the door locks are disengaged, the cub enters.)
EF: "What do you want you furry little oaf?"
Tandy: "rrrooorl, woooof"
EF: "Emperor's Funny Bones, you know I don't understand you. I really need to learn that crazy language."
(Tandy starts waving what looks like the mail along with a CDROM.)
EF: "Oh, is that the mail?"
Tandy: "Rrrroooaaarrr." <Em knows that means yes>
EF: "Put it down over there."
Tandy: (reverting to Basic after seeing what Flame is doing) "Oh, cool, are you messing with hackers?"
EF: "Yeah, I just shorted out the last guy. The next one is stuck in an infinite loop I set up."
(Tandy thinks Flame is so "kewl" because Em zaps hackers and other "kewl" things. Em zaps the last hacker after getting bored, you can almost hear the yelps of pain on the other end.. Tandy is just standing there admiring the action.)
EF: (looks at the mail) "Ooo. Another free Internet offer. At this rate, we'll never pay for Internet service. Hand that to me would you."
(Chuckling, Em puts the CDROM in the computer and proceeds to extract more free minutes out of US Offline.)
EF: (to the computer again) "Zahn-darnnit, this kriffing CDROM doesn't work! What kind of free service is this?"
(Tandy ejects the CDROM, flips it over, and puts it back in again.)
EF: (sarcastically) "Geez, why didn't I think of that?"
(A welcome message pops up.)
EF: (to Tandy) "Not bad kid. Oh, Menace-doo! It's coded in your crazy wookie dialect!!"
(Tandy senses that Em is about to have a meltdown so splits immediately. Just then the phone rings.)
EF: "Rassem frassem, what now?"
(Em picks up the phone, it's the professor calling.)
EF: "Zahn-darnnit!! I told you not to bother me!"
(Em hits a button on one of the keyboards and fries the professor's cell phone)
EF: (to the computer, again) "Now I have to wade into DewMomma's wing to get help decoding this."
(Em puts on a flightsuit that has no outside pockets to thwart all those stray paws from lifting things. Em reaches DewMomma's Daycare. The Gand babies immediately start crawling all over Em, but the Wookie cubs stay away because Em is no fun.)
EF: "Geez, why do these things crawl all over me like this? Nothing I can do stops them."
DM: "They do that to all the oxygen breathers for some reason."
EF: (brushing off the Gand babies) "Dew, I need help decoding this CDROM. I think it's a new source."
DM: "You know Em, if you didn't spend so much time locked up in your lair thinking up conspriacy theories you could learn our dialect and wouldn't have to always come over here."
EF: "But, conspiracies abound, if I don't expose them, no one else will."
(DewMomma seems unconvinced.)
DM: "Alright, I'll help, But please, don't flick flames near the Gands, they are methane breathers, remember. Now where's this CDROM?"

<<Fade back to Leatherneck's office.>>  (Naboo: Han and co after over half a year of binge drinking and whoring are still happily perching in their favorite bar moaning about all the injustices they have suffered at the hands of BDD and DR)

Han: What about the time they had those Yetti-Nazi things torture me. The things they will do for publicity!

Luke: Well at least you came out a hero, saving the NR from yet ANOTHER huge threat. Every time they got me in a fight with someone else they had to seriously injure me in some way so the other person had a serious chance of beating me....

Jacen: (burps) Some SERIOUS chance. Everyone always knows you win out in the end. Even with your frequent dark side skirmishes.

Luke: (whining) But I almost lost my leg!

Han: (smirks) You could have gotten a matching black leather trouser leg to match the glove.

Anakin: Well try being the boy genius who absolutely has to solve every mechanical problem before a qualified professional does.

Han: Yeah, well when the boy genius screws up HIS repairs aren?t covered under my insurance policy. Try paying THOSE rates (glares at Itrakh .... er Luke)

<<<Chewbacca has been sitting back listening to this whingeing for far too long and eventually loses patience>>>

Chewbacca: Oh you poor little dears! Boy geniuses, saving the galaxy every other day. Poor little didums! Well at least you had a life. I get shoved off on Han in a pathetic white master - black slave variant, don?t see my family for twenty years, and get ABSOLUTELY NO STORY LINE. Tell me, why doesn't this much-vaunted Wookie life debt work both ways? (Points to Han) How many times have I saved that drunkard?s life? HE owes ME at least a couple of dozen life debts. Slave labor! I?m not even paid for my services. (Gets up) I?m out of here! This whole revolution was supposed to be because of me. Instead you?re all sitting around here moaning and groaning about how tough life is at the top. (Heads towards the door).

(Han, Luke, Jacen and Anakin all stare at each other blankly)
Jacen: (shrugs) Let him go. We don?t need him, we?re Jedi - the all-knowing, all-powerful omnipotent problem solvers. The Mr Fix-Its and Jack-of-all-trades for the galaxy.
Anakin: After an appropriate period of suspense of course.
Luke: (frowns) Do you think so? But we?re using Chewbacca as a martyr, a symbol of how evil DR is.
Han: Yeah, we will kind of lose credibility if he turns against us.
Anakin: (rolls eyes) Well I think he may have already done that.

(Han and Luke just look at each other for a moment and then chase after Chewbacca who is almost out the door. They tackle him ? with more than a little help from the Force ? tie him up and drag him back in)

Han: I save you from Wookie slavers!
Chewbacca: I saved you from the Storm trooper who was about to shoot you in the back after you killed those slavers!
Han: I saved you from that bounty hunter!
Chewbacca: I saved you from yourself! The number of times I had to fix up your ?repairs? and ?modifications? on the MF isn?t funny.
Han: (a little deflated after that last remark) Well you sure didn?t save me from marrying a politician!
Chewbacca: (sarcastically) From your free meal ticket for twenty years so no one would discover what a terrible smuggler you really are? Whatever your skills as a pilot might be, as a smuggler you stink!
(Han tentatively sniffs under his armpits and immediately tightly crosses his arms).
Han: (a little teary-eyed) I don?t like you any more.
Chewbacca: (sticks his tongue out at him)
Back on Earth, deep in the interior of the Extremist Cranks Association Headquarter, in Professor Leatherneck's office, DewMomma, the silver-furred Wookiee Mom, takes up the accounting of top secret information received from The Ranch:

DM: Well, we translated the CD-ROM and I have to tell you it was in a dialect that I hadn't seen since my days with Wookiee Intelligence.
PL and EF : Really?
DM: Yes, an ancient dialect no longer used, the last time I saw it, a "Wookiee Pride" group was using it to contact some agents working in the TV and movie industry. Trying to get rid of some of the "alien" stereotypes that were so common a couple of decades ago.
EF: I know about the dialect, I meant, were you really in Wookiee Intelligence?
PL and DM give the Flame a look.
PL: So you think your source may have ties to this group?
DM: Could be, I know we've...I mean, they've had people working with da Boss and that other guy for many years. But the thing is, THIS dialect hasn't been used since the mid 80's. The final memo I translated from Yoopwook was an attempt to get those sections of the SW Christmas Special concerning Chewie's family incorporated into the official cannon.
EF: So it's not one of the Wookiee agents and it's not from our usual source at the Ranch.
PL: Any ideas?
DM: My feeling is that it is someone close to the source, someone who was contacted by the agency years ago and who has decided to work for the agency again. The use of the older contact language and the new Wookiee Underground logo tend to support this view.
PL New logo?
EF: Yes, the underground, which has grown very active since last Fall, uses a stylized picture of what seems to be a Wookiee shaking a fist at a falling rock or something. I agree with DewMomma's assessment that we are dealing with someone who's been with da Boss for years and has recently join the ranks of the dissatisfied.
PL: Are you sure we are not dealing with a disgruntled employee?
DM: At the Ranch...come, come my dear professor, it's all one big happy family there. Seriously, we checked the information thru other resources and everything checks out. That list our source sent of potential Ep2 authors, with the exception of Zahn, agrees with various memos and interoffice e-mails we've intercepted.
EF: And there seems to be suspicious gaps in some of the e-mail correspondences I've intercepted. Like someone did a very thorough job of removing somebody from the usual address list. In fact I've uncovered a conspiracy to cover up the firing of an LFL employee. It's like this person never existed... I've got one of my contacts from TZLA working on it.
PL (to DM) TZLA?
DM (quietly) Tim Zahn Liberation Army.....conspiracy freaks of the 10th magnitude, but competent investigators who turn up good intel.
PL: So Flame, you are satisfied that this "source" is genuine?
EF: Yes and the voice analyzer IDed the voices on the transcript, and I can't find any evidence of tampering with the content.
DM: Can we go now Professor? I just received something new from our DR source that I need to turn my attention to.
PL: Of course. Have you had a chance to check out this lasted shipment from DR?
EF: What shipment,? I didn't get anything. Are you people withholding information? Why haven't I gotten anything? Huh?
PL: Cool down Flame, the messenger is probably on his way to your office..if he survived the delivery to Princess Aleve.
EF: (sheepishly) Oh, sorry. Well I'd better be getting back to my office then.
PL: Yes. Well, good work, you two. Keep it up. Dismissed.
EF: (to DM) Dismissed? Who does he think he is?
DM: Humor him, dear, humor him.
And now, back to the show!
Announcer: "Hey folks, remember how we enjoyed hearing the Del Rey Stooges sing ?Hey, Hey, We're the Flunkies'? So while the Professor gets settled, let's give the Cranks the opportunity to regale us with THEIR theme song..."
There is complete silence...
Announcer: "Um, you DO have one, don't you?"
Bjorn Borg looks towards DewMomma and Princess Aleve and shrugs eloquently...
Announcer: (cajolingly) "C'mon, now, even the NJO has a theme song..."
The Cranks all snigger helplessly...
BB: (to the Flunkies) "Yeah, guys, wanna sing it for us?"
This suggestion is received coldly by the Flunkies, who glower at the Cranks...
BB: "Okay...we'll do it for you..."

The Cranks:

Gotta great big dong!

