The Star Wars Humorous Versions

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8/15/2024 4:48 pm  #1


Ruin Humorous Version


PG-13 for language, Sex humor and drug references

 Authors: Jades Fire, Thrawn McEwok, Supreme Chancellor Thrawn, Dev Sibwarra, Itrakh,Opie Wan Cannoli, Zaz, CmdrMitthrawnuruodo, Darth Cerberus, 

Dramatis Personae

Luke Skywalker (Duh!)
Mara Jade Skywalker (human female from... somewhere. Vong-kicking Jedi Knight)
Corran Horn (human male from Burlington, VT, now living in Arizona, Jedi polic-I mean, Knight)
Gavin Darklighter (human male from Tatooine, Rogue Lead)
Jacen Solo (no so insufferable twit from Coruscant)
Jaina Solo (Jedi turned Rogue. Basically Corran backwards.)
Anakin Solo (human male, Jedi Knight)
Leia Organa Solo (Human female from Alderaan, Still Not a Jedi Knight)
Han Solo (drunken louse from Hell)
Chewie's ghost (ex-Wookiee from Kashyyyk)
Dorkus Felt'ya (Bothan male from Hell)
Anni Capstan (Human female, Star Trek Red Uniform Extra)
Danni Quee (Human female... Oops I forgot, she's not in this. Yeah!)
Shiddee Dai and the Pain Patrol (Yubyub Pong warrior and newest angry rap group)Wedge Antilles (war hero, inventor of the X-zimmer)
Borsk Feyl'ya (Republican politician)
Gilad Pellaeon (Imperial Grand Uncle)
Ephin Sarreti (Is it only me who thinks he's moffgoing to moffend up moffPresident?)
Jagged Fel (insufferable Imperial wunderkid, planning to bag-and-shag Jaina)     1.   First a musical Interlude from Shiddee Dai (sung to the tune of "I Love Rock and Roll")

I love inflicting pain,
So turn up another notch on the Embrace, baby.
I love inflicting pain,
So bow before me so I can kick your face.  Dorkus Felt'ya: So, where are we now? Is this the scene where I say you are a typical exagerating human?

Leiaa bit impatient) No Dorkus, that was Onslaught. This is the scene where you send your political oponents away on missions that will suposedly help you, and marginalize the destruction of Alderaan and make some anti-human statements.

Dorkus: Right, right, I keep forgeting, since, you know, pretty much everything I say is the same.

Leia: Knock it off Dorkus. You know your staring role in NJO came with a price.

Dorkus: (mutering)yeah, yeah, whatever. (Back to normal blustering posture) So, Leia, the Pong are now doing just to humans what the Empire did to aliens. Hah!

Leia: They destroyed my world, Dorkus. Look, do we have to do this in every book?

Dorkus: At least until I get killed off to appease the fans. Let's cut to the chase. You'll go and contact Grand Uncle Pell-an. Elegy, you, in your designated role as NJO martyr, have agreeded to try and contact the Pong.

Leia: Elegy, are you insane? Why would the Pong even atempt to negotiate? We know that their habits consist of beating slaves for fun. And their reaction to anyone that's not them is to hit them with a big snake that can somehow withstand a lightsaber blade. The only people that the Pong don't horibly kill on sight are blond babes.

Elegy: Well, one the rare occasions where I'm given a description, I'm described as having golden fur. So I have a chance.

Dorkus: Hmmm, he has a point. Even if he's not a babe.

Leia: But how will you even talk to the Pong? You can't just learn their language in the next few hours.

Elegy: Well, I'm sure their leader will have some way of learning our language incredibly quickly. Look, details don't matter. Are we supposed to fit everything into a 280 page book?

Leia: But how will you contact them? The Pong despise technology.

Elegy: I'll use a Villi-lip to contact them.

Leia: Where will you get one of those?

Elegy: Look, I told you, details don't matter. I have to willingly give myself over to the Pong, and they'll kill me in an incredibly gruesome way to prove how evil they are and hopefully make an excuse for a certain perfect Jedi to go over to the darkside for a bit.

Leai: Oh, now I see. Good plan.

[Meanwhile, Dyp Durron acted like a jerk, Jacen took the obligatory moment to remember that Chewie is dead, and Shiddee Dai poked himself with his embroidery needle and loved every second of it!]      Back in the NR meeting room:

Leia:Whatever happened to the Senate?

Dorkus:Uh... they all went on vacation.

Leiakay. Dyp, what's your opinion?

Dyp Durron:Invade! Kill them all!

Elegy:Uh, we're just ordering lunch.

Dyp:Attack the restaurants! Fight back against them!

Elegy:Uh huh. I'm going to mark that as "Twi'lek food".

Leia:I'll take the Twi'lek too.

Dorkus:Aha! So you ask for Twi'lek food because you think I'm an idiot alien who will believe that you do not discriminate against us just because you eat food made by nonhumans! You believe I will fall for your...

Elegy picks up a blaster and shoots Dorkus.

Leia:Wait, aren't you pacifistic?

Elegy:Yeah, but he got on my nerves. Besides, this is an MAS novel. Mike listens to fan opinions, so annoying characters will be killed in each chapter, or at least injured, then brought back for an even more humiliating death.

Suddenly, an Ewok rushes in with a spear, attacks Dyp, then runs into a wall, impaling itself on its own weapon.

Leia:You have to praise the efficiency. An Ewok and Dyp in one scene.

Dypw! He cut the finger I use to shoot at the people who invade my doorstep!


Dyp:Mostly girl scouts. Regardless, we must attack Endor! There is no other hope for...

Elegy:How did he get in here?

Leia:I forgot to change the locks.   
Back in the meeting room:

Traest:Now, Borsk, we must fight the Vong. Refuse, and I will leave the Star League and go to the Periphery, taking my army of BattleMechs with me.

Leia:What are you talking about? And why are you dressed like that?

Traest:The cooling vest and shorts? These are the clothes of a MechWarrior, worn to keep us from overheating.

Elegy:Wrong book. Wrong universe, for that matter.

Off in the distance, Dorkus spills coffee on the holoprojector and sparks shoot out to fry him.

Leia:We should change setting now. That way, we can't be killed on screen, and they wouldn't get rid of a main without letting us see it.

Elegy:Agreed. Besides, we have all of Siege to get through as well, so we'll have to hurry up.

(Note:The preceding BattleTech reference was only funny if you imagine a Bothan dressed like a MechWarrior)

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:02 pm)


8/15/2024 4:50 pm  #2



Meanwhile, over Bat-Land, the Imperial Capital:

Danni: Hey Leia, I've got a question. Being the incredibly brainy and beautiful blond babe that I am, and all.

Leia: What?

Danni: Why did you bring me along on this diplomatic mission?

Leia: Why do you ask that?

Danni: Well, I have no diplomatic skills, I don't have any standing in the New Republic governement, and I won't really do anything at all during this meeting. You introduce me as your aide, but wouldn't you take threepio if you needed an aide?

Leia: Look, even though your entire purpose in the Dark Tide series is to stand around and look beautiful and remind everyone about how smart you are, the Del Rey Overlords have reserved you for some big role latter in the NJO. So they made MAS write you in, just so the readers won't forget about you. (aparently some of them want to) she muttered under her breath.

Danni: Ah, I see. So now what?

Leia: Now we meet with the Imperials. They will be much more polite, far more eficient, and far more willing to help us then our own government, which is absolutely no way comentary on totalitarianism vs. democracy.

Danni: Did the Del Rey Overlords mandate that too?

Leia: You better belive it.

Back on Coruscant:

Luke, Mara, Dyp Durron, Wurth Nuttin, Gunner, Campy Solusar, Corran Horn, and DeadMeatTwilek'cor are all in council. As in all desperate situations, they are bickering over the furniture arangement.

Luke: Dyp, your opinion?

Dyp: Attack! Kill them all! (rubs his bandaged hand) After Endor is reduced, we will anhilate our enemies and scatter them to the four winds!

Mara: (whispering to Luke) Actually, I kind of agree with him on the Endor matter...

Luke: Dyp, wait a minute. I know you're angry because the Pong killed your apprentice, Shmiko Regular...

Dyp: Who?

Luke: Your know, they guy you've been training for the past few years?

Dyp: Oh yeah, him. Yeah! Kill the Pong! Vengeance for Shmiko! We will triumph!

Luke: Sorry, Dyp, but you won't have much to do here. We'll call you in near the end, when we have to describe some Jedi fighting other than myself and the Perfect Three. Now, Corran, Gunner?

Gunner: Yes?

Luke: The Pong have taken control of Gar-Key, and you two have to go in and lead a covert assault.

Corran: When did that happen?

Luke: During Seige.

DeadMeatTwilke'cor: Just like my personality.

Luke: Right. Now you two be on your way. We'll use the insertion as an excuse to have Jaina show off, and we'll have Wedge and Tycho hang around too, hey maybe they'll even get a few lines, just to show the fans Del Rey cares.

[Suddenly the whole room errupts in wild bouts of laughter]

Luke: Yeah, I have my moments. Anyway, Corran, Gunner, take Jacen with you.

[They both wince]

Corran: Do we have too?

Luke: Hell yes, you think I want him here with me? And MAS isn't writing him as nearly as much of a twit as RAS did.

Gunner: That's true... Shiddee Dai sat enveloped in a biohood in his personal chambers above the Legend of Taquitos. Somehow this hood was connected to the living neural tissue of the large living rock called Yankovich Chorale. As he became one with the rock, he noticed that they were orbiting the planet Dubbya, where earlier Pong attacks were repulsed.

His connection to the living rock allowed him to miraculously enter into the mind of one of the Chumprack slaves on the planet below. He saw through its eyes, and just before it was killed by a rabid infidel, Shiddee removed the hood so he wouldn?t be tainted by its death. He was tainted by enough things as it were. A vibrodeath would only ruin his impression with Dainty Lame, his scheming and plotting second in command punching bag.

When he was finished, he looked at his personal graveyard of Dai family heirlooms, and wished that he had his granpappies bones on display. He felt as if he had failed his ancestors, and whilst staring at a skull that was staring at him, he decided to Embrace himself. As leathery tentacles wrapped themselves around his wrists and ankles, another set wrapped around his head, forcing him to gaze upon some of the lesser loved SW novels. As the mind-numbing pain set in, he felt vindicated towards the Pong cause of intergalactic domination, because, heck, it was the will of the gods The three Solo children sat downstairs in the Solo Family Apartment Complex. They reminisced about all the unbelieveable and completely unlikely adventures that they had when they were mere toddlers.

Jaina: and then, remember the time that we were kidnapped?

Jacen: Which time?

Anakin: At least you didn?t have to deal with a droid covered with silicone representing maternal softness and four arms. I don?t think I?ll ever be the same?

Jacen: Try getting enclosed with the latest cookie-cutout hottie for five hours in, um, close quarters, only to be completely overlooked because you?re a teenager. Mature women. Hrmph?

Jaina: Hey, isn?t it time for us to have a unrealistic discussion about the Force or expectations of what we?ll become?

Jacen: Oh, um, sorry.

