The Star Wars Humorous Versions

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8/15/2024 8:20 pm  #1


Conquest Humorous Version

Rated PG-13

Contains NJO Spoilers

Authors: Jades Fire, Zaz, MariahJade2, Darth Cerberus, Bror Jace, Grand Admiral Wettengel, aleja, Opie Wan Cannoli

Subtitle: AniQuest, written by Greg Keyes (a dumbed down name for a dumbed down book)

The Dramatis Personae (Latin for "cast of characters for readers without the brain power to be able to follow things without a cheat-sheet.")

Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master, parts being played in this book by the understudy WimpyLuke.)
Mara Jade Skywalker (Jedi Master, pregnant and hormonally influenced)
Anakin Solo (teenage hotshot Jedi Knight)
Jacen Solo (irritating and wishy-washy Jedi Knight)
Jaina Solo (Jedi Knight, the female version of Corran Horn)
Pinky (Jedi Master Energizer bunny)
SingSong Along (The Pong warmaestro)
Dorkus Felt'ya (everyone's favorite Bothan-they-wanna-strangle)
Tahini (tasteless sesame paste. Ooops. I mean, Jedi Student, Anakin's love interest.)

Prologue (aka, the really important parts of Knightfall)

Dork82 dies trying to rescue a bunch of droids. He's got his priorities as a Jedi straight doesn't he?

Dork82: "Hurry up droids, this way."
Protocol Droid: "Master Dork, come with us."
Dork82: "No, I must hold off the hoard so you can get aboard."
Blue Ghost of Dork81: "Eighty-two. What are you doing?"
Dork82: "Rescuing droids, what does it look like."
BGoD81: "Looks like you are being an idiot."
Dork82: "I am not. I am making a valiant and selfless sacrifice as all Jedi do."
BGoD81: "And pointless. They are going to blow up the ship after they kill you. You know that don't you."
Dork82: "No. They can't. They wouldn't."
BGoD81: "Yes they will."
Dork82: "I am a Jedi. They will listen to me."
BGoD81: "When has a violent mob ever stopped and listened to anyone."
Dork82: "Aren't you are supposed to offer me sage advice."
BGoD81: "Yes. Run you idiot. Escape here. Leave these droids."
Dork82: "I can't. I must demonstrate my resolve and dedication to all life."
BGoD81: (exasperated) "I die helping toss a Star Destroyer across a planetary system, and you are going to die in a pointless attempt to save droids."
Dork82: "It is not pointless. It is my destiny."
BGoD81: "82, you are a disgrace to the Dork line. I will be talking to the Blue Ghost Committee. You are not worthy of becoming a Blue Ghost."
Aquaman: "Move aside Jedi. Let us have our droids."
Dork82: "No. You are going to destroy them."
Aquaman: "Yes. What is it to you?"
Dork82: "You shouldn't kill droids just to save yourselves. Droids' lives should be saved."
Aquaman: "Why are you acting out a Star Trek storyline?"
Dork82: "I am not."
Aquaman: "Yes, you are. This is just a retread of Data or the Doctor as a sentient."
Dork82: "No!! I can't believe it. I've been reduced to a Trek plot."
BGoD81: "And now you are going to be reduced to a Red Uniform sacrificial Jedi extra."
(The ship full of droids is destroyed distracting Dork82 who is killed by Aquaman.)

Uldir... Bah! This was put in just for the JJK readers. There is nothing important here. The writer didn't even follow up on this plot thread. Move along, move along.

Finally, yet another Red Uniform sacrificial Jedi extra (we won't even mention her name) is captured by the Vong to be tortured, mutilated, and indoctrinated by the Vong. She'll die in the process. That makes how many Jedi sacrificed to show the horrors of war?
            More of the Prologue (aka, the really important parts of Knightfall)

The final reconciliation of Han and Leia. Oh, wait! This wasn't in the prologue!! That must mean it wasn't really an important part of Knightfall!!!

Oh, well. In order to wrap up this poorly thought out, poorly executed estrangement, let's wrap up the FINAL reconcilliation with the following. After weeks of Bacta treatment, Leia's legs have healed. Han and Leia are at the new secret Jedi base on Nir****.

Han: "I am sorry. I was such a cad."
Leia: "You were a cad, but I forgive you."
Han: "I shouldn't have become a drunk, then run off on a mid-life crisis to find myself again. I even thought about my firstlove."
Leia: "Wait a minute, you thought about Bria?"
Han: "Umm. Yes."
Leia: "How did you think about her?"
(Han knows the answer to this question is the linchpin in the whole reconcilliation. The wrong answer and the marriage is done-for. He debates this momentarily.)
Han: "Well... When I was on the 'Queen Kathie Lee of the Space Seas' yacht, a singer was singing a song that Bria sometimes sung."
Leia: "I see. And did you think of her lovingly?"
Han: "No."
Leia: "Fondly?"
Han: (thinking about a few extra letters he could add to that word) "Umm.. No, I wouldn't say that."
Leia: "Mmm. How then?"
Han: "Well... More like remembering old times."
Leia: "Better times?"
Han: "No. Different times. Why all the questions? Why the third degree?"
Leia: "I am still trying to figure out if I should take you back."
Han: "Oh. And don't you think you share some blame in this whole thing?"
Leia: "No. It's all the publisher's fault."
Han: "Quit making excuses! How about you running off on me?"
Leia: "Stackhpole made me do it."
Han: (rolleyes) "Uh, huh. Right."
Leia: "You think I liked babysitting Danae the Wonder Blonde? And having her quick thinking Force skills outshine mine?"
Han: "You could have left her with me. She can pop the clip out of my blaster anytime."
Leia: "Real funny Han Solo. Sometimes I wonder why I even married you."
Han: "Because you like my roguish good looks and humor."
Leia: "That may be, but you are too much sometimes."
Han: "Come on. Admit it. I'm the Zippo that lights your fire."
Leia: "Oh, alright, you scruffy nerf-herder."
Han: "And?"
Leia: "And, I shouldn't have run out on you right after the accident."
Han: "What about Isobar?"
Leia: "He and his life mean nothing to me."
Han: "Are you sure? What if he and his wife split up?"
Leia: "They won't. It is all false tension. Besides I hate his pompus displays of manliness."
Han: "Meaning you prefer mine instead."
Leia: (her turn to roll her eyes) "Not all the time, but yes, I guess, I do."
Han: "I forgive you. So all is forgiven?"
Leia: "All is forgiven."

We draw a discreet shade across the rest of the scene as Han and Leia make up. This wraps up the Han and Leia reconcilliation scene. Sorry Han and Leia fans, that's all you get, but it is infinitely more than what you got.
[PS: I still think Tyers did a good job with Chapter 13 in BP.] 

Luke comes storming into his living quarters; he is in a right royal snit. He kicks an ottoman out of his way.
Luke: "*$%#@*&^$!!!!"
Mara: (lumbering into the room): "Whassup?"
Luke: "I swear, I've had it!"
Mara: "What's wrong? More than usual, I mean."
Luke: " *$%#@*&^$!!!!" He gives the ottoman another kick.
Mara: "You gonna translate for me anytime soon? Or am I gonna have this kid first?"
Luke: "I'm fed up!!!"
Mara: (with an air of exaggerated patience) "I gathered. What's on today's menu?"
Luke: "LOOK at what they made me wear!"
He gestures towards his T-Shirt. It reads: "LUKE SKYWALKER, UBERWIMP."*
Luke: (muttering to himself and kicking the ottoman for emphasis): "Did I complain about my endless celibacy? NO! Did I complain about Han getting the girl, Wedge getting the girl, Corran getting the girl, everybody in the galaxy getting the girl but me? NO! Did I complain about kissing my sister? NO! Did I complain about the godd@mn endless angst they gave me? NO! Did I complain about having my @ss kicked by Kyp, Corran, Teneriel Djo and a cast of thousands? NO! Did I complain about having to fall in love with a godd@mn computer? NO! Did I complain about not being able to jump you for ten whole years? NO!"
He gives the ottoman a mighty kick and it goes sailing across the room and through the window with a loud crash.
Mara: (amused) "That'll show ?em."
Luke: (his chest heaving) "But this is the end! Even with all those indignities, I was the lead character! I had my pride! It was the ?Adventures of Luke Skywalker!' And now they want to replace me!"
Mara: (levering herself into a chair) "This is news? Remember Corran's attempted coup d'etat?"
Luke: (still furious) "I thought going AWOL after VP would help! I believed it when they said they'd make changes!"
Mara: (rubbing her stomach) "Well, we did get to actually have sex. After seven years of marriage, I'm sure LFL views that as a major concession."
Luke: (crudely) "Screw LFL!!!"
Mara: (grinning) "I'd rather not. The geeks are too geeky, if you get my drift. You'll do fine, kiddo. So tell me what triggered this display--not that I disagree with you or anything."
Luke: "DullWay** is gonna replace me with Anakin!"
Mara: "Anakin?"
Luke: "None other."
Mara: "You mean your father? Thought he was dead."
Luke: "No, I mean Anakin--my nephew."
Mara: "Let me understand you: you mean a sixteen-year-old..."
Luke: "...Yeah..."
Mara: "With no discernible personality..."
Luke: "...Yeah..."
Mara: "With no experience..."
Luke: "...Yeah..."
Mara: "With no judgment..."
Luke: "...Exactly..."
Mara: "An adolescent...?"
Luke: "...Yeah..."
Mara: "With raging hormones..."
Luke: "Definitely..."
Mara: "He's gonna lead the New Jedi Order? Make policy? Take decisions?"
Luke: "Looks like it."
Mara: (putting her feet on the GFFA equivalent of the coffee table) "Makes sense to me."
Luke: (crossing his arms and glaring at her) "How's that?"
Mara: "Always happens."
Luke: "What?"
Mara: "They're finally admitting it and going juvenile."
Luke: "Mara, you've got some ?splainin' to do."
Mara: "Sure, Ricky--I mean, Luke. Look at it this way. The NJO is a completely generic product, right?"
Luke: "Right."
Mara: "Commodized fantasy*** doesn't appeal to adults, or people with half a brain. Just prepubescent types. Chronological or otherwise."
Luke: "Yeah?"
Mara: "Yeah. You're not generic enough, honeybun. And you're too old."
Luke: "Excuse me? You sound like I'm doddering, or something."
Mara: "Well, at least that moron Stackpole doesn't make YOU refer to yourself as an old lady all the time."
Luke: (grinning in spite of himself) "Well, it would sound pretty dumb."
Mara: "Any dialogue he writes sounds pretty dumb. So what's different?"
Luke: (sighing) "Nothing, nothing."
Mara: "Now, don't get depressed on me, sweet cakes. You know what I think about that angst bit. The problem is that the kids can't identify with you. You've actually got a personality, despite the best efforts of the EU hacks over the years.... 