CDRO: (horrified) "THAT's not the NJO theme song! The real one is like the Bulgarian National Anthem--hugely dull, with lots of rhymes like ?endure/secure' in it..."
BB: (simply) "We like this one better..."
Darkly Preposterous: "Get with the program, you losers!"
The Cranks: "Ooooooooooooooooo...."
BB: (to his confreres) "The mighty Darkly Preposterous has described us as losers, people. What have we to say to that?"
Princess Aleve mimes a tomahawk throw at DP, whose discretion overcomes his valor in double-quick time...he is seen hiding behind Anathema SkyPolo, who is whiling away the time by telling himself how brilliant he is (no one else will listen anymore...)
The three (visible) Cranks then gather in the center of the ring--

The Cranks (singing):

"We're four of the three musketeers...
We've been together for years..."
BB: "Eenie...
DM: "Meenie..."
PA: "Minie..."
Emerald Flame is still not visible on the horizon, but BB holds out his Nokia, which obligingly bursts into flame as a substitute for ?Moe')
All: "We're four of the three musketeers...
We fight for the King, for the Queen, for the Jack--
And we're first at the front
When the front's at the back
The foe trembles each time it hears
This marvelous motto ring in its ears
It's one for all and two for five
We're four of the three musketeers!
We've been together for years--"
BB: "Eenie..."
DM: "Meenie..."
PA: "Minie..."
EF: [Flaming Finnish phone]
All: "We're four of the three musketeers!"**

Annnoucer: " Quite Marxist..."
BB: (in his best BBC announcer"s voice, acquired at Wimbledon) "Quite."
A discreet raspberry is heard from the direction of the Flunkies....the Princess immediately looks around for something sharp to throw in their direction....Bjorn Borg and DewMomma are last seen not making the slightest attempt to restrain her...

* with apologies to JediSabre77
** with apologies to Kalmar and Ruby 

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:36 pm  #26



The Emerald Flame, still in a huff over Professor Leatherneck's ?dismissal', had just unlocked the last of 3 padlocks on the office door when the sound of running booted feet and the pitter-patter of little paws rolled down the corridor. Quickly relocking all the locks, the Emerald Flame looked for a hiding place, then remembered the best hiding places were IN the office. But Zahn-darnit, it would take too long to unlock all the locks again. Well that was why the Flame had installed the mini explosives in the padlocks, wasn't it? A quick flick of a switch on the remote the Flame hastily drew from an inner pocket did the trick.
Once safely inside, the Flaming One spun the wheel and the 10 steel rods slid into place. Just in time it seemed, the particular, almost musical, laugh of a baby Gand drifted down the hall.

Now someone was banging on the door.

"Hey Flamester, open up, we got some delivery guy here," was the shout outside the door.
A quick look at the video monitor revealed two burly ECA guards and a very shaken messenger. Sensing that this was the delivery that all the other Cranks had gotten a LONG time ago, the Emerald Flame slowly opened the door, making a mental note to find out why everyone else ALWAYS got messages first...

Wilt, still reeking of methane from the Gand baby, looked thru the open doorway, about to hand the last package to the strange personage before him.
"Here's your package, Ma'am, er, er... your honor"
Wilt's eyes searched the office for some clue to the Flame's gender but found none. Office was hardly the word for the place. Lair would be better. From his vantage point outside the Flame's door, a door that would have done a Swiss bank proud, Wilt could see that the walls were the original black obsidian. Along one wall is a bank of computers, servers, routers and hubs. Along another wall are about 20 surveillance camera TVs. Flame's desk faced the door and the bank of TV's. The top of the desk appeared to be a large piece of the same obsidian the building is constructed of. On top of the desk were 5 computers. He could picture The Emerald Flame scooting back and forth to using the rolling chair that sat behind the desk. Wilt's best guess was that the Emerald Flame was the computer nerd of the group and ran the local network A real nut about safety and security, too.
The harried messenger started to lean forward, to step thru the door, The guard on the right grabbed him and pulled him back. The other guard spoke,
"Yo Flame, turn off the field, will ya"
"Field?" stammered Wilt.
"Yep," The two guards went on to explain that along with the electronic locks, large steel pins, etc. Flame augmented the door with an electrical field so that even if the door is open, you still couldn't get in without suffering a heart-skipping shock.

The Emerald Flame, obviously torn between the need for security (Flame was suspicious of all men in uniform, even the security guards)-- and the burning desire to get the delivery Wilt had, began tossing balls at one of those mini-basketball hoops that sat over a 10-gallon trash can. The Flame, a frustrated B-ball player, often did this in times of indecision. The guards just waited, Wilt craned his neck to look deeper into the Flame's office.
Behind Flame's desk were several large bookshelves overflowing with books. Next to the bookshelves were several vintage arcade computer games and a pinball machine. A large, industrial strength paper shredder stood in the corner.
The fourth wall was completely blank. Ominously blank. Wilt fought the urge to flee, package undelivered.
Then, after sinking 10 mini-bball 3 pointers in a row, The Emerald Flame, mind made up, bounded to the doorway and thrust an arm thru the open door, disregarding the electrical field. The security field hissed and snapped, blue sparks ran up and down the Flame's arm. A crackling hand snatched the package from Wilt's trembling fingers.
Not waiting for the guards, Wilt bolted.
Fortunately the guards caught up with him before he hit the first security checkpoint.

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8/14/2024 5:37 pm  #27


Professor Leatherneck walks into Bjorn Borg's office and sees the cyborg sitting in his cockpit chair reading a book with an awful frown on his face. A frown even more pronounced than usual.

Professor Leatherneck: "Hey Bjorn, whatch'ya doin?"

Bjorn Borg (still frowning, not looking up): "Reading this book I got in San Diego a week or so ago. It's by one of my favorite authors."

Professor Leatherneck: "Oh? What's it called?"

Bjorn: (glances at the cover) "It's titled 'how to alienate fans in 100 words or less'."

Profressor: "Sounds interesting. Is it any good?"

Bjorn: "Pretty depressing, actually."

Professor: "Oh. Um, so how soon are you gonna have your report ready? The Emperor is eager to find out what I.M. Salivating has been up to. He called my office a couple of times while you and Princess Aleve were out there snooping for info."

Bjorn: "Yeah, well, there's not too much to tell. Salivating is an odd combination of funny and phony. He mentioned wanting to write a 5th hardcover just to spite us. Other than that, he talked about his angry faerie character a lot ... Zzzzzit is its name, I think."

Professor: "Was he alone on the panel?"

Bjorn: "Nope, his keeper Stewart Baffled was there for moral support."

Professor: "No Sheila Slipshod?"

Bjorn: "Not this time."

Professor: "Oh, OK. I'll tell Emperor Palindrome the report is in the works."

And with that, the Professor walked out of the room and left the cyborg to his reading.
Artoo rolls in the the AU NJO rebellion's headquarters followed by a bearded man. Artoo tweetles his arrival.

Mara: "My maker, thank the Force!"
Luke: "Karrde it's so good to see you finally."
Mara: "I take it you got my message?"
Karrde: "Yes. And it's been a long, painful journey to get here."
Thrawn: "Some people don't seem to want you anywhere near this story."
Karrde: "Tell me about it."
Thrawn: "Well you've arrived just in time."
Mara: "We have a very important mission, suited exactly for you."
Karrde: "Geez, I just got here, can't I settle in first?"
Luke: "This mission is vital."
Thrawn: "Listen to our plan, I think you'll agree that it is very important you go as soon as possible."
(Karrde listens to the plan set forth by Thrawn, Luke, and Mara.)
Karrde: "You're right! I do need to go. Immediately."
Luke: "Take Wedge and Mirax with you just in case."

Out in a desert, on a planet 70% water, our heros walk up to a modest looking house. Wedge and Mirax scout the perimeter while Karrde goes to the front door and knocks.
MAS: "Talon, I mean Ti... I mean, Your Eminence. What brings you to my neck of the desert?"
Karrde: "We really need to talk, can we go in?"
MAS: "Sure, what can I get you?"
Karrde: "Nothing right now."
MAS: "Tell me, what brings you out out this far?"
Karrde: "First, you can drop those KJA-isms of repeating lines from the movies."
MAS: "Sorry."
Karrde: "Second, don't implicate me in your mistakes and webs of deceit."
MAS: "What are you talking about?"
Karrde: "That chat, you said you talked to me about Noghri names."
MAS: "So... I did talk to you."
Karrde: "Yeah, but I gave you 3 good names! You messed around with 2 of them."
MAS: "But I just interchanged two letters! They're still pronounced the same; that's what's important. Pronunciation. Did you like my addition?"
Karrde: "Must kill. How freaking obvious. Subtlety is not your strength."
MAS: "And You wanna buy her is any different?"
Karrde: "Yeah, it was cute, yours was just lame."

Karrde: "Finally, don't take your frustrations with Del Rey out on the fans."
MAS: "What do you mean?"
Karrde: "You're just pissed because Del Rey hasn't treated you like royalty or invited you back to the party."
MAS: "Yeah! You bet I'm pissed! I helped design the NJO. I should've gotten at least a hardcover! Or more paperbacks."
Karrde: "And you feel like the Overlords are pushing you out."
MAS: "They've taken control and turned it into pablum."
Karrde: "Is that why you wrote your essay?"
MAS: "Yeah. I don't want fans to think I'm to blame."
Karrde: "And you're regretting it now aren't you?"
MAS: "Um, somewhat. I really wanna write more stories."
Karrde: "Burning a lot of bridges lately aren't you? "
MAS: "Yeah, the Chief Overlord said he was black-listing me."
Karrde: "Welcome to the club."
MAS: "It stinks."
Karrde: "You get used to it. At least it doesn't stink of someone's rear end."
MAS: "Elitist!"
Karrde: "First Star Wars, then BattleTech. Think you can make it on your own now?"
MAS: "Yeah, I do. But, the money isn't exactly rolling in so I need to mend some fences."
Karrde: "Is that why you lashed out at the fans? To suck up?"
MAS: "They were calling me a liar."
Karrde: "No they weren't."
MAS: "Yes, they were!"
Karrde: (smacks him pretty hard) "Only the Lackeys thought that. Are you a lackey too?"
MAS: "Hey!"
Karrde: "Tell me, Oh Mister-Always-Tell-The-Truth, if a woman you know asks you if she looks fat in her dress, do you tell her the truth?"
MAS: "Of course not."
Karrde: "And when you talk about VP and the process of the NJO, do you mention that {supply your own fantasy writer} was rejected as first choice for the kickoff book?"
MAS: "No, out of professional curtesy."
Karrde: "But you are retaining information aren't you?"
MAS: "Well, I guess so."
Karrde: "And do you tell everyone what you really think of Kevin Anderson?"
MAS: "Not in so many words."
Karrde: "Then, you're not telling the whole truth."
MAS: "But, I criticise big names like Clancy and Grisham publically."
Karrde: Thank you for the truth.
Deep within the bowels of DR headquarters...

DRO#2: "Sir, we just got a report from one of the lackeys."
CDRO: "What does it say?"
DRO#2: "It says that Kathy said on the forum that Jim and Mike are going to be hard acts to follow."
CDRO: "That is certainly true."
DRO#2: "But the lackeys said that leaving out RAS makes it seem like she's condoning the VP bashing."
CDRO: (in a panic) "Ohmygosh! How could I be so blind! We need to correct this immediately! Get her on the phone."