A drunken Voice: Hey, why?s everything so quiet down?here?did?somebody?.<trails off>

<Han Solo sloshes down the stairs and offers all three of his children a cold refreshing Colt .45>
Jacen: Um, Dad, um, we don?t need that.

Han Solo: I don?t want to be the only one drinking around here?

Anakin: Say, since you?re in a drunken stupor, I think now is a good time to bring up this whole Chewbacca issue, don?t you?

Jaina: <in a wise, all knowing and cringey big sister voice> Anakin, you?ve got to stop wallowing in self-pity. You?re dragging dad down with you. He hasn?t been this drunk since he wore those tights with that magician gal.

Jacen: You know, dad, you certainly aren?t setting the example here. What would happen if three sibling Jedi Knights went out and painted the town red like you are? Ever stop to think about that? This is not the sort of example that you ought to be setting for such young and impressionable minds, especially those of your children, who seem to be always portrayed as perfect anyway.

Han: I can?t help it. I?m not supposed to sober up till Hero?s Trial. It?s in my contract.

Jaina: Oh, well in that case, um, I guess it?s okay. I?ll just continue to perfect my way through everything, and hopefully I?ll find some nice young man to settle down with. I hear that Jiggy Fall, son of your old arch-rival Bornto Fall, is leading some super secret and elite answer to the formerly elite ROUGE squadron. Meanwhile, Leia and Elegy were having a heart-to-heart.
"Leia, I think I'll have the economy coffin. After all, no one will be able to see it, with the flag draped over it and all. Besides, what if the Elites' hawks poop on it?"
"Okay. But you're in the wrong universe. That seems to be happening a lot lately, for some reason."
"Leia," Elegy said in a we-need-to-get-even-more-serious kind of voice, "I have often wondered why you named your son after a dirty, rotten, moff-choking, evil, planet destroying, yippee-saying Sith Lord?"
"I always wanted to go on Jerry Springer. I thought seriously screwing one of my kids up was the easiest way. How could I have known it wouldn't take?"
"Was that the reason for the nanny droid too?"
"Yup. I can't believe Anakin turned out so..." (shudders)"..normal. I blame that Tahiri. I am SO glad she's not in NJO."

Meanwhile, Anakin was sneaking a private moment with Tahiri, who was her usual talkative self.
"I thought I wasn't supposed to be in DT? Wait a minute, is this "Siege" or something? I had the hardest time getting in- Valin Horn was with me, he had to lie about his age to get onto Snowboard but the admins are fixing that and how come I'm the only one who's meta-aware? I mean, really, a little never hurt anyone as long as the LMMs and DROs don't take the whole story away from us but most of them are working regular jobs now- one delivered the pizza just now. I wish we could've gone out but they have that no shoes no service rule and your new scruples won't let me mind trick them and.. what's the matter, Anakin? Bantha got your tongue? 

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8/15/2024 4:51 pm  #3


3. Some time earlier...

Shiddee Dai arrived in orbit around Poodubrillon, in his own special, souped-up, super-duper ship. He surveyed the planet with happy satisfaction. "This is what it feels like to be a God," he thought...
At this precise moment, he was surprised to encounter a small space station orbiting around the planet. The station issued a tractor beam and effortlessly pulled in the Pong's ship, much to his chagrin...
Once inside the station, Shiddee charged out of his ship, and nearly tripped over two Poodubrillonese, dressed in official-looking uniforms with ?Poodubrillon Customs and Immigration' on them.
First Poodubrillonese: "Name, please..."
SD: (indignantly) "Do you KNOW who you're talking to?"
FP: (impatiently) "Tell me your name, and I'll know."
SD: (abashed) "Um* name is Shiddee Dai..."
FP: "Spell that, please..."
SD: (obediently) "S-H-I-D-D-E-E D-A-I..."
FP: "What kind of name is that?"
SD: (apologetically) "Well, it sounds more alien than Trevor--that's my real name..."
FP (rolling his eyes): "No, I mean--where're you from?"
SD: "Out there somewhere."
FP: (writing this down) "Extra-galactic..."
Second Poodubrillonese: "Welcome to Poodubrillon! Population 25 million! See the sights! Spend your money! We love tourists!"
FP: (elbowing SP) "That's enough! We have to do our duty, first..." (to Shiddee) "Name of ship?"
SD: "?The Legacy of Torment...'"
FP: (deadpan) "Loved to have been a fly on the wall at THAT ship-naming ceremony...what was the runner-up name of choice? ?The Jeffrey Dahmer?'"
SD: "Say what?"
FP: "Never mind--profession?"
SD: "Genocide."
Second Poodubrillonese: (chattily) "I always say, genocide must be an awfully interesting way to make a living..."
FP: "No, no, I mean--what's your job description?"
SD: "Bone-cracking heavy..."
FP: "Okay. What are bringing into the system?"
SD: "The bones of my ancestors..."
FP: "Body parts require a permit..."
Shiddee is speechless; then he says--"Can I take five?"
FP: (suspiciously) "What for?"
SD: "Gotta go down to the planet's surface telepathically, so that we can have a little gratuitous violence, just in case the fans miss their video games..."
FP: "Well, okay, then. Makes sense to me. But five minutes ONLY."

**Insert mindlessly violent interlude HERE**

SD: "I'm back. That was the pain that refreshes..."
FP: "Whatever. Now I need your medical clearance"
SD: "Medical clearance?"
FP: "This ship appears to be composed of vegetable matter. It can't enter the system without a medical clearance..."
SD: "Okay, okay..."
FP: "Now, we'll have to inspect the ship..."
Shiddee shows the First and Second Poodubrillonese his ancestor's bones...
FP: "You'll definitely need a permit, that's all I can say...what's that?" (He points to appendages in the walls)...
SD: "This is my self-torture chamber..."
FP: "Self-torture? What's the point of that?"
SD: "Well, you gotta understand, we Pong can't have any explicit sex--they won't allow it. But the self-abuse, oops, I mean self-torture--is allowed. Everybody likes nice, clean sado- masochism...and the descriptions in the book are almost exactly like sex, but not enough to give us censor problems. Brilliant, wot?"
FP: (deadpan as ever): "Good thing these are for self-abuse--oh, excuse me, self-torture. If they were sex toys, you'd have to pay duty..."
At the end of the tour, the First Poodubrillonese turns to Shiddee--
FP: "Okay, you need a permit for the bones...a medical have to pay a fee to enter the's based on the size of your ship...that'll be 100,000 credits, please..."
SD: (sullenly) "I don't have a permit or a clearance..."
FP: (not missing a beat) "Then that'll be 200,000 credits. In cash, please..."
Sulkily, Shiddee pays up. As he takes off for the planet, he hears the Second Poodubrillonese say cheerily: "Enjoy your stay!" The First Poodubrillonese doesn't look up. He's still counting his money.

*See, Itrakh? It's catching... Meanwhile,

Any member of the New Republic at any time, but most specifically when encountering something bordering on evil or surprising:

*Um, Emperor Paalpy's Black Osteoporosis-laden Bones!

repeated a kajillion times.

* face/biggrin/face  

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8/15/2024 4:53 pm  #4


4.  Behind the Books:

Behind the Books brings you never seen before information concerning the latest Star Wars novels. One year ago, deep within the bowels of the publishing wing of the ranch, a meeting took place. In attendance were MAS, the Chief Del Rey Overlord, and his minion.

MAS: "Well, what did you think of my detailed outline for Dark Tide?"
CDRO: "Loved it, but we've got a few issues."
MAS: "Issues? What kind of issues?"
CDRO: "This whole Karrde/Shada sub-plot about gathering information on the Pong has got to go."
MAS: "You're kidding me?"
CDRO: "Karrde is just Zahn's alter ego. We don't need him in the NJO."
MAS: "Who, Karrde or Zahn?"
The CDRO squints angrily at MAS for that last remark.
MAS: "I think you are wrong."
CDRO: "Plus, this Antillies-Fel family reunion has got to go too."
MAS (agast): "What!?! Fans have been demanding this almost as long as a main death."
DRO#2: "We don't care what the fans demand."
CDRO: "We don't want too much linkage to the Bantam line either."
MAS: "You guys are all wet."
CDRO: "Same goes for Admiral Parck. Ditch him."
MAS: "You guys are killing me. What's wrong with Parck?"
CDRO: "Linkage. Too much of a nod to Zahn."
DRO#2: "You can keep Fel's son and his squadron though. He makes a good love interest."
CDRO: "You'll have to scale back Pellaeon's scenes too.
MAS: "Let me guess, too much Zahn."
DRO#2: "Hey, you catch on quickly."
MAS: (rolls his eyes) "Anything else."
CDRO (fips over the next page) "Yes, this second Eye thing. I don't know about that."
MAS: "What's wrong with it. I wasn't going to have them find it."
DRO#2: "Were not comfortable reminding people of what's-her-name's novels."
CDRO: "We've ruled her out of writing for the NJO because of fan reaction."
MAS: "I thought you didn't listen to what fans demand?"
CDRO: "Only in matters where profits will suffer do we listen."
MAS: "Oh, how noble of you."
DRO#2: "Just scale back this second Eye thing."
MAS: (annoyed) "Whatever."

After this short commercial break, Behind the Books continues with more about the Truth behind The Dark Tide. <insert commercial for a P&G laundry detergent> We now continue with our look behind the process behind the latest SW novels.

CDRO: "These Noghri names bother us too."
MAS: "What's wrong with them."
CDRO: "They all have the KH naming convention."
MAS: "As they should."
DRO#2: "We took a lot of heat for not knowing about it."
CDRO: "We need to embarass the fans who complained about it."
DRO#2: "We want you to switch the K and H in a couple of the names."
MAS: "You'll just be compounding the problem."
CDRO: "No, we'll be saving face."
MAS: "You guys are a petty bunch."
CDRO: "Finally, you spend too much time with Rogue Squadron. This isn't an X-Wing book."
MAS: "But, I've got to spend time developing some characters that die."
DRO#2: "Why? What's the point?"
MAS: ( ) "So the fans will care about them, and be devastated when they die."
DRO#2: "Jaina is devastated. That's good enough."
MAS: "But that is telling, not showing."
DRO#2: "Potato, poh-ta-toe."
MAS: "You guys have just cut out almost one book's worth of material."
CDRO: "Oh, well, it looks like you'll be writing a duology instead."
MAS: "The fans won't be happy to hear you cut one of my novels."
(The CDRO and his minion huddle together for a conference.)
CDRO: "We'll cut 1 paperback from each year."
DRO#2: "And call it plot restructuring."
CDRO: "The fans will never know the truth."
MAS: "You guys are idiots, do you know that?"
CDRO: "But we're the idiots in charge."
CRO#2 (chuckling slightly) "Let us know when you have a revised outline."

Next on Behind the Books ....  

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8/15/2024 4:54 pm  #5


Leia is remembering her parting with Elegy.