Chapter one begins with yet another gathering of the Jedi. The Jedi are tired of this string-you-along plot line, and so are you I'll bet. I wonder, could this gathering of Jedi have some greater purpose? Like dumbing down Luke? Or should I say, the understudy.

Kyp: (exasperated) "Master Luke, what are we doing here again?"
WimpyLuke: "I've called this meeting to discuss things important to the Jedi."
Kyp: "You always call these meeting to discuss things, but nothing is ever resolved."
WimpyLuke: "Sure they are. At the Ithor meeting, I resolved not the be responsible for your actions."
Kyp: "Yet you try to get us to act like you."
WimpyLuke: "Umm, so what's your point?"
Kyp: "Are you ready to act like a Jedi, Master?"
WimpyLuke: "Yes, I am, Kyp."
Kyp: "Then why are you sitting around contemplating your belly-button fuzz?"
WimpyLuke: "Belly-Button fuzz can be very enlightening Kyp. Don't you ever wonder how it gets there?"
Kyp: "No, I have an outie."
WimpyLuke: "Oh... Well, you are missing out on a deeply moving experience."
Kyp: "What has this deeply moving experience showed you?"
WimpyLuke: "Nothing yet."
Kyp: "What about the Pong? Are we going to take action?"
WimpyLuke: "Of course."
Kyp: "When?"
WimpyLuke: "When? That's a good question."
Kyp: "Yes it is. Do you have an answer?"
WimpyLuke: "Yes I do."
Kyp: "What is it?"
WimpyLuke: "What is what?"
Kyp: "The answer to what we are going to do about the Pong."
WimpyLuke: "The same things we've always done."
Kyp: "And that is?"
WimpyLuke: "Protect and defend."
Kyp: "That strategy isn't working."
WimpyLuke: "Well, it is the only one we have available until we get new orders in SbS."
Kyp: "I suggest a new strategy. Jedi for the Jedi."
(A Red Uniform Jedi extra, shouts "Jedi for the Jedi!" Other Red Uniforms join in.)

WimpyLuke: "Why not 'one for all and all for one?'"
Kyp: "Because Wedge, Tycho, Wes and Hobbie did that years ago."
WimpyLuke: "Oh. Well I don't like this 'Jedi for Jedi'. It sounds too aggressive."
Kyp: "Sounds like does not mean it is."
WimpyLuke: "You are ignoring the common people."
Kyp: "Because they are turning us in."
WimpyLuke: "Not everyone is."
Kyp: "That's just because they haven't had a chance."
WimpyLuke: "That's not true."
Kyp: "Sure it is. Most people would sacrifice one or a few to save many. It is logical."
WimpyLuke: "Logical. What are you, a Vulcan?"
Kyp: "No, I am a realist who is ready to take action to prevent further slaughter."
WimpyLuke: "Your actions will lead you to the Darkside."
Kyp: "No they won't. That's the problem with you. You think all proactive actions lead to the dark side nowadays."
WimpyLuke: "That's not true."
Kyp: "Yes it is. If someone attacks me, can I defend myself?"
WimpyLuke: "Yes of course."
Kyp: "And can I defend myself from further attack by going on the offensive?"
WimpyLuke: "No that is too aggressive and of the Dark Side."
Kyp: "Then why are we taught offensive Lightsaber skills?"
(WimpyLuke just stands there, not replying to Kyp's last statement. He knows he's been had.)
Kyp: "I am leaving to oppose the Pong in my own way. When you grow a spine, give me a call."

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 9:13 pm)


8/15/2024 8:24 pm  #2



Now we visit the offices of DullWay, that mighty bastion of literary might...

Lying in a leather lounger is our lead, Anakin Solo, Force-strong uberbrat. He's wearing low-rider everything. He has a pierced ear, lip, nose, eyelid, belly-button, and skull. His hair is shaved, spiked, gelled, and moussed. He wears a pathetically thin adolescent's goatee, that a Lucasarts Marketing Minion is dutifully trimming, one hair at a time. Other Minions are giving him a manicure and painting his toenails gold.
Anakin: (inspecting himself in a hand-mirror) "God, you're so beautiful!"
The Chief DullWay Overlord (CDO for short) is hovering nearby.
CDO: "Anakin..."
Anakin: (still contemplating his own beauty) "Yeah...?"
CDO: "Anakin, we have to talk."
Anakin: (coolly) "Not unless you're prepared to meet my conditions."
CDO: "More conditions? How could you have more conditions? What more could we possibly do for you? You wanted your own trainer. You got it. You wanted your own stylist. You got it. You wanted your own investment counselor, manicurist, pedicurist, shrink, lawyer, guru and psychic. You got ?em all!"
Anakin: (ominously) "I'm not happy."
CDO: (almost sobbing) "What is it now?"
Anakin: "My leading lady."
CDO: (baffled) "You mean Tahini?"
Anakin: "Whatever her name is. I don't like her."
CDO: (throwing up his hands) "She's outside. I'll call her in."
Tahini comes in. She is fourteen years old. Enough said.
CDO: (pleadingly) "Now, Anakin, here's your old friend, Tahini, come to see you..."
Anakin: (ignoring this) "Well, she simply won't do."
He gets up languidly and circles Tahini, who glowers at him.
Anakin: "Look what she's wearing!"
Tahinibristling) "What's wrong with it, ***hole?"
Anakin: (coolly) "Sackcloth is just like, you know, out of it." (to CDO) "Get her a leather micromini. I'm a leg man. Also a crop top. Shoulder-duster earrings. She needs a manicure. And no bare feet! Three-inch stilettos. And she needs to drop all this baby fat."
Tahini takes a swing at Anakin and knocks him down.
Anakin (lying on the floor holding his jaw) "Did you see that? Did you see it? She assaulted me! She laid hands on ME, the saviour of the Galaxy!!!!"
The CDO is trying hard to restrain Tahini.
Tahini: "And I'll do it again if I get the chance!"
Anakin: "Don't you know you're only a Young Jedi Knight character? That's the lowest of the low. You should be grateful I even agreed to be in the same book as you, you pathetic loser!!!"
Tahini: "Oh, get stuffed. You're only an EU character yourself."
Anakin: "That's better than you!"
Tahini: "But it's not as good as the original seven, so there!"
Anakin buffs his nails with a contemplative air--
Anakin: "Well, as to that, I intend to change matters..." (He looks at CDO) "Have you completed the wimpication of my uncle yet?"
CDO: (still holding Tahini back) "We're working on it, Anakin."
Anakin: "Good." (gesturing towards Tahini) "I have to tell you, she simply won't do. I like older women. Like my grandfather did. Is Alyssa Milano free?"
CDO: "We've spent so much on your trainer, stylist, investment counselor, manicurist, pedicurist, shrink, lawyer, guru and psychic that we don't have the money to hire Alyssa Milano, Anakin."
Anakin: (ominously) "Wrong answer. This is the New Jedi Order, remember? And I'm the New Jedi in question."
CDO: (he's fed up) "Well, there's always your brother."
Anakin: (laughing) "Jacen? You wimped him up even worse than my uncle! I'm the kewl one! I'm the fanboys' fave! People follow me in the street and swoon in my general direction! You're stuck with me, sweetheart! And you'd better keep me happy. Or else."
He storms out. Tahini, having bitten her way free of CDO's grip, is throwing anything she can find after him.
CDO: (to the Lucasarts Marketing Minion) "This deal is getting worse all the time."

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8/15/2024 8:26 pm  #3



MariahJade2 interrupts fic in progress.

She knocks on the door of CDO. Bang! Bang!Bang!

Door opens, and she walks in to office.
"What can I do for you Ms.Jade2?" He says.

CDO glares at Old pathetic life form in front of him.

"OH please Mr. CDO man. Please can I have my Magnificent Seven back."

He shoves MJ2 out the door and says, "No...your not part of our target audience anymore.

Door slams shut in her face.

Help me Obi wan Kenobi, your my only hope.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled fic.
Anakin and Jaina decide to go chasing after Kyp.

Jaina: "Come on, we've got to go after Kyp."
Anakin: "Don't you mean, join Kyp?"
Jaina: "What? No, I am a loyal niece. I'd never run out on Uncle Luke."
Anakin: "The train is leaving the station sister, don't get left behind."
Jaina: "But Kyp's gonna take too many Jedi with him."
Anakin: "That's been a threat for several books now, you don't really believe that's going to happen do you?"
Jaina: "No, I guess not."
Kyp: "What do you brats want?"
Anakin: "We're supposed to try to talk you out of going away."
Kyp: "But you're not going to?"
Anakin: "No. Just between you and me, I think you are right."
Jaina: "Anakin. How could you say such a thing?"
Anakin: "Put a fork in it Jaina. You're thinking the same thing."
Kyp: "Your Uncle is going gray in the Force. That's not going to happen to me."
Jacen: (finally joining the party) "Hah! I knew it. You bleach your hair blonde."
Kyp: "So. At least I don't wear girls underwear."
(Jaina and Anakin just look at Jacen, mouths hanging agape.)
Jacen: (embarrassingly) "I like the soft silky feel."

Kyp: "Why did Luke call this meeting?"
Anakin: "The meeting helps engineer a plot crisis by having so many Jedi away from Yavin that they can't maintain the Force illusion that the acadamy isn't there."
Kyp: "That is stupid."
Anakin: "That's the point. They have to dumb down Luke to elevate me ."
Jaina: "Hey! Why not elevate me?"
Jacen: "Or me?"
Anakin: (to Jacen) "You're a pacifist wimp, not a fighter." (to Jaina) "And young males don't want to read about the adventures of young girls."
Jaina: "Says who?"
Anakin: "Says me. Don't worry, you play a prominent role and get a spotlight book too."
Jaina: "Well. Okay."
Kyp: "I wondered why I was getting such an important role in opposing Luke. When did all this happen?"
Anakin: "It's slowly been happening. I made a deal to lead the next generation into pushing out the old whether they like it or not."
Kyp: "You? I should be the next leader."
Anakin: "Sorry. I pointed out that you are the Price Charles of the Jedi. They've decided to skip a generation."
Kyp: "I get no respect around here. I am leaving."
(Sorry Kyp fans, that's all you get. Feeling rooked by this whole series? Get in line.)