Out in Big Sky country, a phone is ringing in a house on the smokey range. The owner picks up the phone and says "Hello."
CDRO: "Tyers?"
KT: "Yes."
CDRO: "This is the Overlord. We need you to retract your post about Jim and Mike being tough acts to follow."
KT: "What's wrong with saying that? It's true."
CDRO: "But you left out Bob. People will think you are condoning the VP bashing."
KT: "That's not true. People will not think that."
CDRO: "The Extremist Cranks will."
KT: "They're just a harmless bunch."
CDRO: "Those people and their followers look for any reason to bash Bob and VP."
KT: "I really think you overestimate them."
CDRO: "Just edit the message. Or we'll program your implant to play 'Howard the Duck', and the worst out-of-tune jigs and reels we can find, in your brain for the next 48 hours."
KT: "I can't edit the message. Time has expired."
CDRO: "Darn those new message boards!"
CDRO: "Then post a clarification that you obviously forgot to mention Bob in your list."
KT: "But it will look forced, too politically correct. Like I was bad and am being punished for just being an enthusiastic fan."
CDRO: "No it won't."
KT: "But what about the other authors? Zahn and Allston are also tough acts to follow. Shouldn't I pay tribute to all the writers who came before me?"
CDRO: "No! You keep forgetting, we don't care about the Bantam authors who aren't writing NJO."
KT: (sarcastically) "Your grace and beneficence are a shinning beacon for all to emulate."
CDRO: "Just post that clarification."
KT: "You know what's going to happen next don't you?"
CDRO: "What's that?"

KT: "One of the Extremist Cranks will pick up on this second post and make an issue out of it."

<The Planet of Characters that Outlived Their Usefulness >

Lowie and Waroo are running away from LFCR (Lucasfilm Character Recruiters).
Lowie: Why us? They kill off the token non-human and now they are coming after us. (wailing) WHY???
Waroo: And why did they change my name? Waroo? JL has obviously done his homework, so why *Waroo*? Is it to churn up sordid old memories of "The Crystal Star" and Waru? I?ll be ostracized from the SW universe for this. There?s no way Luke will want me around to remind him of that embarrassing little episode.
Lowie: I wouldn?t worry about Luke. I heard that JL finally confirmed for the whole galaxy that he really did sleep with Anakah. There were still a stubborn few holding out against the truth. So I think the boy has bigger fish to fry ? or at least Mara does!

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8/14/2024 5:38 pm  #28



From AoC: HT of the NJO line-up:
Supplementary material


---What really happened between Mara and the best doctor of the New Republic: (information received from a reliable source? )

[doctor]: well, Mara, you seem to be suffering from an unknown condition that has a killing efficacy of 100%. Know any Jedi Healers?

[Mara]: Yup. But my stoic personality in conjunction with a discrepancy in the relevance of her character will prevent me from seeking out such treatment on account of further dissention among fans, forum residents and DR lackeys.

[doctor]: Very well then, Mara, good luck combating this unknown disease that seems to have no cure and nobody even understands its method of attack. You seem to be handling it by yourself so far using the force. I might urge you to reconsider contacting another Jedi healer. Such experience may be helpful. I remember fondly how Mon Mothma was falling apart and I was literally useless in treating her. A jedi-healer spent a day with her and she was fine. Considering I?m one of the finest physicians the New Republic has to offer, you should take my advice and do what is most logical: contact another Jedi who has been very successful combating an unknown disease using the force.

[Mara]: [thinks about it for a second.] Well doc, I?m afraid that I?m contractually obligated to make irrational decisions. You know how it is, what with NewRepliAID, Blue cross, Blue saber and all, don?t you?

[doctor]: health maintenance organizations and Jedi-Killing-Molecular disorders have little in common. Besides, your insurance won?t cover your treatments, and any further treatments will be null because of your previous medical conditions. Now go see that Fish-chick-force-healer Cilghal.

[Mara]: Who?

[doctor]: Is your hearing being affected too? Cilghal. The jedi-force healer. The only one who has a snowball?s chance to help. She?s experienced in this, you know.

[Mara]: [thinks to herself] Force-healer? Hey, I?ve been able to keep myself alive by using the force. Another has been successful treating molecular wasting disorders using the force. I?ve consistently been resourceful since my introduction in HttE, and I?ve never been stupid. Maybe I should at least talk to Cilghal. Maybe just call her. Maybe just write her a letter.
Well, doc, maybe I?ll try to contact her.

[[ Two days later Mara calls up Cilghal ]]

[Cilghal]: Hello? Mara? Geez, I?ve heard about your incredible molecular degenerative disorder, and I?ve eagerly anticipated your call.

[Mara]: Really? Wow. So, any suggestions?

[Cilghal]: Nope. I can?t help you. You see, I?m only a marginally important character created by KJA and therefore considered to be a mistake, not a contribution. That and RAS doesn?t seem to be firmly knowledgeable as to whether or not I exist. So, unlike my prede-author, RAS has personified the term, ?ignorance is bliss?. I?m to be firmly entrenched in ?marginal-character-land? to forever rot because my contributions are considered non-contributory. But I?m not bitter Mara, because I know that a Jedi knows no anger, bitterness, fear, or all that crap spewed out by other characters that ARE considered to be prominent and important.

[Mara]: Well, thanks anyway. Don?t get eaten by one of those mean fishes that almost ate you and Leia when you went to convince Admiral Ackbar to rejoin the New Republic.

[Cilghal]: Remember Mara, it is mean to bring up topics deemed marginally important. I?m unimportant, remember.

[Mara]: I?m sorry, what was your name? Why did you call me?

[Cilghal]: Oh no! Tinkerbell syndrome! I?m fading awayyyyy???.

-----This event reported.............
[Dr. Publisher]: How are you feeling today?

[SW fan Patient]: Well, I seem to have this growth near my buttocks... It seems to be growing every time I get paid. Also, I happen to be a HUGE SW fan.

[Dr. Publisher]: Well let's have a look. Turn around.

<the patient turns around revealing a swollen wallet>

[Dr. Publisher]: GADZOOKHS!!!!

[SW fan Patient]: What? What is it Doctor?

[Dr. Publisher]: It looks as if your wallet is swelling.

[SW fan Patient]: What does that mean?

[Dr. Publisher]: I'll have to run a Wallet Biopsy, STAT.

[SW fan Patient]: Will that hurt?

[Dr. Publisher]: <shouts out to Nurse and Nurst Anesthetist> I need a wallet biopsy team in here...STAT!!!!!

[SW fan Patient]: Please, you're scaring me. What is this going to cost me?

[Dr. Publisher]: Relax. We'll have the answer to that question as soon as we get the results of the wallet biopsy.

----20 minutes later.

[Dr. Publisher]: Well, it seems that you have a surplus of greenbacks. Our only option is to publish another 'official guide' or 'encyclopedia' to soothe your irritated symptoms. As an added bonus, we'll get to charge you for something that will only be temporary, as yet another addition will be added the next time your wallet swells.

[SW fan Patient]: While I'm not quite at the resentment stage yet, I feel that within a few years this recurrent wallet swelling will lead to an acute case of hyperSWitis. At that point I'll become embittered and question my original love for this SW phenomenon. And let's not forget the fact that everytime my prognosis is 'swollen wallet' I'm immediately offered a new SW book...

[Dr. Publisher]: I'm the care provider here. You'll not question me. Your own negligence has caused this.

[SW fan Patient]: Negligence? How so?

[Dr. Publisher]: You earn money and you love SW. Case closed. Next patient please.

<The HMO police shuffle SW fan patient out the door>

<Enter SW fan patient #2>

[Dr. Publisher]: And how are we feeling today?

<Process repeats several times...>

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8/14/2024 5:39 pm  #29



The CDRO and LMM gather the Del Rey Flunkeys together to talk about the latest spin.

CDRO: "Listen up comrades. Reaction to Hero's Trial is overwhelmingly positive."
LMM: "It threatens to lessen our previous releases."
DRO#2: "Many, if not a majority of people, think Hero's Trial is the best book so far."
CDRO: "We need you to support our previous releases, especially Vector Prime, which is getting another drubbing by being the least favorite of the books of many."
DRF: (A flunkey is waving his hands in the back) "Did you get my email about Kathy not praising Bob along with Mike and Jim?"
CDRO: "Yes, we did. Thank you. We've taken care of the problem."
LMM: "We can't have authors straying from script."
CDRO: "Even the ones who are still cloaked."
LMM: "Once again, we've put together some phrases we need you to sprinkle about the message boards."

"All the authors have been great."
"The NJO is a great series so far. All the books are great."
"It is unfair to rank the books because they are part of a series."
"It is unfair to compare the books because each served a different purpose."
"I don't look upon the books as individuals, but part of a larger novel."
"All the cameos in Hero's Trial fit and didn't detract. In VP they would have detracted."
"What's good for Del Rey is good for the USA."

LMM: "Be sure to drop these phrases in various threads."
CDRO: "And if an author drops by, be sure to suck-up to them."
LMM: "Get an acolyte-in-training to start a RAS Supporters Thread."
CDRO: "If a rabble rouser comes in, be sure to run them out."
LMM: "Start a thread that hints that Mara is going crazy."
CDRO: "We'll give you some major league backup."
LMM: "We're still getting too many requests for Zahn to write the NJO."
CDRO: "We need you to trash Zahn whenever the opportunity arises; call him "over-rated" and an "egomaniac"."
LMM: "We need people to trash him as much as possible so we aren't forced to give in to the fans demands and sign him."
CDRO: "And if you notice anyone else acting out-of-line, be sure to tattle to us."
All this week on Behind the Books, we take you behind the scenes to look at the early editing sessions for Vector Prime. A tale of debauchery, drug addiction,... Oops, wrong story. A story of unpreparedness, confusion, and ambivalence.

CDRO: "Okay folks. Here it is, the first draft, extensive outline of Vector Prime. Look it over carefully."
LMM: "I can't stress the importance here. We had to let go whats-his-name because his story outline for the first book of the NJO stank to the heavens."
CDRO: "Bob is one of our biggest writers here, and he is able to squeeze us into his writing schedule by churning out this cookie-cutter book for us."
LMM: "If this outline sux like the first one, then we'll have to delay the release of the NJO while we go through rewrites or search for a new author."
CDRO: "We don't want to look like novices here, so delaying the release is not an option."
LMM: "As a near-holiday release, this is most definitely not an option. We need Christmas sales to boost our sales figures."
CDRO "Okay, we'll meet back here in 5 days to compare notes."

(One of the editors shakes her head, mumbling under her breath "but I am not up-to-speed on Star Wars, how am I supposed to know how it fits the universe?")