Leia: "Elegy how could accept this fate?"
Elegy: "I have no choice."
Leia: "You know you're gonna die don't you."
Elegy: "Yes. But it's what I am here for."
Leia: "What are you talking about?"
Elegy: "Come on Leia, you can't be that dense."
Leia: "Elegy stop insulting me."
Elegy: "I have to go. My death will affect you and especially Corran. It will help your character development."
Leia: "And end yours."
Elegy: "The architects of the NJO are so devoid of plot ideas, they think that death is the only way to advance characters."
Leia: "That is so lame and stupid."
Elegy: "You're telling me."
Leia: "First Chewie, now you. Who's next?"
Elegy: "Jaina's squadron buddy dies."
Leia: "But we never knew her."
Elegy: "Then a Jedi just introduced bites it."
Leia: "Another Jedi?"
Elegy: "And this is only a paperback."
Leia: "What do you mean?"
Elegy: "The hardcovers are supposed to be the big events, so look for higher profile deaths after I am gone."
Leia: "Like who?"
Elegy: "The betting line says Lando goes, Jacen probably goes."
Leia: "Why? My family has suffered enough."
Elegy: "They gotta kill one of the kids to advance the character development of the two other kids."
Leia: "But why Jacen?"
Elegy: "Well, Anakin is serving as a balance to the new stuff they're putting out about your pop."
Leia: "Bail?"
Elegy: "Which Bail? Nevermind. No, your real father, Anakin."
Leia: "Oh, yeah, I forgot."
Elegy: "And they need a young female Jedi character, so that makes Jacen the odd kid out."
Leia: "Wonderful. Guess I should start preparing myself."
Elegy: "Luke's in for a rough time too."
Leia: "What does Mara die?"
Elegy: "Eventually. They are gonna cure her, then get her pregnant, then kill her off in childbirth and Luke will eventually hook up with Danae."
Leia: "What lameO came up with that idea?"
Elegy: "It doesn't matter. It just goes to show you the level of thought that is going into this storyline."
Leia: "Well, I am really going to miss you Elegy."
Elegy: "And I, you, Leia. Please tell Corran to grow a brain after I am gone."
Leia: "What do you mean?"
Elegy: "I was getting tired of being his moral compass. He needs to think for himself for a change."
Leia: "Okay. Bye Elegy."
Elegy: "So long Princess."

<Throws Thrawn's Ghost in who shimmers into view like the Jedi at the meeting just before the Battle For Ithor> (Ignore this, I just had to have him say this)

Thrawn's Ghost- I died to protect this galaxy and that Bothan is going to let the Vong destroy it by ignoring them! You *Points to Treast* should have rid your pathetic government of your cousin when he first showed no interest in the good of the Rebellion in favor of gaining power! And stop threatening to take the Fleet to the Unknown Regions and carving out an Empire. Its already taken. You, *glares daggers at Fel'lya* you, I dont know how you became Cheif of State but you had better step down or I'll haunt you for an eternity. You *slaps Jagged Fel in the back of the head* are a disgrace. Your father has taught you better manners when it comes to politicians. You *points to Pellaeon* get out of that uniform. You *glances in Luke Skywalkers direction* stop your whinning over the two factions among your Jedi and listen to your pupils. You may just learn something from them. You *points to Han Solo* stop grieving for your friend and avenge him. You *looks at Mara Jade* for crying out loud. Take this *hands her a vile* I really cant find anything wrong with you except for that disease. *turns to the Twi'lek Jedi that died* What were you thinking? A superweapon will not solve the Vong crisis! It will only make the problem worse. *he again glares at each and everyone one of the Imperials and Rebels, then stops at the Chiss pilots says a few words in Chiss and the Chiss look down in shame* Oh and one more thing, Jag. WE ARE NOT GRIM! And where the hell is Admiral Ackbar and General Bel Iblis! They should be the ones in command here! *is furious*

Jacen walked into the family living quarters on Core-u-skank, though he couldn't remember why he was there. His twin sister Jaina sat on the couch with one legged crossed over the other. She looked rather impatient as the dangling leg was rocking rather quickly. Over near the window, his younger brother Anakin was staring out the window. Jacen entered the room and approached his sister.

Jacen: "Hi Jainy, how are you doing?"
Jaina: "Well, I could be better, but... How are you?"
Jacen: "Oh, my usual self, but I can't figure out why I am here."
Jaina: "I know! I mean, I should be with the squadron drilling new recruits, but I am stuck here for some unknown reason."
Jacen: "What about you Ani? Do you know why we are here?"
Ani: "No, I don't."
Jacen: "What are you staring out the window for?"
Ani: "I have to get in my required brooding and feeling guilty over Chewie, so this seemed like as good a time as any."
Jacen: "Well, if no one knows why we are here, I say we blow this pop stand."
Jaina: "I am with ya!"
(Upstairs a voice booms "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.")
(Jacen and Jaina look at each other and mouth the word "Dad".)
Han: (runs out pulling on his shirt) "You guys are here so I can make my appearance in this book."
Ani: "Okay, you've appeared, now can we go?"
Han: "Don't you want to stay and toss back a few drinks with good ole Dad?"
Jaina: "Mom says alcohol is evil, Dad."
Jacen: "And that we shouldn't drink it."
Han: "Who said anything about alcohol?"
Ani: "Isn't that the impression you want to leave, that you are a drunken louse."
Han: "I am not a drunk."
Jacen: "Well, this writer sure wants us to think you are."
Ani: "If you are not a drunk then what's going on."
Han: "I've got to make a brief appearance just so readers know I am still broken up and not dealing well with the loss of Chewie."
Ani: "I know how you feel. This brooding bit bites big time. I mean, I've killed how many Pong and their slaves, I should be over this by now."
Han: "They have to drag it out until the next hardcover."
Jaina: "Until the next high profile death, then someone else gets to brood for a year."
Jacen: "Pretty soon, everyone's going to be brooding. At least we'll all have company."
Han: "Listen, I've kept you away from your real duties long enough. See you in a month or two."
All three: "So long Dad."

     Thread Starter

8/15/2024 5:03 pm  #6



 Meanwhile, on the Bothan Attack Cruiser, Jaina and Jacen are exchanging some extremely bizarre dialogue, even by the usual Stackpole standards...

Jaina: "I don't think I've ever felt you this agitated..."
Jacen: (muttering) "That's not exactly a line you hope to hear from your sister, if you get my meaning..."
Jaina: "Say what?"
Jacen: (louder) "Nor, apparently, ever found me this much out of control of my emotional broadcasting..."
Jaina: "Sheesh. Does it hurt to talk like that? Emotional broadcasting?"
Jacen: "Yeah. I can bring in holonet stations from Core-u-skank on my ears...wanna hear?"
Jaina: "I'll pass--whassup?"
Jacen: (sighing) "I gotta do the angst bit.."
Jaina: (rolling her eyes) "Well, hurry it up, already, ain't got all day.."
Jacen: "You think I enjoy this?"
Jaina: "I don't really know, and I don't care, either..."
Editor (entering, stage right, with a script in his hand): "Stop bickering! Jaina, you're supposed to act like his grandmother. Jacen, you're supposed not to want to strangle her for it. Now get on with it!"
Jaina: (irritated--to the Editor) "Oh, alright!" (To Jacen) "Now, where were we?"
Jacen: "You're gonna to lecture me, aren't you? EVERYBODY lectures me. I've heard so many boring lectures that sometimes I think I'm back in freshman poly sci..."
Jaina: "Well, you gotta be one of the most atypical 16-year-old males ever..."
Jacen: "Why?"
Jaina: "They don't generally think about philosophy--usually they've got only one thing on their minds..."
Jacen: "What's that?"
Jaina: "Getting some. Oh, and clearing up their complexions--make that two things--"
Jacen: (his voice trembling) "Are you saying I have zits?"
Jaina: (with great frankness) "You look like your face caught fire and somebody tried to put it out with a track shoe..."
Jacen: (leaping to his feet) "Well, it's better than puppy fat--"
Jaina: (glaring at him) "Just what are you suggesting, bantha brain?"
Jacen: (leering) "Saw you on the back flap of "Balance Point". Have a bit of a tummy, don't we? Better sign up for ?Intergalactic Weight Watchers'--"
Jaina: (shrieking) "Sithspawn!"
Jacen: "Well, that's better line than ?the Emperor's Black Bones.' But only just--"
Jaina doesn't waste any time on this--she goes for his throat--
Editor enters and quickly intervenes, breaking Jaina's stranglehold on Jacen--
Editor: "Now, stop that! You are NOT supposed to act like real adolescents..."
Jacen: (breathing heavily and glaring at his sister) "Why not?"
Editor: "This is fantasy, remember? You luvvvv each other--you're uniquely connected--you support each other through thick and thin--you nurture each other..."
Jacen: (muttering) "Sounds more like science fiction to me..."
Editor: (sternly) "This much realism we don't need. I want to see you hug each other..."
Jaina: "I will like hell--"
Jacen: "Ditto, I'm sure."
Editor: (pointedly) "Do I have to send you two to ILM for adjustments? Now give him a hug, Jaina. I mean it!"
Jaina gingerly hugs Jacen--the type of hug you give would a bubonic plague sufferer if you were afraid of infection...and Jacen endures it, just...
Editor: "Good. Now, proceed with the lecture--make it good--"
Jaina: "Ahem--It's just like when you were younger, Jacen. You are prepared for the job, but you've not done it yet. You are off thinking about the next big thing, and the little thing in front of you might eat you up..."
Jacen: "What the hell does THAT mean?"
Jaina: "You can't see the forest for the trees, pizza face..."
Jacen: "Drop dead, thunder thighs..."
Jaina: "Mouth breather..."
Jacen: "Nerf-herder..."
Jaina: "Lamebrain..."
Jacen: "Hambone..."
Jaina: "Pimply..."
Jacen: "Porky..."
Uttering cries of rage, they go for each other's throats AGAIN....the Editor decides to give up and let them fight it out... 

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:04 pm)

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8/15/2024 5:04 pm  #7



 Dorkus Felt'ya is wandering about at loose ends since he is between his usual villainous cameos in NJO books, when whom should he encounter but the blandest blonde bimbo in the galaxy, the Mighty Aphrodite herself, Danae Twee...

Dorkus: "Hey, aren't you Leia's aide?"
Danae: (grimly) "Not anymore..."
Dorkus: "What happened?"
Danae: (grandly) "She and I had a falling out..."
Dorkus: (smirking) "Join the club. Why, exactly?"
Danae: "She's just jealous--"
Dorkus: "Jealous of what?
Danae moves in this strange spotlight that seems to follow her around, and grabs a handy microphone. She cradles it to her chest, and says: "She's jealous because..."
Dorkus: (encouragingly) "Because...?"
Danae: "Because...."
(Here Danae bursts into song--)

"Because I'm a blonde, I don't have to think.
I talk like a baby, and I [don't] pay for drinks. Never have to worry 'bout gettin['] a man--
[As long as I] keep this blond and I keep these tan,
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I see people working and it only makes me giggle 'Cause I don't have to work; I just have to jiggle--
I'm a blonde, B-L-O-N-D[-E]
I'm a blonde; don't you wish you were me?

I never learned to read, and I never learned to cook,
Why should I bother when I look like I look?
I know lots of people are smarter than me,
But I have this philosophy:
So what?
I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I see girls without dates, and I feel so sorry for 'em,
'Cause whenever I'm around, all the men ignore 'em,
'Cause I'm a blonde, nyah, nyah, nyah.
'Cause I'm a blonde, nyah, nyah, nyah.