Anakin: "Now that Kyp is out of the picture, where were we? Oh right. My elevation to the new lead."
Jacen: "I still think you're the wrong one to lead."
Jaina: "Hey! We are siblings. We shouldn't bicker like this. We should be able to solve our problems constructively."
Anakin: "Where the heck did you get that guano load?"
Jaina: "I dunno. I opened my mouth to speak and that came out."
Jacen: (teasingly) "DullWay controlling your brain sis?"
Jaina: "Bite me, girly-boy."
Jacen: "Butch."
Anakin: "As amusing as your bickering is, we've got to warn Luke that this meeting he just called leaves the Jedi Acadamy open for attack."
Jaina: (giving Jacen the evil eye) "Yeah, okay. I don't have a good feeling about that Kuati senator either."
Jacen: "Hey, I'm the one who didn't have good feelings about her."
Jaina: "And did you do anything about it?"
Jacen: "No."
Jaina: "You dropped the ball, so now it's my turn."
Jacen: "Shameless do-gooder."
Jaina: "Speak for yourself, zit-face."
Anakin: "Would you two knock it off. We all know nothing about that is going to be resolved immediately. Let's go give Uncle Luke the bad news."

(Anakin walks away with Jaina and Jacen following behind, bickering and shoving each other.)

Mara: "Have you seen the cover of 'Star by Star' yet?"
Luke: "No."
Mara: "Well, I have. You know who's on it?"
Luke: "Since I haven't seen it, I guess you're going to tell me."
Mara: "In all his glory on the back is none other than Wesley Crusher. You're on the front cover, by the way."
Luke: "So, Anakin gets on another back cover?"
Mara: "No. This one is really Wesley Crusher."
Luke: "Really?"
Mara: "Looks pretty dam close to me."
Luke: "I know I said I knew someone new was going to bring this crappy storyline to a close, but I didn't think it would be a Star Trek crossover."
Mara: "DullWay must really be desparate for new readers."
Luke: "Chewie was on the back cover of VP. I guess it is too much to hope the same fate befalls him."
Mara: "The artist wouldn't be dumb enough to repeat the same foreshadowing. Though I can't say the same for DullWay."

Luke: "Where were you at the Jedi meeting?"
Mara: (rubbing her belly) "Junior got a craving for a pint of Len and Terry's Darth Choaklate ice cream."
Luke: "That's not a good sign, is it?"
Mara: "I wouldn't worry about it. Yet."
Luke: "I could have really used your help."
Mara: "Why? What happened?"
Luke: "WimpyLuke ambushed me and ran the meeting."
Mara: "Sorry. I know I said watch your back for you."
Luke: "He's getting bolder and bolder. He's the one who put this stupid T-shirt on me."
(Luke finally pulls off the t-shirt, throws it in the corner, and ignites it with a snap of the fingers."
Mara: "You think DullWay and the uberbrats are up to something?"
Luke: "Yes. Replacing me with WimpyLuke is the first step. Elevating Anakin is the next step."

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8/15/2024 8:28 pm  #4



Luke: "This really, really sucks..."
Mara: "Well, what do we do when we want to cheer ourselves up?" She gives him a sidelong look.
Luke: (hopefully) "The Jedi Master and the Slave Girl--Episode CLXXIXVIIIIIIII?"
Mara: (throwing her arms around him) "Scroll them credits!"
Luke and Mara are really getting into their roles, so to speak, when they hear a loud cough.
Editor: "Excuse me, but I really can't allow this."
Luke: (frustrated) "Why not?"
Editor: "We have a G rating around here. We're proud of it."
Mara: (with hostility) "So?"
Editor: "So no NC-17."
Luke: "No?"
Editor: "No. No R, either. No smut, no porn, no tongue-in-the-lung." He gives Luke and Mara a reproving look. Mara gives him an impudent grin. Luke scowls.
Editor: (sternly) "Yes, I *saw* you behind the door!"
Luke: (pleadingly) "PG-13?"
Editor: "No!"
Mara: "We *are* married, in case it's escaped your notice!"
Editor: (primly) "Married people don't have sex."
Mara: "Who says?"
Editor: "Da Boss."***
Luke: (sotto voce) "Well, maybe *he* thinks so..."
Mara: (patting her stomach) "So how did this happen?"
Luke: (sarcastically) "I guess our midi-chlorians just migrated."
He and Mara start to giggle helplessly.
Editor: "Stop that!"
Luke and Mara stop giggling and look resentful.
Editor: "Now, Luke. In this scene, you do the angst bit about your weakness. Mara, you comfort him. Luke, you do the set-up about Anakin saving the day."
Luke: (muttering) "Oh, spare me."
Editor: "And no sex! None whatsoever!"
Luke: (to Mara) "Ever get the feeling you're the only sane person in a looney bin? I seem to be having an illict affair with my own wife."
Editor: (sternly) "It's necessary! Prepubescents are deeply offended by the very *idea* of adults having sex. And this book is aimed and eleven-and-a-half-year-olds."
Mara: "This is news?"
Editor: (snappily) "Get into your places. I want obedience! Or we'll get WimpyLuke to do the job! Jump to it!"
Luke and Mara look at each other. They look at the Editor. They look at each other again. Slowly the ceiling directly above the Editor collapses, burying him in a pile of rubble.
Mara: "Well, I wonder how *that* happened!"
Luke: "You'll notice that eleven-and-a-half-year-olds aren't offended by graphic violence. Luckily."
Mara: (dusting her hands) "Well, now that we're alone, what do you think we should do?"
Luke: "First?"
Mara: "Yeah."
Luke looks at his hands.
Mara: "Well?"
Luke: "Mara, I've got a confession to make."
Mara: (getting alarmed) "Yes? What about?"
Luke: "You."
Mara: (now getting upset) "What about me?"
Luke: "Well--"
Mara: (anxiously) "Spit it out!"
Luke: "You know your condition?"
Mara: (thoroughly agitated) "Yeah? Yeah? What about my condition?"
Luke: "Well, I find it a total turn-on!"
Mara does a leg sweep and knocks Luke to the floor. In deference to the eleven-and-a-half-year-olds in the audience and Da Boss, we shall now draw that ever-handy discreet veil over the rest of the proceedings--

***shorthand for the Flanneled One.

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8/15/2024 8:28 pm  #5



(In the bowels of the highly critical ECA (Extremist Cranks Association), a couple of robed intelligence agents are listening intently to a conversation between the LMM and CDO (Lucasfilm Marketing Minion & Chief DullWay Overlord) picked up by a cleverly concealed microphone in an undisclosed location. The robed figures are typing notes on laptops while listening to the secret conversation which is also being taped.)

LMM: ?Well, we managed to keep the money rolling in for another year with this NJO scam. Both my wife and mistress got really nice Christmas presents last year ? and I'm driving a brand new Lexus to boot!?
CDO: ?Yeah, I just bought an 22 foot SeaRay with a 5 liter inboard engine, GPS, fish-finders and the ultimate freestyle water-ski package. I can't wait until it gets a little warmer so I can take it for its maiden voyage.?
LMM: ?Yes, but in the meantime we have to think of what we're gonna do with the NJO this coming year. I take it you're going to want to put gas in that boat of yours from time to time??
CDO: ?Yes, we have to come up with another whole year's worth of stories to sell to the gullible fans who bought the last load we put on the shelves. In fact, we have to keep this charade going at least until 2004!?
LMM: ?Hmmm ? this gets harder and harder the longer it goes on, doesn't it? Can't we just rehash what we did in the first year but change some of the names and places??
CDO: ?We've already done that. As a matter of fact this whole NJO enterprise is just a rip-off of all the weird alien encounters from the ? um ? the 'previous' line of Star Wars books ? and a bunch of our old Star Trek books as well! We can't keep doing the same thing if we expect to live like fat cats throughout our retirement.?
LMM: ?Why not? It's worked well so far, hasn't it??
CDO: ?Yes, but sales of our latest NJO novel, ?Conquest?, just BARELY got on the NY Times Bestseller list which is a dramatic drop from the performance of last year's paperbacks. We added lots of gore, torture and horror for shock value and many of the younger fans have acted like the mind-numbed robots we thought they were ... but sales are still slipping.?
LMM: ?What's wrong with our fans? I thought they'd buy ANYTHING that has ?Star Wars? written on the cover??
CDO: ?That's been the case so far ? but I think our efforts at hype have slackened some. It's much easier to promote the prequel era books. Fans remember seeing the characters on screen in a recent movie. Plus, they are younger and ? frankly ? not nearly as smart as the readers who prefer the classic trilogy.?
LMM: ?Yes, but we've got people who still want to follow the original characters and where there is money to be made beating a dead horse, we've got to be there with baseball bats ? heavy ones! You people aren't the ONLY ones who can make books, you know. We can always find some other partner ??
CDO: (shaken) ?Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to make it appear that I'm not a team player ? especially when bilking gullible kids and their overindulgent parents.?
LMM: ?That's more like it. What about our new hero character, Anakin? His personality was manufactured by a first-rate committee and our new computerized, character design software specifically for this trendy new demographic: bored, violence-numbed teens who want something to read while taking a break from playing 1st-person shooter games on Playstation and watching shows like Buffy and Dawson's Creek.?
CDO: ?Anakin may have a little TOO much attitude, actually, and keeping him satisfied is getting awfully expensive. As a result, we've had to cut back on our traditional promotions ? and turn to less orthodox measures.?
LMM: ?Such as??
CDO: ?We've had to re-deploy our unpaid flunkies on the various fan-infested message boards. We have one stooge in particular, Gangrene, doing everything he can to discredit fan-favorite author Timothy Zahn and confuse the whole issue by promoting the old Marvel Star Wars comic books.?
LMM: ?Marvel made Star Wars comics? Are you sure? That doesn't sound familiar.?
CDO: ?Yes, I've ev........ 

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 8:29 pm)

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8/15/2024 8:36 pm  #6


The Ranch

The throne room is dark except for a soft spotlight over an 'Alien'-like egg sac.

The CDO and LMM slink into the throne room and prostrate themselves on the floor in front of the mysterious structure.

DB's head slowly rises out of the egg.

DB: It is nearly time.

LMM: Are you certain? There is still so much left here for you to do.

DB: Unfortunately a pushy author with ideas of her own has accelerated my schedule. I must leave now to realize my goal.

LMM: (Turning on CDO) See what happens when you give in to author demands!

CDO: She was gonna walk if we didn't go along.

LMM: Let 'em walk!

CDO: We couldn't. The fan rebellion would have been too great to overcome.

LMM: Let 'em rebel. They like what we tell them to like. They do as we tell them to do.

CDO: I?ll bear that in mind next time you?re moaning over the poor sales figures.

DB: (Pointedly ignoring CDO, he solemnly passes a sheaf of papers to LMM) Here is the script for Episode Three. Take it and pass on what you have learned. Once it is filmed my work here will be complete, and it will be necessary to take control of the only profitable Star Wars outlet left - the EU. Too long have we left it untended. Too unstructured, too little characterization, and a total absence of worthwhile story lines. *It is time.*

LMM: But Master, who will direct the film? Guide it? Nurture it until it is everything you dreamed of?