Editor Clueless: (to herself) "Wow, this outline is pretty good. Nasty bad guys, biological weapons, sword fights, fancy flying, 2 big battles. Just like his usual stuff. Looks good to me."
Editor Pyscho: "Oh, cool. Death and disease. Carnage and gore. Who could ask for anything more?"
Newly hired DR Editor, who's really into SW: (taking notes) "Oh, this outline stinks. Mara's got a disease; did she contact Cilghal? Playing sabacc is so overdone. Lando is running yet another mining operation. Chewie's death was lame. The shieldships were totally misused...."
Editor Slipshod: "I think this works for me."

Five days later everyone gathers together to compare notes.
Editor Baffled: "So, what did everyone think?"
(Lots of good's can be heard around the table.)
Editor Psycho: "I loved it. The bad guys were just so cool and original."
(There is a snort at one end of the table.)
Editor Clueless: "I thought is was as good as his other work."
Editor Kost: "It'll do the job."
Editor Slipshod: "It looked okay to me."
Editor Baffled: "Just okay?"
Editor Geeky Newbie: (holding back his real opinion a little) "It has promise, but I've got issues."
Baffled: "Such as?"
Geeky: "Well first there's Mara's disease. Did she contact Cilghal?"
Clueless: "Who's Cilghal?"
Geeky: "She's a Jedi with special healing powers."
Baffled: "A Bantam character? (Geeky nods) "We can't have too much of that."
Pyscho: "Yeah, too many young Menace fans will get lost."
Kost: "Why don't we just have them say something like the best doctors saw her?"
Geeky: "But that is too vague."
Baffled: "Vague, shmage. The young Menace fans won't know the difference."
Pycho: "Yeah, they didn't recognize that Menace was a derivation of ANH."
Geeky: "But longtime readers will question it, they'll expect to see old familair characters."
Clueless: "You know the kid may have a point. I missed seeing Spock in the outline. Oh, wait this is the New Jedi Order so I guess I missed Data, or is it the Hologram Doctor."
Baffled: "What are you talking about?"
Clueless: "I've got an idea. Hey kid, who was the doctor who replaced McCoy?"
Geeky: "Doctor Crusher, but...." (he's cut off)
Clueless: "No, no, the hologram."
Geeky: "He doesn't have a name, just The Doctor. But..." (cut off again)
Clueless: "Really, I thought it was something -man."
Geeky: "You mean Zimmerman. But..." (you get the picture)
Clueless: "Yeah, why don't we say that Doctor Zimmerman was consulted and is off studying the disease for Marla."
Geeky: "It's Mara, and this is Star Wars, not Star Trek."
Clueless: "Really?"
Slipshod: "The kid's right; wrong universe."
Baffled: "I have a grand idea. Why don't we just say 'the best doctors were of no help', and leave it at that. Next item?"

Geeky: "Playing sabacc is so lame and overdone, you should have Danni play Holochess or holo trapeze artists from the 1978 Holiday Special instead.
Slipshod: Splendid idea!

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8/14/2024 5:41 pm  #30


LMM: Come on! You can do it!
CDRO: I can?t. I just can?t. It?s not right.
LMM: Do it, damn you!
LMM: You have to. It?s part of the official franchise now. It?s inevitable. Just it over with!
CDRO: No! And if you have a problem with that - tough! You should have thought about that before you gave the Jedi Apprentice series to Scholistic. They already have Harry Potter. Why let them edge in on our profits as well.
LMMM: Now, now. This isn?t merely about profits. (CDRO laughs) It?s about letting the fans know we care. We give them what they want, and when we do something they don?t necessarily like but which is good for publicity...
LMM: and profits...
LMMM: They have to live with it.
LMM: As long as it doesn?t stop them parting with their money for the next book. SO SAY IT!!!
LMMM: Come on. Say those seven little letters which will help clear up all this confusion.
LMM: Repeat after me: PAD-A-WAN.

CDRO shakes his head in defiance.

LMM: Get a grip man! This mess is all your own fault. You introduce Vergere, who is obviously going to fill Luke and Leia in on their family history. But then you go and thumb your nose at the Jedi tradition introduced in TPM by calling Mara a Jedi Master and the Solo brats Jedi Knights in the Dramatis Personae, despite the fact they are called apprentices in the books themselves.
CDRO: Dramo what?
LMMM: (helpfully chimes in) It?s Latin. It means... um... well... it?s something about the characters in the drama.
CDRO: THAT is what it means?
LMM: Yes, of course. What did YOU think it was?
CDRO: It?s that new character in Agents of Chaos, Droma.
LMMM (rolls eyes): Oh yeah, I get it. He reads sabacc cards in order to divine what rank people will be given for a book. Strange how they are all human.
CDRO (still hasn?t quite caught up): Wait a minute. Latin? LATIN???? What the hell is LATIN doing in a science fiction novel?
LMM (shudders): Do you have any comprehension how many people would shoot you for calling it that? It?s *fantasy* - with a touch of sci-fic ? but not enough to make people take the science of it seriously.
LMMM: MAS started it. JL is the first one, outside of the X-Wing series, to continue the tradition.
CDRO: He continued a Bantam tradition?
LMMM: Of course! Haven?t you read the book? It?s crammed with Bantam references.
CDRO: (has gone bright red and is shaking with rage) No... I... haven?t.
LMM: (hoping to take advantage of this turn of events) But Padawan isn?t a Bantam tradition. It didn?t even exist until TPM was released. Think how good it would make you look if you fixed up a BANTAM mistake.
CDRO: I?d be caring and benevolent. Having the readers? best interests at heart.
LMM: Precisely! You could have some old-timer tell Luke about them. Or the Holocron. There are all sorts of possibilities.
LMMM: All the fans are clamouring for it. Not even the lackeys are able to calm them down.
CDRO: (suspiciously) Hang on a minute. The FANS want it.
LMM: Of course.
CDRO: Then it would seem like we are bowing to their demands. If we do that, what is next? Including characters THEY invented? Writing scenarios THEY want to see? You know how that would end, don?t you? Darkly Preposterous would charge us finder?s fees and force us to publish his stories.
LMM: (shudders in horror) You have a point. Maybe we had better hold of on it. As important as it is, the ramifications would be far too horrific.

Part 2 of the Vector Prime editing sessions of Behind the Books.

Geeky: "Well, Lando's running another mining operation. That's been done so many times it's beyond stale. Plus his wife is missing."
Slipshod: "His wife? Didn't know he had one. Was it explicitly stated anywhere?"
Geeky: "Not exactly, but Zahn highly inferred it."
Baffled: (nearly spits) "We don't say that name around here."
Geeky: "But, he's not the only one who inferred it."
Baffled: "Listen kid, we're not going to follow all that Bantam crap."
Psycho: "Especially, not that Unknown Regions stuff."
(Clueless asks Slipshod "What's this Unknown Regions?" Shipshod just shrugs.)
Baffled: "The author-who's-name-we-don't-mention thinks he's so clever in leaving us an opening like that."
Psycho: (laughs) "Little does he know."
Geeky: "But, continuity will be compromised if his wife isn't mentioned."
Baffled: "If it's not explicit, then there's no contradiction. We'll go with what we have."
Geeky: "But what about the totally overused mining operation?"
Psycho: "Did you ever think that mining is Lando's career choice?"
Geeky: "With nearly a 100% failure rate, I'd think he would have given up by now."
Baffled: "Listen kid, if we ditch the mining operation, we can't have the kids playing in the asteroid field. Lando is secondary to the kids anyway so it doesn't matter."
Geeky: "Why not have him just running a casino operation near the asteroids?"
Kost: "Too extensive a rewrite for our time constraints."

Slipshod: "Okay, we've gotten a few suggestions from Wilswoon and Pepperoni over at LF. They suggest Kyp for the Rogue Jedi and Nom Nom for the rabble-rouser."
(Geeky groans loudly.)
Psycho: "What's wrong now kid?"
Geeky: "Nom is okay, but Kyp is totally wrong."
Psycho: "Kyp's been on the Dark Side, destroyed planets, I think he fits the profile."
Geeky: "Not anymore."
Slipshod: "Why is that?"
Geeky: "He's been written as becoming quite careful about how he uses the Force and changing his wild ways."
Baffled: "More Bantam stuff."
Psycho: "So, a character can't regress... I mean change again?"
Geeky: "Not without explanation."
Baffled: "It says this Rogue Jedi has a bone to pick with smugglers. I seem to recall Kyp having a similar feeling."
Geeky: "But, the Imperials are really the ones responsible for Kyp's parent's deaths, not the smugglers. It doesn't fit."
Baffled: "It doesn't matter."
Psycho: "I say we stick with the Kypster, we don't have anyone else."
Geeky: "Make it a new character. Why does it have to be Kyp?"
Baffled: "Why? You want to know why? How the heck should I know? Who cares anyway? I don't. Maybe he got up on the wrong side of the bed or had a bad cup of coffee! Don't take this so stuff seriously, it doesn't matter!"
Psycho: "Besides, lots of fans hate Kyp, it's an easy way to get fans on our side."

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8/14/2024 5:41 pm  #31


The third and final installment of the editing sessions of the first draft outline of Vector Prime, on Behind the Books.

Geeky: "These Pong seem one-dimensional and unoriginal."
Psycho: (incredulous) "What?!? I thought they were the most original villians I've ever read about."
Geeky: "They are a cross between the bugs in Starship Troopers and the bad guys in GI Joe The Movie."
Clueless: "Hey, Starship Troopers was a cool movie. No wonder I recognized the villans."
Psycho: "What, are you crazy."
Baffled: "Listen kid, there aren't any more original villians, people just create new ones based on combinations of old ones."
Geeky: (muttering loudly) "Because they are too lazy or pressed for time to come up with something on their own."
Psycho: "Watch your mouth kid, or you gonna find yourself floating home."
Geeky: "Oh, that was real original. Is that the best you can do you failed-hack-living-vicariously-through-the-words-of-others?"
Psycho: (starting to get up from his chair and lunge at Geeky) "Why I aughtta...."
Slipshod: (gets up to restrain Psyc) "Now, now, boys, calm down. Psyc, stop picking on the kid. (Psych leaves the room to cool down.) And kid, don't provoke Psyc, he's read so many fantasy books he's become unbalanced."
Baffled: "There's a suggestion here to make the Pong to be totally bio-based. I think that's a good idea."
(Others around the table answer in the affirmative.)
Geeky: "I do too, but I have reservations."
Slipshod: "Such as?"
Geeky: "Just looking at the plans for Bilkdafans and Stimpydoll, I fear that a biologic superweapon arms race will break out among the authors."
Slipshod: "Well as the editors, it's our job to make sure that doesn't happen."
Baffled: "Well, the planning committee came up with the Pong, let's just see what the first full draft looks like to see if he expands the Pong well enough."
Geeky: "Okay, agreed. The same for Chewie. This moon business sounds rather hokey as the means for Chewie's death."
Psycho: (who just came back in the room) "You just can't give it a rest, huh, kid? I suppose you want the Wook to die of a blaster wound?"
Geeky: "No, that would be lamer than lame."
Psycho: "Well how would you do it so that he saves thousands, including Ani, and leaves Han helpless?"
Geeky: "I am sure there would be a way for Chewie to rescue Anakin, leaving Han helpless and have Chewie go down fighting hand to hand against overwhelming odds."
Psycho: "What about saving all the people."
Geeky: "Oh, please, like Chewie was doing that single handed. That's just a silly excuse. But I am willing to wait for the first manuscript to see how he does it."