They say that to make it, you need talent and ambition--
Well, I got a ?worthy' vote, and this was my audition:
Everybody else I know was killed by the Yubyub Pong...
But when they came to me, I just said, well, pardon my sarong--
[Duck], Smiko, [duck]!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm a blonde; don't you wish you were me?
I just want to say that being chosen this month's Miss Yavin
Is, like, a compliment that I'll remember for as long as I can
The DROs have big plans for me, you needn't wonder why--
The brunettes are dull, the redhead's sick--
My apotheosis is nigh!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Other girls think I'm snotty, and maybe it's true
With my hair and body, you would be too--
I'm a blonde, B-L- ...
I don't know!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah.
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Dorkus: "I know that song--it's from "Earth Girls Are Easy."
Danae: "It sure is..."
Dorkus: "You don't suppose--that's why the Pong invaded? They think earth girls really ARE easy?"
Danae: "Definitely. I mean, why else?"
Dorkus: (walks away while shaking his head) "And I thought there was some really profound reason..."
Danae: (fluffing her hair) "Nahhhh. They just couldn't resist me..." 

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:05 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/15/2024 5:05 pm  #8



 <Earlier, somewhere on Core-u-skank that will undoubtably become the new Jedi Temple.>

Corran and Mara are having a lightsabre battle. Why? Because in the cheesy, not to mention cliched tradition of mainstream fiction the device that will save the day at the end of the story must be demonstrated early on. The reason for this? I have no idea but strongly suspect it has something to do with testing the intelligence level of the average DR reader.

Mara: Where are we?
Luke: Jedi headquarters.
Corran: What happened to Yavin?
Luke: We?ve had twenty years to cultivate Sith apprentices there. It?s time to let them spread their wings while we tackle the Yuzzy Pong..... Speak of the devil, here is our first candidate.

[Dyp enters, complete with bad-ass Sith cloak and attitude.]

Dyp: Wipe them out... All of them!
Mara (smirking): We did.
Corran (whining): Can I kill him? He?s better than me and I don?t like it.
Mara: Here, this will help. (She hands him a book entitled "One thousand and one ways to kill a Jedi and keep them dead", by Darths Sideous and Edaj). I *personally* recommend it.
Luke: That isn?t a very Jedi-like attitude.
Corran: He blew up an entire Star System and got to remain a Jedi. Why can?t we b**ch about him?
Luke(whispers to Mara and Corran so Dyp can?t hear him): _Because he?s more powerful than I am. Be careful_
Mara and Corran just look at each other confused and shrug.
Corran: I?m better than everyone.
Mara: I instructed you in the art of responsible Force using. You don?t really think you're better than me? _Do you_?
Luke (speaking in a very small voice): Of course not dear.

Dyp: Everyone is waiting to start the Council of War.
Luke (trying desperately to regain his dignity): It?s not a council of war. Jedi do not go to war. We are protectors and defenders, not aggressors.
Mara: If we weren?t in a war on Dantooine, what was it?
Luke: No major characters were killed.
Corran: Just half the stand-ins!
Mara: What were my token fights with Yubby Pongs in VP and DTO? Aerobics? Boxercise?

(Luke doesn?t answer. He merely shuts his eyes and meditates. Praying desperately to the Force that no one will dare question the Jedi Master further.)
Mara: That?s not fair. I?m a Jedi Master too now.
Corran: How?
Mara: (pointing at Luke) I?m _his_ Master.
Corran: Why aren?t I a Jedi Master?
Mara: Because you?re getting replace by Gunner. There?s already too many middle aged characters in the EU. The youngsters are the real heroes of the story. Your kids will probably replace you eventually.
Dyp: What about me?
Mara: You were called a Master in VP, but you?ve been deliberately left out of the Dramatis Personae so no one knows your exact title.
Dyp: That?s not fair. I?m supposed to be more powerful than him (points to Luke who is still desperately meditating).
Corran: Life?s tough.
Dyp (grinning maliciously): Especially when you are about to lose your day job.   Poodubrillon -- Pong Recruitment Drive.

Shiddee Dai: Next applicant!
A cowering human extra (C.H.E) enters.
Shiddee Dai: Why wish you to become a Pong?
C.H.E: I wish to be a mindless slave to the latest deadly threat to the galaxy.
Shiddee Dai: What do you feel you could personally contribute to our cause?
C.H.E: Well, I feel that my abilities at brown-nosing, and shamelessly sucking up to those in positions of authority are unsurpassed.
Shiddee Dai: Sounds good. Just step this way so we can test your physical attributes....

<Insert mindlessly violent interlude here>

Shiddee Dai: Lots of blood... Didn?t pass out... And most importantly he didn?t vomit on my new white bunny fur slippers. Jeedai blood tastes awfully nice but Jeedai pelt makes for even more comfortable footware. Take him away to the priests to be prepared.
Dainty Lame: Prepared for what?
Shiddee Dai: I?m not sure. (looks at the script) "He had embraced his insignificance, which means our inculcation can give him new significance. He is a vessel ready to be filled with the truth of the universe...." Who the hell wrote this crap. I can?t work like this. I feel like a complete idiot. I?m the chief Pong here. Why don?t I get to do anything but spout lame dialogue and slit a few throats. Anyone would think I?m not going to be the star villain of the NJO.

Shiddee Dai storms off carrying his stuff Ikrit doll.


A short time later still on Poodubrillon, Shiddee Dai is decorating his new bachelor pad.

Shiddee Dai: Leave the fish tank there. They are so bright and colourful. They?ll go wonderfully with our new colourful new guest.
Dainty Lame leads Elegy in.
Shiddee Dai: Hubba hubba. Do you normally run around in a loin cloth?
Elegy: No, but since I got two whole paragraphs dedicated to my "long limbs" and "supple strength", I felt that it was the perfect outfit for the occasion. Sorry I couldn?t master your tongue.
Dainty Lame (leering): You can master my tongue any time you like.
Shiddee Dai: If you had a villip with which you managed to figure out how to contact us, why couldn?t you use one of our other super-duper-as yet unexplained-magic-tricks to learn how to speak Poodoo?
Elegy: Because humans are the stars of this series so we all need to speak Engl... er Basic, so as to avoid alienating our readers.
Shiddee Dai: Makes sense to me! Welcome aboard Elegy. We will endeavor to make your stay as painful and intellectually satisfying as Pongingly possible throughout Siege and until we have to martyr you in Ruin.

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:05 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/15/2024 5:24 pm  #9



 Red Rooster, hovering over Gucky

Contrary to Luke?s original pronouncement about Jedi not being warriors and participating in wars, he has inexplicably sent Corran, Gunner and Jacen into temporary gun-ho macho marine mode.

Gunner: Don?t you think making a covert incursion onto Gucky will annoy the Pong? There isn?t anyone important here so nothing much will happen to it. But if we go there, you can be sure there will be mass destruction.
Corran: (looking in a mirror, arranging his hair to cover his receding hairline) Yeah, yeah, whatever. It is the will of the Force. Do you think this outfit makes me look fat?
Gunner: (rolls his eyes) Pops, look at me. I?m the new pinup boy for the NJO. By the end of the series I?ll be set up with some gorgeous babe, and in the meantime I get to play the field. The chick from Onslaught is out of the picture and I?m getting set up with Danae Quee in Knightfall. You?re old and out-of-date. Don?t waste your time agonising over your appearance. It won?t make any difference.
Corran: (ignoring Gunner) Jacen, how old do you think I am?
Jacen: Are you kidding? Uncie Luke isn?t here anymore so I?m not going to waste my time sucking up to you, *OLD MAN*.
Corran runs into the fresher to reapply his makeup and toupee.

Elsewhere on the Red Rooster

Traest: Despite the fact the Farce ? umm, Force ? can?t be used on Pong, we are nevertheless sending three Jedi who didn?t even finish High School, are barely literate, and have no specialised training for these sort of activities, to Gucky.
Super-duper tough (human) spy guy (SDTSG): Why?
Traest: So we can so infuriate the Pong it will take them a whole month to reach Iffy. This will give us time to cover the events of Siege, and the chance to get rid of Corran. Besides, (picking a piece of fluff off SDTSG?s red shirt, you?re not scheduled for destruction until the end of Ruin.
SDTSG: Make?s sense to me.


Lost Hope ? on board the Red Rooster ? hovering above Gucky!

Jacen: The name of this ship doesn?t exactly inspire hope does it?
Gunner: It?s a rather pathetic reference to Episode IV: A New Hope, and the fact we are supposedly going to be killed in this thing. Think it?ll work?
Corran: Tut, tut. Such cynicism from one so young. The Pong know how to read Basic so when they find the wreckage and discover the name of this deceptively sturdy ship they?ll be fooled into thinking we were killed ? hence the name of the ship.
Jacen and Gunner just roll their eyes.
Jacen: Spell cynicism for me, Corran.
Corran: Um, S ? I ? N ? A - ... um, um ...... you?re both under arrest. You?ll crack under interrogation! You punks think you?re tougher than me - and better looking, and stronger, and so damn sexy...... (grabs Jacen) **Give me your body**. We?ll do a Star Trek mind swap thingy.

Jacen Force-pushes Corran against and ejects the Lost Hope out of the Red Rooster in the hope of killing Corran. Even if he got killed in the process ? which was impossible of course since he was obviously fated to be the deep-thinking Jedi Master and Council member of the Future ? the chance of *really* killing Corran was far too good an opportunity to pass up.
  Best Chance ? inside Lost Hope ? formerly aboard the Red Rooster hovering Gucky ? now hurtling towards Gucky

Gunner: Don?t you think this is taking the Trojan Horse concept one step too far?
Corran: What?s a horse?
Jacen: Who?s a Trojan?
Gunner: (rolls his eyes) Why have I been stuck with you clowns? A washed-up cop and the Master?s nephew? Where are all the other Jedi Knights? Surely, there is no need to send these bratty kids along on all the serious missions?
Jacen: Hey, I heard that!
Gunner: Not suprising since you?re sitting right next to me.
Jacen: Are you suggesting Uncie Luke is playing favorites by sending me on such a dangerous mission instead of all the fully trained Jedi who are just sitting around waiting for the battle at Iffy?
Gunner: Yes. It?s either that or he wants to kill you as well as Corran.
Corran: (starting to get *really* paranoid) Who?s trying to kill me? Why? (Frantically tugs on his toupee and sucks in his beer belly) I?m not old. I?m in my prime. There isn?t a Jedi alive who could match me. *That?s* why you two have been sent. To benefit from my superior wisdom and knowledge.
Jacen: Well it certainly wasn?t to learn TK from you. How badly did you fail that class? I thought it was mandatory for becoming an apprentice.
Gunner: Unless of course you?re the Master?s nephew, in which case you can pretty much do what you choose and you?re still guaranteed to become a Jedi Master in record time.
Corran: I don?t need TK. I got exceptionally high marks on beauty skills and personal hygiene maintenance. All women, and no small number of men, fall down and grovel at my feet when I approach. Don?t deny you feel my magnetic pull.

Gunner and Jacen are highly amused.