DB: (shrugs disdainfully) As long as it rakes in the money, who cares?

LMM: C-C- Could *I* oversee it, Master?

DB: (smiles down on his underling paternalistically) Certainly. I have taught you everything you are capable of learning. You know how to milk the franchise for every cent it is worth.

LMM: I will make you proud, Master!

DB: I certainly hope not. I don?t plan on people soon forgetting me. The substandard work of others quickly causes people to forget my own failings and call for my aid.

LMM: (suitably chastised) Of course, Master. But what if there is a crisis before your transformation? How will we contact you?

DB: I am all-knowing and all-seeing.

LMM: Of course, Master. But . . .

DB: Sacrifice a fattened LMM on my altar and offer up the appropriate prayers. I will hear you.

LMM: (Visibly winces) How about Jar Jar or one of your other creations? You want your sacrifices to be worthy of you after all. And the lawsuits that would result from your suggestion would cut deeply into our profits.

DB: (ponders this for a moment) Very well. That will be acceptable.

CDO: (Becoming increasingly impatient with all this nonsense) Were you going to discuss this ridiculous little plan with me before you left, or merely appear in the next book without any warning? I paid serious money for this franchise. *I* am in control, not you.

DB: Silence, fool! You know nothing of my plans. You give into the demands of your own employee, forcing me to accelerate my schedule, and then have the gall to stand there and question my authority? The time for my ascendance is at hand. Too long have I been satisfied merely to be the hero-maker rather than the hero. That will soon change. I will no longer be constantly disappointed by ungrateful surrogates!

LMM: Master, how long will it be before you take control of the GFFA? After all, you're going to be rather incapacitated when you first arrive. Are we talking weeks, months or years?

DB: My dominance will be immediate.

CDO: (Still clearly unimpressed with this mysterious plan) And don't you think that your surrogate and his partner will have anything to say on the matter?

DB: Of course not! They will be overwhelmed with gratitude that I finally let them get together ? and of course with pride for being the parents of the next Ruler of the galaxy.

CDO: (Sneering) So you're going to be Son of the Son of the Son of the Suns. Has quite a ring to it, doesn't it? Just rolls o.......

Luke and Mara are busy frollicking when there comes a knock, knock, knocking on the door.

Mara: "Geez, just when we get to the good parts we get interrupted."
Luke: "Ignore the door."
Mara: "We can't. It's the Solo babies. They know we're here."
Luke: (exasperated) "Great."
(Luke and Mara make themselves presentable.)
Luke: "Come on in kids."
Jaina: "Kids? We're not kids anymore."
Luke: "Yes you are."
Jania: "No we aren't."
Luke: "Whatever. You aren't adults yet either.
Jacen: (looking at the hole in the window) "What happened to the window?"
Mara: "Luke needed some air."
Jacen: (looking out the hole) "Did you know that your ottoman is sitting on the ledge?"
Mara: "Really. I thought it was a goner."
Luke: (feeling testy) "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
Anakin: "We've come to tell you we've figured out where the greatest threat to the Jedi is going to occur."
Luke: "At the Academy, right?"
Jacen: "You already knew."
Mara: "Yes. We've kicked WimpyLuke out for now."
(Anakin seems miffed about this.)
Luke: "Oh. I see. You thought you'd get the drop on good ole Uncle Luke. Try to show him up. Not this time."
Anakin: "So what are you going to do about it."
Mara: "Shoot him every time I see him."
Anakin: "No, I mean the Academy."
Luke: "I'm trying to contact Booster Rocket to rescue them with the Red Raider."
Anakin: "Why aren't you doing it yourself?"
Luke: (looking at Mara) "I am kind of busy here."
Anakin: "Have you talked with Booster yet?"
Luke: "Not yet. Can't find him for some reason I suspect to be a plot device."
Mara: "Want me to call Talyn?"
Luke: "Sure, Crais might be able to help."

The Humorous Version Overlord here. We interrupt your regularly scheduled Humorous Version to bring you an important public service announcement.

The earlier post by Darth Cerberus is a prime example of laying the foundation for a potential future storyline that might develop in Reboot or Scar by Scar. Readers should be prepared for the introduction of major characters and for changes in a character. To not prepare a reader without some background would be like having an Imperial hater suddenly running a vigilante operation against smugglers on the Rim, or digging a Jedi Master out of a kiddie book and tossing him directly into an adult novel.

We here at the Humorous Version have more editorial integrity than to let something like that happen.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled humorous version.

Jaina: "Let us go rescue the kids."
Luke: "That's a good idea, but I can't."
Mara: "Carefull honey. I sense Wimpy coming on."
Luke: "Don't worry dear."
Jaina: "Why not? My eyes are healed."
Luke: "Don't you think you've seen enough action in this series."
Jaina: "No, it's the next generation's turn. It is our turn to hog the limelight."
Luke: "The plot doesn't call for you to run off to help the kids. As your little brother there."
Jaina: "Well Anakin?"
Anakin: "There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said."
Jacen: "That's not much of an answer."
Anakin: "It's all the answer that is required."

The Solo uberkinden*** leave Luke and Mara. After a while Anakin takes off by himself to the fighter hanger. He's mad that Luke has not been completely wimpified yet.

Anakin: "Fiver, prep for takeoff. We've got somewhere to go."
Fiver: "beep beep"
Anakin: "We're going to Yasmine 4."
Fiver: "beep"
Anakin: "Send a message to DullWay. Tell them that the wimpification of Luke isn't exactly going according to plan."

***ripped off from Grand Admiral Wettengel 

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8/15/2024 8:38 pm  #7


            Anakin makes a pit stop at DullWay to discuss the problem with CDO and LMM. Unfortunately, the first person he meets is Tahini, which immediately distracts him...

Anakin: (to CDO) "She goes! I'm not kidding!"
CDO: "Now, Anakin..."
Anakin: "I mean it, replace her or I won't play."
CDO: "Anakin, you're not being reasonable--"
Anakin: "I want her gone! Britney would be okay, or maybe Christina. Somebody sexy."
CDO: "Now, Anakin, one of the reasons we want to get rid of your uncle is that he can't get his mind out of the gutter. I mean, imagine! He actually wants to sleep with his own wife! I don't know why he can't get himself a mistress, like a normal guy--"
Anakin: "What are *you* talking about?"
CDO: (patiently) "You and Tahini have a pure, deep friendship. No sex."
Anakin: "You're joking, right?"
CDO: "Not at all. We've already had *one* unscheduled pregnancy in this series. No more!"
Anakin: "What do you mean, one unscheduled pregnancy?"
CDO: "Mara Jade is pregnant."
Anakin: "Who says? Isn't she 159 years old, or something?"
CDO: "Well, I know it's absurd; we didn't *want* to. But we needed to boost sales somehow. It's sort of like a sitcom on its last legs. When they introduce a pregnancy, you *know* they're desperate."
Anakin: "You promised me they'd be marginalized!"
CDO: "Yes, and we're working on it!"
Anakin: "Then why is she pregnant?"
CDO: "I swear, Anakin, we didn't want to! But the directive came from the highest levels. Nothing we can do about it! But don't worry, your uncle will be so wimpy nobody'll pay any attention to him! And you'll save the day! Make all the decisions! Be the hero! We promise...!"

At this juncture, a group of people all wearing "Team Anakin" T-Shirts come in.
CDO: (fake hearty) "Well, here's your entourage! Your trainer, stylist, investment counselor, manicurist, pedicurist, shrink, lawyer, guru and psychic! All of which we're paying for, I might add."
Anakin: (squinting at the Team, who are flashing him bright, hopeful smiles) "Where's the masseuse I requested?"
CDO: (rolling his eyes at LMM, who is hovering) "Masseuse?"
Anakin: "And the astrologist?"
CDO tries to speak but no words come out.
Anakin: "And the Ewok-minder?"
CDO: (finding his voice) "Ewok-minder? I thought you didn't *like* Ewoks?"
Anakin: (smirking) "I hear they're very good with topatoes."
CDO buries his head in his hands. LMM pats him consolingly.
Anakin: (folding his arms) "I'm *extremely* vexed!"
Team Anakin gives a collective gasp.
Anakin: "I'm very vexed, indeed!"
Team Anakin gasps again.
Anakin motions to his entourage: "Guess what?"
Team Anakin: (in stereo) "What's that, Chosen One?"
Anakin: "Not only do these jerks deny me the necessities for my spiritual and physical well-being, but..."
Team Anakin: "Yes?"
Anakin: My aunt's pregnant!"
Team Anakin: (in stereo) "How could they?"
Anakin: (angrily) "I dunno!!! When I say I want him emasculated, I mean emasculated! That means no you-know-what! No nothing!"
He kicks CDO in the shin.
Anakin: "He was supposed to be childless! And Jacen was supposed to be such a wuss that even a wimp like my uncle would spit on him! And I'd be the Chosen One! The New Hope!"
He kicks CDO in the other shin.
Anakin: "What if people say this kid is the Chosen One, not me?"
CDO: (hiding behind a desk so Anakin can't kick him again) "They won't, Anakin, he's too young to be a threat to you."
Anakin: "Not *yet!* But give him twenty years, and you'll be farming me out, too!"
(to the Team) "What are we gonna do about it?"
One of the Team steps forward. He wears a name tag reading: ?Hello. I Am Anakin's Lawyer': "We could start a lawsuit!"
Anakin: "Yes!"
Anakin's Stylist: "You could get a make-over!"
Anakin: "Definitely!"
Anakin's Trainer: "You could work on your abs!"
Anakin: "Getting better!"
Anakin's Investment Counselor: "You could invest in stock!"
Anakin: "I like it!"
Anakin's Psychic: "I could read your horoscope again."
Anakin: "Getting warmer!"
Anakin's Guru: "We can visit Tibet!"

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8/15/2024 8:40 pm  #8



The LucasWhim Marketing Minion (LMM) is sitting at his desk in his office when the Chief Dull Way Overlord (CDO) rushes in.