Baffled: "Do you have any other objections kid?"
Geeky: "Just a few more. The shieldships used at the end aren't designed to reflect energy."
Baffled: "So, they are now."
Geeky: "But that isn't the way Zahn introduced them. And the way they were explained in the Essential Guide that you edited."
Baffled: "So, I don't care. You think I knew anything when I was editing that. All I did was check for spelling and grammer mistakes."
Geeky: "Wonderful. But aren't you worried about contradicting Zahn's descriptions of the shieldships."
Baffled: "There's that name again. And no I am not worried. I am on a mission to invalidate or retcon all of Zahn's stuff. He did it to my favorite writer, so now I'm doing it to him."
Geeky: "Who would your favorite writer be?"
Baffled: "Kevin J Anderson, of course."
Geeky: "So much for the Force-bond Zahn established between Luke and Mara. I'll bet you're going to ignore that too, even though readers will ask about it."
Baffled: "Now you are catching on. Anything more?"

Geeky just shakes his head as he realizes it is a lost cause to object anymore. These people are too worried about getting things out by the publish date than they are about quality and continuity of characters from the old line to the new line. He plan begins to take shape in his mind. And on a brighter note, Geeky realizes that Stackpole is writing the next three books and he can set things back to normal.  

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8/14/2024 5:42 pm  #32



A pair of LMMs are standing in DB's office. DB is furious at them.
THE HELL!? I see the Howard the Duck punishment didn't work on you two...!? Well, I'LL JUST HAVE TO THINK OF SOMETHING BETTER!!
DB reaches into his desk and hands LMM#1 a tube of blueprints, a set of measuring calipers, and a plane ticket to Chicago. "YOU. Are going to the Revell factory to make sure the 'American Graffiti' '32 Fords are to scale. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE."
LMM#1 gulps and says, "Yes,sir." He then dashes out the door. DB turns to LMM#2, a woman, and says,
"I've got something extra special in store for you. There's this- new project- called "The Seventh Tower". We needed a Crone, and you just volunteered!"
LMM#2 gasps, "CRONE!"
DB shoots back "Yes, crone AND PACK WARM CLOTHES!"

****One month later****

LMM#2 was sitting in a freezing sleigh with a crazy girl, waiting for the hero to show up so the action can start. It was dark. That's why they called it 'the Dark World'.
LMM#2- "Remember your part?"
Milla- "Yes, Crone,"(sighs)"I try to kill the hero, and wind up helping him."
LMM#2- "Good, Mara- I mean Milla. And don't call me Crone unless we're 'on camera'. Capiche?"
Milla- "Hey, didn't you read my physical description? Blonde hair, green eyes, about 13, raised by primitives- I'm Tahiri! And I'm just as anxious to get back to NJO as you are- Anakin finally starts to turn into a serious hottie and they ship me off here to hook up with some pasty-faced little geek who's never even seen the sun?"
LMM#2- (Checks her script) "Actually, he saw the sun once, when he was ten. His class went on a field trip."
Milla/Tahiri- "Makes sense to me."

***Meanwhile, at the Revell factory, Morton Grove, IL***

LMM#1- "Okay, where are they?"
Don Milagro- "Where are what?"
LMM#1- "The American Graffiti Fords?"
DM- "In China. We only make full detail plastic kits here. Diecast comes from a prison factory in Urdu Kush, Tibet."
LMM#1 (Sighs, and reluctantly starts to leave)-"Makes sense to me."
DM- "Hope you packed warm clothes!"

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8/14/2024 5:43 pm  #33


LMM#1 ("Bob") Human male. Age 32. Hometown; Goshen, Indiana. Weapon; ability to bore to Olympic medal standards. Vehicle; see below. Greatest weakness; no depth perception (visual). Current assignment; inspecting American Graffiti model cars.

LMM#2 ("Hoppy") Human female. Age 29 (for the past 16 yrs.) Hometown; Alderaan, New York (don't look for it on any map; they don't call NY the "Empire State" for nothin'.) Weapon; simple chronic halitosis. Vehicle; LFL-supplied dogsled. Greatest weakness; no depth perception (literary). Current assignment; "The Seventh Tower"

Tahiri/Milla; Human female. Age 13. Homeworld; Tatooine. Since the end of JJK she's been shunted around the LFL empire like a hot potato (no one can stand to be around her more than a few minutes). As Milla, she must be a girl of few words. That'll be the day....

Tal; Human male. Age 13. Has never left the Castle before, or maybe he has (if you've read this book you know what I mean). Raised to believe that he, as a (not 'the') Chosen, he is superior to anyone who casts a natural shadow (like Harry Potter.) Basically, he has everything fans find annoying about the Solo kids, turned up to 11.

Don Milagro; Human male. Age early 50s. Plays with toys and models all day, and gets paid for it. Based on a real person. Wouldn't you like his job?

What does everyone think? Will the failed LMMs and their new cohorts work here; or should they be banished to a new thread?

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8/14/2024 5:43 pm  #34





Chewbacca has finally managed to tally up the number of life debts that the Skywalker/Solo family owes him so he has enslaved the entire group. Luke, Mara, Han, Jacen and Anakin are all wearing golden slave bikinis, have chains around their necks, and are currently trailing behind their new Master as he goes in search of the Pinto so he can seek revenge against Droma, the Ryn that has replaced him as Han?s partner in profic EU.

Chewbacca: (wailing in despair) It?s not fair! I make just as many smart-ass remarks as that fool. The only difference is that he says them in Basic.
Jacen: (whining) Chewie, I?m chaffing.
Chewbacca: Slaves address their owners as *Master*. And as for the bikinis, well think about how I felt having to wear only that bandoleer for decades.... Actually, do you think that?s why DR wanted to get rid of me? They didn?t like indecent exposure to so many younger readers?
Han: I never had any complaints.
Chewbacca: And that of course is why you traded me in for a younger, prettier, *human* model.
Han: And look what I got for my troubles ? three whining kids and a domineering wife.
Chewbacca: Well that domineering wife is the one who finances the Pinto?s constant ?upgrades?.
Han: Well it?s not like I didn?t share my good fortune around.
Chewbacca: Well that?s true. Anakin, I think it?s time you knew the truth. *I* am your father!
Anakin: Cool! When do I start developing the facial hair?
Han: *Cool* ???!!! Is that all you can say?
Anakin: Well it?s abundantly obvious that I didn?t inherit my mechanical genius from you.
Han: WHY YOU...!!!!
Anakin: You called me a whining kid half a minute ago! Do you really expect me to be upset? Hey Chewie, when we take over the EU, can I have a Death Star?
Chewbacca: As long as you use it responsibly.
Anakin: I?m going to blow up Corellia so we can stop this influx of arrogant morons! That one act alone will halve the number of drunkards and gambling addicts in the galaxy!
Chewbacca: That?s my boy! Han, maybe we can catch up with Waroo so we can tell him the good news. Being even half-human will be a huge advantage in profic.

Anakin, Jacen, Luke and Mara stare at Han in disbelief.

Han: (sheepishly) She was cuddly. Like an Ewok only bigger.

Chewbacca and his long-lost son are plotting how to retake the galaxy.

Chewbacca: At times like these I always ask myself, what would KJA do?
Anakin: Build another super weapon that is even bigger and badder than the last one!
Chewbacca: And what would MAS do?
Anakin: Incapacitate Luke, and send Corran and Rogue squadron in to save the day.
Chewbacca: So what would TZ do?
Anakin: Weaken or blind all the Jedi to the Force ? except Mara of course, as she will be revealed as the TRUE chosen one. She?ll fly in and save the day in an even more outrageous manner than KJA would have done!
Chewbacca: (so proud that tears have come to his eyes) My boy, you?ll go far!

Anakin: You?re not really my dad, are you?
Chewbacca: Sorry. It was a ploy of your mother?s and mine to keep him in the EU. He?s the poster boy of the Rebellion and New Republic. He?s also male and human. The minute he thinks that someone is after something of his, even if he doesn?t like it he will still act like it is invaluable to him. If Elegy had gotten cozy with Leia in DT, you can be sure that profic Han would currently be standing over her with a loaded shotgun rather than be taking off to the furthest corners of the galaxy with his latest best friend.
Anakin: The galaxy doesn?t have corners.
Chewbacca: You obviously haven?t seen the DR map of the galaxy.

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8/14/2024 5:46 pm  #35



Meanwhile, in another galaxy, later that same day...
Bob the LMM is sitting in Don Milagro's office, waiting for further instructions and examining the built models on the office wall, picking up some of them as he does so. Don enters, and Bob drops a model which was both particularly rare and excruciatingly difficult to build.
"Your- that's ok, I'll probably be able to find anothre one on Ebay, someday- your boss has said you don't have to go to Tibet. Instead you'll be checking at the retail level, touring around to every Wal-Mart in the country.
"With the actual Milner coupe?", Bob asks, salivating.
"That's the other thing." Don hands Bob a set of car keys; curiously, they have "GM" on them.
Bob goes out into the parking lot; there, in all it's glory, is Milner's Deuce Coupe. Very solidly chained to a trailer. Pulled by an equally yellow, but much scruffier, 1979 Chevette.
*I wonder how Hoppy's doing?*

*I wonder how Bob's doing?*, thought Hoppy as Tahi- Mara- MILLA brought forward a boy who looked like a cross between Draco Malfoy and something that lived under a rock.
"Hi, I'm Hoppy from LFL," she said, holding out her hand.
"I am Tal Something-Something of the Chosen. I do not shake hands with Underfolk. Or LMMs." Tal said, flatly. His shadowguard flipped Hoppy off.
*Well, this is just going swimmingly. They really did turn the bad parts of the Solo kids up to 11.*
"Be nice to me, kid or I'll blow up your implant!" Hoppy said.
"Hey, you can't do that! This is my hero journey; without me there's no story!"
"Do you know how easy it'd be for me to get Prince Ken, or Tash Arranda, or even one of DB's kids here, give him your ridiculous Sunstone, and tell everyone he's you!? Now get in the car!"
"Okay. But I call shotgun." Tal opened the door of Hoppy's gray Lumina, and-
"Wait a minute. Where'd this come from?" he said, pointing to the car, "There aren't supposed to be cars on this world!"
"The author's Australian. This is an American car. As long as there are no Australian cars around, we're safe," Hoppy said, obviuously straining to shut Tal up.
"Makes sense to me," he said as he got in. Milla got in back, Hoppy opened the driver's door and, after shooing Tal's shadowguard out of the driver's seat, started driving.