Gunner: When was the last time you took that test pops? All Jedi are required to be retested for an appropriately high level of sexiness (LoS) every year. We (nods at Jacen) have passed ours and received exceptionally high marks, hence we are on the main mission in this story. Do you see some ugly alien ? oops, sorry ? *non-human*, running this show? Even Luke and Mara, the middle aged couple who are obliged to make an appearance, have been sent on a pointless side trip that will largely be covered in Siege and thus will seem pointless and inexplicable to readers.


Meanwhile, Jaina is flying around the Lost Hope determined to blow up the ship.

Jaina: Out of my way you non-Force sensitive freaks. I need to destroy that ship! The future of the galaxy depends on it!

Gavin: <Yawn> When doesn?t it?

Rogue Squadron 12: Now Jaina, we need to think of an appropriately cheesy nickname for you so we can integrate you into our elite-fighting unit as quickly as possible. You will become a nameless, faceless member of the military. This is important as no one cares when a stranger get killed (switches off intercom) - and we *really* need to kill you.

Jaina: Wow! I can?t believe Force-blind people can fly ships. That?s so wizard! Maybe I could try to teach you how to read. It?s really quite simple. Well for a Jedi of course. But perhaps one or two of you could pick it up.....

Jaina flies up to the Lost Hope in a series of incomprehensible maneuvers recycled from the last umpteenth number of EU novels and released all her torpedoes.

The Lost Hope is destroyed.

Jaina: Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!

All of Rogue Squadron simultaneously shudder and release all of *their* torpedoes at her in a desperate attempt to permanently rid the galaxy of all Force using, yippee yelling pilots.

The Forces that be miraculously destroy all the torpedoes since Jaina has to survive at least until her solo novel (no pun intended!).

The Best Chance escapes Jaina?s torpedoes and flies down to Gucky.

Jaina: $@#% *&^% @&$$!

Jacen pulls down his pants and presses his naked butt up against the rear window of the Best Chance. Corran immediately goes into hysterics when he catches sight of Jacen?s, er... little friend, and runs to the communications system to call his plastic surge Four months after Chewbacca?s death, Rogue Squadron decides to do some sightseeing at Serpindal.

Gavin: Do you have a problem going to Serpindal, Jaina?
Jaina: Why would I? It?s another asteroid belt where I can set a new record.
Gavin: What about... well you know, your friend Chewbacca?
Jaina: Who? Oh! HIM. Well he?s not mentioned in this chapter so it?s quite ok.
Gavin: Just checking.

Asyr strolls past but is screened from Gavin?s view by a large screen labeled "SEIGE".


Gavin: Emperor's Black Osteoporosis-laden Bones!**

The Pong?s big, bad naughty planet-killing machine* is twice as big as all the KJA big, bad naughty planet-killing machines, indestructible (just like the Suncrusher), and worst of all has no thermal exhaust port.

Gavin: Someone wiser than me will have to figure this out.
Jaina: oooo, ooo, let me, let me!!!!
Gavin: Jaina, being a Jedi and therefore an inherently superior being compared to the rest of us poor fools, why don?t you emulate your uncle and go destroy that thing?
Jaina: But I don?t want to follow in my family?s footsteps.
Gavin: But Luke is a Jedi.
Jaina: Oh that?s right. OK, I?m going in! Cover me.

The entire squadron immediately flees the system.

Jaina: Force-blind fools! I?ll show them.

Jaina is immediately trapped by a Pong really, super duper strong force beam for ships.

Pain Patrol Goon 1: Jaina Solo. You are not supposed to be here.
Jaina: How do you know my name?
PPG1: It?s painted on the side of your ship along with your picture, personal details, override codes for your ship and a HUGE reward for your death.
Jaina: Oh, that. I?m a Jedi, you can?t kill me. I am going to destroy your big, bad naughty planet-killing machine.
PPG1: You can?t.
Jaina: There?s no such word as "can?t"
PPG1: Your little brother is supposed to kill us in AoC2:JE when he flies an even bigger big, bad naughty planet-killing machine.
Jaina: Well, I suppose there isn?t much I can do about that then. But I am going to destroy all your ships at Iffy and Gucky to make up for it.
PPG1: Fly away little Jeedai. All those snails out there really want that reward.

* Does anyone have a link for that story?
**Itrakh's line

Corran has been surfing the holonet and found the follow personal advertisement from Gucky:

Wanted: An incredible sexy male, preferable human, for isolated misunderstood woman. Must be tall, dark hansom, self-absorbed, and needy.

Corran: Well two out of four ain?t bad!
Jacen: You?re not tall.
Corran: No, but I am in another sense.
Jacen snorts with laughter.
Corran: Well I?m a Jedi. I can make them think I am. Size matters not.
Jacen: But aren?t you married?
Corran: Yeah, but after Mirax spending all of JJK and YJK flying around the galaxy with Mara, quite frankly I?m a little suspicious. Besides, I?m not going to do anything. I just want to know I still have it.
Jacen opens his mouth, about to say some not very flattering things about middle aged men when Gunner interrupts.
Gunner: Let him have his fun. Both his and Mirax?s careers in the NJO are about to be put on hold anyhow. These oldies need all the positive re-enforcement they can get.
Corran: (more than a little miffed) You?re just jealous.
Gunner: I have one word for you mate ? Danae.
Jacen: (whining) It?s only for one book.
Corran: Three books. One series.
Jacen: Maybe she will be searching for me. She said I was a very special person.
Gunner and Corran crack up laughing
Gunner: Kid, that?s what they say when they are trying to let them down gently.
Jacen: Do not
Gunner: Do so
Jacen: Do not
Gunner: Do so
Jacen: Do not
Gunner: Do so
Jacen: Do not
Gunner: Do so

Corran feels incredibly empowered by this display of Jedi maturity

Corran: Ah, kids. Aren?t they grand?


A short time later, still on Gucky.

Corran: How does this suit look?
Gunner: The purple and red look like rust patches. Are you hiding something?
Corran: (goes *very* red) No. (Turns away and pulls a metal pipe out of his pants and swaps it for the more traditional rolled up socks.)

Jacen: (still pulling his pants back up after giving Corran his socks) Your lady friend is late. I think you?ve been set up.
Corran: Maybe she's just being fashionably late. I want you two to keep guard in case the Pong turn up.
Gunner: Pity you didn?t think of that before you answered the advertisement.
Corran: (firmly) Go and wait over there.
Jacen: You?re just scared of the competition.
Corran: GO!!!!
(Gunner and Jacen romp off making obscene gestures)
Corran: Kids.


Soon afterwards a young man strolls up.
YM: How you doing?
Corran: You said you were female!
YM: So did you.
Corran: I was trying to appeal to your feminine side.
YM: You sure?
Corran: (getting a little desperate) Yes. But if that?s your game, I have two friends who might be interested. One just got burnt by a woman, and I think the other is over-compensating.

<Insert pointless reference to previous MAS EU>

YM: Interesting.... Well, in the meantime, I need you to help me defeat the Pong.
Corran: I?m your man. (YM starting leering at him) Not literally of course.
YM: (shrugs) We?re going to appeal to the Pong?s aesthetic tastes. They didn?t kill Danae because they thought she was worthy, and ...
Corran: (immensely flattered) So you think they won?t kill me because I?m so incredibly hansom, and my naturally magnetic sex appeal will overwhelm them?
YM: No. They won?t kill you because you?re a Jedi. They didn?t kill Smirko and Jacen when they caught them, and we need specimens of Pong genetic experiments.
Corran: NO!!! Runs away in fright.

Jacen and Gunner catch him and bring him back.

YM: Look at it on the bright side. Your stint in the NJO is about to end. You can go out on a high, nobly sacrificing yourself for the future of your fellow NR citizens.
Corran: But I?m not a NR citizen. Correlia is still under a dictatorship.
YM: Then do it for your fellow Jedi.
Corran: Never! I?m not going to die. That?s for the 100-odd nameless, faceless Jedi out there who don?t have any lines. If I have to go, it?s going.................

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:24 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/15/2024 5:25 pm  #10



 Poodubrillon ? Pong Recruitment Drive

Pain Patrol Goon 2: Sign right here. <Elegy signs> Congratulations. As a test driver of all officially endorsed Pong Pain Patrol merchandise, you are entitled to unlimited hours of sado- masochistic pain per month, and in return you must fulfil your monthly quota of new recruits. Will this be a problem?
Elegy: I don?t see why. I have here a lengthy petition for characters people desperately want Lets see, who have we got. Dorkus, Dyp, Jaina, Jacen...
Shiddee Dai: (interupts impatiently) Well done Elegy. I?m *very* proud of you. You achieved your license in record time. Lets celebrate by testing my new plaything.
Elegy: Well we had to work fast. We?ve only got until Ruin.
Shiddee Dai: (impatiently) Lets go celebrate.
Elegy: In a minute. There?s a few more names I would personally like to add. In the unlikely event I survive Ruin I want Han out of the way. With him and Leia on the rocks I think I?d stand a really good chance with her.
Shiddee Dai: Come on...
Elegy: And how about that ex-Sith lord wannabe Mara. That disease story line is going nowhere fast.
Shiddee Dai: Elegy, don?t you *want* to come play with me?
Elegy: Hmm? And how about Anakin. He needs to develop a bit of an edge. Plus I don?t want him hanging around with those two lightsabres when I put the moves on his mum.
Shiddee Dai: (bouncing up and down with eagerness) Elegy, I wan....
Elegy: (Favours Shiddee Dai with an enourmous grin) Finished dear. Now, where were we?

<Insert mindlessly violent interlude here>

(Sorry about borrowing your title JF.)


Behind the Books
A special insight into part of the official LFL/DR analysis of the public reception for Ruin

CDRO: How did the violence work?
LMM: Great.
CDRO: I?m pleased. But I do have one concern. All this stuff between Elegy and Shiddee Dai strikes me as having distinctly homosexual undertones.
LMM: Your point being?
Shiddee Dai: All characters must be hetrosexual. Otherwise they are not permitted to have any sort of relationship with other characters.
LMM: Well both Shiddee Dai and Elegy died in Ruin.
CDRO: Yes, but look at all the length descriptions of Shiddee Dai watching Elegy willingly inflict extreme pain on himself.
LMM: (very confused) So the sado-masochism doesn?t bother you but the vaguest hint at homosexuality and you?re running scared.
CDRO: Well basically, *YES*.
LMM: (roll eyes) OK, so how do you want to counter this?
CDRO: (enthusiastically) In the next book we?re going to have a really hot female Pong that all the human males lust over.
LMM: Aren?t all Pong supposed to be hideously scarred?
CDRO: She won?t be.
LMM: What about that fact that she?s a *PONG*?
CDRO: It won?t matter. She?ll be a really sexy Pong. Plus when she?s wearing her Ogle Leer and looks human, no one will care.
LMM: In other words, we catered to the violent urges of our readers in Ruin so we?ll move down to the nether regions in AoC:HT.
CDRO: Got it in one!  Gucky ? the Pongiseum

Corran, Gunner and Jacen (with YM and friends, and a handful of Noghri extras) have obtained front row tickets to the 74th daily Pong war games.
Jacen: (munching on popcorn) These are great seats. We can see everything from here.
Gunner: (mutters to himself) And so can the Pong.
Jacen: (not quite catching on) But we have that enormous wide screen TV to show us all the different angles.
Gunner just rolls his eyes.
YM: (grins evilly) Don?t worry. Everything has been arranged.
Gunner: Well I still don?t see why we have to run out into the middle of a battle. How much difference is there between a pitched battle with crazed Pong AND crazed slaves than dead crazed Pong, dead crazed slaves and battle assessment teams?
YM: We?ve already been through this. It?s in the script. Jacen needs to kill some Pong warriors because his little brother is a couple of dozen ? well actually *several* dozen - up on him. And Corran needs to show he still has it after his near defeat in Onslaught.
Gunner: In other words we?re risking our necks for the egos of an obnoxious teenager and insecure middle-aged man.
YM: Well you haven?t killed any Pong at all yet.
Gunner: (gets very defensive) It?s not my fault. I only got this gig in Onslaught. I just haven?t been given the chance to prove myself.
YM: (hopefully) You and me both. This little jaunt will give me the chance to strut my stuff for the NJO writers. Maybe I?ll impress one of them and get a permanent role. After all someone has to fill Corran?s void.
Gunner: Sorry. Did you hear? They?ve already found a replacement.
YM: (*extremely* disappointed) Well in that case, since even if I don?t get killed here I?m as good as dead the moment I outlive my usefulness.... (blows up the big screen TV)
Jacen: (mouth full of popcorn) Hey! I was watching that.
YM: (laughing maniacally) Don?t worry, you can see it live. (Throws a switch that has miraculously appeared in his hand. Jacen, Gunner and Corran are bound by ropes just before they are projected out of their seats and thrown into the middle of the Pongiseum.