CDO: ?You?ve seen the sales figures??
LMM: ?Yes, Conquest didn?t last more than 3 weeks on the expanded NYT Bestseller list. That?s abominable! Do you have any explanation??
CDO: ? I can?t imagine what went wrong. We have our cadre of obedient loyalists repeating sayings like ?The NJO rocks!? and ?It?s soooo kewl!? We even had Greg Keyes repeat Mike Stackpole?s line that the NJO will be a ?fun ride? in his acknowledgments. It seems that the retailers got stuck with a lot of NJO leftovers and have cut orders for this year?s books.?
LMM: ?Well, we?ll address future sales later. In the meantime, we need to do some serious damage control. Let?s try to keep these sales rankings our little secret, OK??
CDO: Well, um, that Major League A-Hole, Bjorn Borg, has already publicized the fact that the book?s sales were pitiful. He and the rest of the Cranks have been quite vocal lately.?
LMM: ?Again? I thought we?d seen the last of Bjorn and those malcontents.?
CDO: ?Nope, he recently resurfaced with the bad news ... along with the rest of the whiners ... even their leader, Emperor Palindrome has been vocal lately.?
LMM: ?Well, what can we do about them??
CDO: ? A couple days ago I dispatched one of our drones to the boards. I.M. Salivating is trying to debunk their postings by saying the NY Times list doesn?t mean anything.?
LMM: (skeptically) ?I can?t believe that anyone would buy such a load of BS. How is it going??
CDO: ?His spin is keeping our loyalists in line, I?m sure of that at least.?
LMM: ?OK, good. Ideally, I?d like a more permanent solution ... but he?ll have to do for now.?
CDO: ?Um, does Da Boss know the latest??
LMM: ?Are you kidding? No! He?s still in his egg waiting to go ... over to the other side.?
CDO: (lets out a sigh of relief) ?If he ever comes out of that thing and finds out, we?re both gonna fry!?
LMM: ?You ain?t kidding! I have an application for the French Foreign Legion in this desk drawer just in case. What about you?
CDO: ?Gee, I hadn?t thought about it before. Perhaps I could run away and join the circus ... as a barker for the freak show??
LMM: ?You?ll be perfect. Now, if you?ll excuse me I have to run to the pharmacy and pick up some more Tylenol.?
CDO: ?Good idea. I could use a couple bottles myself.?      

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8/15/2024 8:44 pm  #9



After being properly condescended to by his entourage, Anakin takes off for Yasmine 4 to start his quest. He arrives in orbit to find the Testosterone Brigade setting up shop.

Anakin: "This is Anakin Solo, savior of the NJO. What is your purpose here?"
Testosterone Brigade Guy: "We're on a fishing expedition."
Anakin: "Go home. The fishing sucks here."
TBG: "We're not exactly fishing for fish."
Anakin: "Oh. Well I can't let you stay."
TBG: "Who gives you the authority."
Anakin: "DullWay. I am the Savior of the NJO. I have the ultimate authority."
TBG: "Savior? Hah! We don't recognize your authority."
Anakin: "Fiver, lock S-foils in attack position."
Fiver: How predictable.
Anakin: "I am giving you one chance to leave otherwise..."
TBG: (fires a lazer cannon shot at Ani) "Bring it on kid. Give it your best shot."
Anakin: "They fired on me. I can't believe it."
Fiver: Did you think they were just going to roll over for you?
Anakin: "Yes. Plot an intercept course."
Fiver: You don't want to do it yourself?
(Ani takes a run at the transport, scores a hit. The transport fires 6 torps at Ani.)
Anakin: "Fiver, we've got torpedos incoming."
Fiver: What? Did you think I didn't already notice?
Anakin: "Time to do some really fancy flying."
Fiver: Oh boy.
HVO: In the interests of brevity, insert your favorite X-Wing book fancy flying here. If you haven't read any X-Wing, read them. Now! They are better than the NJO.
Anakin: "Yipee. Am I the best pilot or what? I am even better than dad."
Fiver: I think you are having delusions of grandeur.
(Ani scores a few more hits on the transport.)
Anakin: "Ready to give up now?"
TBG: "No, I was just going to ask for your surrender."
Anakin: "You've got more hubris than S..."
Fiver: Hate to tell you this but their fleet of a dozen ships just jumped in system.
Anakin: "Darn it."
TBG: "Ha ha, hotshot! Wanna take a run at us now."
Anakin: "Fiver, prepare for intercept."
Fiver: Talk about hubris...
Editor: "Now is not the time for this Chosen One of the NJO. You need to go down to the planet. People are waiting."
Anakin: "But I can take them. Corran has beaten 10 to 1 odds. I have to show I am better."
Editor: "We'll get to that later. I promise."
(Ani reluctantly turns around and heads for the surface of Yasmine 4.)

Insert X-wing book here. LOL! How about Star fighters of Adumar?

Mariah's post is suddenly interrupted when Mara Jade Skywalker storms through waving a piece of bleeding meat, followed by a pack of angry fan girls. "Come on girls, I think the 'Tired of the NJO' thread is this way.

Luke comes running up, "Hey I want in on this." The all head off and Mariah is torn.
Read fic's or follow?     

 Back at DullWay, the Chief DullWay Overlord and the LucasWhim Marketing Minion have their heads together again...
CDO: ?So, what?s next??
LMM: ?Well, we?re doing some spin-doctoring on the boards. We?ve got I. M.
CDO: ?That?s Salviating...?
LMM: Whatever. We?ve got him and the token femme du jour doing bad cop/good cop with the forum geeks in the ?Tired of NJO? thread.?
CDO: ?How?s it going??
LMM: ?Well, we ordered IMS to post on the boards and did our usual guarantee that the next poster would toady him in an embarrassingly obsequious way.?
CDO: ?Who posted??
LMM: ?Valet.?
CDO: (reading the post and wincing) ?Well, I know we ordered this, but he went a little
overboard, doncha think? Doesn?t this guy have any self-respect??
LMM: (patiently) ?He?s one of Darkly Preposterous?s 159 aliases.?
CDO: (brightening) ?Well, that explains that."
They drop in on the forum chat?

IMS: (to DewMomma, a charter member in the Extremist Cranks? Association) ?And what?s
more, you said I was your least favourite SW author!?
Dew: ?Huh? Like when??
IMS: ?A year and a half ago, your third post of the day, at 1300 hours, in the ?NJO Sucks Dead Donkeys? thread.?
Dew: (patiently) ?Well, actually Vonda Schmonda is my least favourite SW author.?
IMS: (pouting) ?I don?t believe you!?
Dew: ?No, really. You?re way too bland to be anybody?s worst?-I swear.?
IMS: ?Really??
Dew: ?Really. I mean it. You?re not really bad. Just completely generic.?
IMS: (sniffing) ?You mean it??
Dew: ?Cross my heart.?
IMS: (grudgingly) ?Well, okay then.?
Dew: (whispering to the other Cranks) ?Boy, is this guy anal or what??

LMM to CDO: ?Um, it?s not going as well as it might.?
CDO: (angrily) ?I can see that!?
LMM: ? Maybe we should get involved. Show those ink-stained wretches how it?s done...?
CDO: ?We could hardly do worse!? [be sure to remember this statement]
He signals Darkly to announce their presence.
Darkly Preposterous: ?And now, you unworthy peons, guess who?s gonna shine their radiance upon your lowly selves? Yes! The Chief DullWay Overlord and the LucasWhim Marketing Minion! Be sure to grovel!?
Princess Aleve (another charter member of the ECA): ?You grovel enough for the lot of us.?
Darkly: ?Bite me!?
P. Aleve: ?Not on your tintype, sweetheart. I hear hoof and mouth disease is contagious.?
CDO: (magisterially) ?Enough! Does anybody have any?ahem?questions??
Bjorn Borg (yet another charter member of the ECA): ?I?ll quote from Aniquest: ?Anakin?s frustration hijacked his lips...??
CDO: ?Yeah, so what??
Bjorn: ?Where do you find these hacks? Under rocks??
CDO: (impatiently) ?Well, who cares about the quality of the books??
Bjorn: ?Not you, obviously. I mean, shouldn?t any editor have caught something like that?"
CDO: (with an air of exaggerated patience) ?Editors are not supposed to edit books, you moron. They do spin-doctoring. Publicity stuff. Oh yeah, and prevent characters in the books from having sex.?
Bjorn: "What about violence?"
CDO: "Violence sells, my child. Gotta keep up with 'The Matrix', I mean, the Joneses..."
Emerald Flame: (another charter ECA member?to LMM) ?Well, tell us this. You?ve taken a
viable Star Wars franchise and turned it into sub-par Trek. What does that say about you??
LMM: (he?s trying to think but the novelty is overwhelming him) ?...Dunno...?
EF: (drily) ?Try hard.?
LMM: (he?s always eager to please) ?We?re complete dorkwads??
EF: (considering this) ?Add 'greedy' to that, and I think you?ve got it...?
The Cranks begin singing ?By George, I think you?ve got it!?* in harmony while the CDO, thoroughly incensed, drags LMM off the boards.

*with apologies to Lerner and Loewe


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8/15/2024 8:45 pm  #10



Anakin lands on Yasmine 4. Don?t ask for details. It?s the kind of stuff I always skip.

After exiting his ship, Anakin catches sight of his bete noire, Tahini.
Anakin: ?Oh hell, not you again.?
Tahini: ?In person, jerk.?
Anakin: ?Drop dead!?
Tahini: ?After you!?
Anakin: ?How did you get here, anyway? I just left you at DullWay.?
Tahini: ?Haven?t you noticed? Nothing in this plot makes any sense, anyway. It?s just set up so you?re the hero.?
Anakin: (preening) ?Well, why not??
Tahini makes a rude noise.
Anakin: ?Why do you hafta be so negative? Why can?t you just be brainless and enjoy it??
Tahini: (wrinkling her brow) ?That sounds like the DullWay party line, alright.?
Anakin: ?Oh shut up. Just be glad you?re here. You could?ve been exiled to the Young Jedi Knights permanently.?
Tahini: ?Honeychild, do I have news for you! I didn?t take a step up, you took a step down!?
Anakin: (the machine?s still turning but the hamster?s dead, if you get what I mean) ?What does that mean??
Tahini: ?They?ve stopped producing adult books. Star Wars books are now just YJK in a
different wrapper.?
Anakin: ?It?s a lie!?
Tahini: (with a nasty grin) ?Ya want proof??
Anakin: (glaring) ?Yes!?
Tahini: ?Well, you notice, don?t you, that all the adults in these books are dolts.?
Anakin: (not getting it) ?Well, yeah; so what? All adults are dolts.?
Tahini: ?Sure, sweetie, sure. And you?re the only person in the entire galaxy that knows what to do??
Anakin: (smirking happily) ?Well, that?s normal...?
Tahini: ?And everybody listens to you, worries about you, thinks about you all the time??
Anakin: (he?s sure now) ?Definitely normal!?
Tahini: ?Only in YJK land, kiddo. Where they must flatter the audience. And the audience is eleven and a half years old?if that...... Then there?s all those ridiculous YJK characters suddenly appearing.?
Anakin: ?I haven?t seen any.?
Tahini: (in an announcer?s voice) ?I give you exhibit A.?
With a flourish, she indicates a large shape at the edge of the clearing. The large shape gradually becomes?I?m absolutely not kidding you---a Big Bunny.
Anakin: (puzzled) ?It?s Easter??
Tahini: ?No, you moron. It?s the pride of the Silly Rabbit Nebula, Master Jerkit!?
Anakin: (screwing up his face) ?You?re kidding me, right??
Tahini: ?No.?
Anakin: ?Give me a break!? He calls a time out.
Editor: (patiently) ?What?s the matter now, Anakin?"
Anakin: (whining) ?You said my books would be kewl!?
Editor: ?They are kewl, Anakin. Take my word.?
Anakin: (murderously) ?A Big Bunny is not kewl!?
Editor: (soothingly) ?Big Bunnies are extremely kewl, Anakin. Brittany, or maybe it?s Cristina, has one. She even sleeps with it.?
Anakin: ?But that Big Bunny is stuffed!
Editor: (looking at his watch) ?Don?t worry. Yours will be, too. Give you my word. Now get on with it.?
The Big Bunny hops over to Anakin and Tahini.
Big Bunny: ?Greetings, Anakin.?
Anakin tries hard not to laugh, but he can?t help himself.
Anakin, to Tahini: ?Gawd, KJA really surpassed himself that time, didn?t he? A giant rabbit Jedi Master! What was he smoking??
Tahini: (shrugging) ?It?s his idea of humour.?
Anakin: ?What?s next, Daffy Duck as the Emperor? Marvin the Martian as the chief Pong??
Tahini: ?Keep it down, for crying out loud! You don?t wanna give these idiots any ideas.
Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is too stupid for them.?