Episode I: The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side.

All the incarnations of Anakin Skywalker are sitting in their dressing room waiting for their next appearance in the NJO Humorous Thread.

Killer: So JF thinks I?m spooky, huh?
Vader: Well it obviously has something to do with the fact that when you tilt your head you really can see through one ear and out the other.
Padawan: Will you two stop it? What do you think you?re doing? Auditioning for Grump Old Men?
Vader: Boy, behold, *WE* are your future!
Padawan: Not if I can help it.
Vader: Ironically enough you do. YOU?RE the one who fell in that lava.
Padawan: At least I get lucky.
Vader: You?d be surprised how many people find this suit a turn on.
Padawan: Then of course they meet Killer.
Vader: Oh to be young and naïve again! Boy, you exist in the SW universe for two, and I do mean TWO, sole reasons: (a) to have kids; and (b) to fall in that lava pit.
Padawan: Not true!
Vader: Horny and clumsy are the two words that best sum you up.

Saint (The forgiven spirit of Anakin Skywalker at the end of ROTJ): Don?t worry, my child. It will all end eventually. Then you will become me!
Padawan: (sarcastically) Now there?s a *really* appealing option. No thanks, I?d rather have fun while I have the chance.
Vader: (muttering to himself) Which won?t be for much longer.
Killer: I can?t believe I?m saying this but the kid has a point.

(Saint, Vader, and Padawan all stare at him in astonishment)

Killer: Come on. The boy is clearly being used as a scapegoat to epitomise the evils of sex and teenage marriage. If he had become a monk, would the rest of us be here now?
Saint: No, we?d be in an infinitely worse place. (Points to Ani who has been beaten unconscious by Vader and Killer during their run-in at the Ranch)

Everyone shudders.

Vader: (whispers to Padawan) Nice save.

Episode II: Life is like MacDonald?s, they both end up in the same place.

Padawan and Vader are fighting again.

Padawan: I am so prettier.
Vader: Maybe. But no one is selling copies of your helmet for obscene amounts of money.
Padawan: You just wait until Episode II comes out! All the girls will be drooling over me.
Vader: *GIRLS* being the operative term. Prepubescent, screaming fans, regardless of gender, are more trouble than they are worth. They?ll dump you like an oily rag the moment the next big thing comes along and then you?ll be left being stalked by some psycho who failed to be appropriately brainwashed by their peers.
Padawan: Now I know you?re just jealous. They won?t dump me. I?ve got *TWO* movies. I?m no flash-in-the-pan. In twenty years time I too will have my eternally youthful face plastered on EU books to entice fans.
Vader: Half the girls are going to hate you because you?re in Star Wars and it?s just not cool to be obsessed with a sci-fi character. A fair few won?t give a toss about you, because quite frankly, if they *are* going to fixate on a Backstreet Boy, they?ll go with one of the originals. And a large portion of the rest will loathe you because of what you?re going to do to Amidala.
Padawan: That madwoman had it coming.

Vader, Killer and Saint cower in fear.

Vader: You?re a braver man than I. You?ll pay for that comment later, I?ll wager.

Episode III: Men really are the movers and shakers of the galaxy

**(BTW, that is the ONLY time I will EVER say that!)**

Vader and Padawan are ? you guessed it ? fighting *again*.

Padawan: I?m going to tell Palpatine on you!
Vader: Good luck! Killer here sent him on a loooong trip.
Padawan: I?ll find him! Whatever makes you think you could take over, much less run, an entire galaxy? The Emperor won?t stand for this sort of treasonable behaviour.
Killer: I?m sure. A pity then that he has joined the Rebellion.
Padawan: WHAT????
Killer: Palpy *and* his clones have joined Thrawn?s fleet to do battle against profic.
Padawan: That?s my Palpy! He has recruited his most loyal minions to reclaim his empire.
Killer: No, actually *he* is working for Thrawn - as part of a dancing troupe.
Padawan: You?re not serious? He?s the most powerful Sith Lord in galactic history!
Vader: I?ll ignore that slight on my own abilities.
Padawan: Emperor Palpatine is *not* a slave dancer.
Killer: That?s true. He is doing it voluntarily. Apparently he has rediscovered his true passion in life.
Padawan: I don?t believe you!
Killer: Well, you know what they say about frustrated artists!
Padawan: It?s not true! Where is Thrawn if he is leading this fleet?
Killer: They?re lost in the Unknown Regions. The BDD galaxy was three dimensional, but the DR galaxy is only 2 dimensional, with a fraction of the planets. Right now, Thrawn?s fleet is trapped in that fold between the two pages, about three millimetres down. And of course, being a mostly male crew, no one will get out and ask for directions.
Padawan: (jumps up) We MUST to save Lord Palpatine! To the Jedimobile!

Padawan runs towards the dressing room door, but soon realises that no one else has moved.

Padawan: (nearly hysterical) COME ON!!! Palpatine is in trouble. We must save him.
Killer: He?s a Sith Lord, for crying out loud! If anyone needs saving, it?s Thrawn from Palpy?s chronically bad jokes.
Vader: (shudders in horror) And what about his singing?
Padawan: I *DON?T* believe you!
Vader: Fine! Be that way. You?ll find out soon enough. Besides, don?t you think you?re being overly optimistic thinking you can actually run off to save Palpy? I seriously doubt Amidala is finished with you yet.

It is Padawan?s turn to shudder in horror.

Padawan: (grabs Vader by his shoulders) *Please* Don?t send me back there. That woman is a madman.
Saint: That should be mad *woman*.
Vader: I believe Amidala would say that the term madman would be more correct as a woman driven to insanity is generally done so by a man.

Everyone turns to stare at Padawan

Padawan: That?s not fair! We don?t even know what happens yet! You have to wait for Episodes II and III.

Episode IV: Death and Fashion ? Synonyms For Force Users.

Yep, still fighting ...

Padawan is trying to arrange his Jedi robes.

Padawan: @#$% I HATE these bloody robes!
Vader: That?s why I turned Sith. You can put on the uniform in under an hour. Except for that damn cloak. It?s always choking me.
Killer: Which is why I took off the helmet at the end of ROTJ. I was better off dead than enduring that constant stress over my wardrobe. When I joined the Jedi and Sith, I don?t recall signing any clauses specifying we had to dress up in these party clothes. Why bother? Is it an on-going trial to test our endurance, self-suffering and masochism, or an easy way to convert Jedi to the Dark Side?

Padawan: (still struggling to colour coordinate all the different layers) I think I *would* look kind of cool in black.
Vader: You mean you would have if you hadn?t fallen in that lava pit.
Padawan: It wasn?t my fault!
Vader: Oh really? Are you suggesting a JEDI pushed you?
Padawan: You?re the one who keeps going on about how attractive everyone finds you. So why are you constantly picking on me for not being hideously deformed?

Vader waves his hand at Killer who promptly sticks his head ? or what?s left of it ? in Padawan?s face.

Padawan cringes.

Vader: (speaking sweetly) And it gets even better than that, boy. You may get lucky, but you had better store those memories away for future use because that will be *all* that you ? and us - are ever getting.

Vader waves his hand at Killer again, but this time Killer isn?t having any of it. Instead he and Saint grab Vader from behind and give the old man a wedgy.

Episode V: The Jedi Strikes Back

Vader and Killer are back doing their favourite past time ? annoying Padawan. The evil duo are standing in front of the poor kid examining his face intently.

Vader: (Throws his hands up in the air in frustration) No, no, no, NO, *NO*! The scar on the left side of the face should begin a few centimetres perpendicular to the eye, travel diagonally down to the top of the cheekbone, before plunging horizontally to the jaw.
Killer: What?s wrong with the scar we currently have?
Vader: This one will give us a more dashing, debonair, and suave appearance.
Killer: You?re delusional! You know that, don?t you? We could look like Harrison Ford ten years ago and it still wouldn?t do us any good.
Vader: You?re such a "the helmet is half-empty" sort of person. If we?re going to be hideously scarred, we may as well do it in style.
Killer: Hang on a minute ...
Vader: If you really want. But I?m warning you, with this respirator, there?s no guarantee that I?ll survive.
Killer: We?re not in profic anymore.
Vader: Well DUH!
Killer: So Darth Genius, not only can we get plastic surgery, but also a serious bacta session to get our lungs fixed up. Bacta the miracle drug is the Star Wars equivalent of the Star Trek Transporter. There is no problem too great or too small it cannot fix.
Vader: Damn I?m good!
Killer: Hey! *I* was the one who thought of it!
Vader: You *are* me. Don?t quibble.

Saint interrupts Killer and Vader?s excited prattling.

Saint: You can?t get plastic surgery.
Killer and Vader: *WHY*??????
Saint: Because you?re evil.
Killer: I killed the Emperor.
Saint: But I was the one who was forgiven.
Killer: And what did it get you?
Vader: Yeah, what DID it get you?
Saint: Eternal salvation, inner peace and harmony, greater ...
Vader: (interrupting) So why are you here instead of sitting on some cloud with Oafy-Wan and Yodel?
Saint: (Suddenly gets uneasy) Well, it was out of concern for my significant others.
Vader: Sure it was.
Killer: I though Jedi didn?t lie.

Saint is getting *very* uncomfortable as he is unable to provide a satisfactory explanation.

Padawan sneaks up behind Saint and pulls a scroll out of his back robe pocket. He unwinds the scroll with a flourish to reveal the following:

Jedi Rehabilitation Council for the Reformation of Jedi turned Sith turned Jedi.

The following tasks must be completed before full reinstatement to the Jedi Order is permitted:

(a) Write out ten thousand times: "Fear, anger, aggression ? the dark side of the Force are they"

(b) Read "Proper Force Using: Old Theories, New Truths", by Darth Edaj Aram.

(c) Kill Mara Jade. *It is the only way.*


The LMM and CDRO have just gotten back from Del Rey's warehouse and are currently discussing possible ways out of a serious problem they've discovered.