Meanwhile, out in the Pongiseum, the Pong Warriors (PW) are about to face off against the Poodoo Slaves (PS). While all the Pong Warriors are obviously Pong, perhaps equally predictable is the fact that all the bad-ass slaves intent on rebelling against the PW are humans.

Poodoo Slave Leader: You killed my family
Pong Warrior Boss: Well that?s a rather obvious observation. Of course I killed your family. Well, to be more precise they were purified. But since the two are pretty much synonymous I won?t press the point.
PS Leader: That?s awfully generous of you.
PW Boss: Not really. It?s not how they die that is important, just that we reach our quota of blood, violence and death for the chapter. Care for a little wager on the outcome of today?s battle?
PS Leader: PS all but annihilated with the PW only suffering minor casualties?
PW Boss: My thoughts exactly. I?ll go make the bet with the Pong Bookie.
PS Leader: Put me down for 20 credits.
PW Boss: You?re awfully cheap for someone who probably won?t even survive the battle.
PS Leader: I can?t help it, I?m human. The NJO writers have this compulsive need to make us do suicidal things like that. I think it might come from an excessive amount of time watching Star Trek. All that crap about the human spirit just got to them.
PW Boss: (shudders in horror) You poor man. Look on the bright side. Since you?re not a Jedi, when I kill you, you really will be dead. The suffering truly will end.
PS Leader: That?ll be a relief. It?s hell getting adequate insurance cover when you?re an extra obviously marked for death.
PW Boss: Don?t whinge to me. At least you?ll retain a little dignity when you?re killed by an elite Pong Warrior. I?m going to have a *sewer grate* fall on my head.
PS Leader: They finally found something even more undignified than a ….......... 

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:25 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/15/2024 5:27 pm  #11



 Back on Yavin IV:

Anakin walks into the Jedi planning room.

Anakin:Uh, uncle Luke...


Anakin:I was just walking down the hall and I found this note attached to DeadMeatTwilek'cor's room.

Luke takes the note. It reads GONE SUPERWEAPON HUNTING.

Marao you know what this means?

Luke:To the Batmobile!


Luke:Sorry, old age. I meant the Jade's Fire.

Mara:It exploded six years ago.

Luke:Jade Sabre?

Maraantooine, remember?

Luke:All right, just find a ship. Let's go look at the spaceport.

Slightly later:

Luke:Hey, look who I found. This Chalco guy saw our friend leaving.

Anakin:Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?

Luke:Hey, what did I say about that English accent?

Anakin:I know, no using it until I'm Jacen's age.


Jacen tosses another sewer lid into the air.

Gunner:Uh, when did we become the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


Corran:It's beyond your generation, kid.  Gucky

Corran, Gunner and Jacen stroll, arm-in-arm, into the Botanical Gardens.
Jacen: Ooooh! I like the pretty pink flowers. Can I pick one? Danae says pink brings out the colour of my eyes.
Gunner: (rolls eyes) You mean she tried to distract you with some ridiculous compliment; add something distinctive to your otherwise boring, self-obsessed personality; and to add insult to injury, make you the laughing stock of any and all females you chase in the future.
Jacen: That?s not true.
Gunner: Oh yeah? When did Tenal Ka dump you? Before or after you started wearing pink?

Jacen screams and starts running into the Bothan Plant section.

Gunner: Um, Jacen?
Jacen: WHAT?
Gunner: We?re supposed to go into the Iffy Barf Grove.
Jacen: FINE!

Jacen resumes screaming and runs into the Barf Grove.

Trained Pong Warriors start to arrive.
Corran: Now we?re in trouble. These are real warriors, not just slave trainers.
Corran: (a little hurt) Don?t yell at me. At least we got a cool fight scene and fulfilled our quota of blood, death and gore for the chapter.
Gunner: Why do you care? You?re leaving the series. You don?t want to die, yet you are getting us into pointless fights and risking your neck.
Corran: Well if the Solo brat gets killed, I figure I might get to stay on.
Gunner: You wish. They?d just get *your* brat to replace you.
Corran: Valin would never do that to his old man.
Gunner: Yeah, sure. Whatever you reckon. But while we?re on the subject - *Valin*? What were you thinking? Methinks someone has been poaching material from other universes again.
Corran: Shut up, Gunner. I?m the leader of this outfit. You?re supposed to be groveling at my feet in awe.
Gunner: That?s in Ruin ? the final cut, the version that makes it to press. Right now we?re in Siege, so no one is going to hear about this little conversation, you arrogant, sycophantic twit.
Corran: I?m going to tell on you.
Gunner: Go ahead. By the time you do, you?ll already have been exiled from the NJO.

Corran bursts into tears.


Core-u-skank Encyclopedia of Xena-biology (a rare offshoot of over-the-top superhero plants that emit bizarre sounds and wear even stranger outfits.)

Barf Trees

A distant relation of the Magic Faraway Tree* that during it?s travels to distant lands managed to spread its seeds in all sorts of places, primarily due to the propensity of certain writers to borrow liberally from other fantasy/science fiction works.

When threatened, this mysterious tree is prone to having strange effects upon the perceived enemy. These effects vary according to the situation, individuals involved, and the needs of the writer.

It has, however, been observed on occasion that when the individual only known as *Moonface* is in the vicinity, the barf plant frequently vanishes altogether so as to avoid being used as an easy non-Force related escape hatch out of an otherwise impossible situation.

* If you didn?t read Enid Blyton when you were a kid you won?t understand the reference ? and that isn?t necessarily a bad thing! Gucky - Botanical Gardens

A Pong razor bug scraps Jacen?s chin.
Jacen bursts into tears (again!)

Corran: What is it now?
Jacen: That razor bug cut off my beard!
Ganner: (snorts with contempt) What beard?
Jacen: I was growing a beard. I know it wasn?t much, but I thought I was just starting to get that Indi... oops sorry, Han Solo five o?clock shadow look.
Ganner: Kid, your so-called beard... (a razor bug slams into Ganner?s right cheek, disfiguring his model-like physique) AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! My face! My beautiful face! All that time and money spent on cosmetic surgery! My life is over! It?s not fair! Don?t they know I have a series coming up?
Gunner: NO! *COSMETIC* surgery.
Jacen: (starts cackling with laughter) Whatever makes you feel better pretty boy. Suddenly Knightfall seems so far away. Maybe there?s still time to recast.
Gunner: (bursts into tears) Don?t say that. I need that series. It?s my big chance to show I?m not just a MAS character.
Corran: (smugly) Under the circumstances, the title *Knightfall* seems singularly appropriate.
Gunner: I don?t like you anymore!
Corran: Believe me, the feeling is more than mutual.

As more razor bugs and Pong enter the gardens, even Gunner gets distracted away from thoughts about his face and future.

Corran: We should go into the Iffy Barf Trees.
Jacen: (sarcastically) Wow-Corran-I-wonder-why?
Corran: (equally sarcastically) Because-the-Barf-Trees-are-semi-sentient. They-will-help-tell-us-where-the-Pong-are-hiding.

Gunner: Great! Just great! Apart from the odd token appearance, there are no non-humans in this series and yet a semi-intelligent *TREE* is about to get a starring role. That really speaks highly of the quality of the casting agents.
Corran: Hey! That?s not your line. We?re supposed to ponder on why there are Iffy trees on Gucky.
Jacen: When two such beautiful, un-industrialised worlds like Gucky and Iffy are destroyed, it will show how evil the Pong really are.
Ganner: Of course they are evil. *LOOK AT ME*
Corran: And they did kill Chewbacca. Isn?t that the ultimate sign of how depraved they really are?
Jacen: Who? Stop interrupting me! Just in case anyone thinks that the Pong are actually good for not using machines, the destruction of these two beautiful worlds will be the ultimate proof. This will stop all the pacifist, greenie species in our own galaxy from joining them.
Gunner: Fine! Great! Wonderful! Now, if this earth-shattering, or should I say Gucky-shattering, denouement is quite finished, could we just get this ridiculous scene over with. (Walks into the trees, his arms stretched out wide, yelling sarcastically) Oh Trees! Speak to me! Where are the Pong?
Barf Tree #1: Behind and to the left. Your pretty face is about to take another beating.

Gunner bursts into tears and runs to hide behind the human and Noghri extras since they aren?t supposed to be involved in the upcoming action.

Jacen: We?re surrounded. (Wailing) We?re going to die!!!!!
Corran: Don?t be ridiculous. *I?m here* The number of times I?ve come out of seemingly impossible situations is testimony to my grit, courage, determination...
Jacen: ...and the fact that MAS is writing this dribble.
Corran: (whispering) SHHH! This is non-meta-aware. We?re not supposed to know that.
(raises his voice again) Besides, wouldn?t you much rather die here with me than be squashed by some piddling moon?
Jacen: Are you kidding? (Stands up) Hey! Pong! Over here! Take our leader!

Pain Patrol Goon #3: We don?t want him. But you can take our leader.

Corran: (addressing Jacen) Are you mad? (Also stands up and addresses the Pong) The only way to me is through this acne-infested, puss-dripping, hormone-driven teenager!

The entire Pain Patrol shudders in horror.

Jacen: (to Corran) You think you?re so clever, don?t you! (addresses the Pong) The only way to this acne-infested, hormone driven teenager is through the torn-up pretty boy with all that silicon leaking from his face

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:28 pm)

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8/15/2024 5:29 pm  #12



 Corran and Jacen are about to leave.