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8/15/2024 8:46 pm  #11


Humorous Version Overlord: "Hello folks. Anakin has just been reunited with his first master -- Pinky Jerkit, the Energizer Bunny, Jedi Master. Who is this character and when did all this happen you ask? The six Junior Jedi Knights children's books. Anakin and Tahini went on adventures with Master Pinky. Because we here at the HV don't assume every reader is a completist, or every adult reader has read the children's books too, we just wanted you to know.

Anakin: (agitated) "Master Pinky! How did heck did you get into MY story."
Pinky: "Decided to use me, the writer did. Not fair to leave me out, he said. Happy, I am."
Anakin: "I was told they were just going to leave you out and not even mention you. I had a promise! How embarrassing..."
Pinky: "Just as surprised as you were, I was."
Anakin: (now exasperated) "But... They've just dropped you into the story. With no prep. Absolutely no prep I tell you!! The readers will be confused about who you are."
Pinky: "Perhaps. Sell the Essentially Worthless Chronology, they are trying to do. Look up my story in there, the readers can."
Anakin: "It is a good marketing strategy, isn't it?"
Pinky: "Shameless marketing strategy, it is. Great storytelling, it is not."
Anakin: (the hampster shows some signs of life) "Mmm. Maybe they can afford to get me a new leading lady after all."
Tahini: "Bite me! You're stuck with me. Live with it."
Anakin: (groans) "I see you're still walking around with no shoes."
Tahini: "Have you seen the shoes these days? Soles 6 inches thick! How ugly can they get? I tell you, it is all a devious male plot to slow us girls down. We can run away from them fast enough with those shoes."
Anakin: "Can't you ditch that stupid orange jumpsuit. You look like you are waiting for the Great Pumpkin."
Tahini: "I'll think about it. No promises though."
Anakin: "And why are you talking so strange Master?"
Pinky: "Write Yoda dialog, this writer wants to do. Important and wise, it makes me sound."
Anakin: "Makes sense to me."

(Anakin meets with the group -- BamBam SolarStar, Celine Tionne, Pinky and Tahini -- to give them the bad news and how things are going to play out.)

Anakin: "Lissen up. The Testosterone Brigade is coming down here to capture the kids."
Celine: "Why? I don't understand."
BamBam: "Because that's what cowardly bullies always do. Pick on the young and weak."
Anakin: "You wouldn't expect them to pick a fair fight, would you."
Celine: "No, I meant, I don't understand why are we stuck in this predicament."
Anakin: "Because Uncle Luke has been wimpified so much, it didn't occur to him to evacute the Academy earlier."
Celine: "I can't believe Master Luke would be so dumb."
BamBam: (hits his forehead with the palm of his hand) "Come to think of it, I don't know why I've been so stupid. I should have suggested evacuation to Luke."
Anakin: "Uncle Luke's been replaced by a Wimpy clone. All the older Jedi characters have been wimpified too."
Celine: "I don't understand."
Anakin: "I am the new hero, the newest savior of the galaxy. Get used to being dumber, not that it is a stretch for you, being a KJA character and all."
BamBam: "Watch your mouth there kid, that's my wife your talking about."
Anakin: "You're not much better either. Dark Empire II. That about says it all."

Celine: "We need a place to hide."
Tahini: "Let's hide them in the old abandoned Woolworth."
Anakin: "Good idea. Nobody goes there anymore. I'll stay behind to slow them down."
BamBam: "No, I'll stay behind and distract them."
Anakin: "Don't get ambitious on me here. This is my story, not yours. I am the hero. It says AniQuest on the title, not BamBamQuest."
Pinky: "Right, he is, Master BamBam. Stay with him, I will. Save the kids, you should."
BamBam: (resignedly) "All right."
Tahini: "Oh, no. I want to be part of the action. I am almost as old as you."
Anakin: "Then stop your whining."
Tahini: "I am not whining."
Anakin: "And stop acting like a baby."
Tahini: "I am not acting like a baby."
Anakin: "You sure loo

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8/15/2024 8:47 pm  #12



Cut to NJO roving news reporter L. Calrissian.
This is Lando Calrissian, coming to you from the Forum hallway, where heading toward me I see The Jedi Master himself Luke Skywalker and his Pregnant wife Mara Jade Skywalker.
They are being followed by several adult women. By the look on their faces folks, I think it is safe to say that someone is in trouble.

Mr. Skywalker! Mrs. Skywalker...would you care to make any comments to the audience?

I'm sorry but I can't talk right now I need to......Lando????? Is that you? I thought you were fired from this book series?

Yea, it's me. Hey a guys got to eat doesn't he and you know I always land on my feet. They promised I would be making an appearance in an upcoming book soon anyway.

I'd be careful if I were you Lando, Mara says. You might end up like Chewbacca.

Is that Meat your carrying, Mara?

Yes, While Luke was busy trying to fend off the Whimpy Luukkke clone, they snuck in an Emperor's hand one on me. It was horrible,
one minute I was on my way to a nice love scene and the next thing I knew I was eating this.

Luke puts his arm around her in comfort and says, "it was scary for me too. The real you came and went, several times. It even threatened to Vape me. I can deal with this
when it's just me, but they went too far. That Hand could put our son in danger."
Luke ignites his lightsaber.

"Come on Mara, Let's get them." Luke tries to slice through the NJO door. In the background chants are heard, as the women yell. 'GO LUKE!, GO LUKE."

A voice is heard through his head set.
(Times up Calrissian, we need to cut this short)
This has been Lando Calrissian reporting, we will now return you to your regular program. Stay tuned to this channel for any further developments.

Well, it wouldn?t be a Humourous Version if we didn?t have a Stupid Musical Interlude, would it?

Back at DullWay, the LucasWhim Marketing Minion and the Chief DullWay Overlord are
instructing the troops. The usual suspects are present?Darkly Preposterous, Anathema SkyPolo, the Ditherer, and the usual minor minions du jour?which at the moment comprise Mekkamess, Valet, and Mastoid. The minions come and go, mainly ?cause the majority of ?em actually grow up. (The rest are simply cases of permanent arrested development.) All are wearing T-Shirts reading ?I AM A DROP-OUT FROM BOOTLICKERS ANONYMOUS.? I. M. Sanctimonious?sorry, that?s Salivating?is lounging in the background, talking to his agent on his cel phone...

IMS: (to his agent) ?Yes, yes, I?ll done my time on the forums! I?ve fulfilled my bullying quota for the week, and obtained the right amount of toadying required to keep my ego quiet?for awhile??
LMM: (sighing?to CDO) ?But not for long??
CDO: (snorting with laughter) ?Well, can I help if he thinks he?s Tolstoy??
They both snigger derisively. IMS shoots them an annoyed look.
CDO straightens and addresses himself to the Drop-Outs (aka The Flunkies):
CDO: ?Now, gentlemen. We?re here today to watch auditions for a cameo in ?REBOOT.?
You?ll be required to vote??
The Ditherer: (he?s a keener) ?What sort of a cameo is it??
CDO: ?It?ll be a cameo by one of the Original Seven. We have so many dangling story lines, we can?t decide on which should be included. Since we want to appeal to a certain audience??
LMM: (sotto voce) ?Either the very, very young, or the brain dead??
CDO: (ignoring him) ?We decided to ask for your help. (He looks around) ?First up, Han Solo!?

Han comes sauntering in. He is sharply dressed, and looks at the prospective audience with distaste.
Han: ?What?s this? An field trip by the local school for the terminally slow??
The Ditherer: (brightly) ?No, we?re the DullWay Flunkies!?
Han: (muttering) ?Same thing.?
CDO: (taking his arm) ?Han, you want to win the cameo, don?t you??
Han: ?No.?
CDO: (whispering) ?Just remember, Han. We nearly borrowed Jar Jar Binks to be your sidekick. We can still do it.?
Han: ?Front and center!?
CDO: (smugly) ?Good. Let?s see what you can do...?

Han takes center stage, grabs a microphone, and begins singing:

Han: ?The Lord above gave man an arm of iron
So he could do his job and never shirk
The Lord above gave man an arm of iron?but
With a little bit of luck,
With a little bit of luck,
Someone else?ll do the blinkin? work!?

The Geek Chorus?a Gungan, an Ewok and a Jawa, appear to sing the refrain:

?With a little bit...with a little bit...
With a little bit of luck you?ll never work!?

Han: ?The Lord above made liquor for temptation,
To see if man could turn away from sin.
The Lord above made liquor for temptation?but
With a little bit of luck,
With a little bit of luck,
When temptation comes you?ll give right in!?

He demonstrates this theory by belting back a goodly slug of bourbon, neat.

The Geek Chorus: ?With a little bit...with a little bit...
With a little bit of luck you?ll give right in!?

Han: ?Oh, you can walk the straight and narrow,
But with a little bit of luck
You?ll run amuck!?

The Lord above made man to help his neighbour
No matter where, on land, or sea, or foam,
The Lord above made man to help his neighbour?but
With a little bit of luck,
With a little bit of luck,
When he comes around you won?t be home!?