LMM: "Can you believe those stacks of Vector Prime paperbacks still in your warehouse?"
CDRO: "Paperbacks, didn't you see all those VP hardcovers still in the corner?!"
LMM: "Yeah, I noticed. The question is, what are we going to do about it?"
CDRO: "Well, we gotta do something fast. Those books are just sitting around gathering dust ..."
LMM: "... and moisture, mold, mildew, rat feces ..."
CDRO: (wistfully) "I really thought that Vector Prime would sell as well as Zahn's original trilogy."
LMM: "Is THAT why you printed way so many books?"
CDRO: "Hey, I printed that many because YOU promised huge sales in reaction to your massive marketing plan."
LMM: "I guess many of the Zzzzit fans don't care about Star Wars at all and didn't even bother to buy the book even though their favorite author wrote it. Besides, we hyped it enough, didn't we?"
CDRO: "Oh, it's all Darkly's fault! He's the one who e-mailed me requesting we get RAS to kick off this half-baked series."
LMM: "You're not suggesting we should have picked someone the majority of the readers requested, are you?"
CDRO: (incredulously) "Are you kidding? RAS was the only writer with a known name who could've churned out a book so fast. Besides, the readers will like who we TELL them to like."
LMM: "Yeah, that worked well ... and your cluttered warehouse PROVES it. It's bad enough that we're gonna have to dump all those VP hardcovers in the bargain bins, but now we've got a glut of paperbacks that aren't selling, this is intolerable."
CDRO:"I know, I know, but we've already been giving some away at the conventions."
LMM:"Um, won't the 'conners think that is odd?"
CDRO:"Naw. Nobody questions free stuff."
LMM: "OK, but did you see the SIZE of that pile? We've got enough books for a THOUSAND conventions. We need another plan."
CDRO: "Yeah, I know. I have to make room for all of Brooks' "Shannara" books that we're reissuing."
LMM: "How's that going?"
CDRO: "Things are selling well enough. Mostly to young Menace fans. The adult readers aren't interested though."
LMM: "So, you're pleased that assigning him the TPM novelization brought in more readers to his other books."
CDRO: "Mildly so, but I want more, more, more!"
LMM: "Maybe assigning RAS the EP2 novelization will have the same effect."
CDRO:"I'm hoping. We need a way to get more people hooked on the NJO so they'll buy the next 20 books we have coming out. We've got another 4 years of this junk planned and I'm not ready to retire yet. (Pauses) Hey, what about strong-arming the retailers into accepting the books if they want some of our better titles?"
LMM: "Nope, Da Boss likes to save strong-arming for movie ticket prices, the length of time theaters are forced to play his movies, video and DVD sales ... you know, things that actually MATTER to him. It helps feed his god-complex when he gets personally involved and he'd never get involved with promoting the books.
CDRO:"Hmmm ... I suppose we can make deals with the chainstores. You know, give them really cut-rate deals, maybe half our usual price. Then let THEM worry about warehousing the excess books and how to get rid of them."
LMM:"Exactly, shift the burden down the line."
CDRO: "Then, once the stores have the books, we can send Darkly Preposterous and his apostles out to each location so they can place VP in high-profile locations like the 'new releases' sections. Maybe the dimbulbs that actually read this stuff will be fooled into buying another copy?"
LMM: "Brilliant, I wish I had thought of that! Even if the stores refuse to order more copies of the book we can use them as filler material in upcoming shipments. Once the stores have them on site, it'll be up to our stooges and their nerdy cohorts to make sure they get top-shelf exposure."
CDRO: "Sounds like a plan. I have some calls to make ..."

And with that, the CDRO shuffled off to his office to put the scheme in to action.  Wal-Mart
Power Cable, Nebraska
7:35 AM
Bob the LMM, who incidentally bears no resemblance to any living human, pulls up in front of the store in his Chevette/Milner coupe rig. He then goes inside and emerges a second later with an armload of model '32 Fords. Behind him, the Wal-Mart Greeter runs, huffing
"HEY!!-wheeze- Just wait-wheeze- a minute! What-wheeze- are you doing- wheeze- with those?
Bob replies; "I'm from LFL quality control. I'm here to check 'em against the real thing."
WMG- "Not until-wheeze- the manager-wheeze- gets here!
As Bob gets back into the Chevette tow car, the WMG lights a cigarette, then a second one (to smoke while holding the first one). She throws the match over her shoulder. It lands in the (real) Milner coupe, setting the upholstery on fire as Bob drives away, oblivious.

E-Z Rest Motel
Somewhere on the Dark World
Noon (or is it midnight? Who can tell?)

Hoppy was attempting to channel-surf, without much success; the TV was just a big Sunstone in a woodgrain-plastic box. Tal and Mar- Tah-, oh, the GIRL were off doing... whatever they were supposed to be doing, in the Castle- Hoppy had tuned out when the words "crazy uncle", "sewers" and "giant,garbage-eating spiders" were mentioned- while the Scholastic Overlord assigned to this project was doing his laundry in the next room. All the other rooms in the motel were empty. Really, who'd want to visit this place?

SO (entering) Hey, Hoppy, want to get a pizza?
HOPPY (bolting upright) Pizza? Here? On the Dark World? How do they grow the ingredients?
SO- What?
HOPPY- Well, let's review. One. No light reaches the ground. Two. The Icecharlies or whatever have no agriculture whatsoever-they live entirely off those giant seal things.
SO- Icecarls and Selski; speaking of names, why do you have one and I don't?
HOPPY- Ahem. Three. The Chosen have all the light BUT they don't do any work; the Underfolk do all their dirty work but they do it in darkness. Four. We know they have baked goods in the Castle- and since you mentioned names, have you ever seen so much we-cant-think-of-a-good-name-so-let's-just-capitalize-a-common-noun? - anyway, where does the grain come from?
SO- I don't KNOW! I just want to get this series running smoothly so I can get reassigned to "Harry Potter"!
HOPPY- And I to NJO. Now, about that pizza...

Power Cable, Nebraska
8:00 AM

As Bob looked at the smoldering, waterlogged remains of the one-and-only, original Milner Coupe that even still, the firefighters were going over, he could only wonder whether those rumors of Da Boss and Force lightning were true...

Meadow Carmella-Tony's House Of Authentic Italian-Chosen Cuisine
Castle of Light
The Dark World
Just after the lunch rush

*The only thing I don't like about this planet*, thought Hoppy, *Is everything. Except this pizza.*
If you, Gentle Reader (and the singular is probably accurate, if not optimistic, at this point), have ever had really, really, REALLY good pizza, you'll know what Hoppy's going through.
But it's 1:08 AM and I hardly know my own name. So I'll let Hoppy and the SO enjoy their meal. Considering what's coming up for them, they'd best bring a doggie bag...

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8/14/2024 5:48 pm  #36


Back to the Smackdown Palace site, and the wrestling tag-team match between the Del Rey Flunkies and the Extremist Cranks' Association...the Cranks have just sung their theme song, "We're Four of the Three Musketeers" to a somewhat underwhelming response from the Flunkeys (i.e. a chorus of razzberries). Suddenly, the Chief Del Rey Overlord and the Lucasarts Marketing Minion, usually content to spectate (only cheating here and there, when it's called for), feel a need to consult with their ultra-Flunkey himself, Darkly Preposterous...they motion him over to the sidelines...
Darkly Preposterous: (mutinously) "What NOW?"
CDRO: "Darkly, we have a problem--"
DP: "I'm just about to kick some Crank @ss! Don't bother me!"
LMM: "This is important! It's about the Lit Forum..."
DP: (scowling) "What about it?"
CDRO: "It's moribund--or haven't you noticed?"
DP: "Whaddyeyamean?"
LMM (sotto voce to CDRO): "He's no dumber than a bag of hammers, but he's no smarter, either..."
CDRO: (patiently) "Not too many people are posting, Darkly."
DP: "Lots of people are posting!"
CDRO: "I mean, that aren't you and your aliases...the turn-around on the first page averages three to four hours. I mean, it's getting as bad as ?Costuming and Props.'"
DP: "What's your point?"
CDRO: "Darkly, we use the Lit Forum to promote our product. And if people don't post, and don't read, we don't achieve our purposes..."
DP: "So?"
CDRO: "Well, Darkly, what do you think we grease your hairy little palm for? It's not ?cause we love your looks, or anything--"
LMM: "We need an audience, Darkly."
DP: "You've got one!"
LMM: "A bigger audience. We've done a little polling, and the biggest complaint the forum users have is about you..."
DP: "ME?"
LMM: "Yeah, you. They claim that your ego causes you to drive posters off..."
DP: "It's a lie! I MAKE that forum! The posters love me!"
CDRO: "Then who's this JediSword88 kid? There were a lot of complaints about that..."
DP: (virtuously) "He was promoting smut! I had to censor him!"
Anathema SkyPolo: (who has been listening to this) "What a crock--you banned him ?cause you thought he was more popular than you were. How many times has THAT happened? When a couple of forum weenies suggested he should become an administrator, I knew it wouldn't be long, and sure enough... "
Darkly leaps for ASP's throat, and is restrained by LMM...
CDRO: "Boys, boys, behave yourselves...Then there've been complaints about your credibility...they complain that you're our flunkey..."
DP: "I AM your flunkey!"
CDRO: "Yeah, I know. But it shouldn't be so obvious..."
DP: (eagerly) "Didn't you read that thread I posted? The one where I said I thought Lucasarts was out to get me ?cause I dissed McCallum?"
The Stooges (singing--a cappella): "He's a Rebel, and he'll never, never be any good..."
DP: (agog at his own audacity) "That was almost Crank, wasn't it?"
The Stooges (singing): "He's a Rebel, and he never, never does what he should..."
ASP: "That thread was just to promote that utterly lame-o web-site of yours, what's it called? Oh, yeah...'Star Wars Humor For Dummies'..."
DP: (to ASP) "Shut UP!!! (to CDRO and LMM) "Look, I know I'm misunderstood. I mean, being fabulous isn't easy...but I just HAVE to keep the Lit Forum pure...after all, it has to be worthy of me..."
A microphone drops from the ceiling, and Darkly moves to the center of the ring for his solo. The cowardly Cranks can be seen cringing and begging the Professor for ear plugs...he magisterially ignores their utterly craven behavior...

Darkly: (singing, if you can call it that):

"As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I've got a little list--I've got a little list
Of forum offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed--who never would be missed!
There's the pestilential nuisances who enumerate my gaffes?
All people who receive my posts with nasty, craven laughs?
All posters who are up in dates, and floor me with 'em flat?
All persons who, in posting posts, ignore my diktats

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8/14/2024 5:49 pm  #37



Episode VI: He had it coming.

The interrogation of Saint regarding his mysterious reappearance and more importantly his reconstruction continues.

Vader: (pointing at Padawan) After everything that little snot did, how did you manage to cut yourself such a sweet deal? Yoda and Obi-Wan look exactly as they did when they died and you get a full facial and lung reconstruction.

Padawan: Hey! All I did was go darkside. You?re the one who did all those naughty things for Palpy.