Jacen: What about Gunner?
Corran: Do you really want to bring him? Think of it as life insurance. If he goes, we?re safe.
Jacen: But I?m Luke?s nephew and the Chosen One?s grandson. No one would dare kill me!
Corran: What if Mara has a son?
Jacen: I?ll kill her ? if the ?mysterious? disease doesn?t get her first.
Corran: So you want to rescue Gunner. You know this storyline about the handsome but horribly scarred hero has already been done?
Jacen: Yes. But if we save Gunner he is going to be indebted to us. Think how useful that will be when Luke is rebuilding the Jedi Council.
Corran: Good point. But if he dies, then I will survive.
Jacen: Yet another excellent reason for why I?m going to save him!

Jacen spreads Barf pollen on his face.

Corran: Why are you doing that?
Jacen: Are you kidding? Yellow and pink ? those Pong will run away in fright.
Corran: Good point. (wipes Barf pollen on his own face)
Jacen: What about the Noghri and other humans?
Corran: Leave them. They aren?t mentioned in this story again. We can?t risk our necks for nobodies.

Jacen: Umm, Corran?
Corran: What?
Jacen: You just got ugly.
Corran: You thought I was beautiful!!!
Jacen: Ugh! No, of course not. But your face just turned blue, your skin is sagging, and you?re getting really hairy.
Corran: YES!!! All that hair replacement therapy is finally kicking in. Well I won?t need *this* anymore (throws toupee into a Pong razorbug).

Jacen: No. No. It?s definitely *not* the therapy.
Corran: AHHHH! (covers his now bare skull quickly)
Jacen: And your corset just burst.
Corran: I *don?t* wear a corset!
Jacen: Then are you pregnant?
Corran: @$%* you!
Jacen: Haven?t you ever seen Alien?
Corran: I think you?re displacing your own problems onto me, boy. You look like you need to start wearing your sister?s bras.
Jacen: What?
Corran: I think someone is going to fail their next L.O.S. (level of sexiness) test!
Jacen: You?re in no position to talk. If I?d know how far that toupee went, I would have used your skull to reflect sunlight to start up that fire this morning.

During this whole exchange Gunner has managed to temporarily fight off the Pong. Since his L.O.S. has already been lost, he has not panicked as he has developed the same symptoms as his fellow Jedi.

Gunner: Shut up, you two. There has obviously been some sort of allergic reaction to the Barf pollen.
Corran: What sort of reaction?
Gunner: You just got horrifically ugly. You can?t really tell with Jacen since his zits cover most of his face. And my face is covered in blood. But without the makeup and toupee, there?s obviously something very wrong with you, Corran.
Corran: (still confused) But what about the Noghri? And the other humans? They still look normal.
Jacen: (slips into his Yoda impersonation) Hurp! Judge people by their appearance, do you? When forty years old you reach, look as good you will not! Oh, wait! I?m sorry. Forty has already been and gone for you. Sixty is the next milestone, isn?t it?
Corran and Gunner: (in unison) *SHUT UP, Jacen!*
Gunner: This allergic reaction must only affect Jedi!
Corran: This is terrible! Do you realise what will happen if word of this ever gets out? We?ll be ostracised from the galaxy. Who ever heard of an *ugly* Jedi? We?ll go to mediate a dispute, and everyone will have competitions to see how big they can make our zits swell up before they burst!
Gunner: Actually, Jacen is the only one with acne.
Corran: Well that?s a relief. That shipload of Clearasil I ordered was going to cost me a fortune.
Gunner: Then you can spend it on the liposuction. You?ll have plenty of time after Ruin.
Corran: I have one word for you, friend - *Knighfall*. You can kiss your little series goodbye.
Gunner: At least I?ll still be around.

Jacen: (crying hysterically) Shut up, you two! We need to do something. I can?t go through puberty *and* this allergic reaction. It?s too much! (The identical looks on Corran and Gunner?s faces clear  A Jedi?s Resume

Age: Matters not

Species: Human

Residence: Yavin IV, a former Sith stronghold. In a Sith temple built by an ex-Jedi who tried to eliminate the Jedi and take over the Old Republic.

Prior occupation: None. A Jedi is not for hire, and needs no income as the New Republic (and the Old Republic before all those evil Jedi destroyed it) provides all needs and wants of the Jedi.

* Destroying superweapons (usually operated by other Force users, but are typically Jedi)

*Destroying evil alien species intent on destroying the New Republic and taking over the galaxy.

*Destroying Jedi that have left the Order and gone freelance.

*Basic training in how to command droids to fulfil all personal needs and functions.

*Fighter pilot training

*How to use the Force 101

*Destroying planets and solar systems

* Having lightsabre battles with other Jedi

*Teaching non-Force users their true place in the galaxy ? i.e. beneath Force users (both light and dark).

Number of times having saved the galaxy:
Less than the supreme, preeminent, incomparable, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (i.e. zillions), but more than the Young Jedi Knights (i.e. thousands).

Number of people killed:
Minus non-humans, people destroyed during ship-to-ship combat or planetary bombardment, and the extermination of other insignificant life forms ? NIL.


Luke Skywalker ? Destroyer of the Death Star; Murderer of his father, Darth Vader (the Chosen One), and Emperor Palpatine; Jedi Master of several Jedi and mass murderers. Present leader of the Jedi Order.

Mara Jade ? Former Emperor?s Hand; former loyal subject of the Empire; formerly the surrogate daughter of the aforementioned Emperor; married to the current leader of the Jedi.

Dyp Durron ? Destroyer of the Cardia System (allegedly - no charges were laid); Vigilante; Currently campaigning for the role of next Jedi leader.

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8/15/2024 5:30 pm  #13



While Barf burns...

Botanical Gardens

Pain Patrol Goon #1: What?s that smell?

Pain Patrol Goon #2: Smells good, whatever it is.

Pain Patrol Goon #1: Let?s investigate.

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:33 pm)

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8/15/2024 5:31 pm  #14



 While Barf is still burning...

Best Chance

Corran, Gunner, Jacen, and the surviving Noghri and human extras have inexplicably managed to extricate themselves from the Pong in the Barf groves, recover from the effects of the Barf trees *and* get all the way back to the _Best Chance_

YM: You promised to get rid of the Pong. You can?t leave yet! To hell with the rest of the galaxy! It?s doomed anyway.
Corran: So are you by that way of thinking.
YM: Can?t you break the mold and actually *save* a world instead of destroying it for a change?
Corran: Sorry, it?s the prescribed process for the first part of this series. A planet must be destroyed in each book, the New Republic drives the Pong back, but it is a Pyric victory as the Pong take over the planet anyway. And since this is the prescribed world in Seige....
YM: Thanks for nothing. If we ever have a referendum about the future of the Jedi, don?t come begging for my vote.
Corran: (waves his hand in the air) _You do love the Jedi_.
YM: Why are you waving your hand around like that? Don?t you know it?s a sure-fire give away that you are doing a Jedi Mind-Whammy on me?
Corran: I know it?s irrelevant to the trick itself, but it?s the only way of letting the readers know what I?m doing. Or would you prefer another first-person novel that takes you into my wharped, convoluted mind?
YM: Errr, on the other hand, maybe the Jedi aren?t too bad. Just make sure you don?t come back here. You?ve caused enough damage. Go and destroy Iffy. It?s only full of trees and aliens. Surely no one will miss them.    

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:32 pm)

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8/15/2024 5:31 pm  #15



The Barf trees are burning down ...

Botanical Gardens

PPG#1: Someone has deliberately set fire to the entire gardens. What a wanton act of vandalism!
PPG#2: We must call in the Pong Environmental Terrorism Unit (PETU).

PETU Special Agents instantaneously appear.

PETU SA #1: Someone called?
PPG#1: Someone has deliberately set fire to this wonderful collection of flora from all around this galaxy.
PETU SA #1: This is horrible! We *will* get to the bottom of this! Rest assured, the culprits will pay for their crime.
PPG#2: Umm, shouldn?t we put out the fire?
PETU SA #1: Yes, but wait until there?s been a little more destruction. It will make the guilty parties that much more culpable when we catch them.
PPG#1: But what if the fire was lit to cover up important evidence?
PETU SA #2: Do what you?re told, boy. We?re Pong. Normal rules of logic don?t apply to us. Even if the fire is supposed to hide important evidence, we will find it.
PPG#2: Makes sense to me.

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8/15/2024 5:32 pm  #16



The Best Chance

Jacen: I?ve only got one sedative left.

Corran and Gunner simultaneously grab for the injector in Jacen?s hand.

Corran: I?m the leader!
Gunner: So you shouldn?t be high. I *need* that shot. I?m in pain.
Corran: So am I ? from having to listen to your obnoxious voice ever since we began this mission.

Gunner uses the Force to lift Corran up in the air and hitches the back of his pants to a hook in the ceiling.

Gunner: Not going to happen.

Gunner grabs the injector from Jacen and gives himself the sole remaining sedative.

Gunner: Ahhhhh. That?s better.
Jacen: You should go and rest. We?ll put you in a Bacta tank when we get back. That way you won?t even have a scar.
Gunner: Why did it suddenly become *WHEN* we get back? We have supposedly been in mortal danger this entire pathetic episode.
Jacen: Calm down, Gunner. Remember, *no scar* ...
Gunner: (sighs in sleepy pleasure) *no scar* ... Knightfall ... Danni .....

Jacen suddenly realises the consequences of what he is doing and looks at Corran.

Corran: (grins evilly) Are you thinking what I?m thinking?
Jacen: I doubt it. But let?s scar Gunner for life anyway.  

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:33 pm)

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8/15/2024 5:34 pm  #17



 Red Rooster ? near Gucky

Traest: Well of course I don?t *want* to rescue these Jedi. At least not these particular Jedi. But we need those Pong experiment samples. Do you have any idea the reward I?ll be giving up by bringing in Corran and the rest of those moronic marines?

Traest waits for a reply from the two officers before giving up in disgust.

Traest: For crying out loud, will you two *please* stop this constant fighting?

Wedge: Admiral, when you are reduced to cameo appearances, you too will fight for every line you can get. (elbows Tycho in the ribs)
Tycho: (shoves Wedge back) Old man, be careful. I?m gonna wipe the floor with your butt.
Wedge: You and what army?
Tycho: This one (Winter walks in)
Wedge: Oh-ooo.  More scenes from the "lost" Siege. Han enters the "Down and Out and Forgotten Bar" in the forgotten section of Core-u-skank, sidles up to the bar and plops down onto the stool.

Han: (to the bartender) "Whyren's Reserve. And leave the bottle."
Bartender: "Hey pal, you look like you've tied on one too many already."
Han: "What's it to ya? My credits are good."
Bartender: "Can't argue with that."
Han: (tapping the bar) "There's not going to be any beating around the bush this time. I gotta show people I am a drunken louse. No vague hinting at it. All this leave-it-to-the-readers-imagination is for losers."
Bartender: "Aren't you worried about censorship?"
Han: "No way. They can't do anything worse to me."
Bartender: "Aren't you worried they might kill you off?"
Han: "Well they can't right now because I'm slated to star in my own series."
Bartender: "What did they do to you?"
Han: "They killed off my best friend. My sidekick. My whole identity."
Bartender: (noticing Han's wedding ring) "What about your wife."
Han: "My wife? She's off saving the galaxy again." (in typical Han-sarcasm) "She's got no time for me."
Bartender: "Sorry pal."
Han: "Hey, no need to feel sorry for me. I'm gonna give her a taste of her own medicine."
Bartender: "How's that?"
Han: "She's left me in my time of need, so I am going to run off on her, in her time of need."
Bartender: "Not exactly the way to keep a relationship together."
Han: "Hey pal, I'm not looking for personal advice here, just alcohol."
Bartender: "I'd say you've found it."