The Geek Chorus: ?With a little bit?with a little bit
With a little bit of luck you won?t be home!
With a little bit?with a little bit
With a little bit of bloomin? luck!?

Han: ?They?re always throwing lameness at you;
But with a little bit of luck,
A man can duck!?*

CDO: (stopping him) ?What does that mean??
Han: ?Well, do I need to humiliate myself for a crummy cameo in a lousy series??
CDO: ?What choice do you have??
Han: ?I dunno, but I heard Star Trek is holding open auditions for a new show.?
CDO: ?STAR TREK!!! Are you joking??
Han: ?      

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8/15/2024 8:48 pm  #13



Anakin and Master "Pinky" Jerkit are busy prepping for the imminent invasion of the Testosterone Brigade. Anakin is in Jaina's old room at the Academy. Where else would he be tinkering with stuff?

Pinky: "*The* discussion, it is time for us to have, Anakin".
Anakin: "But Dad and I have already had *the* discussion."
Pinky: "Not what I meant, and you know it."
Anakin: "Why can't you just go away and leave me alone? This is MY book remember. I have more tinkering to do."
Pinky: "Here to help along your characterization, I am. Get you to talk."
Anakin: "I don't care about characterization."
Pinky: "Seem to agree with you, the NJO committee does."
Anakin: "And I am tired of talking. I want action sequences."
Pinky: "Call to you, the Dark Side does."
Anakin: "No way! I am not going dark."
Pinky: "Like the middle lane on I-95, the ruts to the Dark Side are worn deep. (sorry, local humor) Control you, it will."
Anakin: "Me going dark would be so predictable. My contract says I won't go dark."
Pinky: "Check the fine print, did you?"
Anakin: "What for?" (checks the fine print)
Contract terms can be changed with no prior notice or subsequent approval.)
Anakin: "What does this mean?"
Pinky: "Can change things at any time, it means. Send you to the Dark Side they will."
Anakin: (frustration hijacked Anakin's lips. <groan> Until he gets them back, he mutters an old movie line.) "Noooooooooooooooooooo! That's not true. That's impossible."
Pinky: (scratched out a long breath <groan again> scratching breath???) "Search your feelings, you know it will come true."
Anakin: (his hijacked lips haven't been returned yet, so he just moans). "Nnnooo, noooo, noooo."
Pinky: "Go ahead, jump out the window, end your misery and ours."
Anakin: (his hijacked lips have been returned) "No way. Time Out! Editor! Editor! Get down here!"
Editor: "Yes, NJO Chosen One?"
Anakin: "You aren't sending me to the Dark Side are you?"
Editor: "No NJO Chosen One."
Anakin: "Then what's this fine print in my contract?"
Editor: "It is standard in every contract. Pay it no mind. We never invoke it."
Anakin: "How do I know I won't end up being the first time?"
Editor: "We'd never do that to you NJO Chosen One. You are our bread and butter for the future."
Anakin: "Well, okay." (the editor disappears)
Pinky: "Lied to you she did."
Anakin: "How do you know? I didn't detect any deceit through the Force."
Pinky: "Don't need to Force to tell. When older you get, understand you finally will. Sell you out for the next big thing everytime, corporate interests will."
Anakin: "Why the heck are you so cynical, and why are you bothering me so much?"
Pinky: "To see something new born in you and Tahini, I am here to see."
Anakin: "Ewww. Don't even go there. Not on your life. You don't know how much that repels me. I can have any girl I want, why would I want her?"
Pinky: "A high opinion of yourself you have."
Anakin: "And why not? Eighty-two percent of forum geeks think I am the strongest, the best."
Pinky: "Easy to manipulate, they are. Not focused on the long term, are they."
Anakin: "You've got to be kidding me. Jacen, what a wimp. Jaina, no way, she's a non-entity."
Pinky: "Forgetting someone, aren't you?
Anakin: "The secret impending birth of my cousin? Having a 2-year old save the galaxy would put even KJA to shame. They'd never do that."
Pinky: "So certain are you?"

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8/15/2024 8:50 pm  #14



I never thought I'd see the day when I did one of these musical interludes. I blame Zaz.


Luke and the rest of his buffoons are relaxing in his luxurious, yet ambiguously financed, apartment.

Dyp: Great meeting before, Lukie. I really think we hammered out a great attack plan.

Luke: Absolutely, let the New Republic be wiped out before we step in and save the galaxy and establish our own oligarchy. I?ve been trying to think up a catchy name for our government.

Dyp: How about the New Jedi Order?

Luke: Lacks originality. Implies that we are the successors of the previous Jedi Order while simultaneously suggesting we are better. I like it!

Just then Han storms in, unaware that Wimpy Luke has temporarily overpowered Mara and the real Luke.

Han: Kid, you?ve got to snap out of it. This juvenile coup DR is staging against us is going too far. You?re these kids? Master. They?ll listen to you, and if they don?t just Force-blind them!

Luke: Han, trust me. I have everything figured out.

Han: So tell me your grand plan.

Luke: I can?t. You?re not a Force-user. As a mere human, you?re not capable of making any meaningful contribution to society.

Han: Excuse me, but this mere human has saved your miserable little life so many times that he?s lost count!

Luke: I rest my case. A Jedi would remember.

Han: A Jedi would also be trying to save the galaxy from these accursed Pong.

Luke: We are. Do not presume to understand the ways of the Force.

Han: I don?t. But I do understand the ways of the CDO. Just wait until you have to audition for a series where you used to be one of the main characters.

Luke: Han, you?re not a Force user. It?s different for you. Once you hit 30, your life is over. You get married, produce the next generation, and then sit back and mentor them. As a human, once this is done you die. But for Jedi, this isn?t the end. We have to amuse ourselves for the rest of eternity. We?re just trying to screw things up enough around here so we?ll be debating military tactics for at least a couple of millennia.

Han pauses to think about this.

Han: (suspiciously) You?re wimpy Luke, aren?t you?

Luke: (grins wickedly) Wouldn?t you like to know.

Han: Is Luke coming back during this series?

Luke: What makes you think he ever turned up for this series?

Han: (in a really disgusted tone) JEDI! (Storms out of the room)

Dyp: No true hero is appreciated in their own time.

Luke: (Apparently Whiny Luke is a close relation of Wimpy Luke) Martyrdom doesn?t suit me. I want the adulation now, not when I?m only a ghost and can?t take advantage of all the kickbacks.

Dyp: Non-Force users just don?t understand our plight. And our own species is the worst! All those other homogeneous, cliched-ridden, servile species don?t have all this infighting.

A Hymn to Him (I love that title so I didn't bother thinking up a SW equivalent)


Why can?t a human be more like a Jedi?
Jedi are so honest, so thoroughly square,
Eternally noble, historically fair!
Whom when you kill them will always give your back a pat;
Why can't a human be like that!

Why does everyone do what the others do?
Can?t a human learn to use their head?
Why do they do everything their politicians do?
Why don?t they grow up like their pet Jedi instead?

Why can?t a human take after a Jedi?
Jedi are so pleasant, so easy to please,
Whenever you?re with them, you?re always at ease;
Would you be slighted if I didn?t help in a war?

Of course not!

Would you be livid if I destroyed a planet or two?


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8/15/2024 8:53 pm  #15



Chuck: "Thank you for coming, Dyp Durron."
Dyp: "Whatever. What is this place? Who are you? What am I doing here?"
Chuck: "I am the guardian of all that is good about the EU; you may call me Chuck."
Dyp: "Okay . . . Chuck."
Chuck: "It has been decided that we will be taking back the EU from the evil DullWay and their D&D fantasy authors. It seems that DullWay never understood that Star Wars is both fantasy and science fiction. The mucho fantasy drivel they've been turning out has turned people off to the NJO, but what has angered these people even more is the apparent fact that Han, Leia, Mara and Luke are being written out of the series."
Dyp: "I see."
Chuck presses a button on his chair. "You will be provided with assistance for this mission."

A door slides open. "Please, step inside, Dyp."

Dyp walked beyond the doorway and was amazed by what he saw. He whistled and muttered, "Wow. What in tarnation! Will ya lookiee at all these new-fangled gadgets."

Computer: NJO intruder detected! NJO intruder detected! All troops to your battle-stations!

"So you are really a redneck," a voice said quietly. "I should have expected nothing less from the creative minds behind VP."

Dyp: "Who are you?"
Mystery Man: "They sure don't make you cheap, rip-off facsimilies intelligent, do they?"
Dyp: "Well, we all have to be stupid so the Solo kids can be seen as the genuises the DW Overlords have demanded they be."
MM: "We have been made aware of this fact and it distresses us deeply." MM stepped out from the shadows.
Dyp: "Gosh dang it! I must be in one of those funny house things with those funny mirror things that Betty-Sue looks thin in."

Kyp Durron bit his lower lip as he restrained the desire to fry Dyp here and now. "This is not an amusement park you inbred oaf. I am Kyp Durron, the character whom you are a cheap rip-off of."

Dyp took his mask off. "Well, I'm not really Dyp Durron. My name is Billy-Bob-Sue and I'm from Alabama."

Kyp's lip twisted in disgust. "Are you aware you have three eyes?"
Dyp: "Well, my grandmother-aunt-uncle-pappy told me about that. But I'm the most attractive member of my family. I have my wallet with me. Wanna see pictures?"
Kyp: No.  

Kyp shook his head in dismay. "Just put your mask back on. You make my head hurt."
Dyp: "Okay."
Kyp: Everyone is over here.
Dyp: Who are all these people?
Kyp: These are the Bantam personas of maligned, under-utlized or just plain ignored characters within the NJO.
Dyp: Where are Luke, Han, Leia and Mara?
Kyp: They're on a special mission. We are making contact with an ally who you shall soon meet in a manner of speaking.

Suddenly Dyp spotted someone and he lunged across the table. "I'll strangle ya! And I'll choke you too!"
Kyp: ~sighs~ "You will be polite, Dyp. Now get off the table."
Dyp: But she's bad.
Kyp: ~zaps Dyp with Force lightning~
Daala: Get this half-wit away from me. And get him a dictionary while you're at it.
Kyp: You will cooporate, Dyp, or else. I don't have to ask Admiral Pellaeon to put on the complete set of Palpatine's home movies for your viewing pleasure, do I?
Dyp: That won't be necessary. I'll behave. And I'll be good too.
Daala: Stop that you moron. Behave and being good, in the context you used it, are synonyms. They mean the same thing.
Pellaeon: Incidentially, there are 40 hours of home movies.
Dyp: I'm the smartest guy in my family, lady.

Having head that all those seated around the table groaned and banged their heads on the table.