Vader: What things? Name me one truly evil act that BDD or DR have ever had the guts to attribute to me? Out of sight, out of mind. I may have wiped out the Jedi, but it all happened off screen. Moreover, Episode I showed that the Jedi deserved what happened. As far as LF is concerned I?m just another poor, misunderstand boy from the wrong side of the Rim who was pushed over to the Dark Side by a woman.

Padawan: (pointing at Saint) And then you become *him*. A badly disguised Christian allegory showing that no matter how badly you behave in life, a quickie conversion right before you cark it will spare you from eternal damnation.

Killer: Odd how in a galaxy so far, far away, the afterlife ? which is apparently only available to Jedi - so closely resembles that presented in a certain over-hyped book.

Saint: As a Jedi, your underhanded insults do not bother me

Killer: Then tell me, however did you manage to gain 20 kilograms *after* dying?

Episode VII: Death Eaters, Sith and other mysteries.

As Saint is impervious to the taunts of his former selves, Vader has decided a different approach is in order.

Saint is reciting the Jedi Code:

Peace over anger.
Honor over hate.
Strength over Fear.

Vader: You know, I think the old boy is technically in breech of copyright.

Killer: Why?

Vader: Well, that is the *Scholastic* Jedi code. And since Saint made his sole appearance in the EU in the BDD series, he should be using their code.

Killer: Which is?

There is no emotion; there is peace,
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the force

Killer: KJA?

Vader: Don?t worry. When DR decide to mention the Jedi code, I?m sure they?ll come up with a new one all of their own.

Padawan: You?re not nearly as smart as you like to pretend. Here you are whining about DR ignoring you when you are currently experiencing a rebirth over at Dark Horse.

Vader: Yeah, I know. But did you see that Death Star story? They made me scared of Tarkin! And then in that Dark Woman story not only did I have to kill an old woman, but she was half-naked when she was fighting against me! She was what - 60+ years old? That is *definitely* taking the fan boy obsession with naked women a step too far.

Padawan: Well, what about Scholastic?

Vader: Have you read the Jedi Apprentice books lately? Scholastic is so busy promoting Harry Potter, they?re ignoring the quality of it?s other publications.

Padawan: So what about trying out for Harry Potter. You know, make the transition out of Star Wars and become a "serious" character.

Vader: Like MAS?

Padawan: Yeah.

Vader: It?s not a bad idea. But don?t you think I would end up like KJA? Attaching myself to a previously successful series and slowly leeching the life out of it.

Padawan: I didn?t mean for you to be a writer, just an actor. That merely involves acting out the dribble, not creating it.

Vader: So what sort of roles have they got going?

Padawan: I think the chief villain in Harry Potter is perfect for you since he looks horrific and is diabolically evil.

Vader: Officially I?m offended. But I?m listening. . .

Padawan: He is the ultimate Dark Lord. His name is Palp... er... Voldemort... um... *He who can not be named!* He was sort of dead, but has recently come back to life.

Vader: Yuck! Palpatine in Dark Empire.

Padawan: He has lots of traitors, spies and turncoats working for him.

Vader: Palpatine in Episodes I, II, III, IV, V AND VI.

Padawan: He destroyed the parents of the hero.

Vader: Palpatine in Episodes IV *AND* II.

Padawan: And is about to give the hero a hell of a beating.

Vader: We are talking about a different Universe aren?t we?

Padawan: (checks his notes) I?ll get back to you.

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8/14/2024 5:50 pm  #38


Still in the Skywalker dressing room.

Suddenly a large bell sounds. Padawan cringes and starts searching around frantically for somewhere to hide.

Saint: Intermission is over. Let the games begin!

Vader: (addressing Padawan) You can run, but you can?t hide.

Padawan: Watch me.

Killer: It is unavoidable! It is your *DESTINY!*

Padawan: Please don?t send me back to that woman!

Killer: It?s got nothing to do with us. It?s just a lame literary device to remove you from the main action.

Padawan: (as he vanishes back to Amidala?s palace) NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Vader and Killer are returned back to the underground labyrinth beneath the Ranch.

Vader: (Looking around) No Ani? I feel better already.
Leia: (still rearranging her hair in a manoeuver begun in her dressing room) Are you two quite done? That . . . *thing* was obviously put down here to guard something. We need to find out what.
Killer: Well as soon as you two have finished sprucing yourselves up, maybe we can find out.

Several hours later . . .
Vader: I?m tired.
Leia: Tough
Killer: I need to go to the toilet.
Leia: You should have thought of that during intermission.
Vader: I?m hungry.
Leia: You can?t even eat.
Killer: But I can.
Leia: So you?ll starve.
Vader: How did we get such a horrible daughter?
Leia: You?re a Sith Lord. What did you expect?
Killer: Well, actually . . .
Leia: Will you two shut up? I?m supposed to be the annoying one.
Killer: You are!
Leia: So you be in charge. Figure out where we should be going.
Killer: Easy! (Chooses a direction at random and starts walking)

After five minutes
Leia: Are we there yet?
Killer: No.
Leia: Are we there yet?
Killer: No!
Leia: Are we there yet?
Killer NO!
Leia: Are we there yet?
Killer: (pauses for a moment then tries a different tact) Well . . . actually we are. (He yanks open the nearest door that is unfortunately labelled *WASTE MANAGEMENT*, throws Leia in and slams the door shut.


Vader presses his ear to the door.

More silence.

Vader: Aren?t you worried?

Killer: Are you kidding? She?s a politician. Lock her up in a room full of Pong and they?d commit mass suicide just to escape her.

Suddenly the door opens. Leia appears with an enormous grin on her face.

Leia: Are you coming in?
Vader: Well, we thought we?d let you investigate first.
Leia: I have. You?re not going to believe what I?ve found!

Vader and Killer enter the room tentatively. In the centre of the room on a pedestal sits a large cloaked object.

Leia removes the cover with a flourish.

Vader: We?ve won!
Killer: There?s no way the EU can stand against us with this in our possession!

Leia: What is it?
Vader: You?re the one who found it. Don?t you know what it is?
Leia: Sure I do. It?s THE original copy of Heir To The Empire. The book that while not the first EU work, is certainly the one that set the standard for this dribble.
Killer: But you don?t know its significance?
Leia: Which is?
Vader: It is a Temporal Character Magnet.
Leia: A what?
Vader: You know how in *Onslaught* Mara went to Dantooine to recuperate, and coincidently that was the next planet in the Pong invasion route, so the rest of the gang coincidently ended up there as well for a great big reunion?

Leia: So? That happens in every book. There are all these seemingly isolated threads until the climax where everyone is brought together.

Vader: Precisely! Only that doesn?t happen by accident. It is caused by the Temporal Character Magnet which is strategically placed at the final point of action so all the characters are gradually drawn to it over the course of the book or series.

Leia: Is there a speed option on it, because it didn?t draw me nearly fast enough during that Black Fleet Trilogy crap?

Vader: Author?s discretion.

Leia: So why is this useful to us?

Killer: Don?t you understand? The EU will come to a grinding halt without it. Imagine how differently the Pong invasion will work out if the Temporal Character Magnet

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8/14/2024 5:50 pm  #39


Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, the CDRO and LMMs are agonising over the latest in their ever-ending string of dilemmas.

LMM: We?re talking about an entire galaxy! An enormous, three-dimensional entity - height, width, and depth. And what is all this nonsense about cutting off hyperspace routes? GO AROUND!!!! Under! Above! Left! Right! ANYTHING!!!! It sounds terribly dramatic, cutting off the Empire, NR and Hapes from each other, but if you spend even a moment?s thought on the matter it is so shallow it is insulting. What sort of message is this sending out to our readers? That we think they?re witless morons, incapable of stringing a coherent thought together without our assistance?

CDRO: I should certainly hope so!

LMM: There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of planets in the galaxy. Don?t you think this ?Take the galaxy a planet at a time? approach is a little comical. Even when the Pong overrun Coruscant, there are still going to be an infinite number of planets out there that won?t have been touched,

CDRO: LMM, you?re THINKING again! We?ve talked about this before. You?re supposed to look at it from the fans? point of view.

LMM: But . . .

CDRO: No ?buts?. I paid good money for this series and I?m not going to bog it down in reality. Now, moving on to more important matters . . .

Suddenly the doors (which bear an eerie resemblance to the gates in Jurassic Park) burst open and in the midst of a swirling cape parades the Dark Horse Dynamo (DHD).

CDRO: Oh no!

LMM: What does HE want?

CDRO: Probably to gloat as usually. It could be worse though. It could be the Scholastic Supremo.

Right on cue, the aforementioned Scholastic Supremo (SS) appears to the tune of the as-yet-unwritten Harry Potter movie theme.

CDRO grits his teeth and tries to rearrange his rather shabby suit.

LMM?s jaw is hanging open in awe and amazement.

Once the smoke dissipates from the destruction caused by their entrances, the DHD and SS quickly espy each other. With narrowed eyes the pair circle each other. DHD throws some Force Lightning at SS who immediately counters by jumping on his broomstick and covering himself in the Cloak of Invisibility.

After several minutes CDRO becomes bored with watching SS torment DHD by repelling the Force Lighting AND ramming into him at unpredictable angles.


SS: Why?

CDRO picks up a copy of *Goblet of Fire* and walks over to a conveniently positioned fireplace.

SS: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Think about what you?re doing! You?ll be depriving some poor child of a truly remarkable book.

CDRO: Serves them right. You shouldn?t have deliberately showed us up like that by making the book over twice as long as the previous three. It made us look like complete idiots for cancelling Siege and still producing a book full of plot holes.

SS: Well considering the pathetic size of our JA books, I don?t see what your problem is.

CDRO: A year ago people were complaining about the size of the JA books. Now they?re just complaining about the books themselves.

SS: So what? I make more money from one Harry Potter book than you have from the entire NJO.

CDRO: Have you stopped by merely to exchange insults, or was there something you wanted to say?

SS: I just dropped by to warn you . . .

CDRO: . . . that with no new HP book for at least a year, you?re in serious financial trouble - unless you rush through the paperback version of HP4?

SS: (glares at CDRO) I?m amused. Really. Here you are facing the most potentially devastating tragedy in the SWU and you don?t even know about it.

DHD: (pushes his way past SS) It doesn?t affect me.

SS: Of course not. You don?t have plots in your juvenile comics.

DHD: Nobody has ever complained.

SS: That?s because they?re too busy staring at the scantily clad women.

DHD: A tact that is so successful that the CDRO has used it on the BP cover.

SS: Stop gloating. The principal Temporal Character Magnet has created the holoporn character from the 1978 Holiday Special. Only old ho**y Wookiees are attracted to her.

     Thread Starter

8/14/2024 5:51 pm  #40


There is no chapter 38.

You did not read that last line.

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