Han: "I am sick of having only one Chapter a book. Things are gonna change."
(A familiar female Bothan slides onto the stool next to Han.)
Bothan: "Quit yer complaining, at least you got a Chapter."
Han: "Do I know you?"
Bothan: "No, I don't think we've ever met, but we do have friends in common."
Han: "So what's your story?"
Bothan: "They cut me out completely and only gave me a very, very vague reference."
Han: "Let me guess, you are an unresolved plot line."
Bothan: "Yeah, kinda."
Han: "And were deemed superfluous and not necessary."
Bothan: "You got it. Though my patron didn't think so."
Han: "Your patron wanted to resolve you?"
Bothan: "Yes. But I ended up being a difference of opinion."
Han: (pours her a shot) "Hopefully, someone will pick you up later."
Bothan: "I'm not counting on it."
Han: (chugs down the last of the bottle) "Bummer. Well, good luck to you. Wish me luck, I am about to go on."

Han grabs the Donny-and-Marie wireless microphone and jumps up on the bar for a little ditty.

I had a good life,
Until you came.
Now I am a drunk-ard,
Who's drowning all his sorrows.

Why can't this author,
Write me like I'm supposed to be.
Instead of sidelining me,
Because he doesn't have room.

In this booze,
I am wallowing,
never have before.
And this booze
is lamest excuse to keep me down,
but it's supposed to, make me grow,
maa-ake me grow.

**Abject apologies to Don Henley. Most of the patrons ignore Han, but someone throws a few rotten tomatos that hit him. Han jumps down to fight the music critic who threw the rotten fruit. Han finds the music critic and proceeds to pummel him for objecting to Han's song. However, Han is so drunk that he misses many of his punches and soon finds himself beaten silly. Just then, two guys show up to rescue Han.

Han: (sluring his words) "Hey, I was doing just fine till you two showed up. What are you doing here anyway?"
Hobbie: "We tailed you."
Janson: "We figured you'd stir things up, make some waves."
Hobbie: "And we wanted in on the action."
Janson: "Figured we'd get in a little face time while we were at it."
Hobbie: "Your face is the last thing people want to see."
Janson: "Speak for yourself rash-face."
Bothan: (who has joined the others) "I see you two haven't changed."
Janson: "Hey, As..." (Hobbie clamps his hand over Janson's mouth.)
Hobbie: "We're not supposed to say her name, doofus."
Janson: "But this is humorous version fic, it doesn't matter."
Hobbie: "I suppose you're right, but why hasn't the fan fic writer named her yet?"
Asyr: "Just waiting for the right opportunity."
Han: "Lemme guess, you two got cut too."
Janson: "Yup, like an old outfit that's not in fashion anymore."
Hobbie: "When were you ever in fashion."
Han: "I don't need you two wise-asses, especially when I've got one coming. Besides I've got places to go."
Janson: "Where's that, the gutter?"
Hobbie: "Oh, that's right, you're the big man with his own series coming up."
Janson: "Pardon us for intruding on your beating."
(Janson cold-cocks Han, sending him into a heap of garbage to sleep off his hangover.)
Janson: "That outta keep him until morning."
Hobbie: "He'll be happy. He wanted to show he was drunken loser."
Janson: "Nothing like waking up in gutter trash to illustrate that."
Asyr: "Hey guys, I heard you got cut too."
Janson: "Yeah, Stackhy can't write humor like the big A, so he left us out."
Hobbie: "Didn't wanna suffer an inferiority complex in comparison."
Asyr: "What is it with men and their egos?"
Janson: "What are you looking at me for?"
Asyr: "You've been the big macho type."
Hobbie: "Macho preening type you mean."
Asyr: "You're gonna have to hope you're still around when the big A comes up to the plate."
Hobbie: "I hope so, I've got a backlog of jokes to get out."
Janson: "I hear we've been put on a protected list."
Hobbie: "But it's become a do not use list."
Janson: "I hate being left out of all the fun."       Outside the Red Rooster, Rogue Squadron is waiting for Traest's orders.

Jaina: What do you mean I can?t use the Force to find Jacen?
Gavin: It?s about trust. You have to act like you are a team member. Not like a superior person with abilities the rest of us lack.
Jaina: But I *am* superior.
Gavin: (getting exasperated) Just don?t do it.
Jaina: But Corran?s message said a Jedi had been injured. Since this is an MAS novel and we?re only half way through, it?s obviously not Corran. That means I?ve got a 50/50 chance that Jacen?s mortally injured. You just don?t want me knowing more than you or the rest of the command staff.
Gavin: (getting nervous) Well I wouldn?t put it that way.
Jaina: I would. And the problem is easily solved. Just make me a member of the command staff.
Gavin: Jaina, you?ve been promoted twice in as many books. You?re going to have to wait at least until you?re legally an adult before you can take over the squadron.
Jaina: We?ll just see about that! I?m going to tell Aunt Mara on you. She used to be a Sith Lord. She?ll have you begging for mercy in no time.
Gavin: (snorts with derisive laughter) Little girl, your dear, darling aunt can?t even fight off a few little bugs, so I think the chances of her harming even a hair on my head are fairly remote.
Jaina: That?s what you think! I wasn?t apprenticed to a Sith for nothing.

Jaina is just about to attack Gavin when the order comes in to jump to Gucky. Torn between destroying her (temporary) boss or her obnoxious twin, Jacen - unlike any of his other recent battles - quickly wins this one, and Jaina heads off for Gucky.
  The Barf smoke clears to reveal the passed out forms of the Pain Patrol Goons and the Pong Environmental Terrorism Unit Special Agents.

PETU SA #1: Wow! What was that stuff?

PPG #1: More! More! I demand more!

PETU SA #2: Obviously we have found the reason for the fire.

PETU SA #1: Damn it! That means there?s no more left. Find out where the fire started and we?ll find the trees responsible for this heinous effect.

PPG #2: Why is it a bad thing?

PETU SA #2: Because we are Pong. It is specifically stated in our contracts that the only pleasurable activities we may undertake must be S&M related.

PETU SA #1: We *really* need a new agent. Can we at least seek revenge against the culprits?

PETU SA #2: Absolutely. Clearly that ship we found labeled the Lost Hope was not all it appeared to be.

PPG #1: Your intellect never fails to astonish me. Haven?t you noticed how the name of a ship is always a really good give away as to it?s fate. All the ?good? ships in this galaxy are called things like ?Gallant?, ?Indomitable?, and ?Intrepid?; and all the evil ships are called things like ?Retaliator?, ?Executor?, and ?Devastator?. Even Shiddee Dai?s Flag Ship is called ?Legacy of Torment.?

PETU SA #1: Wow! Do you think anyone has caught onto this ingenious code?

PPG#1: Nah! How could they? It?s far too subtle a device for the average person to pick up on.  

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 5:35 pm)

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8/15/2024 6:43 pm  #18



 Somewhere over Gucky...

The Red Rooster and Rogue Squadron have just jumped into the Gucky system in a reluctant attempt to pick up the Best Chance.

Jaina: Where is he? This is one argument that obnoxious, little know-it-all is not going to walk away from!

Just then Dainty Lame and the Pain Patrol appear.

Jaina nearly cries in frustration.

Jaina: For crying out loud! Can?t you Pong miss your cue for a change? All I need is a few seconds alone with that twerp.

Anni: Jaina? Anytime you feel like helping me out here!
Jaina: Why?
Anni: I?m not supposed to die until Iffy.
Jaina: But we?re supposed to have our butts kicked here so Fel Junior can make a heroic entrance, and answer all the fanboys? demands to have me shown up for a change.
Anni: And you *want* this to happen?
Jaina: (shakes off the effects of her implant) Good point! I owe you, twelve.
Anni: Really!
Jaina: Sure! Why not! You?re going to die in a month so what?s the harm?
Anni: How about repaying me by protecting my back over Iffy?
Jaina: So you can steal my soon-to-be-boyfriend? Ain?t going to happen, girly. Best Chance, above Gucky, near the Red Rooster, but even closer to the rapidly approaching Pong.

The extreme stress and pain that Gunner has had to endure over the past couple of days has taken its toll. The newly introduced sedative into his body has not helped matters as he rapidly sinks into a babbling mess.

Gunner: Lots and lots and LOTS of teenie, weenie, little Coral Skippers. Look at them all fly around and around and around. There?s so many. (whispers confidentially to his lightsabre) *I think we?re going to die* (tilts his ear to listen to the weapon?s reply) Oooooh! You think so? You know, you may have a point. We are almost at the end of the non-existent Siege so of course MAS wouldn?t let Corran die. And since we?re on the same ship as Corran and there are no escape pods.... You know what this means, don?t you? (tilts his ear once more to hear the lightsabre?s opinion). No, I don?t think that Corran has enough hot air in him to jettison us to safety. What it means is that we?re effectively immortal for this entire scene.

At the helm, Corran and Jacen remain calm and collective under pressure.

Jacen: (wailing) We?re going to die!
Corran: (more than a little worried, chants to himself) MAS will save me. MAS will save me. MAS will save me.

Gunner come waltzing in, undetected by the terrified pair, and activates the comm system.

Gunner: Hello! Red Rooster? I?d like to place an order of large fries and an extra large coke. Oh yeah, and don?t bother about trying to rescue us. We?ve got Corran on board! The Death Star itself wouldn?t be able to touch us! Just try and save yourselves. (Watches the Red Rooster turn back around to leave Gucky) Goooood little birdy. Off you fly.

Corran and Jacen: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***BTW, Red Rooster used to be a fast food chain in Australia, hence the reference. 

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 6:43 pm)

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8/15/2024 6:44 pm  #19



The Pong warship, Burning Pride, above Gucky.

Dainty Lame is about to join a not very exclusive club of maniacal villains who have unsuccessful dared to defy the will of MAS and destroy Corran.

Dainty Lame: What are we doing here? I was on Poodubrillon in my last scene.
Dainty Pain Patrol Goon: Why should that be a surprise? We've somehow managed to travel to a new galaxy without a reasonable explanation.
Dainty Lame: Good point. So *why* are we here?
D.P.P.G.: To try and eliminate Corran Horn.
Dainty Lame: Are you kidding? I may be the moronic sidekick in this book, but even I know a lost cause when I see one. Let's get out of here.

The Burning Pride joins the Red Rooster in its evacuation of the Gucky system. 

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 6:44 pm)

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8/15/2024 6:44 pm  #20



The Best Chance

Jacen: The Pong are leaving! We?re saved! We?re not going to die!
Corran: MAS saved me! MAS saved me! MAS saved me.

Jacen and Corran hug each other in relieved joy... and then quickly release each other and try to look manly.

Corran: (looks out the window) Why isn?t the Red Rooster coming back for us? The Pong have gone. It?s safe. Come back!!!

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 6:44 pm)

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