Parck: This creature is a waste of amino acids. I say we get rid of it.
Daala: I second that motion. And do not call me lady. Admiral Daala will do quite nicely.
Dyp: Whatever you say, Commodore.
Daala: That's Admiral!
Kyp: Enough! It has been proven that Dyp's IQ is lower than the number of times that Luke and Mara have had sex.
At that the room erupts in laughter.
Kyp: Now let us proceed with our plan. ~Kyp hits a switch~ "You are on speaker-phone."
Luke: Can you guys here me all right?
Pellaeon: You're coming in loud and clear.
Luke: Okay. Well, we've arrived on Cobra Island. This serpent guy doesn't want to help us out. The guy in the blue uniform with the face-mask is all for helping us out--he just kept whining on and on about something called Cobra-La and how it should never happen to another franchise ever again.
Leia: And this doctor with a monacle is all for helping us.
Han: As is the guy with the metal head.
Kyp: Excellent. Why doesn't the serpent guy want to help us?
Mara: He kept saying 'And this I command!' too many times to count. And he kept going on about how he's an emperor.
Pellaeon: An emperor? I don't like the sound of that.
Kyp: I agree. He must be eliminated.
Mara: Well, that's the best part. The guy in the blue uniform and the face-mask was practically begging us to kill the serpent guy.
Kyp: Take him up on his offer, then. HQ out.

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8/15/2024 8:55 pm  #16



Pinky Jerkit sat in his quarters after having had that talk with Anakin.

He was chewing on a carrot.
"What's up, Doc?"
He changed the tone of his voice again. "What's up, Doc?"
Another change.
"What's up, Doc?"
Suddenly, Sheila Slipshod appears in a flash of fire. "You long-eared idgit. How dare you tell the NJO Chosen One the truth. You shall be punished. For this infraction, you will die in a typically unheroic fashion just like all the other death's in the NJO since Chewie."

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8/15/2024 8:56 pm  #17



On Cobra Island . . .

Serpentor: Cobra shall have nothing to do with this endeavour. This I command!
Luke: Please, just hear us out . . .
Cobra Commander: Yes, go on.
Destro(aside to Dr. Mindbender): You should take the Emperor aside. Taking control over George Lucas' empire is something that would be of great value to Cobra.
Dr. M: Yes, Destro. You are right, and he is impatient enough to not want to pursue such a worthwhile objective. ~Dr. Mindbender gets out of his seat and walks towards the head of the table and Serpentor~
Leia: What we are looking for is an alliance. Together, we can destroy the Yub-Yub Pong and destroy the DullWay marketing gimmickers.
Destro: What would become of DullWay?
Han: We don't care. Just as long as they never again publish a Star Wars novel.
Dr. M: (whispering to Serpentor) This is just the break we need, all powerful Serpentor. Let the Commander handle this--it could be his new busy-work project.
Serpentor: Cobra Commander shall be in charge of this operation. This I command! ~with that, Serpentor leaves the room~
CC: Now that the dim-witted primadonna has left the room, let us get down to business. How many strike forces will you need?
Mara: Two at least. One to attack and occupy DullWay's offices in New York City and the second to attack and occupy LucasWhim HQ out in California.
CC: We'll put the strike packages together and get back to you.
Leia: Thank you, Cobra Commander.
Destro: No, thank you.
Luke: Guess we might as well be going now.


They arrive back home just in time to see Kyp throttling the life out of Dyp.
Kyp: I have grown tired of your stupidity, Dyp.
Dyp: But it tried to attack me! I was only defending myself.
Kyp: But it was only a Mouse Droid. It has no weapons.
Dyp: ~cries~ But it could have injured me toots.
Kyp: Toots?
Dyp: Yeah. Those things at the end of your foots.
Kyp: ~sighs~ I feel another headache coming on.   
 Luke: Kyp! What are you doing! You know we need that oaf alive.
Kyp: ~sneering~ You try putting up with Dyp for several hours and see if you don't want to kill him.
Daala: Crack his skull open, Kyp!
Kyp: ~he releases his grip on Dyp's collar and steps back~ As much as I'd love to finish the job, Luke's right. He cannot be killed, until ...
Pellaeon: No don't say it!
Kyp: He cannot be killed until I become him.       

Last edited by study3600 (8/15/2024 8:57 pm)

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8/15/2024 8:58 pm  #18



            The Testosterone Brigade finally lands. Anakin and Master "Pinky" Jerkit are observing from a window high in the temple. From one of the TB ships, out jumps Elmer Fudd.

Fudd: (to the audience) "Shhh! Be vewy vewy qwiet. I'm hunting wabbits."
Pinky: "Darn, that witch was right. Who's next, Foghorn Leghorn?"
Foghorn: "I say, I say, did someone call my name?"
(more Testosterone Brigaders come out toting blasters)
Anakin: "Go away, you are trespassing."
Testosterone Leader: "We are empowered to... evacuate the area."
Anakin: "On whose authority?"
TL: "The Alliance of Free Planets."
Anakin: "Never heard of it."
TL: "It is the rightful government of the galaxy."
Anakin: "Only Marvelmaniacs believe that."
(the TBs starts to advance on the temple)
Anakin: "Because you wanted to talk, I couldn't finish my defensive setup. Now they're going to get us."
Pinky: "Not to worry. Save us I can."
Anakin: "You? This is my book remember. I get to do all the saving around here."
Pinky: "Then get to it, assist I will."
Anakin: (trying to think) "Mmm... What to do? The blaster cannon is out of commish. I could try my lightsaber, that is really brave and action oriented."
Pinky: "Shoot at them, why don't you. An illusion of more blaster shots, I will create."
Anakin: "Yeah, I was about to suggest that."
Pinky: "Uh huh."
(Anakin starts shooting at the Brigaders and Master "Pinky" Jerkit creates the illusion of more blaster resistance.)
Anakin: "My plan is working."
Pinky: "Your plan. Whatever."
(Just then a blaster bolt from above sizzles by Anakin's ear.)
Anakin: "Hey, that shot came from above me. How did they get up there?"
Pinky: "Reach out with the Force. Discover who they are you will."
Anakin: (sheepishly) "Oh, right. I forgot." (Ani reaches out with the Force) "Tahini! What the heck is she doing here? Trying to get in on my fun is she?"
Pinky: "Come to be by your side, she has. After your treatment of her, know why, I don't."
Anakin: (takes a shot at her window) "What are you doing? Get down here you bland *****!"
HVO: "Now now, Anakin, no vulgarity!"

(Down come Tahini, Valen, and Blandah (a throwaway JJK character))
Anakin: "What are you brats doing here?"
Tahini: "Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?"
Valen: "We are are not brats."
Anakin: "Yes you are. You belong in the YJK."
Valen: "But they stopped producing those."
Anakin: "Rightfully so."
Pinky: (to Tahini) "He still doesn't get it, does he. This is still YJK, just with a different wrapper."
Tahini: "We want in on the action."
Valen: "It's not fair. My pop got a series. I deserve one too."
Anakin: "Stop your whining."
Blandah: "Besides we're here to get in your way and make things more difficult for you."
Valen: "After all if we didn't get in the way, your little adverture wouldn't be so easy. We have to help set things up for later in the book."
Tahini: "Otherwise the author would have had to write about others like Han and Leia."
Anakin: "We can't have that now. Makes sense to me."
Pinky: "Time to go children. Getting closer, they are." 

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8/15/2024 9:00 pm  #19



The following is a public service announcement from the Humorous Version Overlord:

Dearest Readers,
We here at Conquest: The Humorous Version would first like to thank you for your ongoing appreciation of our work thus far and also address one concern that pops up from time to time in these humorous threads; our irregular production schedule.

The contributors to this thread post sporadically and only when the muse is with them. We could try to get our writers on a regular, more commercial schedule like the corporate publishers use but we are sure the story would suffer as a result. I?m sure all of us can think of recent examples where this has been the case!

So, in order to provide you with the highest quality of cynical, caustic humor possible, we have decided to continue with our proven unstructured approach.

We thank you for your patience and consideration in this matter.

-- The Humorous Version Overlord

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8/15/2024 9:01 pm  #20



Well, since the muse has temorarily left this writer, we present an encore performance of a musical interlude (If DullWay can recycle plots, why can't we?) ... Join SingSong Along, the Pong warmaestro, along with the Del Rey and Critics Club choruses as they destroy a classic rock song from the 70's.

(Sung to the tune of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. Utter and complete apologies for destroying a classic.)

Is this good sci-fi,
Or is this just fantasy.
Caught in a conundrum,
Let's inject some reality.

Open your eyes, look out on the Net and see.
It's all just fanboys. They have no brains you see.
Because it's cliche plots, simple prose. Darker tone, easy dough.
Anywhere the plot goes, doesn't really matter to G, toooo G.

Del Rey. Just killed the Wook.
Dropped a moon upon his head.
For shock value, now he's dead.
Del Rey. Your turn has just begun.
And now you're trying to drive all adults away.

Del Rey. Ooooo. Why did you have to sign that guy.
If I'm not back again to read the next book.
Scribble on, scribble on.
Cause it doesn't really matter.

Too late. The time has come.
Found better stories to read.
Can't gouge us till we bleed.
Goodbye, all you fanboys. We've got to go.
Got to leave you all behind to face the truth.

Del Rey. Ooooo. {Critics chorus} any way the plot goes {end chorus}
We didn't wanna quit.
We sometimes wish we'd never read the NJO at all.


We see very little evidence of an epic.
What a fraud, what a fraud.
Can you say "it's a fiasco".
Bloodletting and killing,
Not very exciting.
Read no more. Read no more. Read no more it's too poor. Too difficult.

It's just a poor tale, only fanboys love it.
It's just a poor tale from a greedy publisher.
Spare us all from this banality.
Easy come, easy go. Will you end this now.

{DR chorus} We will not, no. We will not end this now. {end chorus}
{Critics Club chorus} End it now. {end}
{DRc} We will not, will not end this now. {end}
{CCc} End it now. {end}
{DRc} We will not, will not end this now. Will not end this now. {end}
{CCc} End it now. {end}
{DRc} Will not end this now. {end}
{CCc} End it now. {end}
{DRc} Will not end this now. {end}

No no no no no no no.
Oh momma meea, momma meea, end this now.
Beelzebub wouldn't read this on his own.
it's bad, it's bad, it's bad.

{end bridge}

Do you think you can hook me into reading the prequels.
Do you think you can fool me into reading the sequel.
Oh Del Rey,
Can't make me accept this Del Rey.
Just gotta stop, just gotta stop reading this junk.

oo ya, oo ya, oo ya
Doesn't really matter.
Anyone can see.
Nothing really matters.
Nothing really matters,to G.
{fade} any way the plot goes. {fade out}

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